Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function testPdfOutput()
     $this->markTestIncomplete('Transparency rendering on signature not working.');
     // create new PDF document
     $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     // set document information
     $pdf->SetAuthor('Nicola Asuni');
     $pdf->SetTitle('TCPDF Example 052');
     $pdf->SetSubject('TCPDF Tutorial');
     $pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, example, test, guide');
     // set default header data
     // set header and footer fonts
     $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
     $pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
     // set default monospaced font
     // set margins
     // set auto page breaks
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     // set image scale factor
     // set some language-dependent strings (optional)
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
      - To create self-signed signature: openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365000 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout tcpdf.crt -out tcpdf.crt
      - To export crt to p12: openssl pkcs12 -export -in tcpdf.crt -out tcpdf.p12
      - To convert pfx certificate to pem: openssl pkcs12 -in tcpdf.pfx -out tcpdf.crt -nodes
     // set certificate file
     $certificate = 'file://tests/data/cert/tcpdf.crt';
     // set additional information
     $info = array('Name' => 'TCPDF', 'Location' => 'Office', 'Reason' => 'Testing TCPDF', 'ContactInfo' => 'http://www.tcpdf.org');
     // set document signature
     $pdf->setSignature($certificate, $certificate, 'tcpdfdemo', '', 2, $info);
     // set font
     $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 12);
     // add a page
     // print a line of text
     $text = 'This is a <b color="#FF0000">digitally signed document</b> using the default (example) <b>tcpdf.crt</b> certificate.<br />To validate this signature you have to load the <b color="#006600">tcpdf.fdf</b> on the Arobat Reader to add the certificate to <i>List of Trusted Identities</i>.<br /><br />For more information check the source code of this example and the source code documentation for the <i>setSignature()</i> method.<br /><br /><a href="http://www.tcpdf.org">www.tcpdf.org</a>';
     $pdf->writeHTML($text, true, 0, true, 0);
     // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     // *** set signature appearance ***
     // create content for signature (image and/or text)
     $pdf->Image('tests/images/tcpdf_signature.png', 180, 60, 15, 15, 'PNG');
     // define active area for signature appearance
     $pdf->setSignatureAppearance(180, 60, 15, 15);
     // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     // *** set an empty signature appearance ***
     $pdf->addEmptySignatureAppearance(180, 80, 15, 15);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function convertHtmlToPdf($html)
     if (!$html) {
         throw new \Exception("Html Not Given");
     $pagelayout = array($this->options['width'], $this->options['height']);
     //  or array($width,$height)
     $pdf = new \TCPDF('l', 'px', $pagelayout, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     $pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0);
     // $pdf = new \TCPDF_TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     if ($this->options['header_font_family']) {
     // add a page
     $pdf->WriteHTML($html, true, false, true, false);
     $this->pdf = $pdf->Output(null, 'S');
     //for test
     // $this->pdf = $pdf->Output(null);
     // echo $this->pdf;
     // exit;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function PdfAction()
     $pdf = new TCPDF('L');
     // set margins
     // set auto page breaks
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     // set image scale factor
     // set some language-dependent strings (optional)
     if (@file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang/eng.php')) {
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang/eng.php';
     // set font
     $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 8);
     // add a page
     //get report data into $data variable
     $project = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('ProjectTable');
     $data = $project->getWsr();
     $view = new PhpRenderer();
     $resolver = new TemplateMapResolver();
     //set the path of the pdf.phtml file
     $resolver->setMap(array('PDFTemplate' => '/var/www/html/WSRAutomation/module/Application/view/application/index/pdf.phtml'));
     $viewModel = new ViewModel();
     $viewModel->setTemplate('PDFTemplate')->setVariables(array('projects' => $data, 'view' => 'pdf'));
     $html = $view->render($viewModel);
     $pdf->writeHTML($html, true, 0, true, 0);
     $pdf->Output('WsrReport.pdf', 'I');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function testPdfOutput()
     // create new PDF document
     $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     // set document information
     $pdf->SetAuthor('Nicola Asuni');
     $pdf->SetTitle('TCPDF Example 017');
     $pdf->SetSubject('TCPDF Tutorial');
     $pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, example, test, guide');
     // set default header data
     // set header and footer fonts
     $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
     $pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
     // set default monospaced font
     // set margins
     // set auto page breaks
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     // set image scale factor
     // set some language-dependent strings (optional)
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     // set font
     $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 20);
     // add a page
     $pdf->Write(0, 'Example of independent Multicell() columns', '', 0, 'L', true, 0, false, false, 0);
     $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 12);
     // create columns content
     // create columns content
     $left_column = '[LEFT COLUMN] left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column left column' . "\n";
     $right_column = '[RIGHT COLUMN] right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column right column' . "\n";
     // MultiCell($w, $h, $txt, $border=0, $align='J', $fill=0, $ln=1, $x='', $y='', $reseth=true, $stretch=0, $ishtml=false, $autopadding=true, $maxh=0)
     // set color for background
     $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 200);
     // set color for text
     $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 63, 127);
     // write the first column
     $pdf->MultiCell(80, 0, $left_column, 1, 'J', 1, 0, '', '', true, 0, false, true, 0);
     // set color for background
     $pdf->SetFillColor(215, 235, 255);
     // set color for text
     $pdf->SetTextColor(127, 31, 0);
     // write the second column
     $pdf->MultiCell(80, 0, $right_column, 1, 'J', 1, 1, '', '', true, 0, false, true, 0);
     // reset pointer to the last page
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * @param Layout $default_layout
 public function __construct(Layout $default_layout)
     $this->pdf = new \TCPDF('P', 'pt', 'A4', true, 'UTF-8');
     $this->pdf->SetCreator('Thinreports Generator');
     $this->pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0, true);
     $this->pdf->SetCellMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
     $this->default_layout = $default_layout;
     $this->default_page_format = $this->buildPageFormat($default_layout);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * initPdf - initialize TCPDF with current setting
  * @return void
 private function initPdf()
     if (empty($this->pdfEngine)) {
         $this->pdfEngine = new TCPDF($this->pageOrientation, $this->unit, $this->pageSize, true, 'UTF-8', false);
         if (isset($this->pdfAuthor)) {
         if (isset($this->pdfTitle)) {
         if (isset($this->pdfSubject)) {
         if (isset($this->pdfKeywords)) {
             $keywords = is_array($this->pdfKeywords) ? implode(', ', $this->pdfKeywords) : (string) $this->pdfKeywords;
         if (!empty($this->pdfCreator)) {
         if (!empty($this->fontFamily)) {
             $this->pdfEngine->SetFont($this->fontFamily, $this->fontStyle, $this->fontSize);
         if (!empty($this->monoFontFamily)) {
         if (!empty($this->leftMargin)) {
             $this->pdfEngine->SetMargins($this->leftMargin, $this->topMargin, $this->rightMargin);
         if (empty($this->bottomMargin)) {
             $this->bottomMargin = PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM;
         $this->pdfEngine->SetAutoPageBreak(true, $this->bottomMargin);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function createPdfFromImage($arrImagename, $strFilename)
     $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
     $pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     if (@file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang/eng.php')) {
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang/eng.php';
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------
     $pdf->Image('@' . $imgdata);
     $intY = 25;
     foreach ($arrImagename as $intkey => $oneImage) {
         if ($intkey % 2 == 0 && $intkey != 0) {
             $intY = 25;
         $pdf->Image($oneImage, 10, $intY, 180, 103, 'png', '', 'C', true, 150, '', false, false, 1, false, false, false);
         $intY += 125;
     $pdf->Output($strFilename . '.pdf', 'I');
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: pdf.php Proyecto: tmlsoft/main
  * 初始化
  * @access public
  * @param  array  $params 初始化参数
  * @return void
 public function __construct($params)
     $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     // 不显示头部和底部
     // set default monospaced font
     //set auto page breaks
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     //set image scale factor
     //set some language-dependent strings
     require TCPDF_BASE_PATH . 'tcpdf/config/lang/eng.php';
     // set font
     $pdf->SetFont('stsongstdlight', '', 10);
     $pdf->writeHTML($params['content'], true, false, true, false, '');
     // 输出方式 I:浏览器直接输出 D:文件下载 如果需要浏览器输出或者下载的同时生成文件请在前面加上F
     $pdf->Output($params['filename'], $params['flag']);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function __construct()
     $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     $this->pdf = $pdf;
     $this->widths = new stdClass();
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * @param Layout|null $default_layout
 public function __construct(Layout $default_layout = null)
     $this->pdf = new \TCPDF('P', 'pt', 'A4', true, 'UTF-8');
     $this->pdf->SetCreator('Thinreports Generator');
     $this->pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0, true);
     $this->pdf->SetCellMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
     if ($default_layout !== null) {
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Render a PDF file and show in browser or save to disk
  * If save to disk return file location
 public function renderRfqRequest($quote, $saveToDisk = false)
     $storeid = $quote->getStoreId();
     if ($storeid) {
         $appEmulation = Mage::getSingleton('core/app_emulation');
         $initial = $appEmulation->startEnvironmentEmulation($storeid, Mage_Core_Model_App_Area::AREA_FRONTEND, true);
     $pdf = new TCPDF();
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 30);
     $emailtext = Mage::helper('request4quote/email')->sendRequestProposalNotification($quote, false, true);
     $pdf->writeHTML(Mage::helper('cms')->getBlockTemplateProcessor()->filter($emailtext), false);
     if ($storeid) {
     $rfqfilename = 'rfq_' . $quote->getId() . '.pdf';
     if (!$saveToDisk) {
         return $pdf->Output($rfqfilename);
     } else {
         if ($saveToDisk) {
             $filePath = $this->getFilePath() . $rfqfilename;
             $pdf->Output($filePath, 'F');
             return $filePath;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 static function printTicket($ticket_html, $order)
     $config = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_bookpro');
     $page_ticket = "<h1 color='Red'> Wellcome to tcpdf </h1>";
     $page_ticket = $ticket_html;
     // create new PDF document
     $pdf = new TCPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4', true, 'UTF-8', false);
     $order_number = $order->order_number;
     // set document information
     $pdf->SetTitle('Travel Ticket ' . $order_number);
     $pdf->SetSubject('Travel Ticket');
     $pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, ticket, travel, booking');
     // set default header data
     //$pdf->SetHeaderData($config->get('company_logo'),50, $config->get('company_name'), "Ticket \n www.");
     // set header and footer fonts
     $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
     $pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
     // set default monospaced font
     //set margins
     //$pdf->SetMargins(30, PDF_MARGIN_TOP, PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT);
     //set auto page breaks
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     //set image scale factor
     //set some language-dependent strings
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     // set font
     $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11);
     // add a page
     // set JPEG quality
     $style['position'] = 'R';
      *     $type type of barcode (see tcpdf_barcodes_1d.php for supported formats).
     //$pdf->write1DBarcode($order_number, 'C128B','', '', '', 10, 0.4, $style, 'M');
     // create some HTML content
     //$pdf->writeHTML($htmlcontent, true, 0, true, 0);
     // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     // reset pointer to the last page
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     //Close and output PDF document
     $pdf->Output($order->name . '.pdf', 'I');
     //Should use variable to make file name
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * @param string $html 要转为pdf的内容
  * @param string $filename 文件名
  * @param string $type 'I'在页面中显示;'D'直接下载
 public static function pdf($html, $filename = 'hzd.pdf', $type = 'I')
     $pdf = new \TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     $pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, example, test, guide');
     // set default monospaced font
     // set margins
     // set auto page breaks
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     // set image scale factor
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     // set font
     $pdf->SetFont('stsongstdlight', '', 20);
     // add a page
     // output the HTML content
     $pdf->writeHTML($html, true, false, true, false, '');
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     //Close and output PDF document
     $pdf->Output($filename, $type);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private function initTcpdfObject()
     $tcpdf = new \TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     if ($this->creator) {
     if ($this->author) {
     if ($this->title) {
     if ($this->subject) {
     if (!empty($this->keywords)) {
         $tcpdf->SetKeywords(implode(', ', $this->keywords));
     // set default header data
     // document defaults
     $tcpdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     return $tcpdf;
  * Method creates a PDF in landscape mode, using ilPDFGeneration Job
  * Rest of method similar to superclass method
  * @param ilPDFGenerationJob $job
 public static function generatePDF(ilPDFGenerationJob $job)
     // create new PDF document
     // 'L' for Landscape
     $pdf = new TCPDF('L', PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     // set document information
     $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
     $pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
     $pdf->SetMargins($job->getMarginLeft(), $job->getMarginTop(), $job->getMarginRight());
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak($job->getAutoPageBreak(), $job->getMarginBottom());
     $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 10);
     foreach ($job->getPages() as $page) {
         $pdf->writeHTML($page, true, false, true, false, '');
     $result = $pdf->Output($job->getFilename(), $job->getOutputMode());
     // (I - Inline, D - Download, F - File)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public function __construct($orientation = 'P', $format = "Letter", $color = 'gray')
     parent::__construct($orientation, "pt", $format);
     self::$document_orientation = $orientation;
     self::$document_format = $format;
     $margins = parent::getMargins();
     $this->document_width = parent::getPageWidth() - $margins['left'] - $margins['right'];
     $this->last_width = $margins['left'];
     $this->last_height = $margins['top'];
     $this->document_color = $color;
     if ($color == 'red') {
         parent::SetDrawColorArray(array(255, 128, 128));
     } elseif ($color == 'green') {
         parent::SetDrawColorArray(array(128, 255, 128));
     } elseif ($color == 'blue') {
         parent::SetDrawColorArray(array(128, 128, 255));
     } else {
         parent::SetDrawColorArray(array(128, 128, 128));
     parent::SetAutoPageBreak(true, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     parent::SetFooterMargin(PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER + 10);
Ejemplo n.º 17
function create_pdf($content, $title)
    $obj_pdf = new TCPDF('P', PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
    $title = $title;
    $obj_pdf->SetTitle('MultiTV analytics');
    $obj_pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
    $obj_pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
    $obj_pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
    $obj_pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 9);
    // we can have any view part here like HTML, PHP etc
    //$content = ob_get_contents();
    $obj_pdf->writeHTML($content, true, false, true, false, '');
    $obj_pdf->Output('output.pdf', 'I');
Ejemplo n.º 18
    public static function new_pdf($orientation='P',$unit='mm',$format=null) {
        ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
        if ($format===null) $format = Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Libs/TCPDF','page_format');

        $tcpdf = new TCPDF($orientation, $unit, $format, true);

        $tcpdf->SetAuthor("Powered by epesi");

        // set header and footer fonts
        $tcpdf->setHeaderFont(Array(self::$default_font, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
        $tcpdf->setFooterFont(Array(self::$default_font, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));

        //set margins

        //set auto page breaks
        $tcpdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);

        //set image scale factor

        return $tcpdf;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function indexAction(Request $request, SessionInterface $session)
     $loggedInUserId = $session->get('user/id');
     $pageId = $request->get('id');
     $page = $this->getRepository(Entity::class)->getById($pageId, $loggedInUserId);
     // create new PDF document
     $pdf = new \TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     // set default monospaced font
     //set margins
     //set auto page breaks
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     //set image scale factor
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     // set font
     $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 10);
     // add a page
     $html = $page['content'];
     $pdf->writeHTML($html, true, false, true, false, '');
     // Close and output PDF document
     $pdf->Output('./../../' . $page['name'] . '.pdf', 'D');
Ejemplo n.º 20
    public function testPdfOutput()
        // create new PDF document
        $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
        // set document information
        $pdf->SetAuthor('Nicola Asuni');
        $pdf->SetTitle('TCPDF Example 023');
        $pdf->SetSubject('TCPDF Tutorial');
        $pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, example, test, guide');
        // set default header data
        // set header and footer fonts
        $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
        $pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
        // set default monospaced font
        // set margins
        // set auto page breaks
        $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
        // set image scale factor
        // set some language-dependent strings (optional)
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // set font
        $pdf->SetFont('times', 'BI', 14);
        // Start First Page Group
        // add a page
        // set some text to print
        $txt = <<<EOD
Example of page groups.
Check the page numbers on the page footer.

This is the first page of group 1.
        // print a block of text using Write()
        $pdf->Write(0, $txt, '', 0, 'L', true, 0, false, false, 0);
        // add second page
        $pdf->Cell(0, 10, 'This is the second page of group 1', 0, 1, 'L');
        // Start Second Page Group
        // add some pages
        $pdf->Cell(0, 10, 'This is the first page of group 2', 0, 1, 'L');
        $pdf->Cell(0, 10, 'This is the second page of group 2', 0, 1, 'L');
        $pdf->Cell(0, 10, 'This is the third page of group 2', 0, 1, 'L');
        $pdf->Cell(0, 10, 'This is the fourth page of group 2', 0, 1, 'L');
Ejemplo n.º 21
    public function testPdfOutput()
        // create new PDF document
        $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
        // set document information
        $pdf->SetAuthor('Nicola Asuni');
        $pdf->SetTitle('TCPDF Example 047');
        $pdf->SetSubject('TCPDF Tutorial');
        $pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, example, test, guide');
        // set default header data
        // set header and footer fonts
        $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
        $pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
        // set default monospaced font
        // set margins
        // set auto page breaks
        $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
        // set image scale factor
        // set some language-dependent strings (optional)
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // set font
        $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 16);
        // add a page
        $txt = 'Example of Transactions.
TCPDF allows you to undo some operations using the Transactions.
Check the source code for further information.';
        $pdf->Write(0, $txt, '', 0, 'L', true, 0, false, false, 0);
        $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 12);
        // start transaction
        $pdf->Write(0, "LINE 1\n");
        $pdf->Write(0, "LINE 2\n");
        // restarts transaction
        $pdf->Write(0, "LINE 3\n");
        $pdf->Write(0, "LINE 4\n");
        // rolls back to the last (re)start
        $pdf = $pdf->rollbackTransaction();
        $pdf->Write(0, "LINE 5\n");
        $pdf->Write(0, "LINE 6\n");
        // start transaction
        $pdf->Write(0, "LINE 7\n");
        // commit transaction (actually just frees memory)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    public function testPdfOutput()
        // create new PDF document
        $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
        // set document information
        $pdf->SetAuthor('Nicola Asuni');
        $pdf->SetTitle('TCPDF Example 053');
        $pdf->SetSubject('TCPDF Tutorial');
        $pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, example, test, guide');
        // set default header data
        // set header and footer fonts
        $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
        $pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
        // set default monospaced font
        // set margins
        // set auto page breaks
        $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
        // set image scale factor
        // set some language-dependent strings (optional)
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // set font
        $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 14);
        // add a page
        // print a some of text
        $text = 'This is an example of <strong>JavaScript</strong> usage on PDF documents.<br /><br />For more information check the source code of this example, the source code documentation for the <i>IncludeJS()</i> method and the <i>JavaScript for Acrobat API Reference</i> guide.<br /><br /><a href="http://www.tcpdf.org">www.tcpdf.org</a>';
        $pdf->writeHTML($text, true, 0, true, 0);
        // write some JavaScript code
        $js = <<<EOD
app.alert('JavaScript Popup Example', 3, 0, 'Welcome');
var cResponse = app.response({
    cQuestion: 'How are you today?',
    cTitle: 'Your Health Status',
    cDefault: 'Fine',
    cLabel: 'Response:'
if (cResponse == null) {
    app.alert('Thanks for trying anyway.', 3, 0, 'Result');
} else {
    app.alert('You responded, "'+cResponse+'", to the health question.', 3, 0, 'Result');
        // force print dialog
        $js .= 'print(true);';
        // set javascript
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
function prepareStockStatusReport($conn)
    $lan = $_POST['lan'];
    if ($lan == 'en-GB') {
        $MonthList = array('1' => 'January', '2' => 'February', '3' => 'March', '4' => 'April', '5' => 'May', '6' => 'June', '7' => 'July', '8' => 'August', '9' => 'September', '10' => 'October', '11' => 'November', '12' => 'December');
    } else {
        $MonthList = array('1' => 'Janvier', '2' => 'F�vrier', '3' => 'Mars', '4' => 'Avril', '5' => 'Mai', '6' => 'Juin', '7' => 'Juillet', '8' => 'Ao�t', '9' => 'Septembre', '10' => 'Octobre', '11' => 'Novembre', '12' => 'D�cembre');
    require_once 'tcpdf/tcpdf.php';
    $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
    $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
    if (@file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang/eng.php')) {
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang/eng.php';
    $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 12);
    ini_set('magic_quotes_gpc', 'off');
    $html = htmlentities($_POST['html'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
    $html = html_entity_decode($html, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
    $alavel = htmlentities($_POST['alavel'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
    $alavel = html_entity_decode($alavel, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
    $filePath = SITEDOCUMENT . 'administrator/components/com_jcode/source/report/pdfslice/stock_status.svg';
    if (file_exists($filePath)) {
    $file = fopen($filePath, "w");
    fwrite($file, $html);
    $pdf->ImageSVG($file = 'pdfslice/stock_status.svg', $x = 8, $y = 20, $w = 180, $h = '', $link = '', $align = 'left', $palign = 'center', $border = 0, $fitonpage = false);
    $html2 = <<<EOF
        <div id="barchartlegend">
    echo $html2;
    $pdf->writeHTMLCell($w = 150, $h = 30, $x = 15, $y = 0, $html2, $border = 0, $ln = 0, $fill = false, $reseth = true, $align = 'C', $autopadding = true);
    $filePath = SITEDOCUMENT . 'administrator/components/com_jcode/source/report/pdfslice/StockStatusChart.pdf';
    if (file_exists($filePath)) {
    $pdf->Output('pdfslice/StockStatusChart.pdf', 'F');
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Class constructor
  * @param mixed  $paper       The size of paper to use either a string (see {@link CPDF_Adapter::$PAPER_SIZES}) or
  *                            an array(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)
  * @param string $orientation The orientation of the document (either 'landscape' or 'portrait')
  * @param DOMPDF $dompdf
 function __construct($paper = "letter", $orientation = "portrait", DOMPDF $dompdf)
     if (is_array($paper)) {
         $size = $paper;
     } else {
         if (isset(self::$PAPER_SIZES[mb_strtolower($paper)])) {
             $size = self::$PAPER_SIZES[mb_strtolower($paper)];
         } else {
             $size = self::$PAPER_SIZES["letter"];
     $ori = 'P';
     // ***
     if (mb_strtolower($orientation) === "landscape") {
         list($size[2], $size[3]) = array($size[3], $size[2]);
         $ori = 'L';
         // ***
     $this->_width = $size[2] - $size[0];
     $this->_height = $size[3] - $size[1];
     $this->_dompdf = $dompdf;
     //***$this->_pdf = new My_TCPDF('P', 'pt', $paper, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     $this->_pdf = new My_TCPDF($ori, 'pt', $paper, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     // ***
     $this->_pdf->SetCreator("DOMPDF Converter");
     // CreationDate and ModDate info are added by TCPDF itself
     // don't use TCPDF page defaults
     $this->_pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0, true);
     // remove default header/footer
     $this->_pdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage', 'continuous');
     $this->_page_number = $this->_page_count = 1;
     $this->_page_text = array();
     $this->_pages = array($this->_pdf->PageNo());
     $this->_image_cache = array();
     // other TCPDF stuff...
     $this->_objs = array();
     // for templating support
     $this->_nameddest = array();
     // for internal link support
     $this->_internal_links = array();
     //		"	"	"
     $this->_currentLineTransparency = array("mode" => "Normal", "opacity" => 1.0);
     $this->_currentFillTransparency = array("mode" => "Normal", "opacity" => 1.0);
     $this->_last_fill_color = $this->_last_stroke_color = null;
     //dompdf_debug("trace", "Exit");
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function testPdfOutput()
     // create new PDF document
     $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     // set document information
     $pdf->SetAuthor('Nicola Asuni');
     $pdf->SetTitle('TCPDF Example 035');
     $pdf->SetSubject('TCPDF Tutorial');
     $pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, example, test, guide');
     // set default header data
     // set header and footer fonts
     $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
     $pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
     // set default monospaced font
     // set margins
     // set auto page breaks
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     // set image scale factor
     // set some language-dependent strings (optional)
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     // set font
     $pdf->SetFont('times', 'BI', 16);
     // add a page
     $pdf->Write(0, 'Example of SetLineStyle() method', '', 0, 'L', true, 0, false, false, 0);
     $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0.5, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 4, 'color' => array(255, 0, 0)));
     $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 128);
     $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 128);
     $text = "DUMMY";
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, $text, 1, 1, 'L', 1, 0);
     $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0.5, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 255)));
     $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 0);
     $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 255);
     $pdf->MultiCell(60, 4, $text, 1, 'C', 1, 0);
     $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0.5, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(255, 255, 0)));
     $pdf->SetFillColor(0, 0, 255);
     $pdf->SetTextColor(255, 255, 0);
     $pdf->MultiCell(60, 4, $text, 'TB', 'C', 1, 0);
     $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0.5, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(255, 0, 255)));
     $pdf->SetFillColor(0, 255, 0);
     $pdf->SetTextColor(255, 0, 255);
     $pdf->MultiCell(60, 4, $text, 1, 'C', 1, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 function Generate_Content()
     $pdf = new TCPDF();
     //kods ņemts no
     // http://www.tecnick.com/pagefiles/tcpdf/example_001.phps
     // galvene
     $pdf->setHeaderData("", "", "", "Atzīmju izraksts");
     // set header and footer fonts
     $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', 12));
     //set margins
     //set auto page breaks
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     //initialize document
     // add a page
     // set font
     $pdf->SetFont("helvetica", "", 10);
     // print a line using Cell()
     $pdf->Cell(50, 12, "Skolēns: {$this->studentName}", 0, 0, 'L');
     //ģenerē visu butisko saturu
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->grades); $i++) {
         $grade = $this->grades[$i];
         $pdf->Cell(0, 0, sprintf("%s  %s  %s", $grade["date"], $grade["lesson"], $grade["grade"]), 0, 0, 'L');
     $this->fileContents = $pdf;
 public function exporttopdf($title, $filename, $html)
     require_once 'tcpdf/tcpdf.php';
     require_once 'tcpdf/config/lang/eng.php';
     $pdf = new TCPDF();
     $pdf->SetKeywords('example, text, report');
     $pdf->SetHeaderData('', 0, "Student Report", '');
     //$pdf->SetHeaderData(PDF_HEADER_LOGO, PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH, "Example Report by ".Yii::app()->name, "");
     $pdf->setHeaderFont(array('helvetica', '', 8));
     $pdf->setFooterFont(array('helvetica', '', 6));
     $pdf->SetMargins(15, 18, 15);
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, 15);
     $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 7);
     $resolution = array(150, 150);
     $pdf->AddPage('P', $resolution);
     $pdf->writeHTML($html, true, false, true, false, '');
     $pdf->Output($filename, "I");
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public function testPdfOutput()
     // create new PDF document
     $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     // set document information
     $pdf->SetAuthor('Nicola Asuni');
     $pdf->SetTitle('TCPDF Example 040');
     $pdf->SetSubject('TCPDF Tutorial');
     $pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, example, test, guide');
     // set default header data
     // set header and footer fonts
     $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
     $pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
     // set default monospaced font
     // set margins
     // set auto page breaks
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     // set image scale factor
     // set some language-dependent strings (optional)
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     // set display mode
     $pdf->SetDisplayMode($zoom = 'fullpage', $layout = 'TwoColumnRight', $mode = 'UseNone');
     // set pdf viewer preferences
     $pdf->setViewerPreferences(array('Duplex' => 'DuplexFlipLongEdge'));
     // set booklet mode
     $pdf->SetBooklet(true, 10, 30);
     // set core font
     $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 18);
     // add a page (left page)
     $pdf->Write(0, 'Example of booklet mode', '', 0, 'L', true, 0, false, false, 0);
     // print a line using Cell()
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'PAGE 1', 1, 1, 'C');
     // add a page (right page)
     // print a line using Cell()
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'PAGE 2', 1, 1, 'C');
     // add a page (left page)
     // print a line using Cell()
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'PAGE 3', 1, 1, 'C');
     // add a page (right page)
     // print a line using Cell()
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'PAGE 4', 1, 1, 'C');
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public function save($file)
     $orientation = $this->_getOrientation();
     $size = $this->_getSize();
     /* @TODO Not sure if this works either, in comparison with $pdf->AddPage() */
     $pdf = new TCPDF($orientation, 'mm', $size, true, $this->_page['encoding'], false);
     if (is_array($this->_page['size'])) {
         list($width, $height) = $this->_page['size'];
         $orientation = $height > $width ? 'P' : 'L';
         $pdf->addFormat("custom", $width, $height);
         $pdf->reFormat("custom", $orientation);
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, $this->_page['margin'][2]);
     $tagvs = array('p' => array(array('h' => 0, 'n' => 1), array('h' => '', 'n' => 1)), 'hr' => array(array('h' => 0, 'n' => 0), array('h' => 0, 'n' => 0)));
     //        $pdf->SetHeaderMargin(0);
     //        $pdf->SetFooterMargin(0);
     call_user_func_array(array($pdf, 'SetMargins'), $this->_page['margin']);
     foreach ($this->_html as $i => $page) {
         $page = (strpos($page, '<style') !== FALSE && strpos($page, '<style') < strpos($page, '<body') ? substr($page, strpos($page, '<style'), strpos($page, '</style') - strpos($page, '<st') + 8) : '') . preg_replace('/<body[^>]+>/i', '', substr($page, strpos($page, '<body'), strpos($page, '</body') - strpos($page, '<body')));
         $page = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $page);
         if (!is_array($size)) {
         } else {
             $pdf->AddPage($orientation, $size);
             // @TODO must verify if this is correct
         $pdf->writeHTML($page, true, false, true, false);
     //        $pdf->Output($file, 'I'); die();
     $pdf->Output($file, 'F');
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public function testPdfOutput()
     // create new PDF document
     $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     // set document information
     $pdf->SetAuthor('Nicola Asuni');
     $pdf->SetTitle('TCPDF Example 055');
     $pdf->SetSubject('TCPDF Tutorial');
     $pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, example, test, guide');
     // set default header data
     // set header and footer fonts
     $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
     $pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
     // set default monospaced font
     // set margins
     // set auto page breaks
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     // set image scale factor
     // set some language-dependent strings (optional)
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     // set font
     $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 14);
     // array of font names
     $core_fonts = array('courier', 'courierB', 'courierI', 'courierBI', 'helvetica', 'helveticaB', 'helveticaI', 'helveticaBI', 'times', 'timesB', 'timesI', 'timesBI', 'symbol', 'zapfdingbats');
     // set fill color
     $pdf->SetFillColor(221, 238, 255);
     // create one HTML table for each core font
     foreach ($core_fonts as $font) {
         // add a page
         // Cell($w, $h=0, $txt='', $border=0, $ln=0, $align='', $fill=false, $link='', $stretch=0, $ignore_min_height=false, $calign='T', $valign='M')
         // set font for title
         $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', 'B', 16);
         // print font name
         $pdf->Cell(0, 10, 'FONT: ' . $font, 1, 1, 'C', true, '', 0, false, 'T', 'M');
         // set font for chars
         $pdf->SetFont($font, '', 16);
         // print each character
         for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
             if ($i > 0 and $i % 16 == 0) {
             $pdf->Cell(11.25, 11.25, TCPDF_FONTS::unichr($i), 1, 0, 'C', false, '', 0, false, 'T', 'M');
         // print a pangram
         $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 0, 1, 'C', false, '', 0, false, 'T', 'M');
     // ---------------------------------------------------------