Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function buildDashboard()
     $kpi = new KPIComponent("kpi1");
     $kpi->setCaption("Hello world");
     $kpi->setDimensions(4, 4);
     $kpi->setSparkValues(array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun'), array(20, 32, 34, 12, 4, 16));
     $table = new TableComponent('table1');
     $table->setCaption("Table 1");
     $table->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $table->addColumn('colA', "Column A");
     $table->addColumn('colB', "Column B");
     for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
         $table->addRow(array('colA' => $i * 2, 'colB' => $i * 2 + 1));
     $kpi2 = new KPIComponent("kpi2");
     $kpi2->setCaption("KPI 2");
     $kpi2->setDimensions(4, 4);
     // $chart = new ChartComponent('my_chart');
     // $chart->setCaption("Chart 1");
     // $chart->setDimensions(4,4);
     // $chart->setLabels(['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May']);
     // $chart->addSeries("seriesA", "Series A", [1, 3, 5, 1, 9], null);
     // $chart->addSeries("seriesB", "Series B", [3, 1, 9, 2, 3], null);
     // $this->addComponent ($chart);
     $kpi->bindToEvent("kpiClick", array($kpi2, $table), "handleKPIClick", $this);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function buildDashboard()
     $table = new TableComponent("table");
     $table->setCaption("IMDB Top 20");
     $table->setDimensions(12, 8);
     $table->addColumn('rank', 'Rank');
     $table->addColumn('title', 'Title');
     $table->addColumn('year', 'Year');
     $table->addColumn('rating', 'IMDB Rating');
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 1, 'title' => 'The Shawshank Redemption', 'year' => '1994', 'rating' => 9.199999999999999));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 2, 'title' => 'The Godfather', 'year' => '1972', 'rating' => 9.199999999999999));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 3, 'title' => 'The Godfather part II', 'year' => '1974', 'rating' => 9.0));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 4, 'title' => 'The Dark Knight', 'year' => '2008', 'rating' => 8.9));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 5, 'title' => 'Pulp Fiction', 'year' => '1994', 'rating' => 8.9));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 6, 'title' => 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', 'year' => '1966', 'rating' => 8.9));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 7, 'title' => 'Schindler\'s List', 'year' => '1993', 'rating' => 8.9));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 8, 'title' => 'Angry Men', 'year' => '1957', 'rating' => 8.9));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 9, 'title' => 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', 'year' => '2003', 'rating' => 8.9));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 10, 'title' => 'Fight Club', 'year' => '1999', 'rating' => 8.800000000000001));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 11, 'title' => 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', 'year' => '2001', 'rating' => 8.800000000000001));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 12, 'title' => 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', 'year' => '1980', 'rating' => 8.800000000000001));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 13, 'title' => 'Inception', 'year' => '2010', 'rating' => 8.699999999999999));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 14, 'title' => 'Forrest Gump', 'year' => '1994', 'rating' => 8.699999999999999));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 15, 'title' => 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo\'s Nest', 'year' => '1975', 'rating' => 8.699999999999999));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 16, 'title' => 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', 'year' => '2002', 'rating' => 8.699999999999999));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 17, 'title' => 'Goodfellas', 'year' => '1990', 'rating' => 8.699999999999999));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 18, 'title' => 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', 'year' => '1977', 'rating' => 8.699999999999999));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 19, 'title' => 'The Matrix', 'year' => '1999', 'rating' => 8.699999999999999));
     $table->addRow(array('rank' => 20, 'title' => 'Seven Samurai', 'year' => '1954', 'rating' => 8.699999999999999));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function buildDashboard()
     $this->setDashboardTitle("Stock Dashboard");
     $kpi = new KPIGroupComponent('kpi');
     $kpi->setDimensions(12, 2);
     $kpi->setCaption('Units stock by Category');
     $Units = $this->get_units(true);
     foreach ($Units as $key => $value) {
         $kpi->addKPI($value['id'], array('caption' => $value['CategoryName'], 'value' => $value['Quantity'], 'numberSuffix' => ' units', 'numberHumanize' => true));
     $table = new TableComponent('table');
     $table->setCaption("List of Item in Stock");
     $table->setDimensions(6, 5);
     $stock = $this->get_stock();
     $table->addColumn('id', 'Product Id');
     $table->addColumn('name', 'Product Name');
     $table->addColumn('category', 'Category');
     $table->addColumn('price', 'Price', array("numberPrefix" => "\$", "dataType" => "number"));
     $table->addColumn('stock', 'Stock');
     $c12 = new FormComponent('filter');
     $c12->setDimensions(6, 5);
     $c12->setCaption('Filter items in stock');
     $category = $this->get_category();
     $c12->addSelectField('category', 'Select Category', array_merge(['no selection'], ArrayUtils::pluck($category, 'CategoryName')));
     $c12->addTextField('contains', 'Product Name Contains');
     $c12->addNumericRangeField('stock', 'Units In Stock', array(0, 100));
     $c12->onApplyClick(array($table), 'handleApply', $this);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function buildDashboard()
     $table = new TableComponent('table1');
     $table->setCaption("Regional Sales");
     $table->setDimensions(4, 4);
     $table->addColumn('zone', "Zone");
     $table->addColumn('name', "Store Name");
     $table->addColumn('sale', "Sales Amount", array("dataType" => "number", "numberPrefix" => "\$ ", "textAlign" => "center"));
     $data = array(array("zone" => "North", "name" => "Northern Stores", "sale" => 4000), array("zone" => "South", "name" => "Southern Stores", "sale" => 4500));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function buildDashboard()
     $table = new TableComponent('table1');
     $table->setCaption("Table 1");
     $table->setDimensions(6, 3);
     $table->addColumn('colA', "Column A");
     $table->addColumn('colB', "Column B");
     $table->setRowDataSource('paginate', $this);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function buildDashboard()
     $table = new TableComponent('table1');
     $table->setCaption("Regional Sales");
     $table->setDimensions(4, 4);
     $table->addColumn('zone', "Zone");
     $table->addColumn('name', "Store Name");
     $table->addColumn('sale', "Sales Amount");
     $table->addSparkColumn('customer', "Customers");
     $data = array(array("zone" => "North", "name" => "Northern Stores", "sale" => 4000, "customer" => array(5, 3, 4, 8)), array("zone" => "South", "name" => "Southern Stores", "sale" => 4500, "customer" => array(10, 6, 15, 8)));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function buildDashboard()
     $yearwise = new ChartComponent('yearly_sales');
     $yearwise->setCaption("Yearly Sales");
     $yearwise->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $yearData = $this->get_year();
     $yearwise->setLabels(ArrayUtils::pluck($yearData, 'payment_year'));
     $yearwise->setYAxis("Sales", array("numberHumanize" => true, 'numberPrefix' => "\$"));
     $totalSalesArr = ArrayUtils::pluck($yearData, "total_amount");
     $yearwise->addSeries("sales", "Sales", $totalSalesArr, array('numberPrefix' => "\$"));
     $yearwise->addDrillStep("get_monthwise", $this);
     $yearwise->addDrillStep("get_daywise", $this);
     $totalSales = 0;
     foreach ($totalSalesArr as $key => $value) {
         $totalSales += $value;
     $yearwise->addComponentKPI("sales", array("caption" => "Total Sales", "value" => $totalSales, "numberPrefix" => "\$", "numberHumanize" => true));
     $yearwise->addComponentKPI("second", array("caption" => "Revenue", "value" => $totalSales, "numberPrefix" => "\$", "numberHumanize" => true));
     $this->setDashboardTitle("Sales Dashboard");
     $category = new ChartComponent('category');
     $category->setCaption("Category wise Sales");
     $category->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $categoryData = $this->get_category();
     $category->setLabels(ArrayUtils::pluck($categoryData, 'CategoryName'));
     $category->setYAxis("Sales", array("numberHumanize" => true, 'numberPrefix' => "\$"));
     $totalSalesArr = ArrayUtils::pluck($categoryData, "total_amount");
     $category->addSeries("sales", "Sales", $totalSalesArr, array('numberPrefix' => "\$"));
     $table = new TableComponent('table');
     $table->setCaption("Average Shipping Time");
     $table->setDimensions(6, 4);
     $ship = $this->get_shipping();
     $table->addColumn('country', 'Country');
     $table->addColumn('avg_time', 'Average Time');
     $goods = new ChartComponent('goods_sold');
     $goods->setCaption("Cost of Goods Sold");
     $goods->setDimensions(12, 6);
     $yearArr = $this->get_yearName();
     $goods->setLabels(ArrayUtils::pluck($yearArr, 'payment_year'));
     $goods->setYAxis("Sales", array("numberHumanize" => true, 'numberPrefix' => "\$"));
     $goodsSoldData = $this->get_goodsSold();
     foreach ($goodsSoldData as $key => $value) {
         $goods->addSeries($key, $key, ArrayUtils::pluck($value, "total_amount"), array('numberPrefix' => "\$", 'seriesStacked' => true));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function buildDashboard()
     $table = new TableComponent('table1');
     $table->setCaption("List of Employees");
     $table->setDimensions(6, 3);
     $table->addColumn('FirstName', "First Name");
     $table->addColumn('LastName', "Last Name");
     $table->addColumn('City', "City");
     $table->addColumn('State', "State", array('textItalicFlag' => true));
     $table->addColumn('Country', "Country");
     $table->setRowDataSource('paginate', $this);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function buildDashboard()
     $table = new TableComponent('table1');
     $table->setCaption("Table 1");
     $table->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $table->addColumn('colA', "Column A");
     $table->addColumn('colB', "Column B");
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         // Single Row
         $table->addRow(array('colA' => $i * 2, 'colB' => $i * 2 + 1));
     $table->cellConditionalFormat("colA", "value>300", array("cellBackgroundColor" => "#000", "cellTextColor" => "#fff"));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function buildDashboard()
     $quarterlySales = new ChartComponent('quarterlySales');
     $quarterlySales->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $quarterlySales->setCaption("Quarterly Sales");
     $quarterlySales->setLabels(array("Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"));
     $quarterlySales->addYAxis('quantity', "Quantity");
     $quarterlySales->addSeries('sales', "Sales", array(13122, 41312, 46132, 51135), array('numberPrefix' => "\$"));
     $quarterlySales->addSeries('quantity', "Quantity", array(121, 392, 420, 489), array('yAxis' => 'quantity'));
     $quarterlySales->addComponentKPI('beverage', array('caption' => 'Beverages', 'value' => 22900, 'numberPrefix' => ' $', 'numberHumanize' => true));
     $quarterlySales->addComponentKPI('vegetable', array('caption' => 'Vegetables', 'value' => 10401, 'numberPrefix' => ' $', 'numberHumanize' => true));
     $quarterlySales->addComponentKPI('dairy', array('caption' => 'Dairy', 'value' => 27700, 'numberPrefix' => ' $', 'numberHumanize' => true));
     $quarterlySales->addDrillStep('drillIntoMonths', $this);
     $numTickets = new KPIComponent('numTickets');
     $numTickets->setDimensions(3, 3);
     $numTickets->setCaption("Open Support Tickets");
     $satisfactionGauge = new GaugeComponent('satisfactionGauge');
     $satisfactionGauge->setDimensions(3, 3);
     $satisfactionGauge->setCaption('Customer Satisfaction');
     $satisfactionGauge->setLimits(0, 10);
     $ticketPriorities = new KPIGroupComponent('ticketPriorities');
     $ticketPriorities->setDimensions(6, 3);
     $ticketPriorities->setCaption('Ticket Priorities');
     $ticketPriorities->addKPI('high', array('caption' => 'High Priority', 'value' => 6));
     $ticketPriorities->addKPI('normal', array('caption' => 'Normal Priority', 'value' => 36));
     $productsTable = new TableComponent('productsTable');
     $productsTable->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $productsTable->addColumn('name', 'Name');
     $productsTable->addColumn('category', 'Category');
     $productsTable->addColumn('price', 'Price', array('dataType' => "number", 'numberPrefix' => "\$", 'textAlign' => "right", 'numberForceDecimals' => true));
     $productFilterForm = new FormComponent('productFilterForm');
     $productFilterForm->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $productFilterForm->setCaption('Filter Products');
     $productFilterForm->addMultiSelectField('category', 'Select Category', array('Vegetables', 'Dairy', 'Beverages'));
     $productFilterForm->addTextField('name', 'Product Name Contains');
     $productFilterForm->addNumericRangeField('price', 'Price', array(5, 20));
     $productFilterForm->onApplyClick(array($productsTable), 'handleApplyClick', $this);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function buildDashboard()
     $table = new TableComponent('table1');
     $table->setCaption("Table 1");
     $table->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $table->addColumn('colA', "Column A");
     $table->addColumn('colB', "Column B");
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         // Single Row
         $table->addRow(array('colA' => $i * 2, 'colB' => $i * 2 + 1));
     // Multiple Rows
     $rows = array(array('colA' => 111, 'colB' => 22), array('colA' => 222, 'colB' => 33), array('colA' => 333, 'colB' => 44));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function buildDashboard()
     $table = new TableComponent('table1');
     $table->setCaption("Movies & Ratings");
     $table->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $table->addColumn('rank', "Rank");
     $table->addColumn('title', "Title");
     $table->addColumn('rating', "Rating");
     // Adding multiple rows at once
     $filter = new FormComponent('form');
     $filter->setDimensions(5, 3);
     $filter->addSelectField('rating_filter', 'Rating Greater Than', array(5, 6, 7, 8, 9));
     $filter->onApplyClick(array($table), 'handleApplyClick', $this);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function buildDashboard()
     $table = new TableComponent('table1');
     $table->setCaption("List of Employees");
     $table->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $employees = $this->getEmployees();
     $table->addColumn('FirstName', "First Name");
     $table->addColumn('LastName', "Last Name");
     $table->addColumn('City', "City");
     $table->addColumn('State', "State", array('textItalicFlag' => true));
     $table->addColumn('Country', "Country");
     $form = new FormComponent('form1');
     $form->setCaption("Form Employees");
     $form->setDimensions(4, 4);
     $form->addTextField("contains", "City Contains");
     $form->onApplyClick(array($table), "handleEmployeesSubmit", $this);
 public function buildDashboard()
     $table = new TableComponent("table1");
     $table->setCaption("List of items in stock");
     $table->setDimensions(12, 6);
     $table->addColumn('ProductID', 'Product ID');
     $table->addColumn('ProductName', 'Product Name');
     $table->addColumn('CategoryName', 'Category');
     $table->addColumn('UnitPrice', 'Price', array('dataType' => 'number', 'numberPrefix' => '$', 'numberForceDecimals' => true, 'numberDecimalPoints' => 2));
     $table->addColumn('UnitsInStock', 'Stock');
     $table->addColumn('Discounted', 'Discounted?');
 public function buildDashboard()
     $categories = ['Beverages', 'Condiments', 'Confections', 'Dairy Products', 'Grains/Cereal', 'Meat/Poultry', 'Produce', 'Seafood'];
     $c1 = new TableComponent("table1");
     $c1->setCaption("List of items in stock");
     $c1->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $c1->addColumn('ProductID', 'Product ID');
     $c1->addColumn('ProductName', 'Product Name');
     $c1->addColumn('CategoryName', 'Category');
     $c1->addColumn('UnitPrice', 'Price', array('dataType' => 'number', 'numberPrefix' => '$', 'numberForceDecimals' => true, 'numberDecimalPoints' => 2));
     $c1->addColumn('UnitsInStock', 'Stock');
     $c1->addColumn('Discontinued', 'Discontinued?');
     $c2 = new FormComponent('form1');
     $c2->setCaption("Form items in stock");
     $c2->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $c2->addTextField('contains', 'Product Name Contains');
     $c2->addNumericRangeField('stock', 'Units In Stock', array(10, 100));
     $c2->addCheckboxField('discontinued', 'Exclude Discontinued Items', false);
Ejemplo n.º 16
// Create a chart to show aggregated sales by artist
$artistSales = new ChartComponent();
$artistSales->setCaption("Artist Sales");
$artistSales->setLabelExpression("Artist", "artist.Name");
$artistSales->addSeries("Sales", "track.UnitPrice * invoiceline.Quantity", array('sort' => "DESC"));
$artistSales->setOption('limit', 10);
// Link the artist chart to artist sales
// Create a table component to show each sale.
$saleTable = new TableComponent();
$saleTable->setCaption("Sales Table");
$saleTable->addColumn("Track", "track.Name");
$saleTable->addColumn("Album", "album.Title");
$saleTable->addColumn("Sale Date", "invoice.InvoiceDate", array('width' => 50));
$saleTable->addColumn("Amount", "track.UnitPrice * invoiceLine.Quantity", array('width' => 50, 'textAlign' => 'right', 'numberPrefix' => '$'));
// Link the artist chart to the sales table
// Create a Key Performance Indicators to measure the total sales last month
$saleKPI = new KPIComponent();
$saleKPI->setCaption("Last Month's sales");
$saleKPI->setValueExpression("track.UnitPrice * invoiceLine.Quantity", array('aggregate' => true, 'aggregateFunction' => "SUM", 'numberPrefix' => '$'));
$saleKPI->setTimestampExpression("invoice.InvoiceDate", array('timeUnit' => 'month'));
// Link the artist chart to sales KPI
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function buildDashboard()
     $this->setDashboardTitle("Sales Dashboard");
     // $yearwise = new ChartComponent ('yearly_sales');
     // $yearwise->setCaption ("Yearly Sales");
     // $yearwise->setDimensions (6, 6);
     // $yearData = $this->get_year();
     // $yearwise->setLabels(ArrayUtils::pluck($yearData, 'payment_year'));
     // $yearwise->setYAxis("Sales", array(
     //   "numberHumanize" => true,
     //   'numberPrefix' => "$"
     // ));
     // $totalSalesArr = ArrayUtils::pluck($yearData, "total_amount");
     // $yearwise->addSeries ("sales", "Sales", $totalSalesArr, array(
     //   'numberPrefix' => "$"
     // ));
     // $yearwise->addDrillStep("get_monthwise", $this);
     // $yearwise->addDrillStep("get_daywise", $this);
     // $totalSales = 0;
     // foreach ($totalSalesArr as $key => $value) {
     //   $totalSales += $value;
     // }
     // $yearwise->addComponentKPI("sales", array(
     //   "caption" => "Total Sales",
     //   "value" => $totalSales,
     //   "numberPrefix" => "$",
     //   "numberHumanize" => true
     // ));
     // $yearwise->addComponentKPI("second", array(
     //   "caption" => "Revenue",
     //   "value" => $totalSales,
     //   "numberPrefix" => "$",
     //   "numberHumanize" => true
     // ));
     // $this->addComponent ($yearwise);
     $category = new ChartComponent('category');
     $category->setCaption("Category wise Sales");
     $category->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $categoryData = $this->get_category();
     $quantityData = $this->get_units();
     $category->setLabels(ArrayUtils::pluck($categoryData, 'CategoryName'));
     $category->setYAxis("Sales", array("numberHumanize" => true, 'numberPrefix' => "\$"));
     $totalSalesArr = ArrayUtils::pluck($categoryData, "total_amount");
     $category->addSeries("sales", "Sales", $totalSalesArr, array('numberPrefix' => "\$"));
     $category->addYAxis('unitsAx', "Units in Inventory", array());
     $totalUnitsArr = ArrayUtils::pluck($quantityData, "total_quantity");
     $category->addSeries("units", "Units in Inventory", $totalUnitsArr, array("seriesDisplayType" => "line", "yAxis" => 'unitsAx'));
     $category->addDrillStep("get_prod", $this);
     $category->addComponentKPI("cost", array("caption" => "Total Sales", "value" => $this->get_cost_inventory(), "numberPrefix" => "\$"));
     $category->addComponentKPI("units", array("caption" => "Total Units in Inventory", "value" => $this->get_unit_inventory()));
     $chart = new ChartComponent("Customer_satisfaction");
     $chart->setCaption("Customer Satisfaction");
     $chart->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $chart->setLabels(["Very Unsatisfied", "UnSatisfied", "Neutral", "Satisfied", "Very Satisfied"]);
     $chart->setPieValues([4, 10, 25, 25, 36], array("numberSuffix" => "%"));
     $table = new TableComponent('table');
     $table->setCaption("Average Shipping Time");
     $table->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $ship = $this->get_shipping();
     $table->addColumn('country', 'Country');
     $table->addColumn('avg_time', 'Average Time', array("textAlign" => "right"));
     $goods = new ChartComponent('goods_sold');
     $goods->setCaption("Cost of Goods Sold");
     $goods->setDimensions(6, 6);
     $yearArr = $this->get_yearName();
     $goods->setLabels(ArrayUtils::pluck($yearArr, 'payment_year'));
     $goods->setYAxis("Sales", array("numberHumanize" => true, 'numberPrefix' => "\$"));
     $goodsSoldData = $this->get_goodsSold();
     foreach ($goodsSoldData as $key => $value) {
         $goods->addSeries($key, $key, ArrayUtils::pluck($value, "total_amount"), array('numberPrefix' => "\$", 'seriesStacked' => true));