Ejemplo n.º 1

/* session display stuff */
require_once 'TableEditor.php';
$editor = new TableEditor($conn, 'sesview');
$editor->setConfig('allowCSV', false);
$editor->setConfig('allowView', false);
$editor->setConfig('allowAdd', false);
$editor->setConfig('allowEdit', false);
$editor->setConfig('allowCopy', false);
$editor->setConfig('allowDelete', false);
$editor->setConfig('title', 'Live Sessions Monitor');
$editor->setConfig('footerfile', 'footer.html');
$editor->setConfig('perPage', 30);
$editor->setDisplayNames(array('node' => 'Domain:Terminal', 'username' => 'Login Name', 'timestamp' => 'Sess. Start Time', 'Screen' => 'Live'));
$editor->setSearchableFields('username', 'node', 'timestamp');
$editor->setRequiredFields('username', 'node', 'domain', 'timestamp', 'status', 'clearedtime', 'sessionid', 'ipadress', 'port');
Ejemplo n.º 2

include '../document.php';
require_once 'TableEditor.php';
if (isset($bzID)) {
    $substr = explode("|", $bzID);
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM passwd WHERE password = '******'1']}' AND username = '******'0']}' AND access = '{$substr['2']}'");
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1 && $substr[2] >= 1) {
        $editor = new TableEditor($db, 'motd');
        $editor->setConfig('allowCopy', false);
        $editor->setConfig('allowCSV', false);
    } else {
        $doc = new Document();
        $doc->begin("Edit MOTD", 1);
        print "Unable to find any any MOTD results";
} else {
    $doc = new Document();
Ejemplo n.º 3

$conn = mysql_connect('localhost', 'rautor', '\\pass');
$db_selected = mysql_select_db('rautor', $conn);
require_once 'TableEditor.php';
$editor = new TableEditor($conn, 'sessions');
$editor->setConfig('allowAdd', false);
$editor->setConfig('allowEdit', false);
$editor->setConfig('allowCopy', false);
#$editor->setConfig('allowDelete', false);
#$editor->setConfig('allowCSV', false);
#$editor->setConfig('allowView', false);
$editor->setConfig('title', 'Manage All Sessions');
$editor->setConfig('footerfile', 'footer.html');
$editor->setConfig('perPage', 20);
$editor->setDisplayNames(array('domain' => 'Domain', 'node' => 'PC name', 'username' => 'username', 'timestamp' => 'Start Time', 'sessionid' => 'Session ID', 'status' => 'Status', 'clearedtime' => 'Cleared Time', 'ipadress' => 'IP Address', 'port' => 'Port', 'url' => 'URL'));
$editor->setSearchableFields('username', 'node', 'timestamp');
$editor->setRequiredFields('username', 'node', 'domain', 'timestamp', 'status', 'clearedtime', 'sessionid', 'ipadress', 'port');
Ejemplo n.º 4
require_once 'TableEditor.php';
$editor = new TableEditor($conn, 'rautor');
// $editor->setConfig('allowView', false);
// $editor->setConfig('allowAdd', false);
// $editor->setConfig('allowEdit', false);
// $editor->setConfig('allowCopy', false);
// $editor->setConfig('allowDelete', false);
$editor->setConfig('perPage', 30);
$editor->setDisplayNames(array('te_id' => 'ID', 'te_name' => 'Name', 'te_password' => 'Password', 'te_email' => 'Email', 'te_datetime' => 'Date Added', 'te_age' => 'Age', 'te_live' => 'Live', 'te_desc' => 'Description'));
// $editor->noDisplay('te_password');
$editor->setInputType('te_password', 'password');
$editor->setInputType('te_email', 'email');
$editor->setSearchableFields('te_name', 'te_age', 'te_id', 'te_desc', 'te_live');
$editor->setRequiredFields('te_name', 'te_email', 'te_datetime', 'te_age', 'te_desc');
$editor->setDefaultValues(array('te_id' => '0', 'te_live' => 'NOT LIVE'));
//$editor->addAdditionCallback(create_function('$data', 'foreach($data as $k => $v) {$body[] = "$k => $v";} mail("*****@*****.**", "Row added", implode("\n", $body));'));
//$editor->addEditCallback(create_function('$data', 'foreach($data as $k => $v) {$body[] = "$k => $v";} mail("*****@*****.**", "Row edited", implode("\n", $body));'));
//$editor->addCopyCallback(create_function('$data', 'foreach($data as $k => $v) {$body[] = "$k => $v";} mail("*****@*****.**", "Row copied", implode("\n", $body));'));
//$editor->addDeleteCallback(create_function('$data', 'foreach($data as $k => $v) {$body[] = "$k => $v";} mail("*****@*****.**", "Row deleted", implode("\n", $body));'));
function validateAge(&$obj, $data)
    $data = (int) $data;
    if ($data < 18 or $data > 80) {
        $obj->addError('Invalid age! Please enter an age between 18 and 80');
    return $data;
$editor->addValidationCallback('te_age', 'validateAge');
$editor->addDisplayFilter('te_desc', create_function('$v', 'return substr($v, 0, 100) . "...";'));