function generate_inner_html()
     switch ($this->mode) {
             $inner_template = dirname(__FILE__) . '/center_inner_private.tpl';
     $inner_html_gen =& new Template($inner_template);
     $role = new Roles();
     $this->links = $role->get_multiple();
     $inner_html_gen->set('links', $this->links);
     $task = Tasks::get_instance();
     $tasklist = $task->get_tasks();
     $inner_html_gen->set('tasklist', $tasklist);
     $inner_html_gen->set('super_user_and_mothership', @$this->super_user_and_mothership);
     $inner_html_gen->set('config_navigation_url', network_config_navigation('manage_tasks_relationship'));
     $inner_html = $inner_html_gen->fetch();
     return $inner_html;
 function generate_inner_html()
     switch ($this->mode) {
             $inner_template = PA::$blockmodule_path . '/' . get_class($this) . '/center_inner_private.tpl';
     $inner_html_gen = new Template($inner_template);
     $role = new Roles();
     $params = array('sort_by' => 'id', 'direction' => 'ASC', 'cnt' => false);
     $this->links = $role->get_multiple($params);
     $inner_html_gen->set('links', $this->links);
     $task = Tasks::get_instance();
     $tasklist = $task->get_tasks();
     $inner_html_gen->set('tasklist', $tasklist);
     $inner_html_gen->set('super_user_and_mothership', @$this->super_user_and_mothership);
     $inner_html_gen->set('config_navigation_url', network_config_navigation('manage_tasks_relationship'));
     $inner_html = $inner_html_gen->fetch();
     return $inner_html;
 /** !!
  * Sets up the html for the entire page. It starts by creating an array of all
  * modules that are present on the page and updates the array with the data for
  * the modules including name, type and placement.  It then reviews settings for
  * the page based on page name and id. It then checks for administrator
  * permission.  Finally it gets server data and calls { @link set_inner_template() }
  * and { @link generate_inner_html() } to create the page.
  * @param string $request_method if this is GET, get server information and
  *		initialize the page
  * @param array $request_data contains information on what to display on the page
 function initializeModule($request_method, $request_data)
     global $error_msg, $settings_new;
     $this->id = !empty($request_data['id']) ? $request_data['id'] : 0;
     $this->module = !empty($request_data['module']) ? $request_data['module'] : null;
     $mod_info = new ModulesInfo(array(PA::$core_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . PA::$blockmodule_path, PA::$project_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . PA::$blockmodule_path));
     $condition = ModulesInfo::USER_MODULES_FILTER . " || " . ModulesInfo::GROUP_MODULES_FILTER . " || " . ModulesInfo::NETWORK_MODULES_FILTER;
     $modules = $mod_info->getModulesByCondition($condition);
     $module_info = null;
     $mod_selected = null;
     $mod_select_options = array();
     $mod_select_options[" "] = " ";
     foreach ($modules as $module) {
         $mod_select_options[$module['name']] = $module['name'];
         if (@$request_data['module'] == $module['name']) {
             $mod_selected = $module['name'];
             $module_info['name'] = $module['name'];
             $module_info['module_type'] = $module['module_type'];
             $module_info['module_placement'] = $module['module_placement'];
             $module_info['status_points'] = 0;
             if (!empty($module['architecture_info']['has_init_module'])) {
                 $module_info['status_points'] += 33;
             if (!empty($module['architecture_info']['has_action_handler'])) {
                 $module_info['status_points'] += 33;
             if (!empty($module['architecture_info']['has_set_inner_tpl'])) {
                 $module_info['status_points'] += 33;
     $mod_tag_attrs = array('name' => "form_data[module]", 'onchange' => "javascript: document.location='" . PA_ROUTE_CREATE_DYN_PAGE . "?action=edit&id={$this->id}&module='+this.value");
     $mod_select_tag = xHtml::selectTag($mod_select_options, $mod_tag_attrs, $mod_selected);
     $pages_default_setting = ModuleSetting::get_pages_default_setting('network');
     $selected = null;
     $current_selecion = null;
     $select_options = array();
     $select_options[" "] = "0";
     foreach ($pages_default_setting as $page_details) {
         $select_options[$page_details->page_name] = $page_details->page_id;
         if (@$request_data['id'] == $page_details->page_id) {
             $selected = $page_details->page_id;
             $current_selection = $page_details;
             $restore_settings = $page_details->getPageSettings();
     $tag_attrs = array('name' => "form_data[page_id]", 'onchange' => "javascript: document.location='" . PA_ROUTE_CREATE_DYN_PAGE . "?action=edit&module={$this->module}&id='+this.value");
     $select_tag = xHtml::selectTag($select_options, $tag_attrs, $selected);
     $this->outer_template = 'outer_public_center_module.tpl';
     //    $this->shared_data['OVO_JE_DODANO'] = "Ovo je dodano unutar modula!";
     $task_obj = Tasks::get_instance();
     $tasks = $task_obj->get_tasks();
     $permiss = array();
     $permiss[] = 'configure_system';
     // NOTE: system administrator permissions!!
     foreach ($tasks as $task) {
         $permiss[] = $task->task_value;
     $this->adm_permissions = implode(', ', $permiss);
     if ($request_method == 'GET') {
         if (!empty($request_data['action']) && !empty($request_data['id']) && $request_data['action'] == 'edit') {
             $this->page = new DynamicPage((int) $request_data['id'], $settings_new);
             if (!empty($request_data['add'])) {
                 $this->page->addModule($request_data['add'], $this->module);
     // initial template
     $this->inner_HTML = $this->generate_inner_html(array('page_id' => $this->page_id, 'page' => $this->page, 'select_tag' => $select_tag, 'type' => 'theme', 'base_url' => PA_ROUTE_CREATE_DYN_PAGE, 'mod_select_tag' => $mod_select_tag, 'module_info' => $module_info, 'adm_permissions' => $this->adm_permissions));
 public function __construct($user_id)
     if (!isset($user_id)) {
         throw new CNException(REQUIRED_PARAMETERS_MISSING, "PermissionsHandler::__construct() must be called with User object or user_id parameter");
     $tasks_obj = Tasks::get_instance();
     $this->tasks = $tasks_obj->get_tasks();
     foreach ($this->tasks as $task) {
         $this->static_permissions[] = $task->task_value;
     $this->uid = (int) $user_id;
     $this->is_net_admin = Network::is_admin(PA::$network_info->network_id, $this->uid);
     $roles = Roles::get_user_roles((int) $user_id, DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT);
     //    echo "User Roles <pre>".print_r(PA::$login_user, 1). "</pre>";
     $this->user_permissions = array();
     $user_perms = array();
     $network_perms = array();
     $groups_perms = array();
     foreach (array('user', 'network', 'groups') as $type) {
         foreach ($roles as $role) {
             $role_extra = unserialize($role->extra);
             if ($type == 'user') {
                 $condition = $role_extra['user'] == true;
             } else {
                 if ($type == 'network') {
                     $condition = $role_extra['network'] == true;
                 } else {
                     $condition = count($role_extra['groups']) > 0;
             if ($condition) {
                 $role_tasks = Roles::get_tasks_of_role($role->role_id);
                 //         echo "RoleID: $role->role_id<pre>".print_r($role_tasks,1)."</pre>";
                 if ($role_tasks) {
                     foreach ($role_tasks as $rt) {
                         if ($type == 'user') {
                             $user_perms[] = $rt->task_value;
                         } else {
                             if ($type == 'network') {
                                 $network_perms[] = $rt->task_value;
                             } else {
                                 foreach ($role_extra['groups'] as $group_id) {
                                     if (isset($groups_perms[$group_id]) && is_array($groups_perms[$group_id])) {
                                         array_push($groups_perms[$group_id], $rt->task_value);
                                     } else {
                                         $groups_perms[$group_id] = array($rt->task_value);
     $this->user_permissions['user'] = $user_perms;
     $this->user_permissions['network'] = $network_perms;
     $this->user_permissions['groups'] = $groups_perms;
     if ($this->is_net_admin) {
         // user is network admin, grant him same privileges for all network groups
         foreach ($this->user_permissions['groups'] as &$gr_perms) {
             $gr_perms = array_unique(array_merge($gr_perms, $this->user_permissions['network']));
     //    echo "<pre>".print_r($this->user_permissions,1)."</pre>";
 private function handleAJAX_showRole($request_data)
     $tasks = Tasks::get_instance();
     $available_tasks = $tasks->get_tasks(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
     $info_msg = __("Select Task(s) you want to assign to this Role and press left/right arrow.");
     $div_generate = '
    <fieldset class="center_box">
      <div class="field">
        <input type="text" name="role_name" id="role_name" class="text longer" value="" />
      <div class="field_bigger">
        <h4>Description :</h4>
        <textarea name="desc" id="desc"></textarea>
      <div class="field_big" style="float:left">
       <h4>Role type :</h4>
       <div class="center">
         <input name="role_type" id="role_type_user" type="radio" value="user" />  Users Perosnal Role <br />
         <input name="role_type" id="role_type_network" type="radio" value="network" />  Network Role <br />
         <input name="role_type" id="role_type_group" type="radio" value="group" /> Group Role
     $div_generate .= '
         <div class="field_bigger" style="height:auto">
           <h4>Assign Tasks to Role: </h4>
           <div style="float: left">
             <div style="font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 0.5em">Available Tasks</div>
               <select name="unassociated_tasks[]" id="unassociated_tasks" multiple="multiple" class="multiple-selected" size="10">';
     for ($cnt = 0; $cnt < count($available_tasks); $cnt++) {
         $div_generate .= '<option value="' . $available_tasks[$cnt]['id'] . '" onmouseover="javascript: roles_edit.showdescription(\'' . $available_tasks[$cnt]['description'] . '\');"' . '" onmouseout="javascript: roles_edit.showdescription(\'' . $info_msg . '\');" >' . $available_tasks[$cnt]['name'] . '</option>';
     $div_generate .= '
             <div style="float: left; margin: 48px 24px; ">
               <input type="image" name="commit" src="' . PA::$theme_url . '/images/arrow_right.gif" style="border: 0" onclick="roles_edit.double_list_move(\'unassociated_tasks\', \'associated_tasks\'); return false;" /><br />
               <input type="image" name="commit" src="' . PA::$theme_url . '/images/arrow_left.gif" style="border: 0" onclick="roles_edit.double_list_move(\'associated_tasks\', \'unassociated_tasks\'); return false;" />
             <div style="float: left">
               <div style="font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 0.5em">Assigned Tasks</div>
                 <select name="associated_tasks[]" id="associated_tasks" multiple="multiple" class="multiple-selected" size="10">';
     $div_generate .= '
               <br style="clear: both" />
               <div class="text" id="role_description">
                 ' . $info_msg . '
     $div_generate .= '
    <div class="button_position">
      <input type="hidden" name="role_id" id="role_id" value=""/>
      <input type="button" value="' . __("Save") . '"  onclick="roles_edit.saverole(\'addRole\');" />
      <input type="button" value="' . __("Cancel") . '"  onclick="roles_edit.closeedit();" />
     print $div_generate;
Ejemplo n.º 6

//$authorization_required variable should be set to TRUE or FALSE before
//including this file
//this file is used to check the roles - tasks permissions
if (!isset($authorization_required)) {
    throw new PAException("", "The \$authorization_required variable must be set before include()ing page.php!");
require_once "{$path_prefix}/api/Roles/Roles.php";
require_once "{$path_prefix}/api/Tasks/Tasks.php";
$task = Tasks::get_instance();
$tasks = $task->get_tasks();
//getting list of all the tasks
$task_id = '';
//find task id
foreach ($tasks as $task_obj) {
    if ($page_task == $task_obj->task_value) {
        $task_id = $task_obj->id;
$task_perm = Roles::check_permission($login_uid, $task_id);
// deprecated - use Roles::check_permission_by_value(PA::$login_uid, 'task value') instead.
function check_user_permission($task_id_or_value)
    if (empty(PA::$login_uid)) {
        return FALSE;
    if (is_numeric($task_id_or_value)) {
        $task_id = $task_id_or_value;
    } else {
        $task_id = Tasks::get_id_from_task_value($task_id_or_value);