/** * Override level setter to prevent setting the root logger's level to * null. Root logger must always have a level. * * @param LoggerLevel $level */ public function setLevel(LoggerLevel $level = null) { if (isset($level)) { parent::setLevel($level); } else { trigger_error("log4php: Cannot set LoggerRoot level to null.", E_USER_WARNING); } }
public function getLogger($payment) { \TPLogger::configure($this->config); if ($this->php_version != null) { \LoggerMDC::put('php_version', $this->php_version); } else { throw new \Exception("Logger Configuracion incompleta"); } if ($this->commerce_version != null) { \LoggerMDC::put('commerce_version', $this->commerce_version); } else { throw new \Exception("Logger Configuracion incompleta"); } if ($this->plugin_version != null) { \LoggerMDC::put('plugin_version', $this->plugin_version); } else { throw new \Exception("Logger Configuracion incompleta"); } if ($payment) { if ($this->end_point != null) { \LoggerMDC::put('end_point', $this->end_point); } else { throw new \Exception("Logger Configuracion incompleta"); } if ($this->customer != null) { \LoggerMDC::put('customer', $this->customer); } else { throw new \Exception("Logger Configuracion incompleta"); } if ($this->order != null) { \LoggerMDC::put('order', $this->order); } else { throw new \Exception("Logger Configuracion incompleta"); } } if ($payment) { return \TPLogger::getLogger("todopagopayment"); } return \TPLogger::getLogger("todopagoadmin"); }
/** * Configures log4php. * * This method needs to be called before the first logging event has * occured. If this method is not called before then the default * configuration will be used. * * @param string|array $configuration Either a path to the configuration * file, or a configuration array. * * @param string|LoggerConfigurator $configurator A custom * configurator class: either a class name (string), or an object which * implements the LoggerConfigurator interface. If left empty, the default * configurator implementation will be used. */ public static function configure($configuration = null, $configurator = null) { self::resetConfiguration(); $configurator = self::getConfigurator($configurator); $configurator->configure(self::getHierarchy(), $configuration); self::$initialized = true; }
/** * Returns a named logger instance logger. If it doesn't exist, one is created. * * @param string $name TPLogger name * @return TPLogger Logger instance. */ public function getLogger($name) { if (!isset($this->loggers[$name])) { $logger = new TPLogger($name); $nodes = explode('.', $name); $firstNode = array_shift($nodes); // if name is not a first node but another first node is their if ($firstNode != $name and isset($this->loggers[$firstNode])) { $logger->setParent($this->loggers[$firstNode]); } else { // if there is no father, set root logger as father $logger->setParent($this->root); } // if there are more nodes than one if (count($nodes) > 0) { // find parent node foreach ($nodes as $node) { $parentNode = "{$firstNode}.{$node}"; if (isset($this->loggers[$parentNode]) and $parentNode != $name) { $logger->setParent($this->loggers[$parentNode]); } $firstNode .= ".{$node}"; } } $this->loggers[$name] = $logger; } return $this->loggers[$name]; }
/** * Configures a logger. * * @param TPLogger $logger The logger to configure * @param array $config TPLogger configuration options. */ private function configureLogger(TPLogger $logger, $config) { $loggerName = $logger->getName(); // Set logger level if (isset($config['level'])) { $level = LoggerLevel::toLevel($config['level']); if (isset($level)) { $logger->setLevel($level); } else { $this->warn("Invalid level value [{$config['level']}] specified for logger [{$loggerName}]. Ignoring level definition."); } } // Link appenders to logger if (isset($config['appenders'])) { foreach ($config['appenders'] as $appenderName) { if (isset($this->appenders[$appenderName])) { $logger->addAppender($this->appenders[$appenderName]); } else { $this->warn("Nonexistnant appender [{$appenderName}] linked to logger [{$loggerName}]."); } } } // Set logger additivity if (isset($config['additivity'])) { try { $additivity = LoggerOptionConverter::toBooleanEx($config['additivity'], null); $logger->setAdditivity($additivity); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->warn("Invalid additivity value [{$config['additivity']}] specified for logger [{$loggerName}]. Ignoring additivity setting."); } } }