Ejemplo n.º 1
  * PHP Internal functions
  * @string $int_functions is buildin function to get all php core functions
  * @global $this->_classes included all classes in files
  * @global $this->_fullclasses is @array included each class and all functions related to it
  * @global $this->FuncArray is @array included all functions and class if requested
  * @global $this->ConstArray is @array included all constants definded in file
  * @global $this->VarArray is @array included all vars definded in file
  * @return void
 function PHPFetchContent($contents, $analyze = false, $file = false)
     //$contents = file_get_contents('dbconnector.php');
     $tokens = new TokenStream($contents);
     $int_functions = get_defined_functions();
     $i = 0;
     //echo '<pre>';
     //echo '</pre>';
     while ($i = $tokens->skipWhitespace($i)) {
         if ($tokens[$i]->is(T_CLASS)) {
             //extract class and assign it to class object
             $this->class = $tokens[$i + 2]->content;
             if (input::get('ReplaceClasses')) {
                 //extract class and assign it to class object
                 $this->class = $tokens[$i + 2]->content;
                 if (!in_array($this->class, $this->_classes)) {
                     $this->_classes[] = $this->class;
                 //obfuscate the class object with prefix "C"
                 $class_obfuc = "C" . substr(md5($this->class), 0, 8);
                 //generate classes and encoded
                 if (!in_array($this->class, $this->ClassArray)) {
                     //if process is not practical analyze, obfuscate it
                     $this->ClassArray[$this->class] = $class_obfuc;
                 //generate class name and replace it
                 $tokens[$i + 2]->content = $class_obfuc;
             //    $this->_fullclasses['classes']['NONE_OOP'] = 'on';
         } elseif ($tokens->findEOS($i, false) && $tokens[$i]->is(T_PUBLIC, T_PRIVATE, T_PROTECTED, T_VAR, T_STATIC)) {
              *  check if after the T_* is not 'static' object
              *  check if after the T_* is not 'function' object
              *  private static $_singleton;
             if (!$tokens[$i + 2]->is(T_STATIC) && !$tokens[$i + 2]->is(T_FUNCTION)) {
                 $defineded_vars = $tokens[$i + 2]->content;
                 //so ? assign the existent vars to check it later!
                 if (!in_array($defineded_vars, $this->existent_vars)) {
                     $this->existent_vars[substr($tokens[$i + 2]->content, 1)] = $defineded_vars;
             //echo '<pre>';
             //echo '</pre>';
         } elseif ($tokens[$i]->is(T_NEW)) {
              * search where class is used and replace it
              * check if class in our classes
              * fixme: fix the object it added to class
             if ($tokens[$i + 2]->is(T_STRING) and in_array($tokens[$i + 2]->content, array_flip($this->ClassArray))) {
                 $set_in = array_search($tokens[$i + 2]->content, $this->_fullclasses['classes']);
                 $tokens[$i + 2]->content = $this->ClassArray[$tokens[$i + 2]->content];
                 //$this->_fullclasses['classes'][$set_in] = $tokens[$i-4]->content;
         } elseif ($tokens[$i]->is(T_FUNCTION)) {
             if (input::get('ReplaceFunctions')) {
                 //extract function and assign it to function object
                 $this->function = $tokens[$i + 2]->content;
                 //check if the function not in exclude list
                 if (!in_array($this->function, $this->UdExcFuncArray)) {
                     //check if the function object not defined in functions list
                     if (!isset($this->FuncArray[$this->function])) {
                          * Array ( [MAP_SETTINGS] => F8018a28e [getAutocomplete] => F48b9a789 )
                          * generate function name and push to FuncArray
                         $this->FuncArray[$this->function] = "F" . substr(md5($this->function), 0, 8);
                     // it's Absolutely an function !
                     if ($tokens[$i + 3]->content == '(') {
                         // generate functions tree under the main class
                         if ($this->function and $this->class) {
                             //check if the function not defined
                             if (!isset($this->_fullclasses['classes'][$this->class]['functions'][$this->function])) {
                                 //assign it to class
                                 $this->_fullclasses['classes'][$this->class]['functions'][$this->function] = $this->function;
                         //obfuscate the function object with prefix "F"
                         $tokens[$i + 2]->content = "F" . substr(md5($this->function), 0, 8);
                 //extends inside functions for  ...
                 //$extends = $tokens->find($i,T_VARIABLE);
                 * extends search if the function is used inside the current function and replace it
                 * @example
                 * $this->function
                 * fixme: need to check if it real function not sample var
                                     if($tokens[$extends+2]->is(T_STRING) and in_array($tokens[$extends+2]->content, array_flip($this->FuncArray)) ){
                                     ## set the function name
                                     $this->function = $tokens[$extends+2]->content;
                                     $tokens[$extends+2]->content = $this->FuncArray[$this->function];
                                     $tokens[$extends+2]->content = $this->FuncArray[$this->function];
         } elseif ($tokens[$i]->is(T_VARIABLE)) {
             if (input::get('ReplaceVariables')) {
                 //clear $ from var
                 $VarName = substr($tokens[$i]->content, 1);
                  * extract the #variable and obfuscate it
                  * Absolutely skip $this object
                  * check again in exclude variables array list
                  * TODO: Check if there duplicated vars and it is an objects
                  * $tokens[$i+1]->type != T_OBJECT_OPERATOR '->'
                 if ($tokens[$i]->content != '$this' && !in_array($VarName, $this->UdExcVarArray)) {
                     //check if the var no defineded in variables array list
                     //if process is not practical analyze, obfuscate it
                     if (!isset($this->VarArray[$VarName])) {
                         //obfuscate the variable string with prefix "V"
                         $this->VarArray[$VarName] = 'V' . substr(md5(uniqid($VarName, true)), 0, mt_rand(5, 12));
                     $tokens[$i]->content = "\${$this->VarArray[$VarName]}";
                     //fixme: #exclude the vars in existent_vars from vars
                     $this->_fullclasses['classes'][$this->class]['vars'][$VarName] = $VarName;
                     //$tokens[$i]->content = '${\''.$this->encode_string($this->VarArray[$VarName]).'\'}';
                  * Search for objects and push founded to objects array
                 if ($tokens[$i]->content != '$this' && $tokens[$i + 1]->type == T_OBJECT_OPERATOR) {
                     if (!empty($VarName) && !in_array($VarName, $this->ObjectArray)) {
                         array_push($this->ObjectArray, $VarName);
                  *  search for vars after $this need to replace
                  *  $var or function ?
                  *  $this->object
                 if ($tokens[$i]->content == '$this' && $tokens[$i + 1]->type == T_OBJECT_OPERATOR) {
                     if ($tokens[$i + 2]->is(T_STRING)) {
                         //check if the string after $this in existent vars array list
                         if (array_key_exists($tokens[$i + 2]->content, $this->existent_vars)) {
                             //make sure it's not an function have a duplicate var name
                             if ($tokens[$i + 3]->content != '(') {
                                 $this->_fullclasses['classes'][$this->class]['existent_vars'][$tokens[$i + 2]->content] = $tokens[$i + 2]->content;
                                 //if process is not practical analyze, obfuscate it
                                 if (!in_array($tokens[$i + 2]->content, $this->UdExcVarArray)) {
                                     $tokens[$i + 2]->content = $this->VarArray[$tokens[$i + 2]->content];
                         //so ? maybe it's a function okay check it
                         if ($tokens[$i + 3]->content == '(') {
                             if (in_array($tokens[$i + 2]->content, array_flip($this->FuncArray))) {
                                 //hmmm okay f**k it too!
                                 //if process is not practical analyze, obfuscate it
                                 $tokens[$i + 2]->content = $this->FuncArray[$tokens[$i + 2]->content];
         } elseif ($tokens[$i]->is(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) {
             //standard PHP ENV variables that should be replaced
             //if(in_array(substr($tokens[$i-2]->content, 1),$this->StdExcVarArray)){
             //check if the this string start with single quote
             //if (preg_match('/^\'(.*)\'$/', $tokens[$i]->content)) {
             if (preg_match('/\'.*(.*)\'/Uis', $tokens[$i]->content) && input::get('ReplaceEncode')) {
                 $clean_quote = trim($tokens[$i]->content, "'");
                 //endcode it and add double quote
                 $tokens[$i]->content = MagicalHelpers::random_encode("\"{$clean_quote}\"");
             //if (!preg_match('/^\'(.*)\'$/', $tokens[$i]->content))
             //    $tokens[$i]->content = MagicalHelpers::random_encode($tokens[$i]->content);
         } elseif ($tokens[$i]->is(T_STRING)) {
              * wide check ..
              * static method CLASS::FUNCTION()
              * OOP method CLASS->FUNCTION()
             if ($tokens[$i - 1]->is(T_DOUBLE_COLON) || $tokens[$i - 1]->is(T_OBJECT_OPERATOR)) {
                 //check if it's an function
                 if ($tokens[$i + 1]->content == '(') {
                     //search if it definded in functions array list
                     if (in_array($tokens[$i]->content, array_flip($this->FuncArray))) {
                         $class = $tokens[$i - 2]->content;
                         $function = $tokens[$i]->content;
                         //check if this class exists in class array list
                         if (in_array($class, $this->_fullclasses['classes'])) {
                             $found = false;
                             //deep check
                             array_walk_recursive($this->_fullclasses['classes'], function ($v, $k) use(&$found) {
                                 $found |= $k == $this->class;
                             if ($found) {
                                 ##TODO: add check if class obfuse is required
                                 if (in_array($class, $this->_fullclasses['classes'])) {
                                     //if process is not practical analyze, obfuscate it
                                     if (isset($this->ClassArray[$class])) {
                                         $tokens[$i - 2]->content = $this->ClassArray[$class];
                         if (isset($function, $this->_fullclasses['classes']["{$class}"])) {
                             //check if this function assigned into this class
                             if (in_array($function, $this->_fullclasses['classes']["{$class}"]['functions'])) {
                                 //if process is not practical analyze, obfuscate it
                                 $tokens[$i]->content = $this->FuncArray[$tokens[$i]->content];
              * search where the function is used and replace it
              * support none OOP, inline function
             if ($tokens[$i - 1]->type != T_OBJECT_OPERATOR && $tokens[$i - 1]->type != T_DOUBLE_COLON) {
                 $string_name = $tokens[$i]->content;
                 if (!in_array($string_name, $int_functions['internal']) and in_array($string_name, array_flip($this->FuncArray))) {
                     $this->_fullclasses['classes']['NONE_OOP']['functions'][$string_name] = $string_name;
                     //if process is not practical analyze, obfuscate it
                     $tokens[$i]->content = $this->FuncArray[$string_name];
     $contents = $tokens;
     if (Input::has('Analyze')) {
         //echo '<pre>';
         //print_r(array_merge_recursive($this->_fullclasses,array('classes_exists' => $this->_classes)));
         //echo '</pre>';
         if (!empty($this->_classes)) {
             return array_merge_recursive($this->_fullclasses, array('classes_exists' => $this->_classes));
         } else {
             return $this->_fullclasses;
     } else {
         return $contents;