Ejemplo n.º 1
meta('translation-field-required', 'This field is required.');
// These three are for summarization in e-mail messages
meta('translation-yes', 'Yes');
meta('translation-no', 'No');
meta('translation-field-empty', '[left blank]');
// Make an instance of a form
$form = new \Silverplate\Form();
// Then add some text fields to the form
$form->add('name', TextField::make('Full name', true));
$form->add('e-mail', TextField::make('E-mail address', true));
// The second parameter in Field constructor describes if a field is required
$form->add('phone', TextField::make('Your phone'));
// The third paramter in Field constructor specifies initial value for a field
$form->add('company', TextField::make('Company', false, 'n/a'));
// You can also add other types of fields
$form->add('message', TextareaField::make('Your message', true));
$form->add('topic', ChoiceField::make('Message topic', true)->choices(array('General inquiry', 'Job offer', 'I would love to speak to someone out there')));
$form->add('know-you', BooleanField::make('Do you know me?'));
// Or add a custom validator to a field
$form->add('question', TextField::make('2 + 2 =', true)->validate(function ($value) {
    if (trim($value) !== '4') {
        return 'This answer is not valid.';
// If form is valid, then we can send an e-mail
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && $form->valid()) {
    // Set the file path to the mail template file
    Mailer::send_form($form, __DIR__ . '/mail-template.php');
    // Change this URL to match your domain
    throw new \Silverplate\Http302('http://mysite.com/thank-you');