
//Thumbnail sample
include 'Thumbnail.class.php';
$thumb = new Thumbnail("source.jpg");
// Contructor and set source image file
// [OPTIONAL] set the biggest width or height for thumbnail
$thumb->txt_watermark_Hmargin = 10;
// [OPTIONAL] set watermark text horizonatal margin in pixels
$thumb->txt_watermark_Vmargin = 10;
// [OPTIONAL] set watermark text vertical margin in pixels
$thumb->txt_watermark = 'Font 1';
// [OPTIONAL] set watermark text [RECOMENDED ONLY WITH GD 2 ]
$thumb->txt_watermark_color = 'FF0000';
// [OPTIONAL] set watermark text color , RGB Hexadecimal[RECOMENDED ONLY WITH GD 2 ]
$thumb->txt_watermark_font = 1;
// [OPTIONAL] set watermark text font: 1,2,3,4,5
$thumb->txt_watermark_Valing = 'TOP';
// [OPTIONAL] set watermark text vertical position, TOP | CENTER | BOTTOM
$thumb->txt_watermark_Haling = 'LEFT';
// [OPTIONAL] set watermark text horizonatal position, LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT
// generate image
$thumb->txt_watermark = 'Font 2';
// [OPTIONAL] set watermark text [RECOMENDED ONLY WITH GD 2 ]
$thumb->txt_watermark_color = 'FFFFFF';
// [OPTIONAL] set watermark text color , RGB Hexadecimal[RECOMENDED ONLY WITH GD 2 ]
$thumb->txt_watermark_font = 5;
// [OPTIONAL] set watermark text font: 1,2,3,4,5
$thumb->txt_watermark_Valing = 'TOP';