public function getMenu() { try { $admin_id = Tools::getAdminId(); $menu_tree = SysMenu::getTreeByAdmin($admin_id); $re = Tools::reTrue('获取菜单成功', $menu_tree); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '获取菜单失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public static function getTreeByRole($role_id = 0) { $role = SysRole::find($role_id); if (empty($role)) { throw new Exception("没有查找到角色数据", 10001); } $list = SysMenu::select('sys_menus.*', 'sys_role_menus.r_id AS checked')->leftJoin('sys_role_menus', function ($q) use($role_id) { $q->on('', '=', 'sys_role_menus.m_id')->where('sys_role_menus.r_id', '=', $role_id); })->groupBy('')->get(); $re = SysMenu::makeTree($list); return $re['tree']; }
<?php $mod_name = "content"; require "Connections/freedomrising.php"; require_once "Connections/sysmenu.class.php"; $obj = new SysMenu(); $buildform = new BuildForm(); function art_publish($ids) { global $dbcon; if (is_array($ids)) { $q1 = "update articletype set usenav=0"; $dbcon->execute($q1) or die($dbcon->errorMsg()); // for($v=0; $v<$count; $v++) { while (list($key, $value) = each($ids)) { $q = "update articletype set usenav=1 where id={$key}"; $dbcon->execute($q) or die($dbcon->errorMsg()); } $qs = array('msg' => urlencode('Selected items posted as draft.')); } //send_to($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $qs); } function art_order($ids) { global $dbcon; if (is_array($ids)) { $q1 = "update articletype set textorder=0"; $dbcon->execute($q1) or die($dbcon->errorMsg()); // for($v=0; $v<$count; $v++) { while (list($key, $value) = each($ids)) { // echo $value."<br>";
public function listRoleMenu($id) { try { $menu_tree = SysMenu::getTreeByRole($id); $re = Tools::reTrue('获取菜单成功', $menu_tree); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '获取菜单失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
?> > </em></div></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td align="center" class="name"> </td> <td align="center"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" class="name"><div align="left">Related to Section</div></td> <td align="center"><div align="left"> <select name="section"> <OPTION VALUE="<?php $obj = new SysMenu(); if ($_GET[id]) { $typelab = $dbcon->Execute("SELECT id, type FROM articletype where id = " . $calendaritems->Fields("section") . "") or die($dbcon->ErrorMsg()); echo $typelab->Fields("id"); ?> " SELECTED><?php echo $typelab->Fields("type"); ?> </option> <?php } echo $obj->select_type_tree(0); ?> </Select> </div></td> </tr>
<?php $mod_name = 'content'; require_once "Connections/freedomrising.php"; require_once "Connections/sysmenu.class.php"; $obj = new SysMenu(); $allclass = $dbcon->Execute("SELECT distinct, class.class FROM class left join articles on articles.class where is not null ORDER BY class ASC") or die($freedomrising->ErrorMsg()); $allclass_numRows = 0; $allclass__totalRows = $allclass->RecordCount(); include "header.php"; ?> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center"> <tr> <td class="banner">Content</td> </tr> <tr> <td><div align="left"> <form action="article_list.php" method="post" name="form2" class="name"> <strong>Search By </strong><br/> <input name="sid" type="text" id="id" value="ID" size="5" class="name"> <input name="stitle" type="text" id="title" value="Title" size="25" class="name"> <input name="sauthor" type="text" id="author" value="Author" size="20" class="name"> <input name="sdate" type="text" value="Date (ex 01-12-02)" size="25" class="name"> <input name="Search" type="submit" id="Search" value="Search" class="name"> <br> Note: Search is based on the section that you are currently in. To search all content please click "All Content" below before you start your search. You may only search one field at a time. </form> <p style="margin-bottom: 1ex;"><a href="article_list.php"><strong><big>View All Content</big></strong></a></p>
<?php $mod_name = "content"; require_once "Connections/freedomrising.php"; require_once "Connections/sysmenu.class.php"; require_once 'AMP/System/'; require_once 'AMP/Content/Image/'; require_once 'AMP/Content/Image/'; $obj = new SysMenu(); $buildform = new BuildForm(); include "header.php"; #$getimgset=$dbcon->Execute("SELECT thumb, optw, optl FROM sysvar where id =1") or DIE($dbcon->ErrorMsg()); if ($_POST['MM_insert'] && isset($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) && file_exists($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) { $upLoader =& new AMPSystem_Upload($_FILES['file']['name']); if (isset($_POST['newname']) && $_POST['newname']) { $upLoader->setTargetFileName($_POST['newname']); } $image_path = AMP_CONTENT_URL_IMAGES . AMP_IMAGE_CLASS_ORIGINAL; if ($upLoader->setFolder($image_path) && $upLoader->execute($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) { $new_file_name = basename($upLoader->getTargetPath()); $reSizer =& new ContentImage_Resize(); if (!($reSizer->setImageFile($upLoader->getTargetPath()) && $reSizer->execute())) { $result_message = "Resize failed:<BR>" . join("<BR>", $reSizer->getErrors()) . $result_message; } else { $imageDisplay =& new ContentImage_Display_allVersions($new_file_name); $result_message = $imageDisplay->execute(); } } else { $result_message = "File Upload Failed<BR>\n" . join('<BR>', $upLoader->getErrors()); } #$imnae2 = upload_image($_POST['newname'],$getimgset->Fields("optw"),$getimgset->Fields("optl"),$getimgset->Fields("thumb"));
<?php $mod_name = 'content'; require "Connections/freedomrising.php"; require_once "Connections/sysmenu.class.php"; $obj = new SysMenu(); if (!AMP_Authorized(AMP_PERMISSION_CONTENT_EDIT)) { ampredirect("index.php"); } /** * a function to take an array of IDs and set their publish status to 1 */ function art_publish($ids) { global $dbcon; if (is_array($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $id) { $q = "update articles set publish=1 where id={$id}"; #die($q); $dbcon->execute($q) or die($q . $dbcon->errorMsg()); } $qs = array('msg' => urlencode('Selected items posted live.')); } send_to($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $qs); } function art_order($ids) { global $dbcon; if (is_array($ids)) { while (list($key, $value) = each($ids)) { $q = "update articles set pageorder='{$value}' where id={$key}";
/** * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function getSysMenus() { return $this->hasMany(SysMenu::className(), ['type_ID' => 'ID']); }
<?php $mod_name = 'content'; require_once "Connections/freedomrising.php"; require_once "Connections/sysmenu.class.php"; require_once "AMP/Form/"; require_once "../includes/versionfunctions.php"; $buildform = new BuildForm(); $obj = new SysMenu(); /* foreach ($_POST as $ps_key=>$ps_value) { print $ps_key.": ".$ps_value."<BR>"; } */ if (!AMP_Authorized(AMP_PERMISSION_CONTENT_EDIT)) { ampredirect("index.php"); } if (isset($_GET['preview'])) { ampredirect(AMP_URL_AddVars(AMP_CONTENT_URL_ARTICLE, array("id=" . $_GET['id'], "preview=1"))); } ob_start(); if ($_GET['restore']) { articleversionrestore($_GET['restore']); $org_id = $_GET['id']; ampredirect("article_edit.php?id={$org_id}"); } if ($_POST['MM_update'] && $_POST['MM_recordId'] or $_POST['MM_insert'] or $_POST['MM_delete'] && $_POST['MM_recordId']) { //set non POST passed varablies $userlookup = AMPSystem_Lookup::instance('users'); $article = trim($_POST['article']); $_POST['updatedby'] = array_search($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], $userlookup);
<?php $mod_name="content"; require_once("Connections/freedomrising.php"); require_once("Connections/sysmenu.class.php"); require_once ('AMP/Content/Section/Contents/'); require_once('AMP/Content/'); require_once ('AMP/Content/'); // create Menu $buildform = new BuildForm; $obj = new SysMenu; // *** Edit Operations: declare Tables $MM_editAction = $PHP_SELF; if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) { $MM_editAction = $MM_editAction . "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } $MM_abortEdit = 0; $MM_editQuery = ""; ob_start(); // *** Update Record: set variables if ( ((isset($_REQUEST['MM_update'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['MM_recordId'])) ) or (isset($_REQUEST['MM_insert'])) or ((isset($_REQUEST['MM_delete'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['MM_recordId']))) ) { $getimgset=$dbcon->Execute("SELECT thumb, optw, optl FROM sysvar where id =1") or DIE($dbcon->ErrorMsg()); if ($_FILES['file']['name']) { $image2 = upload_image('',$getimgset->Fields("optw"),$getimgset->Fields("optl"),$getimgset->Fields("thumb")); }