public function Testimonials()
     Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery/jquery.js');
     return Testimonial::get("Testimonial", array("Approved" => 1), "RAND()");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function newInstance()
     if (!self::$instance instanceof self) {
         self::$instance = new self();
     return self::$instance;
 function getTestimonial()
     if (!$this->testimonial) {
         $this->testimonial = Testimonial::get()->sort("RAND()")->first();
     return $this->testimonial;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function index()
     $victories = Victory::orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->limit(4)->get();
     $blogs = Blog::orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->limit(4)->get();
     $images = Post::where('is_carasaul', '=', 1)->get();
     $testimonials = Testimonial::orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->limit(1)->get();
     return View::make('pages.index', compact('images', 'testimonials', 'victories', 'blogs'));
 public function post_remove()
     $testimonial = Testimonial::Find($this->testimonial_id);
     // delete Organisation_Testimonial
     DB::table('organisation_testimonial')->where('testimonial_id', '=', $this->testimonial_id)->delete();
     // delete testimonial
     return Redirect::to('user/testimonials')->with('success', 'The testimonial has been removed.');
 public function run()
     $replace = \Config::get('laravel-testimonials::seed.replace');
     if ($replace) {
     $faker = \Faker\Factory::create();
     $statuses = array(Testimonial::DRAFT, Testimonial::APPROVED);
     for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
         $testimonial = new Testimonial();
         $title = $faker->sentence(rand(1, 10));
         $testimonial->title = $title;
         $youTubeVideoFreq = \Config::get('laravel-testimonials::seed.you_tube_video_freq');
         $hasYouTubeVideos = $youTubeVideoFreq > 0 && rand(1, $youTubeVideoFreq) == $youTubeVideoFreq;
         if ($hasYouTubeVideos) {
             $testimonial->you_tube_video_id = $faker->randomElement(\Config::get('laravel-testimonials::seed.you_tube_video_ids'));
             $testimonial->image = $testimonial->image_alt = $testimonial->image_width = $testimonial->image_height = '';
         } else {
             $testimonial->you_tube_video_id = '';
             $imageFreq = \Config::get('laravel-testimonials::seed.image_freq');
             $hasImage = $imageFreq > 0 && rand(1, $imageFreq) == $imageFreq;
             if ($hasImage) {
                 $thumbnail = $faker->image(public_path(Testimonial::getImageConfig('thumbnail', 'dir')), Testimonial::getImageConfig('thumbnail', 'width'), Testimonial::getImageConfig('thumbnail', 'height'));
                 $filename = basename($thumbnail);
                 $details = $faker->image(public_path(Testimonial::getImageConfig('resized', 'dir')), rand(200, Testimonial::getImageConfig('resized', 'width')), rand(200, Testimonial::getImageConfig('resized', 'height')));
                 rename($details, public_path(Testimonial::getImageConfig('resized', 'dir')) . $filename);
                 $testimonial->image = $filename;
                 $testimonial->image_alt = $title;
             } else {
                 $testimonial->image = $testimonial->image_alt = $testimonial->image_width = $testimonial->image_height = '';
         $testimonial->content = '<p>' . implode('</p><p>', $faker->paragraphs(rand(1, 10))) . '</p>';
         $testimonial->source = $faker->words(rand(1, 2), true);
         $testimonial->page_title = $title;
         $testimonial->meta_description = $faker->sentence();
         $testimonial->meta_keywords = $faker->words(10, true);
         $testimonial->status = $faker->randomElement($statuses);
         $testimonial->published_date = $faker->dateTimeBetween('-3 years', '+1 month');
     echo 'Database seeded' . PHP_EOL;
 public function createFeedback()
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $this->rules);
     if ($validator->passes()) {
         $testimonial = new Testimonial();
         $count = Testimonial::orderby('ID_Feedback', 'DESC')->first();
         $tampID = $count->ID_Feedback;
         $checkYear = substr(strval($tampID), 3, -5);
         $incrementID = substr($tampID, 3) + 1;
         $join = "FED" . $incrementID;
         $date = date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time());
         if ($checkYear == strval(date("y"))) {
             $testimonial->ID_Feedback = $join;
             $testimonial->Name = Input::get('feed-fullname');
             $testimonial->Email = Input::get('feed-email');
             $testimonial->Subject = Input::get('feed-subject');
             $testimonial->Message = Input::get('feed-message');
             $testimonial->Date = $date;
             $testimonial->Status = "Pending";
             return Redirect::to('/testimonial')->with('message', 'Success');
         } else {
             $testimonial = new Testimonial();
             $date = date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time());
             $testimonial->ID_Feedback = "FED" . date('y') . "00001";
             $testimonial->Name = Input::get('feed-fullname');
             $testimonial->Email = Input::get('feed-email');
             $testimonial->Subject = Input::get('feed-subject');
             $testimonial->Message = Input::get('feed-message');
             $testimonial->Date = $date;
             $testimonial->Status = "Pending";
             return Redirect::to('/testimonial')->with('message', 'Success');
     } else {
         return Redirect::to('/testimonial')->withErrors($validator, 'feedback')->withInput()->with('active', 'active');
 public function view($slug)
     $testimonial = Testimonial::where('status', '=', Testimonial::APPROVED)->where('published_date', '<=', \Carbon\Carbon::now())->where('slug', '=', $slug)->first();
     if (!$testimonial) {
     $viewData['testimonial'] = $testimonial;
     // Get the next newest and next oldest testimonial if the config says to show these links on the view page
     if (\Config::get('laravel-testimonials::show_adjacent_testimonials_on_view')) {
         $viewData['newer'] = Testimonial::where('status', '=', Testimonial::APPROVED)->where('published_date', '<=', \Carbon\Carbon::now())->where('published_date', '>=', $testimonial->published_date)->where('id', '<>', $testimonial->id)->orderBy('published_date', 'asc')->first();
         $viewData['older'] = Testimonial::where('status', '=', Testimonial::APPROVED)->where('published_date', '<=', \Carbon\Carbon::now())->where('published_date', '<=', $testimonial->published_date)->where('id', '<>', $testimonial->id)->orderBy('published_date', 'desc')->first();
     return \View::make(\Config::get('laravel-testimonials::view_view'))->with($viewData);
 public function update($id)
     $validator = Testimonial::validate(Input::only('name', 'email', 'location', 'description'));
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::to('/createTestimonial')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(Input::all());
     } else {
         $testimonial = $this->testimonailRepo->getById($id);
         $testimonial->name = Input::get('name');
         $testimonial->email = Input::get('email');
         $testimonial->location = Input::get('location');
         $testimonial->description = Input::get('description');
         return Redirect::to('allTestimonials')->with('message', 'Testimonial was successfully updated');
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Displays the profile page of a student.
  * @param  integer $id the student id
 public function actionView($id)
     $model = $this->loadModel($id);
     $numItems = Yii::app()->params['itemsPerPage'];
     $downloads = new CArrayDataProvider($model->downloadInfos, array('pagination' => array('pageSize' => $numItems)));
     $reviews = new CArrayDataProvider($model->reviews, array('pagination' => array('pageSize' => $numItems)));
     $sql = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select(array('id', 'title', 'value', 'note_id', 'timestamp'))->from(array('bk_note note', 'bk_rate rate'))->where(array('and', 'rate.student_id=:sid', ''), array(':sid' => $model->id));
     $count = count($model->rates);
     $rates = new CSqlDataProvider($sql, array('totalItemCount' => $count, 'pagination' => array('pageSize' => $numItems)));
     $sql = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select(array('id', 'title', 'note_id', 'timestamp'))->from(array('bk_note note', 'bk_report report'))->where(array('and', 'report.student_id=:sid', ''), array(':sid' => $model->id));
     $count = count($model->reports);
     $reports = new CSqlDataProvider($sql, array('totalItemCount' => $count, 'pagination' => array('pageSize' => $numItems)));
     $uploads = new CArrayDataProvider($model->notes, array('pagination' => array('pageSize' => $numItems)));
     $badges = new CArrayDataProvider($model->badges, array('pagination' => array('pageSize' => 20)));
     if (Yii::app()->user->isAdmin) {
         $finder = Testimonial::model();
     } else {
         $finder = Testimonial::model()->student($model->id);
     $testimonials = new CActiveDataProvider($finder, array('pagination' => array('pageSize' => $numItems)));
     $this->render('view', array('model' => $model, 'downloads' => $downloads, 'reviews' => $reviews, 'rates' => $rates, 'reports' => $reports, 'uploads' => $uploads, 'badges' => $badges, 'testimonials' => $testimonials));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function GetTestimonial()
     return $testimonial = Testimonial::get()->sort("Created", "DESC")->First() ? $testimonial : false;
Ejemplo n.º 12

require '../../inc/admin/config.php';
$session->auth_or_redirect('admin', '/', true);
$admin_title = 'Manage Testimonials';
include ROOT . '/inc/admin/header.php';
$testimonials = new Testimonial();
$paginator = new Paginator($testimonials->find());

<p><a href="/admin">Back to Admin Home</a></p>
<a href="./new.php"><img src="/images/admin/button_add.jpg" alt="Add New Testimonial" id="button_add" /></a>

<div id="testimonials_index">
foreach ($paginator->this_page() as $testimonial) {
    echo $testimonial->name;
    echo $testimonial->company;
 public function Testimonials()
     return Testimonial::get("Testimonial", array("Approved" => 1))->sort("SortOrder");
 function getTestimonials()
     return Testimonial::get();
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked
  * when an action is not explicitly requested by users.
 public function actionIndex()
     $this->render('index', array('model' => Testimonial::getCurrentTestimonial()));
Ejemplo n.º 16

//-- Testimonial:Clear cache
if ($command == "cc") {
    if ($arg1 == "all" || $arg1 == "testimonial") {
        echo " - Drop table 'testimonial' ";
        echo Testimonial::dropTable() ? "success\n" : "fail\n";
//-- Testimonial:Import DB
if ($command == "import" && $arg1 == "db" && (is_null($arg2) || $arg2 == "testimonial")) {
    //- create tables if not exits
    echo " - Create table 'testimonial' ";
    echo Testimonial::createTableIfNotExist() ? "success\n" : "fail\n";
Ejemplo n.º 17

$object = new Testimonial();
// handle form submission
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $error_flag = false;
    /// validation
    // validation for $name
    $name = isset($_POST["name"]) ? strip_tags($_POST["name"]) : null;
    if (empty($name)) {
        Message::register(new Message(Message::DANGER, i18n(array("en" => "name is required.", "zh" => "请填写name"))));
        $error_flag = true;
    // validation for $image
    $image = isset($_POST["image"]) ? strip_tags(trim($_POST["image"])) : null;
    if (empty($image)) {
        Message::register(new Message(Message::DANGER, i18n(array("en" => "image is required.", "zh" => "请填写image"))));
        $error_flag = true;
    // validation for $comment
    $comment = isset($_POST["comment"]) ? $_POST["comment"] : null;
    if (empty($comment)) {
        Message::register(new Message(Message::DANGER, i18n(array("en" => "comment is required.", "zh" => "请填写comment"))));
        $error_flag = true;
    // validation for $from
    $from = isset($_POST["from"]) ? strip_tags($_POST["from"]) : null;
    /// proceed submission
    // proceed for $name
    // proceed for $image
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Retrieves testimonial of the month.
  * @return Testimonial the testimonial or null if not found
 public static function getCurrentTestimonial()
     $testimonial = Testimonial::model()->find(array('condition' => 'status=:status', 'params' => array(':status' => self::STATUS_APPROVED), 'order' => 'timestamp DESC'));
     if ($testimonial === null) {
         return null;
     $currentMonth = date('m');
     $testimonialMonth = date('m', strtotime($testimonial->timestamp));
     if ($currentMonth !== $testimonialMonth) {
         return null;
     } else {
         return $testimonial;
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = Testimonial::model()->findByPk((int) $id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
Ejemplo n.º 20

require_once './classes/Testimonial.php';
$tst = new Testimonial();
$list = $tst->get_edit_page();
echo $list;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        header('Location:' . osc_admin_render_theme_url($ct_url));
<h1>Testimonial Information</h1>
<form name="testimonial-form" method="post" action="">
if (Params::getParam('nepcoders_action') == 'edit') {
  <input type="hidden" name="nep_action" value="edit_testimonial">
  <input type="hidden" name="testimonial_id" value="<?php 
    echo Params::getParam('tid');
    $result = Testimonial::newInstance()->getTestimonial(Params::getParam('tid'));
    $title = $result['testimonial_title'];
    $image_url = $result['testimonial_image'];
    $message = $result['testimonial_message'];
} else {
  <input type="hidden" name="nepcoders_action" value="insert_testimonial"/>
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="title">Title</label>
    <input class="form-control" id="title" name="title" value="<?php 
echo $title;
Ejemplo n.º 22

$id = isset($vars[1]) ? $vars[1] : null;
$object = Testimonial::findById($id);
$error_flag = false;
if ($object) {
    if ($object->delete()) {
        Message::register(new Message(Message::SUCCESS, i18n(array('en' => 'Record deleted', 'zh' => '记录删除成功'))));
    } else {
        $error_flag = true;
} else {
    $error_flag = true;
if ($error_flag) {
    Message::register(new Message(Message::DANGER, i18n(array('en' => 'Record deletion failed', 'zh' => '记录删除失败'))));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 function GetTestimonial()
     App::import('Model', 'Testimonial');
     $objtestimonial = new Testimonial();
     $testimonial = $objtestimonial->find('first', array("fields" => array("Testimonial.testimonial", "", "", "Testimonial.image", "Testimonial.created"), "order" => "rand()", 'limit' => '0,1', "conditions" => "status='1'"));
     return $testimonial;
Ejemplo n.º 24
if ($_POST['commit'] == "Save Testimonial") {
    if ($id == 0) {
        // add the listing
        $objTestimonial = new Testimonial();
        $objTestimonial->CustomerName = $_REQUEST["customer_name"];
        $objTestimonial->CustomerTitle = $_REQUEST["customer_title"];
        $objTestimonial->CustomerCompany = $_REQUEST["customer_company"];
        $objTestimonial->TestimonialText = $_REQUEST["testimonial_text"];
        // redirect to listing list
    } else {
        $objTestimonial = new Testimonial($_REQUEST["id"]);
        $objTestimonial->CustomerName = $_REQUEST["customer_name"];
        $objTestimonial->CustomerTitle = $_REQUEST["customer_title"];
        $objTestimonial->CustomerCompany = $_REQUEST["customer_company"];
        $objTestimonial->TestimonialText = $_REQUEST["testimonial_text"];
        // redirect to listing list
} else {
    if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'e') {
        $objTestimonial = new Testimonial($id);
        $customer_name = $objTestimonial->CustomerName;
        $customer_title = $objTestimonial->CustomerTitle;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Tests this month testimonial retrieval.
 public function testCurrentTestimonial()
     $testi = $this->testimonials('testimonial1');
     $currentTimestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $testi->status = Testimonial::STATUS_NEW;
     $testi->timestamp = $currentTimestamp;
     $student = $this->students('student1');
     $content = 'Test content.';
     $newTesti = new Testimonial();
     $newTesti->setAttributes(array('content' => 'Test content.', 'status' => Testimonial::STATUS_APPROVED, 'timestamp' => $currentTimestamp, 'student_id' => $student->id));
     $testi = Testimonial::getCurrentTestimonial();
     $this->assertTrue($testi instanceof Testimonial);
     $this->assertEquals($student->id, $testi->student_id);
     $this->assertEquals($content, $testi->content);
     $this->assertEquals(Testimonial::STATUS_APPROVED, $testi->status);
     $this->assertEquals(date('m', strtotime($currentTimestamp)), date('m', strtotime($testi->timestamp)));
     $this->assertEquals($student->id, $testi->student_id);
Ejemplo n.º 26

require_once __DIR__ . DS . '..' . DS . '..' . DS . 'bootstrap.php';
$weight = 0;
if (is_cli()) {
    $testimonial = new Testimonial();
    $testimonial->setName('Peter Wang');
    $testimonial->setFrom('UNSW master student');
    $testimonial->setComment('Great service! I got my uni offer in just 20 days. Thumbs up!');
    $testimonial = new Testimonial();
    $testimonial->setName('Helen White');
    $testimonial->setFrom('Staint George College');
    $testimonial->setComment('The staff at Century 21 are very open and helpful. Whenever I\'ve got any enquiry, they always respond me promptly. Nice job!');
    $testimonial = new Testimonial();
    $testimonial->setName('Steven Tan');
    $testimonial->setFrom('English course student in UOW');
    $testimonial->setComment('I was an oversea student and not so good with my English. Century 21 assisted me finding the right English language instition and I now have got my college offer. All thanks to them!');
    $testimonial = new Testimonial();
    $testimonial->setName('Mike Nash');
    $testimonial->setFrom('High school student at ACIIA');
    $testimonial->setComment('Very appreciated for the free consulation. Century 21 provided me all the school details free of charge. I choose their service and got the offer!');
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public function save_order()
     $testimonial_array = $_POST['testimonial_id'];
     $order_array = $_POST['order'];
     $testimonial = new Testimonial();
     foreach ($testimonial_array as $key => $value) {
         $testimonial_id = $value;
         $testimonial_order = $order_array[$key];
         $testimonial->update('Testimonial', array('sequence' => $testimonial_order), 'id=' . $testimonial_id);
     Flash::set('success', __('This testimonial sequence has been saved.'));
require '../inc/classes/Helpers.php';
// page vars
$page_title = "";
$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
// id required
if ($id == "") {
// if form was submitted
if ($_POST['commit'] == "Cancel") {
if ($_POST['commit'] == "Delete Testimonial") {
    $objTestimonial = new Testimonial();
$objTestimonial = new Testimonial($id);
include "includes/pagetemplate.php";
function PageContent()
    global $objTestimonial;
    global $id;

            <div class="layout laymidwidth">

Ejemplo n.º 29
 public function getById($id)
     return \Testimonial::find($id);
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Displays the login page
 public function actionTestimonial()
     $cs = Yii::app()->getclientScript();
     //$cs->registerCssFile(Yii::app()->params["baseUrl"].'/css/plugins/owl/owl.carousel.css?a='. Yii::app()->params['assets'],'screen, projection');
     $cs->registerCssFile(Yii::app()->params["baseUrl"] . '/css/pages/testimonial.css?a=' . Yii::app()->params['assets'], 'screen, projection');
     //$cs->registerScriptFile(Yii::app()->params["baseUrl"].'/js/plugins/freewall/freewall.js?a='. Yii::app()->params['assets'],CClientScript::POS_END);
     //$cs->registerScriptFile(Yii::app()->params["baseUrl"].'/js/pages/wedding.js?a='. Yii::app()->params['assets'],CClientScript::POS_HEAD);
     $_test = new Testimonial();
     $testimonials = $_test->getTestimonials();
     $this->render("testimonial", array('testimonials' => $testimonials));