  * Set the number of user messages and any instructor rubrics from Turnitin
 public function set_user_values_from_tii()
     $turnitincomms = new turnitintooltwo_comms();
     $turnitincall = $turnitincomms->initialise_api();
     $user = new TiiUser();
     try {
         $response = $turnitincall->readUser($user);
         $readuser = $response->getUser();
         $this->usermessages = $readuser->getUserMessages();
         $tiiuser = array("id" => $readuser->getUserId(), "firstname" => $readuser->getFirstName(), "lastname" => $readuser->getLastName(), "email" => $readuser->getEmail());
         return $tiiuser;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         try {
             // We need to join the user to the account, we can only do that by adding the user to a class
             // make one and add them, then delete it. Awful workaround but should be rare.
             $class = new TiiClass();
             $uuid = uniqid(microtime() . '-');
             $response = $turnitincall->createClass($class);
             $newclass = $response->getClass();
             $tiiclassid = $newclass->getClassId();
             $membership = new TiiMembership();
             $response = $turnitincall->createMembership($membership);
             $response = $turnitincall->deleteClass($class);
             $response = $turnitincall->readUser($user);
             $readuser = $response->getUser();
             $this->usermessages = $readuser->getUserMessages();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $turnitincomms->handle_exceptions($e, 'tiiusergeterror');
  * Edit the course end date in Turnitin
  * @global type $DB
  * @param int $tiicourseid The course id on Turnitin
  * @param int $tiicoursetitle The course title on Turnitin
  * @param date $courseenddate The new course end date to be set on Turnitin
 public static function edit_tii_course_end_date($tiicourseid, $tiicoursetitle, $courseenddate)
     global $DB;
     $turnitincomms = new turnitintooltwo_comms();
     $turnitincall = $turnitincomms->initialise_api();
     $class = new TiiClass();
     $class->setEndDate(gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z", $courseenddate));
     try {
         return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $turnitincomms->handle_exceptions($e, 'classupdateerror');
 public function readClasses($class)
     try {
         $soap = $this->readCourseSections(array('sourcedIdSet' => array('sourcedId' => $class->getClassIds())));
         $response = new Response($this);
         if ($response->getStatus() == 'error') {
             throw new TurnitinSDKException($response->getStatusCode(), $response->getDescription(), parent::getLogPath());
         } else {
             $classes = array();
             if (isset($soap->courseSectionRecordSet->courseSectionRecord)) {
                 if (!is_array($soap->courseSectionRecordSet->courseSectionRecord)) {
                     $soap->courseSectionRecordSet->courseSectionRecord = array($soap->courseSectionRecordSet->courseSectionRecord);
                 foreach ($soap->courseSectionRecordSet->courseSectionRecord as $record) {
                     $tiiClass = new TiiClass();
                     foreach ($record->courseSection->extension->extensionField as $field) {
                         $name = $field->fieldName;
                         $method = 'set' . $name;
                         if (is_callable(array($tiiClass, $method))) {
                     $classes[] = $tiiClass;
         return $response;
     } catch (SoapFault $e) {
         throw new TurnitinSDKException($e->faultcode, $e->faultstring, parent::getLogPath());
Ejemplo n.º 4
 case "test_connection":
     if (!confirm_sesskey()) {
         throw new moodle_exception('invalidsesskey', 'error');
     $data = array("connection_status" => "fail", "msg" => get_string('connecttestcommerror', 'turnitintooltwo'));
     if (is_siteadmin()) {
         // Initialise API connection.
         $account_id = required_param('account_id', PARAM_RAW);
         $account_shared = required_param('account_shared', PARAM_RAW);
         $url = required_param('url', PARAM_RAW);
         $turnitincomms = new turnitintooltwo_comms($account_id, $account_shared, $url);
         $istestingconnection = true;
         // Provided by Androgogic to override offline mode for testing connection.
         $tiiapi = $turnitincomms->initialise_api($istestingconnection);
         $class = new TiiClass();
         $class->setTitle('Test finding a class to see if connection works');
         try {
             $response = $tiiapi->findClasses($class);
             $data["connection_status"] = "success";
             $data["msg"] = get_string('connecttestsuccess', 'turnitintooltwo');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $turnitincomms->handle_exceptions($e, 'connecttesterror', false);
     echo json_encode($data);
 case "submit_nothing":
     if (!confirm_sesskey()) {
         throw new moodle_exception('invalidsesskey', 'error');
     $assignmentid = required_param('assignment', PARAM_INT);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Gets the courses for this account from Turnitin.
 * @param array $tiiintegrationids the integration ids we want courses from
 * @return array of data in a datatables readable format
function turnitintooltwo_get_courses_from_tii($tiiintegrationids, $coursetitle, $courseintegration, $courseenddate = null, $requestsource = "mod")
    global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT, $USER;
    $_SESSION["stored_tii_courses"] = array();
    $return = array();
    $return["aaData"] = array();
    $secho = optional_param('sEcho', 0, PARAM_INT);
    $ssortdir = optional_param('sSortDir_0', 'desc', PARAM_ALPHA);
    $isortcol = optional_param('iSortCol_0', '6', PARAM_INT);
    $turnitincomms = new turnitintooltwo_comms();
    $turnitincall = $turnitincomms->initialise_api();
    $class = new TiiClass();
    if ($courseenddate != null) {
        $class->setDateFrom(gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime($courseenddate)) . 'T00:00:00Z');
    if (array_key_exists($courseintegration, $tiiintegrationids)) {
    if (!is_siteadmin()) {
        $turnitintooltwouser = new turnitintooltwo_user($USER->id, 'Instructor');
        $tiiinstructorid = $turnitintooltwouser->tii_user_id;
    try {
        $response = $turnitincall->findClasses($class);
        $findclass = $response->getClass();
        $classids = $findclass->getClassIds();
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        turnitintooltwo_activitylog(get_string('migrationcoursegeterror', 'turnitintooltwo'), "REQUEST");
        $classids = array();
    // Get currently linked courses.
    $currentcourses = array();
    if (!empty($classids)) {
        list($insql, $inparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($classids);
        $currentcourses["PP"] = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT tc.turnitin_cid FROM {turnitintooltwo_courses} tc " . "RIGHT JOIN {course} c ON c.id = tc.courseid " . "WHERE tc.course_type = 'PP' AND tc.turnitin_cid " . $insql, $inparams);
        $currentcourses["TT"] = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT tc.turnitin_cid FROM {turnitintooltwo_courses} tc " . "RIGHT JOIN {course} c ON c.id = tc.courseid " . "WHERE tc.course_type = 'TT' AND tc.turnitin_cid " . $insql, $inparams);
    $class = new TiiClass();
    $tiicourses = array();
    $i = 0;
    if (!empty($classids)) {
        try {
            $response = $turnitincall->readClasses($class);
            $readclasses = $response->getClasses();
            foreach ($readclasses as $readclass) {
                if (array_key_exists($readclass->getIntegrationId(), $tiiintegrationids)) {
                    $_SESSION["stored_tii_courses"][$readclass->getClassId()] = $readclass->getTitle();
                    // If we're coming from block we don't need any information, just the number of records
                    if ($requestsource == "mod") {
                        $linkpage = is_siteadmin() ? "settings_extras.php" : "extras.php";
                        $titlecell = html_writer::link($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/turnitintooltwo/' . $linkpage . '?cmd=class_recreation&id=' . $readclass->getClassId() . '&view_context=box&sesskey=' . sesskey(), $readclass->getTitle(), array("class" => "course_recreate", "id" => "course_" . $readclass->getClassId()));
                        $datecell = html_writer::link('.edit_course_end_date_form', html_writer::tag('span', userdate(strtotime($readclass->getEndDate()), get_string('strftimedate', 'langconfig')), array("id" => $readclass->getClassId() . "_" . gmdate("j", strtotime($readclass->getEndDate())) . "_" . gmdate("n", strtotime($readclass->getEndDate())) . "_" . gmdate("Y", strtotime($readclass->getEndDate())))) . " " . $OUTPUT->pix_icon('edit', get_string('edit'), 'mod_turnitintooltwo'), array("class" => "edit_course_end_link", "id" => "course_date_" . $readclass->getClassId()));
                        $checkbox = '';
                        $class = '';
                        if (empty($currentcourses["PP"][$readclass->getClassId()]) && empty($currentcourses["TT"][$readclass->getClassId()])) {
                            $class = 'hidden_class';
                            $checkbox = html_writer::checkbox('check_' . $readclass->getClassId(), $readclass->getClassId(), false, '', array("class" => "browser_checkbox"));
                        $moodlecell = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('tick', get_string('moodlelinked', 'turnitintooltwo'), 'mod_turnitintooltwo', array('class' => $class, 'id' => 'tick_' . $readclass->getClassId()));
                        $tiicourses[$i] = array($checkbox, $titlecell, $tiiintegrationids[$readclass->getIntegrationId()], $datecell, $readclass->getClassId(), $moodlecell, $readclass->getTitle(), userdate(strtotime($readclass->getEndDate()), get_string('strftimedate', 'langconfig')));
                    // Keep course names in case of course recreation.
                    $_SESSION['tii_classes'][$readclass->getClassId()] = $readclass->getTitle();
            if (count($tiicourses) > 0 && $requestsource == "mod") {
                turnitintooltwo_sort_array($tiicourses, $isortcol, $ssortdir);
                $j = 0;
                foreach ($tiicourses as $class) {
                    $return["aaData"][$j] = $class;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $turnitincomms->handle_exceptions($e, 'coursegettiierror');
    $return["iTotalRecords"] = $i;
    $return["iTotalDisplayRecords"] = $i;
    $return["sEcho"] = $secho;
    $return["blockHTML"] = $i == 0 ? '' : get_string('coursestomigrate', 'mod_turnitintooltwo', $i);
    return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Test whether we can connect to Turnitin.
  * Initially only being used if a student is logged in before checking whether they have accepted the EULA.
 public function test_turnitin_connection($workflowcontext = 'site')
     $turnitincomms = new turnitin_comms();
     $tiiapi = $turnitincomms->initialise_api();
     $class = new TiiClass();
     $class->setTitle('Test finding a class to see if connection works');
     try {
         $response = $tiiapi->findClasses($class);
         return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $turnitincomms->handle_exceptions($e, 'connecttesterror', false);
         if ($workflowcontext == 'cron') {
             mtrace(get_string('ppeventsfailedconnection', 'plagiarism_turnitin'));
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Test whether we can connect to Turnitin.
  * Initially only being used if a student is logged in before checking whether they have accepted the EULA.
 public function test_turnitin_connection()
     $turnitincomms = new turnitin_comms();
     $tiiapi = $turnitincomms->initialise_api();
     $class = new TiiClass();
     $class->setTitle('Test finding a class to see if connection works');
     try {
         $response = $tiiapi->findClasses($class);
         return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $turnitincomms->handle_exceptions($e, 'connecttesterror', false);
         return false;