public function runUploadFile(TBGRequest $request) { if (!isset($_SESSION['upload_files'])) { $_SESSION['upload_files'] = array(); } $files = array(); $files_dir = TBGSettings::getUploadsLocalpath(); foreach ($request->getUploadedFiles() as $key => $file) { $new_filename = TBGContext::getUser()->getID() . '_' . NOW . '_' . basename($file['name']); if (TBGSettings::getUploadStorage() == 'files') { $filename = $files_dir . $new_filename; } else { $filename = $file['tmp_name']; } TBGLogging::log('Moving uploaded file to ' . $filename); if (TBGSettings::getUploadStorage() == 'files' && !move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $filename)) { TBGLogging::log('Moving uploaded file failed!'); throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('An error occured when saving the file')); } else { TBGLogging::log('Upload complete and ok, storing upload status and returning filename ' . $new_filename); $content_type = TBGFile::getMimeType($filename); $file_object = new TBGFile(); $file_object->setRealFilename($new_filename); $file_object->setOriginalFilename(basename($file['name'])); $file_object->setContentType($content_type); $file_object->setDescription(''); $file_object->setUploadedBy(TBGContext::getUser()); if (TBGSettings::getUploadStorage() == 'database') { $file_object->setContent(file_get_contents($filename)); } $file_object->save(); return $this->renderJSON(array('file_id' => $file_object->getID())); } } return $this->renderJSON(array('error' => $this->getI18n()->__('An error occurred when uploading the file'))); }
/** * Handles an uploaded file, stores it to the correct folder, adds an entry * to the database and returns a TBGFile object * * @param string $thefile The request parameter the file was sent as * * @return TBGFile The TBGFile object */ public function handleUpload($key) { $apc_exists = self::CanGetUploadStatus(); if ($apc_exists && !array_key_exists($this->getParameter('APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS'), $_SESSION['__upload_status'])) { $_SESSION['__upload_status'][$this->getParameter('APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS')] = array('id' => $this->getParameter('APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS'), 'finished' => false, 'percent' => 0, 'total' => 0, 'complete' => 0); } try { if ($this->getUploadedFile($key) !== null) { $thefile = $this->getUploadedFile($key); if (TBGSettings::isUploadsEnabled()) { TBGLogging::log('Uploads enabled'); if ($thefile['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { TBGLogging::log('No upload errors'); if (filesize($thefile['tmp_name']) > TBGSettings::getUploadsMaxSize(true) && TBGSettings::getUploadsMaxSize() > 0) { throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('You cannot upload files bigger than %max_size% MB', array('%max_size%' => TBGSettings::getUploadsMaxSize()))); } TBGLogging::log('Upload filesize ok'); $extension = substr(basename($thefile['name']), strpos(basename($thefile['name']), '.')); if ($extension == '') { TBGLogging::log('OOps, could not determine upload filetype', 'main', TBGLogging::LEVEL_WARNING_RISK); //throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('Could not determine filetype')); } else { TBGLogging::log('Checking uploaded file extension'); $extension = substr($extension, 1); $upload_extensions = TBGSettings::getUploadsExtensionsList(); if (TBGSettings::getUploadsRestrictionMode() == 'blacklist') { TBGLogging::log('... using blacklist'); foreach ($upload_extensions as $an_ext) { if (strtolower(trim($extension)) == strtolower(trim($an_ext))) { TBGLogging::log('Upload extension not ok'); throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('This filetype is not allowed')); } } TBGLogging::log('Upload extension ok'); } else { TBGLogging::log('... using whitelist'); $is_ok = false; foreach ($upload_extensions as $an_ext) { if (strtolower(trim($extension)) == strtolower(trim($an_ext))) { TBGLogging::log('Upload extension ok'); $is_ok = true; break; } } if (!$is_ok) { TBGLogging::log('Upload extension not ok'); throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('This filetype is not allowed')); } } /*if (in_array(strtolower(trim($extension)), array('php', 'asp'))) { TBGLogging::log('Upload extension is php or asp'); throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('This filetype is not allowed')); }*/ } if (is_uploaded_file($thefile['tmp_name'])) { TBGLogging::log('Uploaded file is uploaded'); $files_dir = TBGSettings::getUploadsLocalpath(); $new_filename = TBGContext::getUser()->getID() . '_' . NOW . '_' . basename($thefile['name']); TBGLogging::log('Moving uploaded file to ' . $new_filename); if (!move_uploaded_file($thefile['tmp_name'], $files_dir . $new_filename)) { TBGLogging::log('Moving uploaded file failed!'); throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('An error occured when saving the file')); } else { TBGLogging::log('Upload complete and ok, storing upload status and returning filename ' . $new_filename); $content_type = TBGFile::getMimeType($files_dir . $new_filename); $file = new TBGFile(); $file->setRealFilename($new_filename); $file->setOriginalFilename(basename($thefile['name'])); $file->setContentType($content_type); $file->setDescription($this->getParameter($key . '_description')); if (TBGSettings::getUploadStorage() == 'database') { $file->setContent(file_get_contents($files_dir . $new_filename)); } $file->save(); //$file = TBGFile::createNew($new_filename, basename($thefile['name']), $content_type, $this->getParameter($key.'_description'), ((TBGSettings::getUploadStorage() == 'database') ? file_get_contents($files_dir.$new_filename) : null)); if ($apc_exists) { $_SESSION['__upload_status'][$this->getParameter('APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS')] = array('id' => $this->getParameter('APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS'), 'finished' => true, 'percent' => 100, 'total' => 0, 'complete' => 0, 'file_id' => $file->getID()); } return $file; } } else { TBGLogging::log('Uploaded file was not uploaded correctly'); throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('The file was not uploaded correctly')); } } else { TBGLogging::log('Upload error: ' . $thefile['error']); switch ($thefile['error']) { case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('You cannot upload files bigger than %max_size% MB', array('%max_size%' => TBGSettings::getUploadsMaxSize()))); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('The upload was interrupted, please try again')); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('No file was uploaded')); break; default: throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('An unhandled error occured') . ': ' . $thefile['error']); break; } } } else { TBGLogging::log('Uploads not enabled'); throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('Uploads are not enabled')); } TBGLogging::log('Uploaded file could not be uploaded'); throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('The file could not be uploaded')); } TBGLogging::log('Could not find uploaded file' . $key); throw new Exception(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('Could not find the uploaded file. Please make sure that it is not too big.')); } catch (Exception $e) { TBGLogging::log('Upload exception: ' . $e->getMessage()); if ($apc_exists) { $_SESSION['__upload_status'][$this->getParameter('APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS')]['error'] = $e->getMessage(); $_SESSION['__upload_status'][$this->getParameter('APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS')]['finished'] = true; $_SESSION['__upload_status'][$this->getParameter('APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS')]['percent'] = 100; } throw $e; } }
public function processIncomingEmailAccount(TBGIncomingEmailAccount $account, $limit = 25) { $count = 0; if ($emails = $account->getUnprocessedEmails()) { try { $current_user = TBGContext::getUser(); foreach ($emails as $email) { $user = $this->getOrCreateUserFromEmailString($email->from); if ($user instanceof TBGUser) { if (TBGContext::getUser()->getID() != $user->getID()) { TBGContext::switchUserContext($user); } $message = $account->getMessage($email); $data = $message->getBodyPlain() ? $message->getBodyPlain() : strip_tags($message->getBodyHTML()); if ($data) { if (mb_detect_encoding($data, 'UTF-8', true) === false) { $data = utf8_encode($data); } $new_data = ''; foreach (explode("\n", $data) as $line) { $line = trim($line); if ($line) { $line = preg_replace('/^(_{2,}|-{2,})$/', "<hr>", $line); $new_data .= $line . "\n"; } else { $new_data .= "\n"; } } $data = nl2br($new_data, false); } // Parse the subject, and obtain the issues. $parsed_commit = TBGIssue::getIssuesFromTextByRegex(mb_decode_mimeheader($email->subject)); $issues = $parsed_commit["issues"]; // If any issues were found, add new comment to each issue. if ($issues) { foreach ($issues as $issue) { $text = preg_replace('#(^\\w.+:\\n)?(^>.*(\\n|$))+#mi', "", $data); $text = trim($text); if (!$this->processIncomingEmailCommand($text, $issue, $user) && $user->canPostComments()) { $comment = new TBGComment(); $comment->setContent($text); $comment->setPostedBy($user); $comment->setTargetID($issue->getID()); $comment->setTargetType(TBGComment::TYPE_ISSUE); $comment->save(); } } } else { if ($user->canReportIssues($account->getProject())) { $issue = new TBGIssue(); $issue->setProject($account->getProject()); $issue->setTitle(mb_decode_mimeheader($email->subject)); $issue->setDescription($data); $issue->setPostedBy($user); $issue->setIssuetype($account->getIssuetype()); $issue->save(); // Append the new issue to the list of affected issues. This // is necessary in order to process the attachments properly. $issues[] = $issue; } } // If there was at least a single affected issue, and mail // contains attachments, add those attachments to related issues. if ($issues && $message->hasAttachments()) { foreach ($message->getAttachments() as $attachment_no => $attachment) { echo 'saving attachment ' . $attachment_no; $name = $attachment['filename']; $new_filename = TBGContext::getUser()->getID() . '_' . NOW . '_' . basename($name); if (TBGSettings::getUploadStorage() == 'files') { $files_dir = TBGSettings::getUploadsLocalpath(); $filename = $files_dir . $new_filename; } else { $filename = $name; } TBGLogging::log('Creating issue attachment ' . $filename . ' from attachment ' . $attachment_no); echo 'Creating issue attachment ' . $filename . ' from attachment ' . $attachment_no; $content_type = $attachment['type'] . '/' . $attachment['subtype']; $file = new TBGFile(); $file->setRealFilename($new_filename); $file->setOriginalFilename(basename($name)); $file->setContentType($content_type); $file->setDescription($name); $file->setUploadedBy(TBGContext::getUser()); if (TBGSettings::getUploadStorage() == 'database') { $file->setContent($attachment['data']); } else { TBGLogging::log('Saving file ' . $new_filename . ' with content from attachment ' . $attachment_no); file_put_contents($new_filename, $attachment['data']); } $file->save(); // Attach file to each related issue. foreach ($issues as $issue) { $issue->attachFile($file); } } } $count++; } } } catch (Exception $e) { } if (TBGContext::getUser()->getID() != $current_user->getID()) { TBGContext::switchUserContext($current_user); } } $account->setTimeLastFetched(time()); $account->setNumberOfEmailsLastFetched($count); $account->save(); return $count; }