Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function delete()
      * ACL Enforcement
     $currentUserId = $this->acl->getUserId();
     $cmsOwnerId = $this->acl->getRecordCmsOwnerId($this, $this->table);
     $isCurrentUserOwner = $cmsOwnerId === $currentUserId;
     $canBigDelete = false;
     $canDelete = false;
     if (TableSchema::hasTableColumn($this->table, STATUS_COLUMN_NAME)) {
         if ($this->acl->hasTablePrivilege($this->table, 'bigdelete')) {
             $canBigDelete = true;
         } else {
             if ($this->acl->hasTablePrivilege($this->table, 'delete')) {
                 $canDelete = true;
     if (!$canDelete && !$canBigDelete) {
         $aclErrorPrefix = $this->acl->getErrorMessagePrefix();
         throw new UnauthorizedTableBigDeleteException($aclErrorPrefix . ' forbidden to hard delete on table `' . $this->table . '` because it has status column.');
      * Enforce Privilege: "Little" Delete (I am the record CMS owner)
     if ($isCurrentUserOwner && !$canDelete) {
         $recordPk = self::stringifyPrimaryKeyForRecordDebugRepresentation($this->primaryKeyData);
         $aclErrorPrefix = $this->acl->getErrorMessagePrefix();
         throw new UnauthorizedTableDeleteException($aclErrorPrefix . 'Table harddelete access forbidden on `' . $this->table . '` table record with ' . $recordPk . ' owned by the authenticated CMS user (#' . $cmsOwnerId . ').');
     } elseif (!$isCurrentUserOwner && !$canBigDelete) {
          * Enforce Privilege: "Big" Delete (I am not the record CMS owner)
         $recordPk = self::stringifyPrimaryKeyForRecordDebugRepresentation($this->primaryKeyData);
         $recordOwner = false === $cmsOwnerId ? 'no magic owner column' : 'the CMS owner #' . $cmsOwnerId;
         $aclErrorPrefix = $this->acl->getErrorMessagePrefix();
         throw new UnauthorizedTableBigDeleteException($aclErrorPrefix . 'Table bigharddelete access forbidden on `' . $this->table . '` table record with $recordPk and ' . $recordOwner . '.');
     return parent::delete();