public function testTask() { $mock = $this->getMock('stdClass', ['callback']); $mock->expects($this->exactly(1))->method('callback'); $task = new Task('task_name', function () use($mock) { $mock->callback(); }); $context = $this->getMockBuilder('Deployer\\Task\\Context')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock(); $task->run($context); $this->assertEquals('task_name', $task->getName()); $task->desc('Task description.'); $this->assertEquals('Task description.', $task->getDescription()); $task->once(); $this->assertTrue($task->isOnce()); $task->onlyOn(['server']); $this->assertEquals(['server' => 0], $task->getOnlyOn()); $this->assertTrue($task->runOnServer('server')); $task->onlyOn([]); $this->assertTrue($task->runOnServer('server')); $task->onlyOn('server'); $this->assertEquals(['server' => 0], $task->getOnlyOn()); $this->assertTrue($task->runOnServer('server')); $task->onlyOn(); $this->assertTrue($task->runOnServer('server')); $task->setPrivate(); $this->assertTrue($task->isPrivate()); }
public function testIsRunning() { $task = new Task(['exec' => 'sleep 1']); $this->assertFalse($task->isRunning()); $task->run(); $this->assertTrue($task->isRunning()); }
protected function makeForks() { $left = $this->processNum - count($this->children); while ($left > 0) { if (0 === ($pid = \pcntl_fork())) { $this->debug && fputs(STDERR, sprintf('Process #%d is started' . PHP_EOL, \getmypid())); $status = $this->task->run(); exit($status); } else { $this->children[] = $pid; $left--; } } }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function fire() { //启动之前先检查进程是否还活着,如果还活着咱就退 windows 下 tasklist /fi "PID eq xxxx" if (file_exists($this->filelock) && function_exists('posix_kill') && posix_kill(intval(file_get_contents($this->filelock)), 0)) { die("pid exists,exit"); } file_put_contents($this->filelock, getmypid()); Tasks::where("status", "execute")->update(array("status" => "created")); while (true) { //获取任务,执行任务 $tasks = Tasks::where('status', 'created')->lists('id'); foreach ($tasks as $_id) { //TaskHelper Task::run($_id); } sleep(1); } }
<?php /** * 本脚本作用,检测采购商社区的表和discuzx3的表的差异性 */ $task = new Task(); $task->run(); class Task { public function __construct() { $this->discuzx3 = new Db("discuzx3"); $this->buyer = new Db("buyer"); } public function run() { //$this->checkTables(); $this->checkColumns(); } /** * 检测表差异 */ public function checkTables() { $tablesDz = $this->discuzx3->getTables(); $tableHome = $this->buyer->getTables(); foreach ($tablesDz as $value) { if (!in_array($value, $tableHome)) { echo "表 " . $value . " 不存在,需要处理\n"; } }
/** * Register a new task and return it for further specification. * * This is the main entrance point for pantrfiles. * <code>pantr::task('foo', 'some description') * ->run(function() { pantr::writeln('Hello World!'); }); * * This method is heavily overloaded. You can invoke it in any of the following ways: * - task(string $name): This will create a new task or return an existing one * - task(string $name, string $desc): This will create a new task with the specified * name and description or set the description of an existing task * - task(string $name, callable $fn): Creates a new task or updates the tasks execution code * - task(string $name, string $desc, callable $fn): Create or redefine an existing task * * @return Task A new or existing task with the specified $name. */ public static function task($name, $fnOrDesc = null, $fn = null) { if (isset(self::$taskRepository[$name])) { $task = self::$taskRepository[$name]; if (!is_null($fnOrDesc)) { if (is_callable($fnOrDesc)) { $task->run($fnOrDesc); } else { if (is_string($fnOrDesc)) { $task->setDescription($fnOrDesc); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Second parameter must be either string or callable'); } } } if (!is_null($fn)) { if (is_callable($fn)) { $task->run($fn); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Third parameter must be callable!'); } } } else { $task = new Task($name); if (is_null($fnOrDesc) && is_null($fn)) { $task->setDescription('n/a'); } if (is_null($fn) && is_callable($fnOrDesc)) { $task->run($fnOrDesc); } else { if (is_string($fnOrDesc)) { $task->setDescription($fnOrDesc); } } if (!is_null($fn) && is_callable($fn)) { $task->run($fn); } self::$taskRepository->registerTask($task); } return $task; }
<?php header("Content-Type: text/plain"); define("BASE_DIR", dirname(__FILE__)); require_once BASE_DIR . "/include/"; require_once BASE_DIR . "/include/"; require_once BASE_DIR . "/include/"; require_once BASE_DIR . "/include/"; require_once BASE_DIR . "/include/"; // execute some task if any. Task::run(TASK_RUNNING_DURATION); $type = "task"; $classname = Record::get_classname($type); eval('$remaining_tasks = ' . $classname . '::get_progression($type, $_POST["event_id"]);'); echo join(",", $remaining_tasks);
assert($request == 'start'); $test1_id = $this->api->send_async($this->api->prefix() . 'f1', '0'); list(, $test1_check, $test1_id_check) = $this->api->recv_async(null, $test1_id); assert($test1_id_check == $test1_id); assert($test1_check == 'done'); list(, $test2_check, $test2_id_check) = $this->api->send_sync($this->api->prefix() . 'g1', 'prefix_'); assert($test2_check == 'prefix_suffix'); echo "messaging sequence3 end php\n"; $this->api->send_async($this->api->prefix() . 'sequence1', 'start'); $this->api->return_($command, $name, $pattern, '', 'end', $timeout, $trans_id, $pid); } } $thread_count = \CloudI\API::thread_count(); assert($thread_count == 1); $main_thread = new Task(new \CloudI\API(0)); $main_thread->run(); /* // commented out due to PHP threads not having // readily available installation packages $thread_count = \CloudI\API::thread_count(); assert($thread_count >= 1); $threads = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $thread_count; $i++) { $threads[] = new Task(new \CloudI\API($i)); } foreach ($threads as $t) $t->start(); foreach ($threads as $t) $t->join();
public function run() { parent::run(); }