Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $year = date('Y');
     $regenerate = false;
     //$regenerate = true;
     $should_generate_insight = self::shouldGenerateEndOfYearAnnualInsight($this->slug, $instance, $insight_date = "{$year}-{$this->run_date}", $regenerate, $day_of_year = $this->run_date, null, $excluded_networks = array('twitter'));
     if ($should_generate_insight) {
         $this->logger->logInfo("Should generate", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
         $fav_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('FavoritePostDAO');
         $fans = $fav_dao->getUsersWhoFavoritedMostOfYourPosts($instance->network_user_id, $instance->network, TimeHelper::getDaysSinceJanFirst());
         if (!isset($fans) || sizeof($fans) == 0) {
             $this->logger->logInfo("No fans captured", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
         $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
         $earliest_pub_date = $post_dao->getEarliestCapturedPostPubDate($instance);
         $qualified_year = ".";
         if (date('Y', strtotime($earliest_pub_date)) == date('Y')) {
             if (date('n', strtotime($earliest_pub_date)) > 1) {
                 //not January
                 //Earliest post was this year; figure out what month we have data since this year
                 $since = date('F', strtotime($earliest_pub_date));
                 $qualified_year = " (at least since " . $since . ").";
         $insight = new Insight();
         $insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
         $insight->slug = $this->slug;
         $insight->date = "{$year}-{$this->run_date}";
         $network = $instance->network;
         $copy = array('facebook' => array('normal' => array('headline' => "%username's biggest Facebook fans of %year", 'body' => "It feels great to have friends who support you. " . "%user_list liked %username's status updates the most this year%qualified_year")), 'instagram' => array('normal' => array('headline' => "%username's biggest Instagram fans of %year", 'body' => "It means a lot to have friends who love your stuff. " . "%user_list liked %username's Instagram photos and videos the most this year%qualified_year")));
         $type = 'normal';
         $headline = $this->getVariableCopy(array($copy[$network][$type]['headline']), array('year' => $year));
         $fan_list = array();
         foreach ($fans as $fan) {
             $fan_list[] = $fan->full_name;
         $fan_list = $this->makeList($fan_list);
         $insight_text = $this->getVariableCopy(array($copy[$network][$type]['body']), array('user_list' => $fan_list, 'qualified_year' => $qualified_year));
         $insight->headline = $headline;
         $insight->text = $insight_text;
         $insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
         $insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_HIGH;
     $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $year = date('Y');
     $regenerate = false;
     //$regenerate = true;
     $should_generate_insight = self::shouldGenerateEndOfYearAnnualInsight($this->slug, $instance, $insight_date = "{$year}-{$this->run_date}", $regenerate, $day_of_year = $this->run_date);
     if ($should_generate_insight) {
         $this->logger->logInfo("Should generate", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
         $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
         $days = TimeHelper::getDaysSinceJanFirst();
         $bestie = $post_dao->getBestie($instance, $days);
         if (isset($bestie)) {
             $type = 'normal';
         } else {
             $type = 'none';
         $earliest_pub_date = $post_dao->getEarliestCapturedPostPubDate($instance);
         $qualified_year = "";
         if (date('Y', strtotime($earliest_pub_date)) == date('Y')) {
             if (date('n', strtotime($earliest_pub_date)) > 1) {
                 //not January
                 //Earliest post was this year; figure out what month we have data since this year
                 $since = date('F', strtotime($earliest_pub_date));
                 $qualified_year = " (at least since " . $since . ")";
         $insight = new Insight();
         $insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
         $insight->slug = $this->slug;
         $insight->date = "{$year}-{$this->run_date}";
         $network = $instance->network;
         $copy = array('twitter' => array('normal' => array('headline' => "%username's Twitter bestie of %year", 'body' => "Nobody likes tweeting into the void. %username and @%bestie made Twitter a " . "void-free place to tweet this year. %username tweeted at @%bestie " . "<strong>%u_to_b times</strong> in 2015, and @%bestie replied " . "<strong>%b_to_u times</strong>%qualified_year. OMG you two!"), 'none' => array('headline' => "%username's Twitter bestie of %year", 'body' => "%username didn't reply to any one person more than 3 times " . "this year%qualified_year. That means no one can claim the title of %username's Twitter " . "bestie. Playing hard-to-get, huh?")), 'facebook' => array('normal' => array('headline' => "%username's Facebook bestie of %year", 'body' => "Everyone loves getting comments from their friends. In 2015, %bestie commented " . "on %username's status updates <strong>%b_to_u times</strong>, more than " . "anyone else%qualified_year. Best friends forever!"), 'none' => array('headline' => "%username's Facebook bestie of %year", 'body' => "%username's friends must consider %username's words definitive - no one replied " . "more than three times to %username's status updates all year%qualified_year.")), 'instagram' => array('normal' => array('headline' => "%username's Instagram bestie of %year", 'body' => "Everyone loves getting comments from their friends. In 2015, %bestie commented " . "on %username's Instagram photos and videos <strong>%b_to_u times</strong>, more than " . "anyone else%qualified_year. Best friends forever!"), 'none' => array('headline' => "%username's Instagram bestie of %year", 'body' => "%username's photos and videos left %username's friends speechless - no one replied " . "more than three times to %username's Instagram posts all year%qualified_year.")));
         $headline = $this->getVariableCopy(array($copy[$network][$type]['headline']), array('year' => $year));
         $insight_text = $this->getVariableCopy(array($copy[$network][$type]['body']), array('bestie' => isset($bestie['user_name']) ? $bestie['user_name'] : "", 'u_to_b' => isset($bestie['total_replies_to']) ? $bestie['total_replies_to'] : "", 'b_to_u' => isset($bestie['total_replies_from']) ? $bestie['total_replies_from'] : "", 'qualified_year' => $qualified_year));
         $insight->headline = $headline;
         $insight->text = $insight_text;
         $insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
         $insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_HIGH;
         if (isset($bestie['avatar'])) {
             $insight->header_image = $bestie['avatar'];
     $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Get three most retweeted posts this year
  * @param Instance $instance
  * @param str $order Defaults to 'retweets'
  * @return array Three most retweeted posts in descending order
 public function topThreeThisYear(Instance $instance, $order = 'retweet_count_api')
     $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
     $days = TimeHelper::getDaysSinceJanFirst();
     $posts = $post_dao->getAllPostsByUsernameOrderedBy($instance->network_username, $network = $instance->network, $count = 3, $order_by = $order, $in_last_x_days = $days, $iterator = false, $is_public = false);
     //Filter out posts with 0 retweets
     $posts_with_retweets = array();
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         if ($post->retweet_count_api > 0) {
             $posts_with_retweets[] = $post;
     return $posts_with_retweets;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Get the most talkative day(s) on network
  * @param Instance $instance
  * @return array Most talkative day or days
 public function getMostTalkativeDays(Instance $instance)
     $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
     $days = TimeHelper::getDaysSinceJanFirst();
     $most_talkative_days = $post_dao->getMostTalkativeDays($instance->network_username, $instance->network, $in_last_x_days = $days);
     $most_posts = $most_talkative_days[0]['post_count'];
     foreach ($most_talkative_days as $key => $day) {
         if ($day['post_count'] < $most_posts) {
     return $most_talkative_days;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Get three most replied to posts this year
  * @param Instance $instance
  * @param str $order Defaults to 'reply_count_cache'
  * @return array Three most replied to posts in descending order
 public function topThreeThisYear(Instance $instance, $order = 'reply_count_cache')
     $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
     $days = TimeHelper::getDaysSinceJanFirst();
     $posts = $post_dao->getAllPostsByUsernameOrderedBy($instance->network_username, $network = $instance->network, $count = 3, $order_by = $order, $in_last_x_days = $days, $iterator = false, $is_public = false);
     return $posts;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Get year of posts as an iterator
  * @param Instance $instance
  * @return PostIterator $posts
 public function getYearOfPosts(Instance $instance)
     $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
     $days = TimeHelper::getDaysSinceJanFirst();
     $posts = $post_dao->getAllPostsByUsernameOrderedBy($instance->network_username, $network = $instance->network, $count = 0, $order_by = 'pub_date', $in_last_x_days = $days, $iterator = true, $is_public = false);
     return $posts;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function testOfGetDaysSinceJanFirst()
     $test_date = new DateTime();
     $test_date->setDate(2014, 2, 21);
     $days = TimeHelper::getDaysSinceJanFirst($test_date->getTimestamp());
     $this->assertEqual($days, 51);
     $test_date = new DateTime();
     $test_date->setDate(2014, 1, 30);
     $days = TimeHelper::getDaysSinceJanFirst($test_date->getTimestamp());
     $this->assertEqual($days, 29);
     //Non leap year
     $test_date = new DateTime();
     $test_date->setDate(2014, 3, 1);
     $days = TimeHelper::getDaysSinceJanFirst($test_date->getTimestamp());
     $this->assertEqual($days, 59);
     //Leap year
     $test_date = new DateTime();
     $test_date->setDate(2016, 3, 1);
     $days = TimeHelper::getDaysSinceJanFirst($test_date->getTimestamp());
     $this->assertEqual($days, 60);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function testGetMostTalkativeDays()
     $year = date('Y');
     // A bunch of posts on 2014-02-07
     for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
         $builders[] = FixtureBuilder::build('posts', array('post_text' => 'This is very shared', 'pub_date' => "{$year}-02-07", 'author_username' => 'a_user', 'network' => 'twitter', 'post_id' => 'ablah' . $i));
     // One post on a diff day
     $builders[] = FixtureBuilder::build('posts', array('post_text' => 'This is pretty well shared', 'pub_date' => "{$year}-08-07", 'author_username' => 'a_user', 'network' => 'twitter', 'post_id' => 'ablh'));
     // Larger group of posts, but in the wrong year
     for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
         $builders[] = FixtureBuilder::build('posts', array('post_text' => 'This is least shared', 'pub_date' => '2013-03-09', 'author_username' => 'a_user', 'network' => 'twitter', 'post_id' => 'emvi' . $i));
     // large cluster of posts by wrong user
     for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
         $builders[] = FixtureBuilder::build('posts', array('post_text' => 'These Sochi games are kind of a cluster already.', 'pub_date' => "{$year}-03-09", 'author_username' => 'a_different_user', 'network' => 'twitter', 'post_id' => 'eeic' . $i));
     $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
     $days = TimeHelper::getDaysSinceJanFirst();
     $most_talkative_days = $post_dao->getMostTalkativeDays($author_username = '******', $network = 'twitter', $in_last_x_days = $days);
     // // test that query returns 2 results (only within query span)
     $this->assertEqual(2, sizeof($most_talkative_days));
     // $this->debug(Utils::varDumpToString($most_talkative_days[0]));
     // test that query returns the correct day and # of posts
     $this->assertEqual(3, $most_talkative_days[0]['post_count']);
     $this->assertEqual("{$year}-02-07", $most_talkative_days[0]['pub_date']);