Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function generar()
     if ($this->consultorio->getId() == '') {
         return false;
     if ($this->turno['idTurno'] == '') {
         return false;
     if ($this->cubiculo == '') {
         return false;
     $hoja =& $this->libro->addWorksheet('Reporte');
     $titulo =& $this->libro->addFormat();
     $head =& $this->libro->addFormat(array('Size' => 10, 'bold' => 1, 'Color' => 'red'));
     $hoja->write(2, 1, utf8_decode("REPORTE DE CONSULTAS"), $titulo);
     $hoja->mergeCells(2, 1, 2, 37);
     $hoja->setColumn(1, 3, 2);
     $hoja->setColumn(1, 1, 4);
     $hoja->setColumn(4, 5, 10);
     $hoja->write(3, 1, utf8_decode("CLAVE DE LA UNIDAD: " . $this->consultorio->getClave() . "   NOMBRE DE LA UNIDAD: " . $this->consultorio->getNombre()), $head);
     $hoja->mergeCells(3, 1, 3, 18);
     $hoja->write(3, 19, utf8_decode("TURNO: " . $this->turno['nombre']), $head);
     $hoja->mergeCells(3, 19, 3, 30);
     $hoja->write(3, 31, utf8_decode("MES A REPORTAR: " . $this->getMesLetra()), $head);
     $hoja->mergeCells(3, 31, 3, 37);
     $hoja->write(4, 1, utf8_decode("NOMBRE DEL MÉDICO: " . $this->doctor->getNombreCompleto() . "   CÉDULA: " . $this->doctor->getCedula()), $head);
     $hoja->mergeCells(4, 1, 4, 18);
     $hoja->write(4, 19, utf8_decode("CONSULTORIO: " . $this->cubiculo), $head);
     $hoja->mergeCells(4, 19, 4, 30);
     $hoja->write(4, 31, utf8_decode("AÑO: " . $this->anio), $head);
     $hoja->mergeCells(4, 31, 4, 37);
     $dias =& $this->libro->addFormat(array('Size' => 11, 'bold' => 1, "Align" => "center", "border" => 1));
     $hoja->setColumn(6, 36, 3);
     $hoja->mergeCells(5, 1, 5, 5);
     $hoja->write(5, 1, "", $dias);
     for ($dia = 1; $dia < 32; $dia++) {
         $hoja->write(5, $dia + 5, $dia, $dias);
     $hoja->setColumn(37, 37, 7);
     #Total sobre dias
     $hoja->write(5, $dia + 5, "Total", $dias);
     $db = TBase::conectaDB();
     $rs = $db->Execute("select * from tipoServicio");
     $cont = 1;
     $this->libro->setCustomColor(15, 192, 192, 192);
     $formatClasif = array(2 => array('FgColor' => "black", 'color' => "white"), 1 => array('FgColor' => 15));
     $objConsulta = new TConsulta();
     while (!$rs->EOF) {
         $FormTipoServicio =& $this->libro->addFormat(array_merge(array('Size' => 8, "TextRotation" => 270, "Align" => "vcenter"), $formatClasif[$rs->fields['idClasificacion']]));
         $rsServicios = $db->Execute("select * from servicio where idTipo = " . $rs->fields['idTipo']);
         $hoja->mergeCells($cont + 5, 1, $cont + 4 + $rsServicios->RecordCount(), 1);
         $hoja->write($cont + 5, 1, strtoupper(utf8_decode($rs->fields['descripcion'])), $FormTipoServicio);
         while (!$rsServicios->EOF) {
             $hoja->setRow($cont + 5, 35);
             $hoja->mergeCells($cont + 5, 2, $cont + 5, 3);
             $FormTipoServicio =& $this->libro->addFormat(array_merge(array('Size' => 8, "Align" => "vcenter", "border" => 1), $formatClasif[$rs->fields['idClasificacion']]));
             $hoja->write($cont + 5, 2, $cont, $FormTipoServicio);
             $hoja->mergeCells($cont + 5, 4, $cont + 5, 5);
             $tituloServicios =& $this->libro->addFormat(array('Size' => 8, "border" => 1));
             $hoja->write($cont + 5, 4, strtoupper(utf8_decode($rsServicios->fields['nombre'])), $tituloServicios);
             $total = 0;
             $cantidad =& $this->libro->addFormat(array('Size' => 6, "border" => 1));
             for ($dia = 1; $dia < 32; $dia++) {
                 $rsConsulta = $db->Execute("select idConsulta from reporte a join consulta b using(idReporte) where idConsultorio = " . $this->consultorio->getId() . " and cubiculo = " . $this->cubiculo . " and idTurno = " . $this->turno['idTurno'] . " and fecha = '" . $this->anio . "-" . $this->mes . "-" . $dia . "' and idServicio = " . $rsServicios->fields['idServicio'] . " and idDoctor = " . $this->doctor->getId());
                 $objConsulta = new TConsulta($rsConsulta->fields['idConsulta']);
                 $total += $objConsulta->getCantidad();
                 $hoja->write($cont + 5, $dia + 5, $objConsulta->getCantidad() == 0 ? '' : $objConsulta->getCantidad(), $cantidad);
             $hoja->write($cont + 5, $dia + 5, $total, $cantidad);
     $cont += 5;
     $fTotales =& $this->libro->addFormat(array('Size' => 10, "bold" => 1, "TextRotation" => 270, "Align" => "vcenter", "Border" => 1));
     $hoja->write($cont, 1, "TOTALES", $fTotales);
     $hoja->mergeCells($cont, 1, $cont + 2, 1);
     $hoja->setRow($cont, 30);
     $hoja->setRow($cont + 1, 30);
     $hoja->setRow($cont + 2, 30);
     $fTotales =& $this->libro->addFormat(array_merge(array('Size' => 10, "bold" => 1, "Border" => 1), $formatClasif[1]));
     $hoja->mergeCells($cont, 2, $cont, 3);
     $hoja->write($cont, 2, "A", $fTotales);
     $fTotales =& $this->libro->addFormat(array_merge(array('Size' => 10, "bold" => 1, "Border" => 1), $formatClasif[2]));
     $hoja->mergeCells($cont + 1, 2, $cont + 1, 3);
     $hoja->write($cont + 1, 2, "B", $fTotales);
     $fTotales =& $this->libro->addFormat(array('Size' => 10, "bold" => 1, "Border" => 1));
     $hoja->mergeCells($cont + 2, 2, $cont + 2, 3);
     $hoja->write($cont + 2, 2, "C", $fTotales);
     $fTotales =& $this->libro->addFormat(array('Size' => 8, "Border" => 1));
     $hoja->write($cont, 4, "TOTAL DE CONSULTAS", $fTotales);
     $hoja->mergeCells($cont, 4, $cont, 5);
     $hoja->write($cont + 1, 4, "TOTAL DE PROCEDIMIENTOS", $fTotales);
     $hoja->mergeCells($cont + 1, 4, $cont + 1, 5);
     $hoja->write($cont + 2, 4, "TOTAL DE ATENCIONES", $fTotales);
     $hoja->mergeCells($cont + 2, 4, $cont + 2, 5);
     for ($dia = 1; $dia < 32; $dia++) {
         $rsTotales1 = $db->Execute("select sum(cantidad) as total from reporte a join consulta b using(idReporte) join servicio c using(idServicio) join tipoServicio d using(idTipo) where idConsultorio = " . $this->consultorio->getId() . " and cubiculo = " . $this->cubiculo . " and idTurno = " . $this->turno['idTurno'] . " and fecha = '" . $this->anio . "-" . $this->mes . "-" . $dia . "' and idDoctor = " . $this->doctor->getId() . " and idClasificacion = 1");
         $hoja->write($cont, $dia + 5, sprintf("%d", $rsTotales1->fields['total']), $fTotales);
         $rsTotales2 = $db->Execute("select sum(cantidad) as total from reporte a join consulta b using(idReporte) join servicio c using(idServicio) join tipoServicio d using(idTipo) where idConsultorio = " . $this->consultorio->getId() . " and cubiculo = " . $this->cubiculo . " and idTurno = " . $this->turno['idTurno'] . " and fecha = '" . $this->anio . "-" . $this->mes . "-" . $dia . "' and idDoctor = " . $this->doctor->getId() . " and idClasificacion = 2");
         $hoja->write($cont + 1, $dia + 5, sprintf("%d", $rsTotales2->fields['total']), $fTotales);
         $hoja->write($cont + 2, $dia + 5, sprintf("%d", $rsTotales2->fields['total'] + $rsTotales1->fields['total']), $fTotales);
     $rsTotales1 = $db->Execute("select sum(cantidad) as total from reporte a join consulta b using(idReporte) join servicio c using(idServicio) join tipoServicio d using(idTipo) where idConsultorio = " . $this->consultorio->getId() . " and cubiculo = " . $this->cubiculo . " and idTurno = " . $this->turno['idTurno'] . " and fecha between '" . $this->anio . "-" . $this->mes . "-1' and '" . $this->anio . "-" . $this->mes . "-31' and idDoctor = " . $this->doctor->getId() . " and idClasificacion = 1");
     $hoja->write($cont, $dia + 5, sprintf("%d", $rsTotales1->fields['total']), $fTotales);
     $rsTotales2 = $db->Execute("select sum(cantidad) as total from reporte a join consulta b using(idReporte) join servicio c using(idServicio) join tipoServicio d using(idTipo) where idConsultorio = " . $this->consultorio->getId() . " and cubiculo = " . $this->cubiculo . " and idTurno = " . $this->turno['idTurno'] . " and fecha between '" . $this->anio . "-" . $this->mes . "-1' and '" . $this->anio . "-" . $this->mes . "-31' and idDoctor = " . $this->doctor->getId() . " and idClasificacion = 2");
     $hoja->write($cont + 1, $dia + 5, sprintf("%d", $rsTotales2->fields['total']), $fTotales);
     $hoja->write($cont + 2, $dia + 5, sprintf("%d", $rsTotales2->fields['total'] + $rsTotales1->fields['total']), $fTotales);
     return true;
  * Agregar una consulta
  * @autor Hugo
  * @access public
  * @return boolean True si se realizó sin problemas
 public function addConsulta($servicio = '', $turno = '', $cantidad = 0, $cubiculo = 1)
     if ($this->getId() == '') {
         return false;
     if ($turno == '') {
         return false;
     if ($servicio == '') {
         return false;
     if (!is_numeric($cantidad)) {
         return false;
     #buscamos el id de la consulta
     $db = TBase::conectaDB();
     $rs = $db->Execute("select idConsulta from consulta where idReporte = " . $this->getId() . " and idServicio = " . $servicio . " and idTurno = " . $turno . " and cubiculo = " . $cubiculo);
     $obj = new TConsulta($rs->fields["idConsulta"]);
     return $obj->guardar();