Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Displays the form
  * Inherits from TagManager_Form the form displaying methods
  * so the view can be slightly the same than the one used for one classical form
  * @param FTL_Binding $tag
  * @return string
 public static function tag_form(FTL_Binding $tag)
     $ajax = $tag->getAttribute('ajax');
     // Ajax form
     if ($ajax == TRUE) {
         // Get form string
         $str = parent::tag_form($tag);
         // No JS  The user will add the JS part in his own JS script
         $nojs = $tag->getAttribute('nojs');
         $form_name = $tag->getAttribute('name');
         $form_submit_id = $tag->getAttribute('submit');
         // $error_tag = $tag->getAttribute('error_tag');
         // $error_tag_class = $tag->getAttribute('error_tag_class');
         // Module settings
         self::$config = Modules()->get_module_config('Ajaxform');
         if (!$nojs) {
             // Add the JS part of the module
             if ($form_name && $form_submit_id) {
                 $data = array('form_name' => $form_name, 'form_submit_id' => $form_submit_id, 'url' => base_url() . Settings::get_lang() . '/' . self::$config['uri'] . '/post');
                 $str .= self::$ci->load->view('ajaxform_js', $data, TRUE);
             } else {
                 log_message('error', 'Ajaxform ERROR : Set the name & submit attributes of the <ion:form name="formName" submit="submitButtonID"> tag');
         return $str;
     } else {
         return parent::tag_form($tag);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Processes the form POST data.
  * This method is declared as form "process" method in /application/config/forms.php for each form.
  * We could declare one method / form, but we decided to process all user's form with this one.
  * @param 	FTL_Binding		'init' tag (not the user one because this method is run before any tag parsing)
  *							This tag is supposed to be only used to send Emails.
  * 							With this tag, Emails views have access to the global tags, but not to any other
  * 							object tag.
  * @return 	void
 public static function process_data(FTL_Binding $tag)
     $form_name = self::$ci->input->post('form');
     if ($form_name) {
         switch ($form_name) {
             // Logout
             case 'logout':
                 if (User()->logged_in()) {
                     // Potentially redirect to the page setup in /application/config/forms.php
                     $redirect = TagManager_Form::get_form_redirect();
                 // Login
             // Login
             case 'login':
                 if (TagManager_Form::validate('login')) {
                     if (!User()->logged_in()) {
                         $email = self::$ci->input->post('email');
                         $db_user = self::$ci->user_model->find_user(array('email' => $email));
                         if ($db_user) {
                             // Account not allowed to login
                             if ($db_user['role_level'] < 100) {
                                 $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('not_activated');
                                 TagManager_Form::set_additional_error('login', $message);
                             } else {
                                 $user = array('email' => $email, 'password' => self::$ci->input->post('password'));
                                 $result = User()->login($user);
                                 if ($result) {
                                     // Potentially redirect to the page setup in /application/config/forms.php
                                     $redirect = TagManager_Form::get_form_redirect();
                                     if ($redirect !== FALSE) {
                                     // If redirect is commented, this success message will be available.
                                     $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('success');
                                     TagManager_Form::set_additional_success('login', $message);
                                 } else {
                                     $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('error');
                                     TagManager_Form::set_additional_error('login', $message);
                         } else {
                             $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('not_found');
                             TagManager_Form::set_additional_error('login', $message);
                 // Register
             // Register
             case 'register':
                 if (TagManager_Form::validate('register')) {
                     // Get user's allowed fields
                     $fields = TagManager_Form::get_form_fields('register');
                     if (is_null($fields)) {
                         show_error('No definition for the form "register"');
                     $fields = array_fill_keys($fields, FALSE);
                     $user = array_merge($fields, self::$ci->input->post());
                     // Compliant with User, based on username
                     $user['username'] = $user['email'];
                     $user['join_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     // Fire returns an array
                     $results = Event::fire('User.register.check.before', $user);
                     // Empty $result : No method registered to 'User.register.check.before' => No test
                     // Result == TRUE : The user can register
                     if (self::isResultTrue($results)) {
                         if (!User()->register($user)) {
                             $message = User()->error();
                             if (empty($message)) {
                                 $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('error');
                             TagManager_Form::set_additional_error('register', $message);
                         } else {
                             // Get the user saved in DB
                             $user = self::$ci->user_model->find_user($user['username']);
                             if (is_array($user)) {
                                 // Must be set before set the clear password
                                 $user['activation_key'] = User()->calc_activation_key($user);
                                 $user['password'] = User()->decrypt($user['password'], $user);
                                 // Merge POST data for email template
                                 $user = array_merge($user, self::$ci->input->post());
                                 // Create data array and Send Emails
                                 $user['ip'] = self::$ci->input->ip_address();
                                 TagManager_Email::send_form_emails($tag, 'register', $user);
                                 $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('success');
                                 TagManager_Form::set_additional_success('register', $message);
                                 // Potentially redirect to the page setup in /application/config/forms.php
                                 $redirect = TagManager_Form::get_form_redirect();
                                 if ($redirect !== FALSE) {
                             } else {
                                 $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('error');
                                 TagManager_Form::set_additional_error('register', $message);
                     } else {
                         Event::fire('User.register.check.fail', $user);
                         $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('success');
                         TagManager_Form::set_additional_success('register', $message);
                         $redirect = TagManager_Form::get_form_redirect();
                         if ($redirect !== FALSE) {
                 // Get new password
             // Get new password
             case 'password':
                 if (TagManager_Form::validate('password')) {
                     $user = self::$ci->user_model->find_user(array('email' => self::$ci->input->post('email')));
                     if ($user) {
                         // Save the user with this new password
                         $new_password = User()->get_random_password(8);
                         $user['password'] = $new_password;
                         if (!User()->update($user)) {
                             $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('error');
                             TagManager_Form::set_additional_error('password', $message);
                         } else {
                             // Get the user again, to calculate his activation key
                             $user = self::$ci->user_model->find_user(array('email' => self::$ci->input->post('email')));
                             $activation_key = User()->calc_activation_key($user);
                             // Put the clear password to the user's data, for the email
                             //$user['password'] = $new_password;
                             $data['activation_key'] = $activation_key;
                             // Send Emails
                             $data['ip'] = self::$ci->input->ip_address();
                             $data['username'] = $user['username'];
                             $data['firstname'] = $user['firstname'];
                             $data['email'] = $user['email'];
                             $data['password'] = $new_password;
                             $data['activation_key'] = $activation_key;
                             $data['level'] = $user['role_level'];
                             TagManager_Email::send_form_emails($tag, 'password', $data);
                             $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('success');
                             TagManager_Form::set_additional_success('password', $message);
                             // Potentially redirect to the page setup in /application/config/forms.php
                             $redirect = TagManager_Form::get_form_redirect();
                             if ($redirect !== FALSE) {
                     } else {
                         $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('not_found');
                         TagManager_Form::set_additional_error('password', $message);
                 // Activate account
             // Activate account
             case 'activation':
                 // Done through one old plain CI controller for the moment.
                 // Adding tags for this task adds more complexity for nothing
                 // (create one page, set the page in Ionize... this all is not needed for account activation)
                 // Save profile
             // Save profile
             case 'profile':
                 // Lost connection
                 if (($current_user = User()->get_user()) == NULL) {
                     $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('not_logged');
                     TagManager_Form::set_additional_error('profile', $message);
                     return FALSE;
                 // Delete the profile
                 if (self::$ci->input->post('delete')) {
                     $result = User()->delete($current_user);
                     $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('deleted');
                     TagManager_Form::set_additional_success('profile', $message);
                     // Potentially redirect to the page setup in /application/config/forms.php
                     $redirect = TagManager_Form::get_form_redirect();
                 } else {
                     if (TagManager_Form::validate('profile')) {
                         $fields = TagManager_Form::get_form_fields('profile');
                         if (is_null($fields)) {
                             show_error('No definition for the form "profile"');
                         $fields = array_fill_keys($fields, FALSE);
                         $user = array_merge($fields, self::$ci->input->post());
                         // Compliant with User, based on username
                         $user['username'] = $user['email'];
                         $user['id_user'] = $current_user['id_user'];
                         // Checkboxes and multiselect
                         foreach ($user as $key => $data) {
                             if (is_array($data)) {
                                 $user[$key] = implode(',', $data);
                         $result = User()->update($user);
                         // If error here, it can only be on the email, which already exists in the DB
                         if (!$result) {
                             $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('error');
                             TagManager_Form::set_additional_error('email', $message);
                         } else {
                             $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('success');
                             TagManager_Form::set_additional_success('profile', $message);
                             // Potentially redirect to the page setup in /application/config/forms.php
                             $redirect = TagManager_Form::get_form_redirect();
                             if ($redirect !== FALSE) {
                     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Returns the config settings for one form name
  * @param $form_name
  * @return null
 public static function get_form_settings($form_name = NULL)
     if (is_null(self::$forms)) {
         // Get forms settings
         $forms = config_item('forms');
         if (is_file($file = Theme::get_theme_path() . 'config/forms.php')) {
             include $file;
             if (!empty($config['forms'])) {
                 $forms = array_merge($forms, $config['forms']);
         self::$forms = $forms;
     if (!is_null($form_name) && isset(self::$forms[$form_name])) {
         return self::$forms[$form_name];
     return self::$forms;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Processes the form POST data.
  * @param FTL_Binding		'init' tag (not the user one because this method is run before any tag parsing)
  *							This tag is supposed to be only used to send Emails.
  * 							With this tag, Emails views have access to the global tags, but not to any other
  * 							object tag.
  * @return void
 public static function process_data(FTL_Binding $tag)
     // Name of the form : Must be send to identify the form.
     $form_name = self::$ci->input->post('form');
     // Because Form are processed before any tag rendering, we have to run the validation
     if (TagManager_Form::validate($form_name)) {
         // ... Here you do what you want with the data ...
         // For the example, we will send one email to the address the user gave in the form
         // Posted data
         // To see the posted array, uncomment trace($posted)
         // If you prefer to see these data through one log file,
         // uncomment log_message(...) and be sure /application/config/config.php contains :
         // $config['log_threshold'] = 1;
         // The log files are located in : /application/logs/log-YYYY-MM-DD.php
         // We prefer to log our 'dev' data as 'error' to not see the all CodeIgniter 'debug' messages.
         $post = self::$ci->input->post();
         // trace($posted);
         // log_message('error', print_r($posted, TRUE));
         // SFS : Fires the event declared in Stop Form Spam module config
         // Do we go further in the form processing ? Yes by default.
         $go_further = TRUE;
         $results = Event::fire('Form.contact.check', $post);
         if (is_array($results)) {
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 if (!$result) {
                     $go_further = FALSE;
         if ($go_further) {
             // Send the posted data to the Email library and send the Email
             // as defined in /themes/your_theme/config/forms.php
             TagManager_Email::send_form_emails($tag, $form_name, $post);
             // Add one custom Success message
             // Get the messages key defined in : /themes/your_theme/config/forms.php
             // You can also set directly one lang translated key
             $message = TagManager_Form::get_form_message('success');
             TagManager_Form::set_additional_success($form_name, $message);
             // Alternative : Set the message by using directly one lang translated key :
             // TagManager_Form::set_additional_success($form_name, lang('form_message_success'));
         // Use of the 'redirect' option of the form config.
         // If no redirect after processing, the form data can be send again if the user refreshes the page
         // To avoid that, we use the redirection directive as set in the config file:
         // /themes/your_theme/config/forms.php
         $redirect = TagManager_Form::get_form_redirect();
         if ($redirect !== FALSE) {
     // Normally, nothing should be done here, because the validation process refill the form
     // and doesn't redirect, so the user's filled in data can be used to fill the form again.
     // Remember : If you redirect here, the form refill will not be done, as the data are lost
     // (no access to the posted data anymore after redirection)
     	// ... Do something here ...
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Sends Emails as defined in the forms.php config file.
  * Important : This method receives the "form" tag
  * @param FTL_Binding	Form tag
  * @param string
  * @param array       	Array of data send to the Email view.
  * 						Each key of this array will be available in the view by :
  * 						<ion:data:key />
  * 						The passed array should look like this :
  * 						array(
  * 							'email' => 'user email',		// Email of the user (POST, DB...)
  * 							'key1' => 'value1,				// Makes <ion:data:key1 /> available in the Email view
  * 						);
 public static function send_form_emails(FTL_Binding $tag, $form_name, $data = array())
     // Set the 'data' tag from the received data array
     self::$context->define_tag('data', array(__CLASS__, 'tag_expand'));
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         if (!is_array($value) && !is_object($value)) {
             self::$context->define_tag('data:' . $key, array(__CLASS__, 'tag_simple_value'));
     // Get all declared emails configuration data from forms.php config file
     $emails = TagManager_Form::get_form_emails($form_name);
     // Get the 'sender' email : Must be set in Ionize : Settings > Advanced settings > Email
     $website_email = Settings::get('site_email') ? Settings::get('site_email') : NULL;
     // Send all defined emails
     foreach ($emails as $email_setting) {
         $email = $email_setting['email'];
         $reply_to = isset($email_setting['reply_to']) ? $email_setting['reply_to'] : NULL;
         // Get potential website / form email
         switch ($email) {
             case 'site':
                 $email = Settings::get('site_email') != '' ? Settings::get('site_email') : NULL;
             case 'form':
                 $email = isset($data['email']) ? $data['email'] : self::$ci->input->post('email');
             case $email == 'contact' || $email == 'technical' || $email == 'info':
                 $email = Settings::get('email_' . $email) != '' ? Settings::get('email_' . $email) : NULL;
                 $email = $email;
                 $_email = explode('::', $email);
                 if (!empty($_email[1])) {
                     $email = self::$ci->input->post($_email[1]);
         if (!is_null($reply_to)) {
             switch ($reply_to) {
                 case 'site':
                     $reply_to = Settings::get('site_email') != '' ? Settings::get('site_email') : NULL;
                 case 'form':
                     $reply_to = isset($data['email']) ? $data['email'] : self::$ci->input->post('email');
                     $reply_to = Settings::get('email_' . $email) != '' ? Settings::get('email_' . $email) : NULL;
         // Send the email
         if ($email) {
             // Subject, adds the website title as swap text : displayed in title if the %s key is used.
             $subject = lang($email_setting['subject'], Settings::get('site_title'));
             $data['subject'] = $subject;
             // Set the "data tag" array of data.
             $tag->set('data', $data);
             // Email Lib
             if (!isset(self::$ci->email)) {
             // Subject / From / To
             self::$ci->email->from($website_email, Settings::get("site_title"));
             if (!is_null($reply_to)) {
             // View & Message content
             $view_content = $tag->parse_as_standalone(self::$tag_prefix, Theme::load($email_setting['view']));
             // Send silently
             $result = @self::$ci->email->send();
             if (!$result) {
                 log_message('error', 'Error : Tagmanager/Email->send_form_emails() : Email was not sent.');
         } else {
             log_message('error', 'Error : Tagmanager/Email->send_form_emails() : Email not found');