Ejemplo n.º 1
 static function generate_select($auth_bit, $array_auth = array(), $array_ranks_default = array(), $idselect = '', $disabled = '', $disabled_advanced_auth = false)
     global $Sql, $LANG, $CONFIG, $array_ranks, $Group;
     $array_ranks = is_array($array_ranks) ? $array_ranks : array('-1' => $LANG['guest'], '0' => $LANG['member'], '1' => $LANG['modo'], '2' => $LANG['admin']);
     $idselect = (string) $idselect == '' ? $auth_bit : $idselect;
     $Template = new Template('framework/groups_auth.tpl');
     $Template->assign_vars(array('C_NO_ADVANCED_AUTH' => $disabled_advanced_auth ? true : false, 'C_ADVANCED_AUTH' => $disabled_advanced_auth ? false : true, 'THEME' => get_utheme(), 'PATH_TO_ROOT' => TPL_PATH_TO_ROOT, 'IDSELECT' => $idselect, 'DISABLED_SELECT' => empty($disabled) ? 'if (disabled == 0)' : '', 'L_USERS' => $LANG['member_s'], 'L_ADD_USER' => $LANG['add_member'], 'L_REQUIRE_PSEUDO' => addslashes($LANG['require_pseudo']), 'L_RANKS' => $LANG['ranks'], 'L_GROUPS' => $LANG['groups'], 'L_GO' => $LANG['go'], 'L_ADVANCED_AUTHORIZATION' => $LANG['advanced_authorization'], 'L_SELECT_ALL' => $LANG['select_all'], 'L_SELECT_NONE' => $LANG['select_none'], 'L_EXPLAIN_SELECT_MULTIPLE' => $LANG['explain_select_multiple']));
     ##### Génération d'une liste à sélection multiple des rangs et membres #####
     //Liste des rangs
     $j = -1;
     foreach ($array_ranks as $idrank => $group_name) {
         //Si il s'agit de l'administrateur, il a automatiquement l'autorisation
         if ($idrank == 2) {
             $Template->assign_block_vars('ranks_list', array('ID' => $j, 'IDRANK' => $idrank, 'RANK_NAME' => $group_name, 'DISABLED' => '', 'SELECTED' => ' selected="selected"'));
         } else {
             $selected = '';
             if (array_key_exists('r' . $idrank, $array_auth) && ((int) $array_auth['r' . $idrank] & (int) $auth_bit) !== 0 && empty($disabled)) {
                 $selected = ' selected="selected"';
             $selected = isset($array_ranks_default[$idrank]) && $array_ranks_default[$idrank] === true && empty($disabled) ? 'selected="selected"' : $selected;
             $Template->assign_block_vars('ranks_list', array('ID' => $j, 'IDRANK' => $idrank, 'RANK_NAME' => $group_name, 'DISABLED' => !empty($disabled) ? 'disabled = "disabled" ' : '', 'SELECTED' => $selected));
     foreach ($Group->get_groups_array() as $idgroup => $group_name) {
         $selected = '';
         if (array_key_exists($idgroup, $array_auth) && ((int) $array_auth[$idgroup] & (int) $auth_bit) !== 0 && empty($disabled)) {
             $selected = ' selected="selected"';
         $Template->assign_block_vars('groups_list', array('IDGROUP' => $idgroup, 'GROUP_NAME' => $group_name, 'DISABLED' => $disabled, 'SELECTED' => $selected));
     ##### Génération du formulaire pour les autorisations membre par membre. #####
     $array_auth_members = array();
     if (is_array($array_auth)) {
         foreach ($array_auth as $type => $auth) {
             if (substr($type, 0, 1) == 'm') {
                 if (array_key_exists($type, $array_auth) && ((int) $array_auth[$type] & (int) $auth_bit) !== 0) {
                     $array_auth_members[$type] = $auth;
     $advanced_auth = count($array_auth_members) > 0;
     $Template->assign_vars(array('ADVANCED_AUTH_STYLE' => $advanced_auth ? 'display:block;' : 'display:none;'));
     if ($advanced_auth) {
         $result = $Sql->query_while("SELECT user_id, login\n\t\t\tFROM " . PREFIX . "member\n\t\t\tWHERE user_id IN(" . implode(str_replace('m', '', array_keys($array_auth_members)), ', ') . ")", __LINE__, __FILE__);
         while ($row = $Sql->fetch_assoc($result)) {
             $Template->assign_block_vars('members_list', array('USER_ID' => $row['user_id'], 'LOGIN' => $row['login']));
     return $Template->parse(TEMPLATE_STRING_MODE);
 private function assign_template(Template $tpl)
     $tpl->put('CONTENT', 'fruits:');
     foreach ($this->fruits as $fruit) {
         $tpl->assign_block_vars('elements', array('NAME' => $fruit));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private function generate_cell(HTMLTableRowCell $cell)
     $cell_values = array('VALUE' => $cell->get_value(), 'C_COLSPAN' => $cell->is_multi_column(), 'COLSPAN' => $cell->get_colspan());
     $this->add_css_vars($cell, $cell_values);
     $this->add_id_vars($cell, $cell_values);
     $this->tpl->assign_block_vars('row.cell', $cell_values);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function get_search_form($args = null)
     global $User, $MODULES, $Errorh, $CONFIG, $CONFIG_FORUM, $Cache, $CAT_FORUM, $LANG, $Sql;
     $Tpl = new Template('forum/forum_search_form.tpl');
     if (isset($MODULES['forum']) && $MODULES['forum']['activ'] == 1) {
         if (!$User->check_auth($MODULES['forum']['auth'], ACCESS_MODULE)) {
             $Errorh->handler('e_auth', E_USER_REDIRECT);
     require_once PATH_TO_ROOT . '/forum/forum_functions.php';
     require_once PATH_TO_ROOT . '/forum/forum_defines.php';
     $search = $args['search'];
     $idcat = !empty($args['ForumIdcat']) ? numeric($args['ForumIdcat']) : -1;
     $time = !empty($args['ForumTime']) ? numeric($args['ForumTime']) : 0;
     $where = !empty($args['ForumWhere']) ? strprotect($args['ForumWhere']) : 'all';
     $colorate_result = !empty($args['ForumColorate_result']) ? true : false;
     $Tpl->assign_vars(array('L_DATE' => $LANG['date'], 'L_DAY' => $LANG['day'], 'L_DAYS' => $LANG['day_s'], 'L_MONTH' => $LANG['month'], 'L_MONTHS' => $LANG['month'], 'L_YEAR' => $LANG['year'], 'IS_SELECTED_30000' => $time == 30000 ? ' selected="selected"' : '', 'IS_SELECTED_1' => $time == 1 ? ' selected="selected"' : '', 'IS_SELECTED_7' => $time == 7 ? ' selected="selected"' : '', 'IS_SELECTED_15' => $time == 15 ? ' selected="selected"' : '', 'IS_SELECTED_30' => $time == 30 ? ' selected="selected"' : '', 'IS_SELECTED_180' => $time == 180 ? ' selected="selected"' : '', 'IS_SELECTED_360' => $time == 360 ? ' selected="selected"' : '', 'L_OPTIONS' => $LANG['options'], 'L_TITLE' => $LANG['title'], 'L_CONTENTS' => $LANG['content'], 'IS_TITLE_CHECKED' => $where == 'title' ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'IS_CONTENTS_CHECKED' => $where == 'contents' ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'IS_ALL_CHECKED' => $where == 'all' ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'L_COLORATE_RESULTS' => $LANG['colorate_result'], 'IS_COLORATION_CHECKED' => $colorate_result ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'L_CATEGORY' => $LANG['category'], 'L_ALL_CATS' => $LANG['all'], 'IS_ALL_CATS_SELECTED' => $idcat == '-1' ? ' selected="selected"' : ''));
     if (is_array($CAT_FORUM)) {
         foreach ($CAT_FORUM as $id => $key) {
             if ($User->check_auth($CAT_FORUM[$id]['auth'], READ_CAT_FORUM)) {
                 $Tpl->assign_block_vars('cats', array('MARGIN' => $key['level'] > 0 ? str_repeat('----------', $key['level']) : '----', 'ID' => $id, 'L_NAME' => $key['name'], 'IS_SELECTED' => $id == $idcat ? ' selected="selected"' : ''));
     return $Tpl->parse(TEMPLATE_STRING_MODE);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function display($Template = false)
     global $LANG, $Errorh;
     if (!is_object($Template) || strtolower(get_class($Template)) != 'template') {
         $Template = new Template('framework/builder/forms/fieldset.tpl');
     $Template->assign_vars(array('C_DISPLAY_WARNING_REQUIRED_FIELDS' => $this->fieldset_display_required, 'L_FORMTITLE' => $this->fieldset_title, 'L_REQUIRED_FIELDS' => $LANG['require']));
     foreach ($this->fieldset_errors as $error) {
         $Template->assign_block_vars('errors', array('ERROR' => $Errorh->display($error['errstr'], $error['errno'])));
     foreach ($this->fieldset_fields as $Field) {
         foreach ($Field->get_errors() as $error) {
             $Template->assign_block_vars('errors', array('ERROR' => $Errorh->display($error['errstr'], $error['errno'])));
         $Template->assign_block_vars('fields', array('FIELD' => $Field->display()));
     return $Template->parse(TEMPLATE_STRING_MODE);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function display($Template = false)
     global $LANG;
     if (!is_object($Template) || strtolower(get_class($Template)) != 'template') {
         $Template = new Template('framework/builder/forms/form.tpl');
     $Template->assign_vars(array('C_DISPLAY_PREVIEW' => $this->display_preview, 'C_DISPLAY_RESET' => $this->display_reset, 'FORMCLASS' => $this->form_class, 'U_FORMACTION' => $this->form_action, 'L_FORMNAME' => $this->form_name, 'L_FIELD_CONTENT_PREVIEW' => $this->field_identifier_preview, 'L_SUBMIT' => $this->form_submit, 'L_PREVIEW' => $LANG['preview'], 'L_RESET' => $LANG['reset']));
     foreach ($this->form_fieldsets as $Fieldset) {
         foreach ($Fieldset->get_fields() as $Field) {
             $field_required_alert = $Field->get_required_alert();
             if (!empty($field_required_alert)) {
                 $Template->assign_block_vars('check_form', array('FIELD_ID' => $Field->get_id(), 'FIELD_REQUIRED_ALERT' => str_replace('"', '\\"', $field_required_alert)));
         $Template->assign_block_vars('fieldsets', array('FIELDSET' => $Fieldset->display()));
     return $Template->parse(TEMPLATE_STRING_MODE);
 function display()
     $Template = new Template('framework/builder/forms/field_box.tpl');
     $Template->assign_vars(array('ID' => $this->field_id, 'FIELD' => $this->field_options, 'L_FIELD_TITLE' => $this->field_title, 'L_EXPLAIN' => $this->field_sub_title, 'L_REQUIRE' => $this->field_required ? '* ' : ''));
     foreach ($this->field_options as $Option) {
         $Option->field_name = $this->field_name;
         $Template->assign_block_vars('field_options', array('OPTION' => $Option->display()));
     return $Template->parse(TEMPLATE_STRING_MODE);
Ejemplo n.º 8
function get_html_results(&$results, &$html_results, &$results_name)
    global $CONFIG;
    $modules = new ModulesDiscoveryService();
    $display_all_results = $results_name == 'all' ? true : false;
    $tpl_results = new Template('search/search_generic_pagination_results.tpl');
    $tpl_results->assign_vars(array('RESULTS_NAME' => $results_name, 'C_ALL_RESULTS' => $display_all_results));
    $nb_pages = round(count($results) / NB_RESULTS_PER_PAGE) + 1;
    $nb_results = count($results);
    if (!$display_all_results) {
        $module = $modules->get_module(strtolower($results_name));
        $results_data = array();
        $personnal_parse_results = $module->has_functionality('compute_search_results') && $module->has_functionality('parse_search_result');
        if ($personnal_parse_results && $results_name != 'all') {
            $results_data = $module->functionality('compute_search_results', array('results' => $results));
            $nb_results = min($nb_results, count($results_data));
    for ($num_page = 0; $num_page < $nb_pages; $num_page++) {
        $tpl_results->assign_block_vars('page', array('NUM_PAGE' => $num_page, 'BLOCK_DISPLAY' => $num_page == 0 ? 'block' : 'none'));
        for ($i = 0; $i < NB_RESULTS_PER_PAGE; $i++) {
            $num_item = $num_page * NB_RESULTS_PER_PAGE + $i;
            if ($num_item >= $nb_results) {
            if ($display_all_results || !$personnal_parse_results) {
                $tpl_result = new Template('search/search_generic_results.tpl');
                if ($display_all_results) {
                    $module = $modules->get_module($results[$num_item]['module']);
                    $tpl_result->assign_vars(array('C_ALL_RESULTS' => true, 'L_MODULE_NAME' => $module->get_name()));
                } else {
                    $tpl_result->assign_vars(array('C_ALL_RESULTS' => false, 'L_MODULE_NAME' => $module->get_name()));
                $tpl_result->assign_vars(array('TITLE' => $results[$num_item]['title'], 'U_LINK' => url($results[$num_item]['link'])));
                $tpl_results->assign_block_vars('page.results', array('result' => $tpl_result->parse(TEMPLATE_STRING_MODE)));
            } else {
                $tpl_results->assign_block_vars('page.results', array('result' => $module->functionality('parse_search_result', $results_data[$num_item])));
    $html_results = $tpl_results->parse(TEMPLATE_STRING_MODE);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function display()
     $Template = new Template('framework/builder/forms/field_select.tpl');
     if ($this->field_multiple) {
         $field = '<select name="' . $this->field_name . '[]" multiple="multiple">' . $this->field_options . '</select>';
     } else {
         $field = '<select name="' . $this->field_name . '">' . $this->field_options . '</select>';
     $Template->assign_vars(array('ID' => $this->field_id, 'C_SELECT_MULTIPLE' => $this->field_multiple, 'L_FIELD_NAME' => $this->field_name, 'L_FIELD_TITLE' => $this->field_title, 'L_EXPLAIN' => $this->field_sub_title, 'L_REQUIRE' => $this->field_required ? '* ' : ''));
     foreach ($this->field_options as $Option) {
         $Option->field_name = $this->field_name;
         $Template->assign_block_vars('field_options', array('OPTION' => $Option->display()));
     return $Template->parse(TEMPLATE_STRING_MODE);
 function afficher()
     $html = '';
     if ($this->existe()) {
         $t = new Template('modules/archi/templates/');
         $t->set_filenames(array('afficherErreurs' => 'listeErreurs.tpl'));
         foreach ($this->array_erreurs as $message) {
             $t->assign_block_vars('erreur', array('message' => $message));
         $html = ob_get_contents();
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 11

	include_once "class/Easy_Mail.class.php";

	include_once "class/class.Erro.php"; 
	$theme = ".";
	$model = new Template($theme);
	$model->set_filenames(array('cabecalho' => 'cabecalho.htm'));

	$model->assign_block_vars('sub_titulo', array());  
	if (isset($layout)){
		switch ($layout){
				case "inicio": 
						$model->assign_vars(array('SUB_MENU_ATIVO' => "1"));		
//						$model->assign_vars(array('MENU_1' => "current"));								
//						$model->assign_block_vars('sub_titulo.sub_cadastro', array());  
				case "cadastro": 
						$model->assign_vars(array('SUB_MENU_ATIVO' => "2"));		
//						$model->assign_vars(array('MENU_1' => "current"));								
//						$model->assign_block_vars('sub_titulo.sub_cadastro', array());  
				case "movimento": 
						$model->assign_vars(array('SUB_MENU_ATIVO' => "3"));		
//						$model->assign_vars(array('MENU_1' => "current"));								
Ejemplo n.º 12
if ($session->isInSession('archiIdVilleGeneral') && $session->getFromSession('archiIdVilleGeneral') != '' && $session->getFromSession('archiIdVilleGeneral') != '1') {
    $arrayIdVilleGeneral['archiIdVilleGeneral'] = $session->getFromSession('archiIdVilleGeneral');
$listPages = archiPage::getListMenu(LANG);
$htmlListPages = "";
foreach ($listPages as $page) {
    $htmlListPages .= "<li><a href='index.php?archiAffichage=page&idPage=" . $page["id"] . "'>" . $page["title"] . "</a></li>";
// liens
$t->assign_vars(array('listeUtilisateurs' => $config->creerUrl('', 'utilisateurListe'), 'administration' => $config->creerUrl('', 'administration'), 'seDeconnecter' => $config->creerUrl('deconnexion', 'authentification'), 'recherche' => $config->creerUrl('', 'recherche'), 'edito' => $config->creerUrl('', 'edito'), 'quiSommesNous' => $config->creerUrl('', 'quiSommesNous'), 'faq' => $config->creerUrl('', 'faq'), 'inscription' => $config->creerUrl('', 'inscription'), 'listeDossiers' => $config->creerUrl('', 'listeDossiers', $arrayIdVilleGeneral), 'ajoutNouveauDossier' => $config->creerUrl('', 'ajoutNouveauDossier'), "ajoutNouvellePersonne" => $config->creerUrl("", "ajoutNouvelPersonne"), 'contact' => $config->creerUrl('', 'contact'), 'urlMotDePasseOublie' => $config->creerUrl('', 'formulaireMotDePasseOublie'), 'publiciteMedias' => $config->creerUrl('', 'publiciteArticlesPresse'), 'nosSources' => $config->creerUrl('', 'nosSources'), 'faireUnDon' => $config->creerUrl('', 'faireUnDon'), 'ajaxFunctions' => $ajax->getAjaxFunctions(), 'calqueFunctions' => "<script  >" . $calque->getJSFunctionContextualHelp() . " " . $i->getJsSetOpacityFunction(array('noBalisesJs' => true)) . "</script>", 'titrePage' => stripslashes($titre), 'descriptionPage' => $description, 'motsCle' => $motsCle, 'urlCheminSite' => $recherche->getHtmlArborescence(), 'titreSite' => $titreSite, 'parcours' => $config->creerUrl('', 'parcours'), 'jsHeader' => $headerJS, "lang" => LANG, "lang_short" => substr(LANG, 0, 2), "listPages" => $htmlListPages, "urlOpendata" => $config->creerUrl('', 'lienOpendata')));
// headerJS = variables contenant le javascript recupéré des fonctions du site que l'on collecte et que l'on place dans la balise header
$labelConnexion = _("Connexion");
$imgConnexion = "images/logo_connexion.png";
if ($authentification->estConnecte() !== true) {
    // utilisateur pas connecté
    $t->assign_block_vars('utilisateurNonConnecte', array());
    if ($authentification->estConnecte()) {
        $t->assign_vars(array('etatConnexion' => _("Vous êtes connecté!")));
    } else {
        $t->assign_vars(array('etatConnexion' => _("Vous n'êtes pas connecté")));
    $t->assign_vars(array('formulaireConnexion' => $authentification->afficheFormulaireAuthentification('compact'), 'formulaireRecherche' => $recherche->afficheFormulaire(array(), 0, array('noDisplayRechercheAvancee' => false, 'noDisplayCheckBoxResultatsCarte' => false)), 'inscriptionDeconnexion' => _("Inscrivez-vous !"), 'urlInscriptDeconnexion' => $config->creerUrl('', 'inscription'), 'urlAccueil' => $config->creerUrl('', 'afficheAccueil'), 'txtAccueil' => 'Accueil', 'classAuthLinkWrapper' => 'notConnectedAuthLink'));
    $t->assign_block_vars('linkConnected', array('authLinkOneClass' => ' authLinkOneClass forgetPasswordLabel', 'authLinkUrl' => $config->creerUrl('', 'formulaireMotDePasseOublie'), 'authLinkLabel' => 'Mot de passe oublié ?'));
    $t->assign_block_vars('linkConnected', array('authLinkOneClass' => 'authLinkTwoClass subscribeLabel', 'authLinkUrl' => $config->creerUrl('', 'inscription'), 'authLinkLabel' => 'Inscrivez-vous !'));
} else {
    if ($authentification->estAdmin()) {
        $t->assign_block_vars('isAdmin', array());
    // utilisateur connecté
    $classFastConnect = "hidden";
    $userId = $authentification->getIdUtilisateur();
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * It Renders content according to Part['Type']
  * @author Fernando Ontiveros Lira <*****@*****.**>
  * @param intPos = 0
  * @return void
 public function RenderContent0($intPos = 0, $showXMLFormName = false)
     global $G_FORM;
     global $G_TABLE;
     global $G_TMP_TARGET;
     global $G_OP_MENU;
     global $G_IMAGE_FILENAME;
     global $G_IMAGE_PARTS;
     global $_SESSION;
     //Changed from $HTTP_SESSION_VARS
     global $G_OBJGRAPH;
     //For graphLayout component
     $this->intPos = $intPos;
     $Part = $this->Parts[$intPos];
     $this->publishType = $Part['Type'];
     switch ($this->publishType) {
         case 'externalContent':
             $G_CONTENT = new Content();
             if ($Part['Content'] != "") {
                 $G_CONTENT = G::LoadContent($Part['Content']);
         case 'image':
             $G_IMAGE_FILENAME = $Part['File'];
             $G_IMAGE_PARTS = $Part['Data'];
         case 'appform':
             global $APP_FORM;
             $G_FORM = $APP_FORM;
         case 'xmlform':
         case 'dynaform':
             global $G_FORM;
             if ($Part['AbsolutePath']) {
                 $sPath = $Part['AbsolutePath'];
             } else {
                 if ($this->publishType == 'xmlform') {
                     $sPath = PATH_XMLFORM;
                 } else {
                     $sPath = PATH_DYNAFORM;
             //if the xmlform file doesn't exists, then try with the plugins folders
             if (!is_file($sPath . $Part['File'] . '.xml')) {
                 $aux = explode(PATH_SEP, $Part['File']);
                 //check if G_PLUGIN_CLASS is defined, because publisher can be called without an environment
                 if (count($aux) > 2) {
                     $filename = array_pop($aux);
                     $aux0 = implode(PATH_SEP, $aux);
                     $aux = array();
                     $aux[0] = $aux0;
                     $aux[1] = $filename;
                 if (count($aux) == 2 && defined('G_PLUGIN_CLASS')) {
                     $oPluginRegistry =& PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton();
                     if ($response = $oPluginRegistry->isRegisteredFolder($aux[0])) {
                         if ($response !== true) {
                             $sPath = PATH_PLUGINS . $response . PATH_SEP;
                         } else {
                             $sPath = PATH_PLUGINS;
             if (!class_exists($Part['Template']) || $Part['Template'] === 'xmlform') {
                 $G_FORM = new Form($Part['File'], $sPath, SYS_LANG, false);
             } else {
                 eval('$G_FORM = new ' . $Part['Template'] . ' ( $Part[\'File\'] , "' . $sPath . '");');
             if ($this->publishType == 'dynaform' && ($Part['Template'] == 'xmlform' || $Part['Template'] == 'xmlform_preview')) {
                 $dynaformShow = isset($G_FORM->printdynaform) && $G_FORM->printdynaform ? 'gulliver/dynaforms_OptionsPrint' : 'gulliver/dynaforms_Options';
                 $G_FORM->fields = G::array_merges(array('__DYNAFORM_OPTIONS' => new XmlForm_Field_XmlMenu(new Xml_Node('__DYNAFORM_OPTIONS', 'complete', '', array('type' => 'xmlmenu', 'xmlfile' => $dynaformShow, 'parentFormId' => $G_FORM->id)), SYS_LANG, PATH_XMLFORM, $G_FORM)), $G_FORM->fields);
             //Needed to make ajax calls
             //The action in the form tag.
             if (defined('ENABLE_ENCRYPT') && ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes') {
                 $G_FORM->action = urlencode(G::encrypt($Part['Target'], URL_KEY));
             } else {
                 $G_FORM->action = $Part['Target'];
             if (!(isset($Part['ajaxServer']) && $Part['ajaxServer'] !== '')) {
                 if ($this->publishType == 'dynaform') {
                     $Part['ajaxServer'] = '../gulliver/defaultAjaxDynaform';
                 } else {
                     $Part['ajaxServer'] = '../gulliver/defaultAjax';
             if (defined('ENABLE_ENCRYPT') && ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes') {
                 $G_FORM->ajaxServer = urlencode(G::encrypt($Part['ajaxServer'], URL_KEY));
             } else {
                 $G_FORM->ajaxServer = $Part['ajaxServer'];
             $G_FORM->setValues(array('G_FORM_ID' => $G_FORM->id));
             //Asegurese de que no entre cuando $Part['Template']=="grid"
             //de hecho soo deberia usarse cuando $Part['Template']=="xmlform"
             if ($this->publishType == 'dynaform' && $Part['Template'] == "xmlform" || $Part['Template'] == "xmlform") {
                 $G_FORM->values = G::array_merges(array('__DYNAFORM_OPTIONS' => isset($Part['Data']['__DYNAFORM_OPTIONS']) ? $Part['Data']['__DYNAFORM_OPTIONS'] : ''), $G_FORM->values);
                 if (isset($G_FORM->nextstepsave)) {
                     switch ($G_FORM->nextstepsave) {
                         // this condition validates if the next step link is configured to Save and Go the next step or show a prompt
                         case 'save':
                             // Save and Next only if there are no required fields can submit the form.
                             $G_FORM->values['__DYNAFORM_OPTIONS']['NEXT_ACTION'] = 'if (document.getElementById("' . $G_FORM->id . '")&&validateForm(document.getElementById(\'DynaformRequiredFields\').value)) {document.getElementById("' . $G_FORM->id . '").submit();}return false;';
                         case 'prompt':
                             // Show Prompt only if there are no required fields can submit the form.
                             $G_FORM->values['__DYNAFORM_OPTIONS']['NEXT_ACTION'] = 'if (document.getElementById("' . $G_FORM->id . '")&&validateForm(document.getElementById(\'DynaformRequiredFields\').value)) {if(dynaFormChanged(document.getElementsByTagName(\'form\').item(0))) {new leimnud.module.app.confirm().make({label:"@G::LoadTranslation(ID_DYNAFORM_SAVE_CHANGES)", action:function(){document.getElementById("' . $G_FORM->id . '").submit();}.extend(this), cancel:function(){window.location = getField("DYN_FORWARD").href;}.extend(this)});return false;} else {window.location = getField("DYN_FORWARD").href;return false;}}return false;';
             if (isset($_SESSION)) {
                 $_SESSION[$G_FORM->id] = $G_FORM->values;
             // by default load the core template
             if ($Part['Template'] == 'xmlform_preview') {
                 $Part['Template'] = 'xmlform';
             $template = PATH_CORE . 'templates/' . $Part['Template'] . '.html';
             //erik: new feature, now templates such as xmlform.html can be personalized via skins
             if (defined('SYS_SKIN') && strtolower(SYS_SKIN) != 'classic') {
                 // First, verify if the template exists on Custom skins path
                 if (is_file(PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS . SYS_SKIN . PATH_SEP . $Part['Template'] . '.html')) {
                     $template = PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS . SYS_SKIN . PATH_SEP . $Part['Template'] . '.html';
                     //Second, verify if the template exists on base skins path
                 } elseif (is_file(G::ExpandPath("skinEngine") . SYS_SKIN . PATH_SEP . $Part['Template'] . '.html')) {
                     $template = G::ExpandPath("skinEngine") . SYS_SKIN . PATH_SEP . $Part['Template'] . '.html';
             //end new feature
             if ($Part['Template'] == 'grid') {
                 print '<form class="formDefault">';
             $scriptCode = '';
             if ($this->localMode != '') {
                 // @# las modification by erik in 09/06/2008
                 $G_FORM->mode = $this->localMode;
             print $G_FORM->render($template, $scriptCode);
             if ($Part['Template'] == 'grid') {
                 print '</form>';
             $oHeadPublisher =& headPublisher::getSingleton();
              * We've implemented the conditional show hide fields..
              * @author Erik A. Ortiz <*****@*****.**>
              * @date Fri Feb 19, 2009
             if ($this->publishType == 'dynaform') {
                 if (isset($_SESSION['CURRENT_DYN_UID']) || isset($_SESSION['CONDITION_DYN_UID'])) {
                     require_once "classes/model/FieldCondition.php";
                     $oFieldCondition = new FieldCondition();
                     //This dynaform has show/hide field conditions
                     if (isset($_SESSION['CURRENT_DYN_UID']) && $_SESSION['CURRENT_DYN_UID'] != '') {
                         $ConditionalShowHideRoutines = $oFieldCondition->getConditionScript($_SESSION["CURRENT_DYN_UID"]);
                     } else {
                         if (isset($_SESSION['CONDITION_DYN_UID']) && $_SESSION['CONDITION_DYN_UID'] != '') {
                             $ConditionalShowHideRoutines = $oFieldCondition->getConditionScript($_SESSION["CONDITION_DYN_UID"]);
             if (isset($ConditionalShowHideRoutines) && $ConditionalShowHideRoutines) {
         case 'pagedtable':
             global $G_FORM;
             //if the xmlform file doesn't exists, then try with the plugins folders
             $sPath = PATH_XMLFORM;
             if (!is_file($sPath . $Part['File'])) {
                 $aux = explode(PATH_SEP, $Part['File']);
                 if (count($aux) == 2) {
                     $oPluginRegistry =& PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton();
                     if ($oPluginRegistry->isRegisteredFolder($aux[0])) {
                         $sPath = PATH_PLUGINS;
                         // . $aux[0] . PATH_SEP ;
             $G_FORM = new Form($Part['File'], $sPath, SYS_LANG, true);
             if (defined('ENABLE_ENCRYPT') && ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes') {
                 $G_FORM->ajaxServer = urlencode(G::encrypt($Part['ajaxServer'], URL_KEY));
             } else {
                 $G_FORM->ajaxServer = $Part['ajaxServer'];
             if (isset($_SESSION)) {
                 $_SESSION[$G_FORM->id] = $G_FORM->values;
             $oTable = new pagedTable();
             $oTable->template = 'templates/' . $Part['Template'] . '.html';
             $G_FORM->xmlform = '';
             $G_FORM->xmlform->fileXml = $G_FORM->fileName;
             $G_FORM->xmlform->home = $G_FORM->home;
             $G_FORM->xmlform->tree->attribute = $G_FORM->tree->attributes;
             $G_FORM->values = array_merge($G_FORM->values, $Part['Data']);
             if (isset($Part['ajaxServer']) && $Part['ajaxServer'] !== '') {
                 $oTable->ajaxServer = $Part['ajaxServer'];
             /* Start Block: Load user configuration for the pagedTable */
             $objUID = $Part['File'];
             $conf = new Configurations();
             $conf->loadConfig($oTable, 'pagedTable', $objUID, '', isset($_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']) ? $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'] : '', '');
             $oTable->__OBJ_UID = $objUID;
             /* End Block */
             /* Start Block: PagedTable Right Click */
             $pm = new popupMenu('gulliver/pagedTable_PopupMenu');
             $pm->name = $oTable->id;
             $fields = array_keys($oTable->fields);
             foreach ($fields as $f) {
                 switch (strtolower($oTable->fields[$f]['Type'])) {
                     case 'javascript':
                     case 'button':
                     case 'private':
                     case 'hidden':
                     case 'cellmark':
                         $label = $oTable->fields[$f]['Label'] != '' ? $oTable->fields[$f]['Label'] : $f;
                         $label = str_replace("\n", ' ', $label);
                         $pm->fields[$f] = new XmlForm_Field_popupOption(new Xml_Node($f, 'complete', '', array('label' => $label, 'type' => 'popupOption', 'launch' => $oTable->id . '.showHideField("' . $f . '")')));
                         $pm->values[$f] = '';
             $sc = '';
             $pm->values['PAGED_TABLE_ID'] = $oTable->id;
             print $pm->render(PATH_CORE . 'templates/popupMenu.html', $sc);
             /* End Block */
             /* Start Block: Load PagedTable Right Click */
             print '<script type="text/javascript">';
             print $sc;
             print 'loadPopupMenu_' . $oTable->id . '();';
             print '</script>';
             /* End Block */
         case 'propeltable':
             global $G_FORM;
             //if the xmlform file doesn't exists, then try with the plugins folders
             if ($Part['AbsolutePath']) {
                 $sPath = '';
             } else {
                 $sPath = PATH_XMLFORM;
             if (!is_file($sPath . $Part['File'])) {
                 $aux = explode(PATH_SEP, $Part['File']);
                 //search in PLUGINS folder, probably the file is in plugin
                 if (count($aux) == 2) {
                     $oPluginRegistry =& PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton();
                     if ($oPluginRegistry->isRegisteredFolder($aux[0])) {
                         $sPath = PATH_PLUGINS;
                         // . $aux[0] . PATH_SEP ;
                 //search in PATH_DYNAFORM folder
                 if (!is_file($sPath . PATH_SEP . $Part['File'] . '.xml')) {
                     $sPath = PATH_DYNAFORM;
             //PATH_DATA_PUBLIC ???
             if (!file_exists($sPath . PATH_SEP . $Part['File'] . '.xml') && defined('PATH_DATA_PUBLIC')) {
                 $sPath = PATH_DATA_PUBLIC;
             $G_FORM = new Form($Part['File'], $sPath, SYS_LANG, true);
             if (defined('ENABLE_ENCRYPT') && ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes') {
                 $G_FORM->ajaxServer = urlencode(G::encrypt($Part['ajaxServer'], URL_KEY));
             } else {
                 $G_FORM->ajaxServer = $Part['ajaxServer'];
             if (isset($_SESSION)) {
                 $_SESSION[$G_FORM->id] = $G_FORM->values;
             $oTable = new propelTable();
             $oTable->template = $Part['Template'];
             $oTable->criteria = $Part['Content'];
             if (isset($Part['ajaxServer']) && $Part['ajaxServer'] !== '') {
                 $oTable->ajaxServer = $Part['ajaxServer'];
             if (!isset($G_FORM->xmlform)) {
                 $G_FORM->xmlform = new stdclass();
             $G_FORM->xmlform->fileXml = $G_FORM->fileName;
             $G_FORM->xmlform->home = $G_FORM->home;
             if (!isset($G_FORM->xmlform->tree)) {
                 $G_FORM->xmlform->tree = new stdclass();
             $G_FORM->xmlform->tree->attribute = $G_FORM->tree->attributes;
             if (is_array($Part['Data'])) {
                 $G_FORM->values = array_merge($G_FORM->values, $Part['Data']);
             /* Start Block: Load user configuration for the pagedTable */
             $objUID = $Part['File'];
             $conf = new Configurations($oTable);
             $conf->loadConfig($oTable, 'pagedTable', $objUID, '', isset($_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']) ? $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'] : '', '');
             $oTable->__OBJ_UID = $objUID;
             //$oTable->__OBJ_UID = '';
             /* End Block */
             /* Start Block: PagedTable Right Click */
             $pm = new popupMenu('gulliver/pagedTable_PopupMenu');
             $sc = $pm->renderPopup($oTable->id, $oTable->fields);
             /* End Block */
             //krumo ( $Part );
             if ($this->ROWS_PER_PAGE) {
                 $oTable->rowsPerPage = $this->ROWS_PER_PAGE;
             try {
                 if (is_array($Part['Data'])) {
                     $oTable->renderTable('', $Part['Data']);
                 } else {
                 print $sc;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $aMessage['MESSAGE'] = $e->getMessage();
                 $this->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'login/showMessage', '', $aMessage);
         case 'panel-init':
             global $mainPanelScript;
             global $panelName;
             global $tabCount;
             //G::LoadThirdParty( 'pear/json', 'class.json' );
             //$json = new Services_JSON();
             $tabCount = 0;
             $panelName = $Part['Template'];
             $data = $Part['File'];
             if (!is_array($data)) {
                 $data = array();
             $data = G::array_merges(array('title' => '', 'style' => array(), 'left' => 'getAbsoluteLeft(mycontent)', 'top' => 'getAbsoluteTop(mycontent)', 'width' => 700, 'height' => 600, 'drag' => true, 'close' => true, 'modal' => true, 'roll' => false, 'resize' => false, 'tabWidth' => 120, 'tabStep' => 3, 'blinkToFront' => true, 'tabSpace' => 10), $data);
             $mainPanelScript = 'var ' . $panelName . '={},' . $panelName . 'Tabs=[];' . 'leimnud.event.add(window,"load",function(){' . $panelName . ' = new leimnud.module.panel();' . 'var mycontent=document.getElementById("' . $this->publisherId . '[' . $intPos . ']");' . $panelName . '.options={' . 'size:{w:' . $data['width'] . ',h:' . $data['height'] . '},' . 'position:{x:' . $data['left'] . ',y:' . $data['top'] . '},' . 'title:"' . addcslashes($data['title'], '\\"') . '",' . 'theme:"processmaker",' . 'statusBar:true,' . 'headerBar:true,' . 'control:{' . ' close:' . ($data['close'] ? 'true' : 'false') . ',' . ' roll:' . ($data['roll'] ? 'true' : 'false') . ',' . ' drag:' . ($data['drag'] ? 'true' : 'false') . ',' . ' resize:' . ($data['resize'] ? 'true' : 'false') . '},' . 'fx:{' . ' drag:' . ($data['drag'] ? 'true' : 'false') . ',' . ' modal:' . ($data['modal'] ? 'true' : 'false') . ',' . ' blinkToFront:' . ($data['blinkToFront'] ? 'true' : 'false') . '}' . '};' . $panelName . '.setStyle=' . Bootstrap::json_encode($data['style']) . ';' . $panelName . '.tab={' . 'width:' . ($data['tabWidth'] + $data['tabSpace']) . ',' . 'optWidth:' . $data['tabWidth'] . ',' . 'step :' . $data['tabStep'] . ',' . 'options:[]' . '};';
             print ' ';
         case 'panel-tab':
             global $tabCount;
             global $mainPanelScript;
             global $panelName;
             $onChange = $Part['Content'];
             $beforeChange = $Part['Data'];
             if (SYS_LANG == 'es') {
                 $mainPanelScript = str_replace("120", "150", $mainPanelScript);
             } else {
                 $mainPanelScript = str_replace("150", "120", $mainPanelScript);
             $mainPanelScript .= $panelName . 'Tabs[' . $tabCount . ']=' . 'document.getElementById("' . $Part['File'] . '");' . $panelName . '.tab.options[' . $panelName . '.tab.options.length]=' . '{' . 'title  :"' . addcslashes($Part['Template'], '\\"') . '",' . 'noClear  :true,' . 'content  :function(){' . ($beforeChange != '' ? 'if (typeof(' . $beforeChange . ')!=="undefined") {' . $beforeChange . '();}' : '') . $panelName . 'Clear();' . $panelName . 'Tabs[' . $tabCount . '].style.display="";' . ($onChange != '' ? 'if (typeof(' . $onChange . ')!=="undefined") {' . $onChange . '();}' : '') . '}.extend(' . $panelName . '),' . 'selected:' . ($tabCount == 0 ? 'true' : 'false') . '};';
         case 'panel-close':
             global $mainPanelScript;
             global $panelName;
             global $tabCount;
             $mainPanelScript .= $panelName . '.make();';
             $mainPanelScript .= 'for(var r=0;r<' . $tabCount . ';r++)' . 'if (' . $panelName . 'Tabs[r])' . $panelName . '.addContent(' . $panelName . 'Tabs[r]);';
             $mainPanelScript .= '});';
             $mainPanelScript .= 'function ' . $panelName . 'Clear(){';
             $mainPanelScript .= 'for(var r=0;r<' . $tabCount . ';r++)' . 'if (' . $panelName . 'Tabs[r])' . $panelName . 'Tabs[r].style.display="none";}';
             $oHeadPublisher =& headPublisher::getSingleton();
         case 'blank':
             print ' ';
         case 'varform':
             global $G_FORM;
             $G_FORM = new Form();
             $xml = new varForm();
             //$xml->parseFile (  );
             $xml->renderForm($G_FORM, $Part['File']);
             $G_FORM->Values = $Part['Data'];
             $G_FORM->width = 500;
         case 'table':
             $G_TMP_TARGET = $Part['Target'];
             $G_TABLE = G::LoadRawTable($Part['File'], $this->dbc, $Part['Data']);
         case 'menu':
             $G_TMP_TARGET = $Part['Target'];
             $G_OP_MENU = new Menu();
         case 'smarty':
             //To do: Please check it 26/06/07
             $template = new Smarty();
             $template->compile_dir = PATH_SMARTY_C;
             $template->cache_dir = PATH_SMARTY_CACHE;
             $template->config_dir = PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'smarty/configs';
             $template->caching = false;
             $dataArray = $Part['Data'];
             // verify if there are templates folders registered, template and method folders are the same
             $folderTemplate = explode('/', $Part['Template']);
             $oPluginRegistry =& PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton();
             if ($oPluginRegistry->isRegisteredFolder($folderTemplate[0])) {
                 $template->templateFile = PATH_PLUGINS . $Part['Template'] . '.html';
             } else {
                 $template->templateFile = PATH_TPL . $Part['Template'] . '.html';
             // last change to load the template, maybe absolute path was given
             if (!is_file($template->templateFile)) {
                 $template->templateFile = strpos($Part['Template'], '.html') !== false ? $Part['Template'] : $Part['Template'] . '.html';
             //assign the variables and use the template $template
             print $template->fetch($template->templateFile);
         case 'template':
             //To do: Please check it 26/06/07
             if (gettype($Part['Data']) == 'array') {
                 //template phpBB
                 $template = new Template();
                 $template->set_filenames(array('body' => $Part['Template'] . '.html'));
                 $dataArray = $Part['Data'];
                 if (is_array($dataArray)) {
                     foreach ($dataArray as $key => $val) {
                         if (is_array($val)) {
                             foreach ($val as $key_val => $val_array) {
                                 $template->assign_block_vars($key, $val_array);
                         } else {
                             $template->assign_vars(array($key => $val));
             if (gettype($Part['Data']) == 'object' && strtolower(get_class($Part['Data'])) == 'templatepower') {
         case 'view':
         case 'content':
             //check if G_PLUGIN_CLASS is defined, because publisher can be called without an environment
             $aux = explode(PATH_SEP, $Part['Template']);
             if (count($aux) == 2 && defined('G_PLUGIN_CLASS')) {
                 //if the template doesn't exists, then try it with the plugins folders, after the normal Template
                 $userTemplate = G::ExpandPath('templates') . $Part['Template'];
                 $globalTemplate = PATH_TEMPLATE . $Part['Template'];
                 if (!is_file($userTemplate) && !is_file($globalTemplate)) {
                     $oPluginRegistry =& PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton();
                     if ($oPluginRegistry->isRegisteredFolder($aux[0])) {
                         $pluginTemplate = PATH_PLUGINS . $Part['Template'] . '.php';
                         include $pluginTemplate;
         case 'graphLayout':
             //Added by JHL to render GraphLayout component
             $G_OBJGRAPH = $Part['Data'];
             $G_TMP_TARGET = $Part['Target'];
             $G_TMP_FILE = $Part['File'];
     //krumo( $Part['Template'] );
     //check if this LoadTemplate is used, byOnti 12th Aug 2008
     $G_TABLE = null;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 function get_home_page()
     global $Sql, $User, $Template, $Cache, $Bread_crumb, $_WIKI_CONFIG, $_WIKI_CATS, $LANG;
     include_once '../wiki/wiki_functions.php';
     $bread_crumb_key = 'wiki';
     require_once '../wiki/wiki_bread_crumb.php';
     $Template = new Template();
     $Template->set_filenames(array('wiki' => 'wiki/wiki.tpl', 'index' => 'wiki/index.tpl'));
     $Template->assign_vars(array('WIKI_PATH' => $Template->get_module_data_path('wiki')));
     if ($_WIKI_CONFIG['last_articles'] > 1) {
         $result = $Sql->query_while("SELECT a.title, a.encoded_title, a.id\n\t\t\tFROM " . PREFIX . "wiki_articles a\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "wiki_contents c ON c.id_contents = a.id_contents\n\t\t\tWHERE a.redirect = 0\n\t\t\tORDER BY c.timestamp DESC\n\t\t\tLIMIT 0, " . $_WIKI_CONFIG['last_articles'], __LINE__, __FILE__);
         $articles_number = $Sql->num_rows($result, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PREFIX . "wiki_articles WHERE encoded_title = '" . $encoded_title . "'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
         $Template->assign_block_vars('last_articles', array('L_ARTICLES' => $LANG['wiki_last_articles_list'], 'RSS' => $articles_number > 0 ? '<a href="{PATH_TO_ROOT}/syndication.php?m=wiki"><img src="../templates/' . get_utheme() . '/images/rss.png" alt="RSS" /></a>' : ''));
         $i = 0;
         while ($row = $Sql->fetch_assoc($result)) {
             $Template->assign_block_vars('last_articles.list', array('ARTICLE' => $row['title'], 'TR' => $i > 0 && $i % 2 == 0 ? '</tr><tr>' : '', 'U_ARTICLE' => url('wiki.php?title=' . $row['encoded_title'], $row['encoded_title'])));
         if ($articles_number == 0) {
             $Template->assign_vars(array('L_NO_ARTICLE' => '<td style="text-align:center;" class="row2">' . $LANG['wiki_no_article'] . '</td>'));
     if ($_WIKI_CONFIG['display_cats'] != 0) {
         $Template->assign_block_vars('cat_list', array('L_CATS' => $LANG['wiki_cats_list']));
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($_WIKI_CATS as $id => $infos) {
             if ($infos['id_parent'] == 0) {
                 $Template->assign_block_vars('cat_list.list', array('CAT' => $infos['name'], 'U_CAT' => url('wiki.php?title=' . url_encode_rewrite($infos['name']), url_encode_rewrite($infos['name']))));
         if ($i == 0) {
             $Template->assign_vars(array('L_NO_CAT' => $LANG['wiki_no_cat']));
     $Template->assign_vars(array('TITLE' => !empty($_WIKI_CONFIG['wiki_name']) ? $_WIKI_CONFIG['wiki_name'] : $LANG['wiki'], 'INDEX_TEXT' => !empty($_WIKI_CONFIG['index_text']) ? second_parse(wiki_no_rewrite($_WIKI_CONFIG['index_text'])) : $LANG['wiki_empty_index'], 'L_EXPLORER' => $LANG['wiki_explorer'], 'U_EXPLORER' => url('explorer.php'), 'WIKI_PATH' => $Template->get_module_data_path('wiki')));
     $page_type = 'index';
     include '../wiki/wiki_tools.php';
     $tmp = $Template->pparse('wiki', TRUE);
     return $tmp;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        switch ($update->get_priority()) {
                $priority = 'priority_very_high';
                $priority = 'priority_high';
                $priority = 'priority_medium';
                $priority = 'priority_low';
        $short_description = $update->get_description();
        $maxlength = 300;
        $length = strlen($short_description) > $maxlength ? $maxlength + strpos(substr($short_description, $maxlength), ' ') : 0;
        $length = $length > $maxlength * 1.1 ? $maxlength : $length;
        $tpl->assign_block_vars('apps', array('type' => $update->get_type(), 'name' => $update->get_name(), 'version' => $update->get_version(), 'short_description' => $length > 0 ? substr($short_description, 0, $length) . '...' : $short_description, 'identifier' => $update->get_identifier(), 'L_PRIORITY' => $LANG[$priority], 'priority_css_class' => 'row_' . $priority, 'download_url' => $update->get_download_url(), 'update_url' => $update->get_update_url()));
    if ($updates_availables = count($updates) > 0) {
        $tpl->assign_vars(array('L_UPDATES_ARE_AVAILABLE' => $LANG['updates_are_available'], 'L_AVAILABLES_UPDATES' => $LANG['availables_updates'], 'L_TYPE' => $LANG['type'], 'L_DESCRIPTION' => $LANG['description'], 'L_PRIORITY' => $LANG['priority'], 'L_UPDATE_DOWNLOAD' => $LANG['app_update__download'], 'L_NAME' => $LANG['name'], 'L_VERSION' => $LANG['version'], 'L_MORE_DETAILS' => $LANG['more_details'], 'L_DETAILS' => $LANG['details'], 'L_DOWNLOAD_PACK' => $LANG['app_update__download_pack'], 'L_DOWNLOAD_THE_COMPLETE_PACK' => $LANG['download_the_complete_pack'], 'L_UPDATE_PACK' => $LANG['app_update__update_pack'], 'L_DOWNLOAD_THE_UPDATE_PACK' => $LANG['download_the_update_pack'], 'C_ALL' => $update_type == ''));
    } else {
        $tpl->assign_vars(array('L_NO_AVAILABLES_UPDATES' => $LANG['no_available_update']));
} else {
    $tpl->assign_vars(array('L_INCOMPATIBLE_PHP_VERSION' => sprintf($LANG['incompatible_php_version'], PHP_MIN_VERSION_UPDATES), 'C_INCOMPATIBLE_PHP_VERSION' => true));
$tpl->assign_vars(array('L_WEBSITE_UPDATES' => $LANG['website_updates'], 'L_KERNEL' => $LANG['kernel'], 'L_MODULES' => $LANG['modules'], 'L_THEMES' => $LANG['themes'], 'C_UPDATES' => $updates_availables, 'U_CHECK' => 'updates.php?check=1' . (!empty($update_type) ? '&amp;type=' . $update_type : '') . '&amp;token=' . $Session->get_token(), 'L_CHECK_FOR_UPDATES_NOW' => $LANG['check_for_updates_now']));
require_once PATH_TO_ROOT . '/admin/admin_footer.php';
  * Display a single event with event data in input
  * @param unknown $evenement
  * @return string
 public function displaySingleEvent($evenement)
     $t = new Template('modules/archi/templates/');
     $t->set_filenames(array('evenement' => 'evenement/singleEvent.tpl'));
     //Filling the template with the infos
     $t->assign_block_vars('evenement', $evenement['evenementData']);
     //Menu (ajouter image/event, modifier image/event etc..)
     if (isset($evenement['menuArray'])) {
         foreach ($evenement['menuArray'] as $menuElt) {
             $t->assign_block_vars($menuElt[0], $menuElt[1]);
     if (isset($evenement['arrayPersonne'])) {
         foreach ($evenement['arrayPersonne'] as $personne) {
             $t->assign_block_vars($personne[0], $personne[1]);
     //Formulaire pour les modifications d'images
     if (isset($evenement['arrayFormEvent'])) {
         $t->assign_block_vars($personne[0], $personne[1]);
     //Courant architectural
     if (isset($evenement['arrayCourantArchi'])) {
         foreach ($evenement['arrayCourantArchi'] as $courantArchi) {
             $t->assign_block_vars($courantArchi[0], $courantArchi[1]);
     $html .= ob_get_contents();
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        $successAlert = 1;
    // Deal with unban form
    if ($_GET['action'] == 'unban' && isset($_POST['unbanID'])) {
        $successAlert = 1;
    if ($_GET['action'] == 'deactivate' && isset($_POST['uid'])) {
        $successAlert = 1;
$sqlSuspend = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `suspended` = '0'";
$resultSuspend = openRailwayCore::dbQuery($sqlSuspend);
$sqlReinstate = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `suspended` = '1'";
$resultReinstate = openRailwayCore::dbQuery($sqlReinstate);
$main = new Template();
$main->set_custom_template("includes/", 'default');
$main->assign_var('ROOT', ROOT);
while ($accountSuspend = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultSuspend)) {
    $main->assign_block_vars('user_loop', array('UID' => $accountSuspend['user_id'], 'NAME' => $accountSuspend['username'], 'SID' => $accountSuspend['staff_id']));
while ($accountReinstate = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultReinstate)) {
    $main->assign_block_vars('user_sus_loop', array('UID' => $accountReinstate['user_id'], 'NAME' => $accountReinstate['username'], 'SID' => $accountReinstate['staff_id']));
if (mysql_num_rows($resultReinstate) == 0) {
    $main->assign_block_vars('if_no_results', array());
$main->set_filenames(array('main' => "usr_ban.html"));
 public function getPrivateProfil()
     $auth = new ArchiAuthentification();
     if ($auth->estConnecte()) {
         $userId = $auth->getIdUtilisateur();
     } else {
         $this->messages->addError("Identifiant d'utilisateur incorrect");
         return false;
     //Utilisateur banni
     if (!$this->isUtilisateurBanni(array('idUtilisateur' => $idUtilisateur))) {
         $t = new Template('modules/archi/templates/utilisateur');
         $t->set_filenames(array('general' => 'profile.tpl', 'userStats' => 'statistics.tpl'));
         $presentation = $this->getUserPresentation($userId);
         $statistics = $this->getProfileStatistics($userId);
         foreach ($statistics as $stat) {
             $t->assign_block_vars('statistic', $stat);
         $info = $this->getUserInfos($userId);
         $form = $this->getUserForm();
         //Get contributions
         $contributions = $this->getAllContribution($userId);
         $t->assign_vars(array('userPresentation' => $presentation, 'userFormInfo' => $form, 'userInformations' => $info, 'userContributions' => $contributions));
         $t->assign_var_from_handle('userStatistics', 'userStats');
     } else {
         $this->messages->addWarning("Cet utilisateur est banni");
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 19
include 'include_dao.php';
// on precise le repertoire ou se trouve les fichiers templates et le répèrtoire ou on met les fichiers compilés (cache)
$template = new Template('template', 'cache');
$template->assign_var('LOG', FALSE);
$template->assign_var('LICENCE', FALSE);
// on precise la variable langage
page_header('Gérer mes licences', 'Gérer mes licences', 'GERERLICENCES');
$template->set_filenames(array('body' => 'gererlicence.html'));
$adherents = new AdherentMySqlDAO();
if (isset($_SESSION['Nom'])) {
    $template->assign_var('LOG', TRUE);
    $adherentsQuery = $adherents->queryByIdDemandeur($_SESSION['idDemandeur']);
    if (is_null($adherentsQuery) == false) {
        $template->assign_var('LICENCE', TRUE);
        $clubs = new ClubMySqlDAO();
        $clubQuery = $clubs->queryAll();
        $ligue = new LigueMySqlDAO();
        $ligueQuery = $ligue->queryAll();
        foreach ($adherentsQuery as $key => $value) {
            $template->assign_block_vars('adherents', array('ID' => $value->idAdherent, 'NOM' => $value->nom, 'PRENOM' => $value->prenom, 'CLUB' => $clubQuery[$value->idCLub - 1]->nom, 'LIGUE' => $ligueQuery[$clubQuery[$value->idCLub - 1]->idLigue - 1]->libelle, 'NUMLICENCE' => $value->numLicence, 'ID' => $value->idAdherent));
    } else {
        $template->assign_var('MESSAGE', "Aucune licence enregistrée, veuillez vous rendre <a href='ajouterlicence.php'>ici</a> afin d'en ajouter une.");
} else {
    $template->assign_var('MESSAGE', "Vous devez être connecté pour accéder à cette partie du site !");
 public function afficherOpendata()
     $html = "";
     $t = new Template('modules/archi/templates/');
     $t->set_filenames(array('opendata' => 'opendata/index.tpl'));
     $t->assign_vars(array('urlContact' => $this->creerUrl('', 'contact')));
     $filesArray = array(array('name' => 'Adresses par architectes', 'xml' => 'opendata-adressesArchitecte.xml', 'csv' => 'opendata-adressesArchitecte.csv', 'filename' => 'adressesArchitecte'), array('name' => 'Adresses par quartiers', 'xml' => 'opendata-adressesQuartier.xml', 'csv' => 'opendata-adressesQuartier.csv', 'filename' => 'adressesQuartier'), array('name' => 'Adresses par rues', 'xml' => 'opendata-adressesRue.xml', 'csv' => 'opendata-adressesRue.csv', 'filename' => 'adressesRue'), array('name' => 'Quartiers par villes', 'xml' => 'opendata-quartiersVille.xml', 'csv' => 'opendata-quartiersVille.csv', 'filename' => 'quartiersVille'), array('name' => 'Rues par quartiers', 'xml' => 'opendata-ruesQuartier.xml', 'csv' => 'opendata-ruesQuartier.csv', 'filename' => 'ruesQuartier'), array('name' => 'Rues par sous quartiers', 'xml' => 'opendata-ruesSousQuartier.xml', 'csv' => 'opendata-ruesSousQuartier.csv', 'filename' => 'ruesSousQuartier'), array('name' => 'Rues par villes', 'xml' => 'opendata-ruesVille.xml', 'csv' => 'opendata-ruesVille.csv', 'filename' => 'ruesVille'), array('name' => 'Photos par quartiers', 'xml' => 'opendata-urlPhotosQuartier.xml', 'csv' => 'opendata-urlPhotosQuartier.csv', 'filename' => 'urlPhotosQuartier'), array('name' => 'Photos par rues', 'xml' => 'opendata-urlPhotosRue.xml', 'csv' => 'opendata-urlPhotosRue.csv', 'filename' => 'urlPhotosRue'));
     foreach ($filesArray as $file) {
         if (file_exists("modules/opendata/xml/" . $file['filename'] . ".xml")) {
             $file['date'] = date("d/m/Y H:i:s", filemtime("modules/opendata/xml/" . $file['filename'] . ".xml"));
         $t->assign_block_vars('fichier', $file);
     $html .= ob_get_contents();
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 21
									'SEXOM'				=>	($sexo=="M")?' CHECKED ':'',
									'SEXOF'				=>	($sexo=="F")?' CHECKED ':''

	$qtde_item = 1;
	$qtde_inicio = 0;
	if (is_object($perg)){
		if (is_object($perg->getTipoPergunta())){
			if ($perg->getTipoPergunta()->getId()=="1"){
				for ($i=0; $i<$perg->getQtdeResposta(); $i++){
					$qtde_inicio = $i+1;
					$model->assign_block_vars('dissertativa',array('RESPOSTA'			=>	$perg->getResposta($i)->getId(),
																	'RESPOSTA_TEXTO'	=>	$perg->getResposta($i)->getRespostaTexto(),
																	'CLASSE'			=>  ($i%2==0)?"class='odd'":"",
																	'I'					=>	$i

	$qtde_item = 10;
	$qtde_inicio = 0;
	if (is_object($perg)){
		if (is_object($perg->getTipoPergunta())){
			if ($perg->getTipoPergunta()->getId()=="2"){
				for ($i=0; $i<$perg->getQtdeResposta(); $i++){
					$qtde_inicio = $i+1;
Ejemplo n.º 22
function adr_update_general_config()
    global $db, $lang, $phpEx, $userdata, $phpbb_root_path, $table_prefix;
    $template = new Template($phpbb_root_path);
    include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'adr/includes/adr_constants.' . $phpEx;
    $template->set_filenames(array('cache' => 'adr/cache/cache_tpls/cache_config_def.tpls'));
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . ADR_GENERAL_TABLE . "\n\t\t\tORDER BY config_name ASC";
    if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) {
        message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Unable to query config infos (updating cache)', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
    while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
        $id = $row['config_name'];
        $cell_res = $row['config_value'];
        $template->assign_block_vars('cache_row', array('ID' => sprintf("'%s'", str_replace("'", "\\'", $id)), 'CELLS' => sprintf("'%s'", str_replace("'", "\\'", $cell_res))));
    $template->assign_var_from_handle('cache', 'cache');
    $res = "<?php\n" . $template->_tpldata['.'][0]['cache'] . "\n?>";
    $fname = $phpbb_root_path . './adr/cache/cache_config' . '.' . $phpEx;
    @chmod($fname, 0666);
    $handle = @fopen($fname, 'w');
    @fwrite($handle, $res);
Ejemplo n.º 23
         $check_rewrite = -1;
     $template->assign_vars(array('C_SERVER_CONFIG' => true, 'C_PHP_VERSION_OK' => phpversion() >= '4.1.0', 'C_GD_LIBRAIRY_ENABLED' => @extension_loaded('gd'), 'C_URL_REWRITING_KNOWN' => $check_rewrite != -1, 'C_URL_REWRITING_ENABLED' => $check_rewrite == 1));
     $chmod_dir = array('../cache', '../cache/backup', '../cache/syndication', '../cache/tpl', '../images/avatars', '../images/group', '../images/maths', '../images/smileys', '../kernel/db', '../lang', '../menus', '../templates', '../upload');
     $all_dirs_ok = true;
     foreach ($chmod_dir as $dir) {
         $is_writable = $is_dir = true;
         if (file_exists($dir) && is_dir($dir)) {
             if (!is_writable($dir)) {
                 $is_writable = @chmod($dir, 0777) ? true : false;
         } else {
             $is_dir = $is_writable = ($fp = @mkdir($dir, 0777)) ? true : false;
         $template->assign_block_vars('chmod', array('TITLE' => str_replace('..', '', $dir), 'C_EXISTING_DIR' => $is_dir, 'C_WRITIBLE_DIR' => $is_writable));
         if ($all_dirs_ok && (!$is_dir || !$is_writable)) {
             $all_dirs_ok = false;
     if (retrieve(POST, 'submit', false)) {
         if (!$all_dirs_ok) {
             $template->assign_vars(array('C_ERROR' => true, 'L_ERROR' => $LANG['config_server_dirs_not_ok']));
         } else {
             redirect(HOST . FILE . add_lang('?step=' . (STEP_SERVER_CONFIG + 1), true));
     $template->assign_vars(array('L_CONFIG_SERVER_TITLE' => $LANG['config_server_title'], 'L_CONFIG_SERVER_EXPLAIN' => $LANG['config_server_explain'], 'L_PHP_VERSION' => $LANG['php_version'], 'L_CHECK_PHP_VERSION' => $LANG['check_php_version'], 'L_CHECK_PHP_VERSION_EXPLAIN' => $LANG['check_php_version_explain'], 'L_EXTENSIONS' => $LANG['extensions'], 'L_CHECK_EXTENSIONS' => $LANG['check_extensions'], 'L_GD_LIBRARY' => $LANG['gd_library'], 'L_GD_LIBRARY_EXPLAIN' => $LANG['gd_library_explain'], 'L_URL_REWRITING' => $LANG['url_rewriting'], 'L_URL_REWRITING_EXPLAIN' => $LANG['url_rewriting_explain'], 'L_AUTH_DIR' => $LANG['auth_dir'], 'L_CHECK_AUTH_DIR' => $LANG['check_auth_dir'], 'L_EXISTING' => $LANG['existing'], 'L_NOT_EXISTING' => $LANG['unexisting'], 'L_WRITABLE' => $LANG['writable'], 'L_NOT_WRITABLE' => $LANG['unwritable'], 'L_REFRESH' => $LANG['refresh_chmod'], 'L_RESULT' => $LANG['result'], 'L_QUERY_LOADING' => $LANG['query_loading'], 'L_QUERY_SENT' => $LANG['query_sent'], 'L_QUERY_PROCESSING' => $LANG['query_processing'], 'L_QUERY_SUCCESS' => $LANG['query_success'], 'L_QUERY_FAILURE' => $LANG['query_failure'], 'L_NEXT_STEP' => $LANG['next_step'], 'L_PREVIOUS_STEP' => $LANG['previous_step'], 'U_PREVIOUS_STEP' => add_lang('install.php?step=' . (STEP_SERVER_CONFIG - 1)), 'U_CURRENT_STEP' => add_lang('install.php?step=' . STEP_SERVER_CONFIG), 'U_NEXT_STEP' => add_lang('install.php?step=' . (STEP_SERVER_CONFIG + 1))));
     require_once 'functions.php';
Ejemplo n.º 24
$template->set_filenames(array('rss' => 'rss.tpl'));
// Fonction d'erreur utilisant le template
$erreur = false;
function erreur_fatale($msg)
    global $template;
    $template->assign_block_vars('MSG_ERREUR', array('DESCR' => $msg));
    header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
// Variables globales, ie communes à tous les modules
$template->assign_var('TITRE', $conf['titre']);
$template->assign_var('TEMPLATE_URL', 'data/templates/' . $utilisateur->template());
// Menu
$template->assign_block_vars('MENU', array('LIEN' => 'index.php', 'TEXTE' => 'Accueil'));
$template->assign_block_vars('MENU', array('LIEN' => 'index.php?mod=liste_projets', 'TEXTE' => 'Projets'));
// Connexion
if ($utilisateur->estAnonyme()) {
    $template->assign_block_vars('MENU2_CONN', array());
} else {
    $template->assign_block_vars('MENU2_DECO', array('PSEUDO' => $utilisateur->pseudo()));
// Page d'administration
if ($utilisateur->autorise(PERM_MANAGE_USERS) || $utilisateur->autorise(PERM_MANAGE_PROJECT)) {
    $template->assign_block_vars('LIEN_ADMIN', array());
if (in_array($mod, array('index', 'projet', 'liste_projets', 'edit_projet', 'versions', 'demande', 'liste_demandes', 'edit_demande', 'connexion', 'deconnexion', 'perso', 'admin', 'edit_user'))) {
    // Appel du module spécifié
    include 'mod/' . $mod . '.inc.php';
    $template->assign_var_from_handle('ROOT_CONTENT', $mod);
Ejemplo n.º 25

require_once '../admin/admin_begin.php';
define('TITLE', $LANG['administration']);
require_once '../admin/admin_header.php';
$template = new Template('admin/admin_system_report.tpl');
$template->assign_vars(array('L_YES' => $LANG['yes'], 'L_NO' => $LANG['no'], 'L_UNKNOWN' => $LANG['unknown'], 'L_SYSTEM_REPORT' => $LANG['system_report'], 'L_SERVER' => $LANG['server'], 'L_PHPINFO' => $LANG['phpinfo'], 'L_PHP_VERSION' => $LANG['php_version'], 'L_DBMS_VERSION' => $LANG['dbms_version'], 'L_GD_LIBRARY' => $LANG['dg_library'], 'L_URL_REWRITING' => $LANG['url_rewriting'], 'L_REGISTER_GLOBALS_OPTION' => $LANG['register_globals_option'], 'L_SERVER_URL' => $LANG['serv_name'], 'L_SITE_PATH' => $LANG['serv_path'], 'L_PHPBOOST_CONFIG' => $LANG['phpboost_config'], 'L_KERNEL_VERSION' => $LANG['kernel_version'], 'L_DEFAULT_THEME' => $LANG['default_theme'], 'L_DEFAULT_LANG' => $LANG['default_language'], 'L_DEFAULT_EDITOR' => $LANG['choose_editor'], 'L_START_PAGE' => $LANG['start_page'], 'L_OUTPUT_GZ' => $LANG['output_gz'], 'L_COOKIE_NAME' => $LANG['cookie_name'], 'L_SESSION_LENGTH' => $LANG['session_time'], 'L_SESSION_GUEST_LENGTH' => $LANG['session invit'], 'L_DIRECTORIES_AUTH' => $LANG['directories_auth'], 'L_SUMMERIZATION' => $LANG['system_report_summerization'], 'L_SUMMERIZATION_EXPLAIN' => $LANG['system_report_summerization_explain']));
$temp_var = function_exists('apache_get_modules') ? apache_get_modules() : array();
$server_path = !empty($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : getenv('PHP_SELF');
if (!$server_path) {
    $server_path = !empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : getenv('REQUEST_URI');
$server_path = trim(str_replace('/admin', '', dirname($server_path)));
$server_name = 'http://' . (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : getenv('HTTP_HOST'));
$lang_ini_file = load_ini_file('../lang/', get_ulang());
$template_ini_file = load_ini_file('../templates/' . get_utheme() . '/config/', get_ulang());
$directories_summerization = '';
$directories_list = array('/', '/cache', '/cache/backup', '/cache/syndication/', '/cache/tpl', '/images/avatars', '/images/group', '/images/maths', '/images/smileys', '/lang', '/menus', '/templates', '/upload');
foreach ($directories_list as $dir) {
    $dir_status = is_dir('..' . $dir) && is_writable('..' . $dir);
    $template->assign_block_vars('directories', array('NAME' => $dir, 'C_AUTH_DIR' => $dir_status));
    $directories_summerization .= $dir . str_repeat(' ', 25 - strlen($dir)) . ": " . (int) $dir_status . "\n";
$summerization = "---------------------------------System report---------------------------------\n-----------------------------generated by PHPBoost-----------------------------\n\nSERVER CONFIGURATION-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nphp version              : " . phpversion() . "\ndbms version             : " . $Sql->get_dbms_version() . "\ngd library               : " . (int) @extension_loaded('gd') . "\nurl rewriting            : " . (function_exists('apache_get_modules') ? (int) (!empty($temp_var[5])) : "?") . "\nregister globals         : " . (int) (@ini_get('register_globals') == '1' || strtolower(@ini_get('register_globals')) == 'on') . "\nserver url               : " . $server_name . "\nsite path                : " . $server_path . "\n\nPHPBOOST CONFIGURATION---------------------------------------------------------\n\nphpboost version         : " . phpboost_version() . "\nserver url               : " . $CONFIG['server_name'] . "\nsite path                : " . $CONFIG['server_path'] . "\ndefault theme            : " . $template_ini_file['name'] . "\ndefault language         : " . get_ulang() . "\ndefault editor           : " . $CONFIG['editor'] . "\nstart page               : " . $CONFIG['start_page'] . "\nurl rewriting            : " . $CONFIG['rewrite'] . "\noutput gz                : " . $CONFIG['ob_gzhandler'] . "\nsession cookie name      : " . $CONFIG['site_cookie'] . "\nsession length           : " . $CONFIG['site_session'] . "\nguest session length     : " . $CONFIG['site_session_invit'] . "\n\nDIRECTORIES AUTHORIZATIONS-----------------------------------------------------\n\n" . $directories_summerization;
$template->assign_vars(array('PHP_VERSION' => phpversion(), 'DBMS_VERSION' => $Sql->get_dbms_version(), 'C_SERVER_GD_LIBRARY' => @extension_loaded('gd'), 'C_URL_REWRITING_KNOWN' => function_exists('apache_get_modules'), 'C_SERVER_URL_REWRITING' => function_exists('apache_get_modules') ? !empty($temp_var[5]) : false, 'C_REGISTER_GLOBALS' => @ini_get('register_globals') == '1' || strtolower(@ini_get('register_globals')) == 'on', 'SERV_SERV_URL' => $server_name, 'SERV_SITE_PATH' => $server_path, 'KERNEL_VERSION' => phpboost_version(), 'KERNEL_SERV_URL' => $CONFIG['server_name'], 'KERNEL_SITE_PATH' => $CONFIG['server_path'], 'KERNEL_DEFAULT_THEME' => $template_ini_file['name'], 'KERNEL_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE' => $lang_ini_file['name'], 'KERNEL_DEFAULT_EDITOR' => $CONFIG['editor'] == 'tinymce' ? 'TinyMCE' : 'BBCode', 'KERNEL_START_PAGE' => $CONFIG['start_page'], 'C_KERNEL_URL_REWRITING' => (bool) $CONFIG['rewrite'], 'C_KERNEL_OUTPUT_GZ' => (bool) $CONFIG['ob_gzhandler'], 'COOKIE_NAME' => $CONFIG['site_cookie'], 'SESSION_LENGTH' => $CONFIG['site_session'], 'SESSION_LENGTH_GUEST' => $CONFIG['site_session_invit'], 'SUMMERIZATION' => $summerization));
require_once '../admin/admin_footer.php';
Ejemplo n.º 26
 $pagination = new Pagination();
 $template->assign_vars(array('C_CONTRIBUTION_LIST' => true));
 $num_contributions = 1;
 $criteria = retrieve(GET, 'criteria', 'current_status');
 $order = retrieve(GET, 'order', 'asc');
 if (!in_array($criteria, array('entitled', 'module', 'status', 'creation_date', 'fixing_date', 'poster_id', 'fixer_id'))) {
     $criteria = 'current_status';
 $order = $order == 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
 foreach (ContributionService::get_all_contributions($criteria, $order) as $this_contribution) {
     $creation_date = $this_contribution->get_creation_date();
     $fixing_date = $this_contribution->get_fixing_date();
     if ($User->check_auth($this_contribution->get_auth(), CONTRIBUTION_AUTH_BIT) || $User->get_attribute('user_id') == $this_contribution->get_poster_id()) {
         if ($num_contributions > CONTRIBUTIONS_PER_PAGE * ($pagination->get_current_page() - 1) && $num_contributions <= CONTRIBUTIONS_PER_PAGE * $pagination->get_current_page()) {
             $template->assign_block_vars('contributions', array('ENTITLED' => $this_contribution->get_entitled(), 'MODULE' => $this_contribution->get_module_name(), 'STATUS' => $this_contribution->get_status_name(), 'CREATION_DATE' => $creation_date->format(DATE_FORMAT_SHORT), 'FIXING_DATE' => $fixing_date->format(DATE_FORMAT_SHORT), 'POSTER' => $this_contribution->get_poster_login(), 'FIXER' => $this_contribution->get_fixer_login(), 'ACTIONS' => '', 'U_FIXER_PROFILE' => PATH_TO_ROOT . '/member/' . url('member.php?id=' . $this_contribution->get_fixer_id(), 'member-' . $this_contribution->get_fixer_id() . '.php'), 'U_POSTER_PROFILE' => PATH_TO_ROOT . '/member/' . url('member.php?id=' . $this_contribution->get_poster_id(), 'member-' . $this_contribution->get_poster_id() . '.php'), 'U_CONSULT' => PATH_TO_ROOT . '/member/' . url('contribution_panel.php?id=' . $this_contribution->get_id()), 'C_FIXED' => $this_contribution->get_status() == EVENT_STATUS_PROCESSED, 'C_PROCESSING' => $this_contribution->get_status() == EVENT_STATUS_BEING_PROCESSED));
 if ($num_contributions > 1) {
     $template->assign_vars(array('PAGINATION' => $pagination->display('contribution_panel.php?p=%d&criteria=' . $criteria . '&order=' . $order, $num_contributions - 1, 'p', CONTRIBUTIONS_PER_PAGE, 3)));
 } else {
     $template->assign_vars(array('C_NO_CONTRIBUTION' => true, 'L_NO_CONTRIBUTION_TO_DISPLAY' => $LANG['no_contribution']));
 $i_module = 0;
 foreach ($MODULES as $module_name => $module_infos) {
     $module_ini = load_ini_file(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/' . $module_name . '/lang/', get_ulang());
     if (!empty($module_ini['contribution_interface'])) {
         if ($i_module % NUMBER_OF_MODULES_PER_LINE == 0) {
  * This function display the informations related to the addresses whom idHistoriqueAdresse is given in param
  * @param array of idHistorique $idList : a list of idHistoriqueAdresse to display
  * @return $html : the list of addresses to display
 public function displayList($idList = array(), $nbResult = 0)
     $html = "";
     //Template loading
     $t = new Template('modules/archi/templates/');
     $t->set_filenames(array('addressesList' => 'addressesList.tpl'));
     if (empty($idList)) {
         $t->assign_vars(array('messageInfo' => "Aucun résultat !", 'titre' => 'Résultats'));
         $this->messages->addWarning("Aucun résultat à afficher.");
     } else {
         $starttime = microtime(true);
         $optionsPagination = array('nbResult' => 0, 'nbPages' => 0, 'currentPage' => 0, 'nextPage' => 0, 'previousPage' => 0, 'nbResultPerPage' => 10, 'offset' => 4);
         //Pagination display
         if (isset($this->variablesGet['debut']) && $this->variablesGet['debut'] != '') {
             $optionsPagination['currentPage'] = $this->variablesGet['debut'] / $optionsPagination['nbResultPerPage'];
         } else {
             $optionsPagination['debut'] = 0;
             $optionsPagination['currentPage'] = 0;
         $addressesInfromations = $this->getAddressesInfoFromIdHA($idList, $optionsPagination);
         if ($nbResult > 1) {
             $optionsPagination['nbResult'] = $nbResult;
             $nbReponses = $nbResult;
             $optionsPagination['nbPages'] = ceil($nbReponses / $optionsPagination['nbResultPerPage']);
             if ($optionsPagination['currentPage'] < $optionsPagination['nbPages']) {
                 $optionsPagination['nextPage'] = $optionsPagination['currentPage'] + 1;
             } else {
                 $optionsPagination['nextPage'] = $optionsPagination['nbPages'];
             if ($optionsPagination['currentPage'] > 1) {
                 $optionsPagination['previousPage'] = $optionsPagination['currentPage'] - 1;
             } else {
                 $optionsPagination['previousPage'] = 1;
             $url = array();
             //Call link generation
             $url = $this->generatePaginationLinks($optionsPagination);
             $nbReponses .= " réponses";
         } else {
             $nbReponses = $nbResult . " réponse";
         $t->assign_vars(array('nbReponses' => $nbReponses, 'titre' => 'Résultats'));
         // Template filling
         $paramsUrlDesc = $this->variablesGet;
         $paramsUrlAsc = $this->variablesGet;
         $paramsUrlDesc['order'] = "desc";
         $paramsUrlAsc['order'] = "asc";
         $urlAsc = $this->creerUrl('', '', $paramsUrlAsc);
         $urlDesc = $this->creerUrl('', '', $paramsUrlDesc);
         $t->assign_block_vars('liens', array('urlDesc' => $urlAsc, 'urlAsc' => $urlDesc));
         //Generating next/previous pagination link
         $siblingIndex = $this->getNextPreviousPages($optionsPagination['currentPage'], $optionsPagination['nbPages']);
         $indexToDisplay = $this->getPaginationIndex($optionsPagination);
         foreach ($indexToDisplay as $indexPage) {
             $t->assign_block_vars('nav', array('urlNbOnClick' => '', 'urlNb' => $url[$indexPage], 'nb' => $indexPage + 1, 'urlPrecendant' => $url[$siblingIndex['previousPage']], 'urlSuivant' => $url[$siblingIndex['nextPage']]));
             // Dirty hack for displaying strong tag on current page
             if ($indexPage == $optionsPagination['currentPage']) {
                 $t->assign_block_vars('nav.courant', array());
         $t->assign_block_vars('urlNextPagination', array('urlSuivant' => $url[$siblingIndex['nextPage']]));
         $t->assign_block_vars('urlBackPagination', array('urlPrecedent' => $url[$siblingIndex['previousPage']]));
         * Addresses display
         * Loop on each address infos
         * Structure of $info :
         * Array
         				    [nom] => 22 rue du général castelnau
         				    [idHistoriqueAdresse] => 2
         				    [idAdresse] => 2
         				    [idEvenementGroupeAdresse] => 1289
         				    [titresEvenements] => Array
         				            [0] => 22 rue du général castelnau
         				            [1] => Photos de nuit
         				            [2] => Visite des appartements
         				            [3] => Evenement sans titre
         				            [4] => Visite des parties communes
         				            [5] => détails art nouveau
         foreach ($addressesInfromations as $info) {
             $titreEvenements = "";
             $illustration = $this->getUrlImageFromAdresse($info['idHistoriqueAdresse'], 'moyen', array('idEvenementGroupeAdresse' => $info['idEvenementGroupeAdresse'], 'placeholder' => "images/placeholder.jpg"));
             //Processing name of the address
             $nom = ucfirst($info['nom']);
             $fulladdress = ucfirst($this->getIntituleAdresseFrom($info['idEvenementGroupeAdresse'], $type = 'idEvenementGroupeAdresse'));
             $titre = $info['titre'];
             $input = array('idEvenementGA' => $info['idEvenementGroupeAdresse'], 'idAdresse' => $info['idAdresse']);
             $intituleAdresse = "";
             if (isset($titre) && !empty($titre) && $titre != '') {
                 $intituleAdresse = "<b>" . $titre . "</b> ";
             $intituleAdresse .= $fulladdress . ' ';
             $arrayUrl = $this->generateUrlListAddresses($input, $this->variablesGet['modeAffichage'], $intituleAdresse);
             //Regular case
             //Personne case
             if (isset($info['idPersonne']) && $info['idPersonne'] != '') {
                 $urlImageIllustration = archiPersonne::getImage($info['idPersonne'], 'resized', true, array('height' => 130, 'width' => 130));
                 $addressUrl = $this->creerUrl('', 'evenementListe', array('selection' => 'personne', "id" => $info['idPersonne']));
                 $titre = $info['nom'];
                 $urlDetailOnClick = '';
             } else {
                 $urlImageIllustration = $illustration['url'];
                 $addressUrl = $this->creerUrl('', '', array('archiAffichage' => 'adresseDetail', "archiIdAdresse" => $info['idAdresse'], "archiIdEvenementGroupeAdresse" => $info['idEvenementGroupeAdresse']));
                 $addressUrl = $arrayUrl['urlDetailHref'];
                 $urlDetailOnClick = $arrayUrl['urlDetailOnClick'];
             // Event title
             $titreEvenements = implode(" - ", $info['titresEvenements']);
             // Getting all the events links on one line
             $modeAffichage = $this->variablesGet['modeAffichage'];
             if ($modeAffichage == 'calqueImage' || $modeAffichage == 'calqueImageChampsMultiples' || $modeAffichage == 'calqueImageChampsMultiplesRetourSimple' || $modeAffichage == 'calqueEvenement' || $modeAffichage == 'popupRechercheAdressePrisDepuis' || $modeAffichage == 'popupRechercheAdresseVueSur' || $modeAffichage == "popupAjoutAdressesLieesSurEvenement" || $modeAffichage == "popupDeplacerEvenementVersGroupeAdresse" || $modeAffichage == 'popupRechercheAdresseAdminParcours') {
                 $titreEvenements = "";
             } else {
                 $titreEvenements = implode(" - ", $info['titresEvenements']);
                 // Getting all the events links on one line
             $t->assign_block_vars('adresses', array('nom' => $titre, 'adresseComplete' => $fulladdress, 'urlImageIllustration' => $urlImageIllustration, 'alt' => $nom, 'urlDetailHref' => $addressUrl, 'titresEvenements' => $titreEvenements, 'urlDetailOnClick' => $urlDetailOnClick));
         //End foreach
     //End else (regular display w/ errors)
     //Filling template, getting content, returning it
     $html .= ob_get_contents();
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 28
if (extension_loaded('Reflection') && $debug == 'true') {
    $dbg_msg .= show_info('dummy', 0);
*  Finish up the html with the description of the message classifications
if ($legend == 'true') {
    $legend_msg = "<table style=\"font-size:x-small;\" cellpadding=0 border=0 cellspacing=0>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td><b><font color=green>Passed CLEAN</font></b>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>clean or '\$tag_level' &lt; '\$tag2_level'</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td><b><font color=green>Passed SPAM</font></b>:</td><td></td><td>classified as SPAM but delivered because '\$tag_level' &lt; '\$kill_level'</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td><b><font color=green>Passed BANNED</font></b>:</td><td></td><td>classified as BANNED but delivered</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td><b><font color=green>Passed BAD-HEADER</font></b>:</td><td></td><td>classified as BAD-HEADER but delivered</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td><b><font color=red>Blocked SPAM</font></b>:</td><td></td><td>not delivered, spam classified with '\$tag_level' &gt;= '\$kill_level' and '\$final_spam_destiny' != 'pass'</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td><b><font color=red>Blocked BANNED</font></b>:</td><td></td><td>not delivered, banned file extension attached.</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td><b><font color=red>Blocked BAD-HEADER</font></b>:</td><td></td><td>not delivered, contains bad headers.</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td><b><font color=red>Blocked INFECTED</font></b>:</td><td></td><td>not delivered, contains virus</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td><b><font color=red>Not Delivered</font></b>:</td><td></td><td>could not be delivered, e.g. destination host refuses to accept delivery.</td>\n\t</tr>\n</table>\n";
$template = new Template($as_root_path . $template_path);
$template->assign_vars(array("PAGE_TITLE" => $title));
$template->set_filenames(array('body' => 'index_body.tpl'));
$template->assign_vars(array('S_CONTENT_DIRECTION' => 'ltr', 'S_CONTENT_ENCODING' => 'iso-8859-1', 'RATE' => $rate, 'META_REFRESH' => $refresh && is_numeric($refresh) && $refresh > 0 ? "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"{$refresh}\">" : NULL, 'REFRESH' => $refresh && is_numeric($refresh) && $refresh > 0 ? $refresh : 0, 'LEGEND' => $legend, 'LEGEND_MSG' => $legend_msg, 'SPAN' => $span, 'PGRAPH' => asLoadStats($host) ? asPGraph("{$imgdir}/passed-{$span}.png", $now, $span) : "No statistics available.", 'VGRAPH' => asLoadStats($host) ? asVGraph("{$imgdir}/virus-{$span}.png", $now, $span) : "No statistics available.", 'SBGRAPH' => asLoadStats($host) ? asSBGraph("{$imgdir}/sb-{$span}.png", $now, $span) : "No statistics available.", 'VERSION' => $as_version, 'OUT_MSG' => $out_msg ? $out_msg : '', 'DBG_MSG' => $dbg_msg ? $dbg_msg : '', "PAGE_TITLE" => $title, 'HOST' => $host));
$template->assign_block_vars("time_date_row", array("CURRENT_DATE" => strftime("%A %B %d %H:%M:%S (GMT%z)", time())));
$template->assign_block_vars("button_row", array("BUTTON" => $debug != 'true' ? "<a href=\"{$me}?host={$host}&span={$span}&refresh={$refresh}&debug=true&rate={$rate}&legend={$legend}\"><img src=\"{$me}?button={$button_unselected}&text=debug\"></a>" : "<a href=\"{$me}?host={$host}&span={$span}&refresh={$refresh}&debug=false&rate={$rate}&legend={$legend}\"><img src=\"{$me}?button={$button_unselected}&text=nodebug\"></a>"));
$template->assign_block_vars("button_row", array("BUTTON" => $rate != 3600 ? "<a href=\"{$me}?host={$host}&span={$span}&refresh={$refresh}&debug={$debug}&rate=3600&legend={$legend}\"><img src=\"{$me}?button={$button_unselected}&text=hour\"></a>" : "<a href=\"{$me}?host={$host}&span={$span}&refresh={$refresh}&debug={$debug}&rate=60&legend={$legend}\"><img src=\"{$me}?button={$button_unselected}&text=min\"></a>"));
$button_text = array('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($button_text); $i++) {
    $template->assign_block_vars("button_row", array("BUTTON" => $span != $button_text[$i] ? "<a href=\"{$me}?host={$host}&span={$button_text[$i]}&refresh={$refresh}&debug={$debug}&rate={$rate}&legend={$legend}\"><img src=\"{$me}?button={$button_unselected}&text=" . $button_text[$i] . "\"></a>" : "<img src=\"{$me}?text=" . $button_text[$i] . "&button={$button_selected}\">"));
if (!$host_list) {
    $template->assign_block_vars("button_row", array("BUTTON" => $legend != 'true' ? "<a href=\"{$me}?host={$host}&span={$span}&refresh={$refresh}&debug={$debug}&rate={$rate}&legend=true\"><img src=\"{$me}?button={$button_unselected}&text=legend\"></a>" : "<a href=\"{$me}?host={$host}&span={$span}&refresh={$refresh}&debug={$debug}&rate={$rate}&legend=false\"><img src=\"{$me}?button={$button_selected}&text=legend\"></a>"));
} else {
    $template->assign_block_vars('hostlist_row', array());
    $template->assign_block_vars("hostlist_row.button_row2", array("BUTTON" => $legend != 'true' ? "<a href=\"{$me}?host={$host}&span={$span}&refresh={$refresh}&debug={$debug}&rate={$rate}&legend=true\"><img src=\"{$me}?button={$button_unselected}&text=legend\"></a>" : "<a href=\"{$me}?host={$host}&span={$span}&refresh={$refresh}&debug={$debug}&rate={$rate}&legend=false\"><img src=\"{$me}?button={$button_unselected}&text=nolegend\"></a>"));
    $template->assign_block_vars("hostlist_row.button_row2", array("BUTTON" => $host ? "<a href=\"{$me}?host=&span={$span}&refresh={$refresh}&debug={$debug}&rate={$rate}&legend={$legend}\"><img src=\"{$me}?button={$button_unselected}&text=ALL\"></a>" : "<img src=\"{$me}?text=ALL&button={$button_selected}\">"));
    $cnt = 1;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($host_list); $i++) {
        if ($cnt == 3) {
 protected function display_menus(Template $template)
     $menus = MenusCache::load()->get_menus();
     $columns_disabled = ThemesManager::get_theme(AppContext::get_current_user()->get_theme())->get_columns_disabled();
     foreach ($menus as $cached_menu) {
         $menu = $cached_menu->get_menu();
         if ($menu->check_auth() && !$columns_disabled->menus_column_is_disabled($menu->get_block())) {
             $display = false;
             $filters = $menu->get_filters();
             $nbr_filters = count($filters);
             foreach ($filters as $filter) {
                 if ($nbr_filters > 1 && $filter->get_pattern() != '/' || $filter->match() && !$display) {
                     $display = true;
             if ($display) {
                 $menu_content = $cached_menu->has_cached_string() ? $cached_menu->get_cached_string() : $menu->display();
                 $block = $menu->get_block();
                 switch ($block) {
                     case Menu::BLOCK_POSITION__HEADER:
                         $template->put('C_MENUS_HEADER_CONTENT', true);
                         $template->assign_block_vars('menus_header', array('MENU' => $menu_content));
                     case Menu::BLOCK_POSITION__SUB_HEADER:
                         $template->put('C_MENUS_SUB_HEADER_CONTENT', true);
                         $template->assign_block_vars('menus_sub_header', array('MENU' => $menu_content));
                     case Menu::BLOCK_POSITION__LEFT:
                         $template->put('C_MENUS_LEFT_CONTENT', true);
                         $template->assign_block_vars('menus_left', array('MENU' => $menu_content));
                     case Menu::BLOCK_POSITION__RIGHT:
                         $template->put('C_MENUS_RIGHT_CONTENT', true);
                         $template->assign_block_vars('menus_right', array('MENU' => $menu_content));
                     case Menu::BLOCK_POSITION__TOP_CENTRAL:
                         $template->put('C_MENUS_TOPCENTRAL_CONTENT', true);
                         $template->assign_block_vars('menus_top_central', array('MENU' => $menu_content));
                     case Menu::BLOCK_POSITION__BOTTOM_CENTRAL:
                         $template->put('C_MENUS_BOTTOM_CENTRAL_CONTENT', true);
                         $template->assign_block_vars('menus_bottom_central', array('MENU' => $menu_content));
                     case Menu::BLOCK_POSITION__TOP_FOOTER:
                         $template->put('C_MENUS_TOP_FOOTER_CONTENT', true);
                         $template->assign_block_vars('menus_top_footer', array('MENU' => $menu_content));
                     case Menu::BLOCK_POSITION__FOOTER:
                         $template->put('C_MENUS_FOOTER_CONTENT', true);
                         $template->assign_block_vars('menus_footer', array('MENU' => $menu_content));
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * @desc Displays the bread crumb.
 public function display(Template $tpl)
     if (empty($this->array_links)) {
         $this->add($this->get_page_title(), REWRITED_SCRIPT);
     $tpl->put_all(array('START_PAGE' => TPL_PATH_TO_ROOT . '/', 'L_INDEX' => LangLoader::get_message('home', 'main')));
     $output = array_slice($this->array_links, -1, 1);
     foreach ($this->array_links as $key => $array) {
         $tpl->assign_block_vars('link_bread_crumb', array('C_CURRENT' => $output[0] == $array, 'URL' => $array[1], 'TITLE' => $array[0]));