Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Auto pruning of old stats.
  * It uses a general setting to store the day of the last prune, avoiding multiple prunes per day.
  * fplanque>> Check: How much faster is this than DELETING right away with an INDEX on the date field?
  * Note: we're using {@link $localtimenow} to log hits, so use this for pruning, too.
  * NOTE: do not call this directly, but only in conjuction with auto_prune_stats_mode.
  * @return array array(
  *   'result'  => 'error' | 'ok'
  *   'message' => Message of the error or result data
  * )
 static function dbprune()
      * @var DB
     global $DB;
     global $Debuglog, $Settings, $localtimenow;
     global $Plugins, $Messages;
     // Prune when $localtime is a NEW day (which will be the 1st request after midnight):
     $last_prune = $Settings->get('auto_prune_stats_done');
     if ($last_prune >= date('Y-m-d', $localtimenow) && $last_prune <= date('Y-m-d', $localtimenow + 86400)) {
         // Already pruned today (and not more than one day in the future -- which typically never happens)
         $message = T_('Pruning has already been done today');
         $Messages->add($message, 'error');
         return array('result' => 'error', 'message' => $message);
     // Get tables info
     global $db_config;
     $tables = array();
     $tables_info = $DB->get_results('SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Name IN ( ' . $DB->quote(array('T_hitlog', 'T_sessions', 'T_basedomains')) . ' )');
     foreach ($tables_info as $table_info) {
         $tables[$table_info->Name] = array('type' => $table_info->Engine, 'rows' => $table_info->Rows);
     // Init Timer for hitlist
     // Note: Don't use global $Timer because it works only in debug mode
     load_class('_core/model/_timer.class.php', 'Timer');
     $hitlist_Timer = new Timer('prune_hits');
     $time_prune_before = $localtimenow - $Settings->get('auto_prune_stats') * 86400;
     // 1 day = 86400 seconds
     $hitlog_rows_affected = $DB->query("\n\t\t\tDELETE FROM T_hitlog\n\t\t\tWHERE hit_datetime < '" . date('Y-m-d', $time_prune_before) . "'", 'Autopruning hit log');
     $Debuglog->add('Hitlist::dbprune(): autopruned ' . $hitlog_rows_affected . ' rows from T_hitlog.', 'request');
     // Prune sessions that have timed out and are older than auto_prune_stats
     $sess_prune_before = $localtimenow - $Settings->get('timeout_sessions');
     // IMPORTANT: we cut off at the oldest date between session timeout and sessions pruning.
     // So if session timeout is really long (2 years for example), the sessions table won't be pruned as small as expected from the pruning delay.
     $smaller_time = min($sess_prune_before, $time_prune_before);
     // allow plugins to prune session based data
     $Plugins->trigger_event('BeforeSessionsDelete', $temp_array = array('cutoff_timestamp' => $smaller_time));
     $sessions_rows_affected = $DB->query('DELETE FROM T_sessions WHERE sess_lastseen_ts < ' . $DB->quote(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $smaller_time)), 'Autoprune sessions');
     $Debuglog->add('Hitlist::dbprune(): autopruned ' . $sessions_rows_affected . ' rows from T_sessions.', 'request');
     // Prune non-referrered basedomains (where the according hits got deleted)
     // BUT only those with unknown dom_type/dom_status, because otherwise this
     //     info is useful when we get hit again.
     $basedomains_rows_affected = $DB->query("\n\t\t\tDELETE T_basedomains\n\t\t\t  FROM T_basedomains LEFT JOIN T_hitlog ON hit_referer_dom_ID = dom_ID\n\t\t\t WHERE hit_referer_dom_ID IS NULL\n\t\t\t AND dom_type = 'unknown'\n\t\t\t AND dom_status = 'unknown'");
     $Debuglog->add('Hitlist::dbprune(): autopruned ' . $basedomains_rows_affected . ' rows from T_basedomains.', 'request');
     $DB->query('OPTIMIZE TABLE T_hitlog');
     $DB->query('OPTIMIZE TABLE T_sessions');
     $DB->query('OPTIMIZE TABLE T_basedomains');
     // Stop total hitlist timer
     $Settings->set('auto_prune_stats_done', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $localtimenow));
     // save exact datetime
     $Messages->add(T_('The old hits & sessions have been pruned.'), 'success');
     return array('result' => 'ok', 'message' => 'STATUS:' . "\n" . sprintf('T_hitlog: %s - %s rows', $tables[$db_config['aliases']['T_hitlog']]['type'], $tables[$db_config['aliases']['T_hitlog']]['rows']) . "\n" . sprintf('T_sessions: %s - %s rows', $tables[$db_config['aliases']['T_sessions']]['type'], $tables[$db_config['aliases']['T_sessions']]['rows']) . "\n" . sprintf('T_basedomains: %s - %s rows', $tables[$db_config['aliases']['T_basedomains']]['type'], $tables[$db_config['aliases']['T_basedomains']]['rows']) . "\n" . "\n" . 'PRUNING:' . "\n" . sprintf('%s rows from T_hitlog, Execution time: %s seconds', $hitlog_rows_affected, $hitlist_Timer->get_duration('hitlog')) . "\n" . sprintf('%s rows from T_sessions, Execution time: %s seconds', $sessions_rows_affected, $hitlist_Timer->get_duration('sessions')) . "\n" . sprintf('%s rows from T_basedomains, Execution time: %s seconds', $basedomains_rows_affected, $hitlist_Timer->get_duration('basedomains')) . "\n" . "\n" . 'OPTIMIZING:' . "\n" . sprintf('T_hitlog: %s seconds', $hitlist_Timer->get_duration('optimize_hitlog')) . "\n" . sprintf('T_sessions: %s seconds', $hitlist_Timer->get_duration('optimize_sessions')) . "\n" . sprintf('T_basedomains: %s seconds', $hitlist_Timer->get_duration('optimize_basedomains')) . "\n" . "\n" . sprintf('Total execution time: %s seconds', $hitlist_Timer->get_duration('prune_hits')));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Analyze DB tables
 * @param boolean Display messages
 * @param boolean TRUE - to make optimize query for each table separately
 * @return array Results of the mysql command 'ANALYZE'
function dbm_analyze_tables($display_messages = true, $separate_tables = true)
    global $DB, $tableprefix, $dbm_tables_count;
    load_class('_core/model/_timer.class.php', 'Timer');
    $Timer = new Timer('dbm_analyze');
    // Get all table names from DB
    $tables = $DB->get_results('SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `' . $DB->dbname . '` LIKE \'' . $tableprefix . '%\'');
    $tables_names = array();
    foreach ($tables as $table) {
        $tables_names[] = $table->Name;
    $dbm_tables_count = count($tables_names);
    if ($display_messages) {
        // Display messages
        echo '<b>' . T_('Analyze tables...') . '</b><br />';
    if ($separate_tables) {
        // Analyze each table in separate query
        $analyze_results = array();
        foreach ($tables_names as $table) {
            $table_results = $DB->get_results('ANALYZE NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG TABLE ' . $table);
            if ($display_messages) {
                // Display messages
                dbm_display_result_messages($table_results, 'analyze');
                echo '<b>' . sprintf(T_('Time: %s seconds'), $Timer->get_duration('analyze_one_table')) . '</b><br /><br />';
            $analyze_results = array_merge($analyze_results, $table_results);
    } else {
        // Analyze all table by one query, Used for cron job
        $analyze_results = $DB->get_results('ANALYZE NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG TABLE ' . implode(', ', $tables_names));
    if ($display_messages) {
        // Display messages
        if (!$separate_tables) {
            // Display full report log for case when the tables were analyzed by one query
            dbm_display_result_messages($analyze_results, 'analyze');
        echo '<b>' . sprintf(T_('Full execution time: %s seconds'), $Timer->get_duration('analyze_tables')) . '</b>';
    return $analyze_results;
Ejemplo n.º 3
$timer->start('test timer');
// Стартуем таймер
$timer->pause_off('test timer');
// Игнорируем - небыло паузы
// Это время было бы засчитано, но в следующей строке сброс
$timer->start('test timer');
// Стартуем таймер заново, значение снова ноль
$timer->pause_on('test timer');
// Ставим таймер на паузу
$timer->pause_off('test timer');
// Снимаем таймер с паузы
// Это время будет засчитано
$timer->pause_on('test timer');
// Ставим таймер на паузу
// Это время -= НЕ =- будет засчитано
$timer->pause_on('test timer');
// Игнорируем - уже стоит на паузе
$timer->pause_off('test timer');
// Снимаем таймер с паузы
// Это время будет засчитано
$timer->stop('test timer');
echo $timer->get_duration('test timer') . ' секунд' . "\n";