array_push($sql_filter, " (priority IN (" . $list . "))  ");
if (isset($_GET['msg']) && $_GET['msg'] != "" && $_GET['msg'] != "undefined") {
    array_push($sql_filter, " (msg LIKE '%" . htmlentities($_GET['msg'], ENT_QUOTES) . "%') ");
$req_sql_filter = "";
if (isset($sql_filter)) {
    $req_sql_filter = join(" AND ", $sql_filter);
if ($req_sql_filter != "") {
    $req = "SELECT * FROM " . $cfg_syslog["db_table_logs"] . " WHERE " . $req_sql_filter . " ORDER BY datetime DESC LIMIT 50";
} else {
    $req = "SELECT * FROM " . $cfg_syslog["db_table_logs"] . " ORDER BY datetime DESC LIMIT 50";
$DBRESULT =& $pearDB_syslog->query($req);
$buffer = new SyslogXML();
$buffer->writeElement("label_datetime", _("Date / Time"), false);
$buffer->writeElement("label_host", _("Host"), false);
$buffer->writeElement("label_facility", _("Facility"), false);
$buffer->writeElement("label_severity", _("Severity"), false);
$buffer->writeElement("label_program", _("Program"), false);
$buffer->writeElement("label_msg", _("Message"), false);
$style = "list_two";
$priority_color = array('debug' => 'sev_debug', 'info' => 'sev_info', 'notice' => 'sev_notice', 'warning' => 'sev_warning', 'warn' => 'sev_warning', 'error' => 'sev_error', 'err' => 'sev_error', 'critical' => 'sev_critical', 'crit' => 'sev_critical', 'alert' => 'sev_alert', 'emerg' => 'sev_emerg');
if ($DBRESULT->numRows() == 0) {
    $buffer->writeElement("msg", _("No informations"));
} else {
 * Build SQL request
if (isset($StartDate)) {
    $start_sql = strftime("%Y-%m-%d ", $StartDate) . $StartTime;
if (isset($EndDate)) {
    $end_sql = strftime("%Y-%m-%d ", $EndDate) . $EndTime;
if (count($sql_filter) > 0) {
    $req = "SELECT * FROM " . $cfg_syslog["db_table_logs_merge"] . " WHERE datetime > '{$start_sql}' AND datetime <= '{$end_sql}' AND " . $req_sql_filter . " ORDER BY datetime";
} else {
    $req = "SELECT * FROM " . $cfg_syslog["db_table_logs_merge"] . " WHERE datetime > '{$start_sql}' AND datetime <= '{$end_sql}' ORDER BY datetime";
$nom = "syslog_events";
$DBRESULT =& $pearSyslogDB->query($req);
if (PEAR::isError($DBRESULT)) {
    print "Mysql Error : " . $DBRESULT->getMessage() . "\n";
if (isset($_GET["type"])) {
    $type = $_GET["type"];
if (strcmp($type, "CSV") == 0) {
    header("Content-Type: application/csv-tab-delimited-table");
    header("Content-disposition: filename=" . $nom . ".csv");
    header("Cache-Control: cache, must-revalidate");
    header("Pragma: public");
    echo "Start time : " . $start_sql;
    echo "\n";
    echo "End time : " . $end_sql;
    echo "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 3
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/advmultiselect.php';
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/ArraySmarty.php';
 * PHP functions
require_once $syslog_mod_path . "include/common/common-Func.php";
require_once "./include/common/common-Func.php";
 * Database retrieve information for Centreon-Syslog
$pearCentreonDB = new SyslogDB("centreon");
$collectorList = getCollectorList();
# QuickSearch form
include_once "./include/common/quickSearch.php";
# Set limit & num
$DBRESULT =& $pearCentreonDB->query("SELECT maxViewMonitoring FROM general_opt LIMIT 1");
if (PEAR::isError($DBRESULT)) {
    # For Centreon 2.1 compatibility
    $DBRESULT =& $pearCentreonDB->query("SELECT `value` FROM options WHERE `key`=\"maxViewMonitoring\" LIMIT 1");
    $row = $DBRESULT->fetchRow();
    $gopt = $row["value"];
    if (PEAR::isError($DBRESULT)) {
        print "Mysql Error : " . $DBRESULT->getMessage() . "\n";
} else {
    $gopt = array_map("myDecode", $DBRESULT->fetchRow());
# Get end Post values
isset($_GET["num"]) ? $num = $_GET["num"] : ($num = 0);
isset($_GET["search"]) ? $search = $_GET["search"] : ($search = NULL);
# Get collectors
require_once $syslog_mod_path . "/include/common/common-Func.php";
require_once $syslog_mod_path . "class/syslogDB.class.php";
 * Get host name and IP address
$tab_host = explode(";", $_GET["hosts"]);
foreach ($tab_host as $host) {
    $hostAndIP = split("::", $host);
    if (isset($_GET['collector_id']) && $_GET['collector_id'] != "") {
        $collector_id = $_GET['collector_id'];
    $hostname = $hostAndIP[0];
    $hostIP = $hostAndIP[1];
    $value = _("no IP");
    if (strcmp($hostIP, $value) == 0) {
        $hostIP = "";
     * Insert into Database informations
    $pearCentreonDB = new SyslogDB("centreon");
    $DBRESULT =& $pearCentreonDB->query("SELECT `host_id` FROM `host` WHERE `host_address` = '" . $hostIP . "' OR `host_name` LIKE '%" . $hostname . "%' OR `host_alias` LIKE '%" . $hostname . "%'");
    $result = $DBRESULT->fetchRow();
    if ($DBRESULT->numRows() == 1) {
        $query = "INSERT INTO mod_syslog_hosts (id, collector_id, host_centreon_id, host_syslog_name, host_syslog_ipv4, state) VALUES ('', {$collector_id}, '" . $result["host_id"] . "', '" . $hostname . "', '" . $hostIP . "', '1');";
    } else {
        $query = "INSERT INTO mod_syslog_hosts (id, collector_id, host_centreon_id, host_syslog_name, host_syslog_ipv4, state) VALUES ('', {$collector_id}, NULL, '" . $hostname . "', '" . $hostIP . "', '2');";