static function init($title, $tiles) { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new TileSet($title, $tiles); } return self::$instance; }
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; $f = $_REQUEST['f']; if (isset($f) && $f == 'xml') { include 'tiles/news/fetch-news.php'; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['c']) && $_REQUEST['c'] == 1) { include "tiles/news/fetch-comments.php"; } else { MenuUtil::setArea(THEME_NEWS); NewsUtil::setCurrentNewsPage(); TileSet::init("News", "news"); include_once 'template.php'; } }
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; define('ERROR_MESSAGE', 'You\'re not allowed to access the requested page. This is not a temporary error. ' . 'If you ended up here through an internal link, please <a href="' . getCustomPageURL('contact') . '">report the problem</a>.'); TileSet::init(getGalleryTitle() . ' : ' . "Access forbidden", "error"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; define('ERROR_MESSAGE', "Weirdly enough, an internal error just occured. It is most probably only temporary, but should it perdure, " . "feel free to <a href='" . getCustomPageURL('contact') . "' rel='contact'>report the problem</a>."); TileSet::init(getGalleryTitle() . ' : ' . "Internal error", "error"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; $code = 500; TileSet::init(getOption('simplicity_2_error_500_title'), "error"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; define("AREA", ARCHIVES); TileSet::init(getGalleryTitle() . ' : ' . "Search", "search"); include_once 'template.php';
//setlocale: this shouldn't be necessary //this should be taken care of by setThemeDomain //obviously we're doing something wrong here $locale = ThemeUtil::getUserLocale(); $encoding = "iso-8859-1"; //"utf-8" setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale . '.' . $encoding, $locale); setupDomain("zinenaboxpacity", 'theme'); $siteName = 'Fading Away'; $themeName = '[Zinenaboxpacity]'; require_once 'resources/utils/merge.php'; require_once "theme_functions.php"; require_once "TileSet.php"; $tileSet = TileSet::get(); if (!isset($tileSet)) { $tileSet = TileSet::init(null, null); } ?> <title><?php echo $tileSet->getTitle(); ?> </title> <?php if (getOption('simplicity2_enable_fancybox')) { ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $_zp_themeroot; ?> /resources/scripts/fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.2.6.css" media="screen" />
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; $code = 404; TileSet::init(getOption('simplicity2_error_404_title'), "error"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php $f = $_REQUEST['f']; if (isset($f) && $f == 'xml') { require_once 'theme_functions.php'; include 'tiles/album/fetch-thumbs.php'; } else { require_once 'theme_functions.php'; MenuUtil::setArea(THEME_GALLERY); TileSet::init(getAlbumTitle(), "album"); include_once 'template.php'; }
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; TileSet::init("Authentication required", "password"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; define("AREA", GALLERY); TileSet::init(getGalleryTitle() . ' : ' . getAlbumTitle() . ' : ' . getImageTitle(), "album"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; define("AREA", 'CONTACT'); TileSet::init(getGalleryTitle() . ' : Contact', "contact"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; TileSet::init(getAlbumTitle(), "pages"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; TileSet::init(getGalleryTitle() . ' : ' . getPageTitle(), "page"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; define("AREA", NEWS); TileSet::init(getGalleryTitle() . ' : ' . "Notes", "news"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; MenuUtil::setArea(THEME_INFO); TileSet::init("Archives", "theme-info"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php $tileDefinitions = array("album" => array("left" => "tiles/album/left.php", "content" => "tiles/album/content.php", "script" => "tiles/album/script.js", "init-script" => "tiles/album/init.php"), "archive" => array("left" => "tiles/search/left.php", "content" => "tiles/archive/content.php", "script" => array("tiles/album/script.js", "tiles/archive/script.js"), "init-script" => "tiles/album/init.php"), "contact" => array("left" => "tiles/contact/left.php", "content" => "tiles/contact/content.php", "script" => "tiles/contact/script.js", "init-script" => "tiles/shared/init.php"), "gallery" => array("left" => "tiles/gallery/left.php", "content" => "tiles/gallery/content.php", "script" => "tiles/album/script.js", "init-script" => "tiles/album/init.php"), "error" => array("left" => "tiles/index/left.php", "content" => "tiles/error/content.php", "init-script" => "tiles/shared/init.php"), "index" => array("left" => "tiles/index/left.php", "content" => "tiles/index/content.php", "init-script" => "tiles/shared/init.php"), "news" => array("left" => "tiles/news/left.php", "content" => "tiles/news/content.php", "init-script" => "tiles/news/init.php", "script" => "tiles/news/script.js"), "pages" => array("left" => "tiles/page/left.php", "content" => "tiles/page/content.php", "init-script" => "tiles/shared/init.php"), "password" => array("left" => "tiles/index/left.php", "content" => "tiles/password/content.php", "init-script" => "tiles/shared/init.php"), "search" => array("left" => "tiles/search/left.php", "content" => "tiles/search/content.php", "script" => "tiles/album/script.js", "init-script" => "tiles/album/init.php"), "theme-info" => array("left" => "tiles/theme/left.php", "content" => "tiles/theme/content.php", "init-script" => "tiles/shared/init.php")); TileSet::configure($tileDefinitions);
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; define('ERROR_MESSAGE', 'The requested page cannot be found. This may be our fault - or not. The page might have have been deleted or moved. Either case, ' . 'if you ended up here through an internal link, please <a href="' . getCustomPageURL('contact') . '">report the problem</a>.'); TileSet::init(getGalleryTitle() . ' : ' . "Resource not found", "error"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; define("AREA", GALLERY); TileSet::init(getGalleryTitle() . ' : ' . "Gallery", "album"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; define("AREA", GALLERY); TileSet::init(getGalleryTitle() . ' : ' . getAlbumTitle() . " slideshow", "slideshow"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; MenuUtil::setArea(THEME_SEARCH); TileSet::init("Archives", "archive"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; define("AREA", 'THEME'); TileSet::init(getGalleryTitle() . ' : Theme', "theme"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; MenuUtil::setArea(THEME_HOME); TileSet::init("Home", "index"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; $f = $_REQUEST['f']; if (isset($f) && $f == 'xml') { include 'tiles/search/fetch-thumbs.php'; } else { MenuUtil::setArea(THEME_SEARCH); TileSet::init("Search", "search"); include_once 'template.php'; }
?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/js/jquery.js'; ?> "></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $_zp_themeroot; ?> /resources/css/contact.css" media="screen" /> <div id="page-body" class="modal contact opa60"> <div class="opa60"> <?php printContactForm(); ?> </div> </div> <script> (function(w) { $("form#discard").click(function() { w.$.modal.close(); return true; }); }(window.parent)); </script> <?php } } else { require_once 'theme_functions.php'; TileSet::init(gettext("Contact"), "contact", THEME_CONTACT); include_once 'template.php'; }
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; TileSet::init(getGalleryTitle() . ' : ' . "Protected page", "password"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; define("AREA", HOME); TileSet::init(getGalleryTitle() . ' : ' . "Home", "index"); include_once 'template.php';
<?php require_once 'theme_functions.php'; $f = $_REQUEST['f']; if (isset($f) && $f == 'xml') { include 'tiles/gallery/fetch-thumbs.php'; } else { MenuUtil::setArea(THEME_GALLERY); TileSet::init("Gallery", "gallery", THEME_GALLERY); include_once 'template.php'; } ?>