Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Returns a JavaScript snippet to be used on the AJAX callbacks for starting
  * visual effects.
  * Example:
  *  ScriptaculousHelper::visual_effect('highlight', 'posts',
  *    array('duration' => 0.5 ));
  * If no '$element_id' is given, it assumes "element" which should be a local
  * variable in the generated JavaScript execution context. This can be used
  * for example with drop_receiving_element():
  *  ScriptaculousHelper::drop_receving_element(..., array(...
  *        'loading' => ScriptaculousHelper::visual_effect('fade')));
  * This would fade the element that was dropped on the drop receiving element.
  * You can change the behaviour with various options, see
  * http://script.aculo.us for more documentation.
  * @param type <description>
  * @param type <description>
  * @param type <description>
  * @return string <description>
 function visual_effect($name, $element_id = FALSE, $js_opt = array())
     $element = $element_id ? "'{$element_id}'" : 'element';
     switch ($name) {
         case 'toggle_appear':
         case 'toggle_blind':
         case 'toggle_slide':
             return sprintf("new Effect.toggle(%s, '%s', %s)", $element, substr($name, 7), JsHelper::options_for_javascript($js_opt));
     return sprintf("new Effect.%s(%s, %s)", TextHelper::camelize($name), $element, JsHelper::options_for_javascript($js_opt));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Inserts HTML at the specified 'position' relative to the DOM element
  * identified by the given 'id'.
  * 'position' may be one of:
  * 'top'::    HTML is inserted inside the element, before the
  *            element's existing content.
  * 'bottom':: HTML is inserted inside the element, after the
  *            element's existing content.
  * 'before':: HTML is inserted immediately preceeding the element.
  * 'after'::  HTML is inserted immediately following the element.
  * @param type <description>
  * @param type <description>
  * @param type <description>
  * @return type <description>
 function insert_html($position, $id, $content)
     $insertion = TextHelper::camelize($position);
     $this->call('new Insertion.' . $insertion, $id, $content);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function test_camelize()
     $foo = TextHelper::camelize('foo_bar_baz/FOO is great');
     $this->assertEqual('FooBarBazFOOIsGreat', $foo);