function log($priority, $title, $message, $alert = true) { global $cfg; switch ($priority) { //We are providing only 3 levels of logs. Windows style. case LOG_EMERG: case LOG_ALERT: case LOG_CRIT: case LOG_ERR: $level = 1; if ($alert) { Sys::alertAdmin($title, $message); } break; case LOG_WARN: case LOG_WARNING: //Warning... $level = 2; break; case LOG_NOTICE: case LOG_INFO: case LOG_DEBUG: default: $level = 3; //debug } //Save log based on system log level settings. if ($cfg && $cfg->getLogLevel() >= $level) { $loglevel = array(1 => 'Error', 'Warning', 'Debug'); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . SYSLOG_TABLE . ' SET created=NOW(),updated=NOW() ' . ',title=' . db_input($title) . ',log_type=' . db_input($loglevel[$level]) . ',log=' . db_input($message) . ',ip_address=' . db_input($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); //echo $sql; mysql_query($sql); //don't use db_query to avoid possible loop. } }
function create_by_staff($var, &$errors) { global $_FILES, $thisuser, $cfg; //check if the staff is allowed to create tickets. if (!$thisuser || !$thisuser->getId() || !$thisuser->isStaff() || !$thisuser->canCreateTickets()) { $errors['err'] = 'Permission denied'; } if (!$var['issue']) { $errors['issue'] = 'Summary of the issue required'; } if ($var['source'] && !in_array(strtolower($var['source']), array('email', 'phone', 'other'))) { $errors['source'] = 'Invalid source - ' . Format::htmlchars($var['source']); } $var['emailId'] = 0; //clean crap. $var['message'] = 'Ticket created by staff'; if ($ticket = Ticket::create($var, $errors, 'staff', false, !$var['staffId'])) { //Staff are alerted only IF the ticket is not being assigned. //post issue as a response... $msgId = $ticket->getLastMsgId(); $issue = $ticket->replaceTemplateVars($var['issue']); if ($respId = $ticket->postResponse($msgId, $issue, 'none', null, false)) { //Note that we're overwriting alerts. //Mark the ticket unanswered - postResponse marks it answered which is not the desired state. $ticket->markUnAnswered(); //Send Notice to user --- if requested AND enabled!! if ($cfg->notifyONNewStaffTicket() && isset($var['alertuser'])) { $dept = $ticket->getDept(); if (!$dept || !($tplId = $dept->getTemplateId())) { $tplId = $cfg->getDefaultTemplateId(); } $sql = 'SELECT ticket_notice_subj,ticket_notice_body FROM ' . EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TABLE . ' WHERE cfg_id=' . db_input($cfg->getId()) . ' AND tpl_id=' . db_input($tplId); if (($resp = db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($resp) && (list($subj, $body) = db_fetch_row($resp))) { $body = $ticket->replaceTemplateVars($body); $subj = $ticket->replaceTemplateVars($subj); $body = str_replace('%message', $var['issue'], $body); //Figure out the signature to use...if any. switch (strtolower($var['signature'])) { case 'mine': $signature = $thisuser->getSignature(); break; case 'dept': $signature = $dept && $dept->isPublic() ? $dept->getSignature() : ''; //make sure it is public break; case 'none': default: $signature = ''; break; } $body = str_replace("%signature", $signature, $body); //Email attachment when attached AND if emailed attachments are allowed! $file = null; $attachment = $_FILES['attachment']; if ($attachment && is_file($attachment['tmp_name']) && $cfg->emailAttachments()) { $file = array('file' => $attachment['tmp_name'], 'name' => $attachment['name'], 'type' => $attachment['type']); } if ($cfg->stripQuotedReply() && ($tag = trim($cfg->getReplySeparator()))) { $body = "\n{$tag}\n\n" . $body; } if (!$dept || !($email = $dept->getEmail())) { $email = $cfg->getDefaultEmail(); } if ($email && $email->getId()) { $email->send($ticket->getEmail(), $subj, $body, $file); } } else { //We have a big problem...alert admin... $msg = 'Problems fetching response template for ticket#' . $ticket->getId() . ' Possible config error - template #' . $tplId; Sys::alertAdmin('System Error', $msg); } } //Send send alert. //Upload attachment if any... if ($_FILES['attachment'] && $_FILES['attachment']['size']) { $ticket->uploadAttachment($_FILES['attachment'], $respId, 'R'); } } else { //end post response $errors['err'] = 'Internal error - message/response post error.'; } //post create actions if ($var['staffId']) { //Assign ticket to staff if any. (internal note as message) $ticket->assignStaff($var['staffId'], $var['note'], isset($var['alertstaff'])); } elseif ($var['note']) { //Not optional note if any $ticket->postNote('New Ticket', $var['note'], false); } else { //Not assignment and no internal note - log activity $ticket->logActivity('New Ticket by Staff', 'Ticket created by staff -' . $thisuser->getName()); } } else { $errors['err'] = $errors['err'] ? $errors['err'] : 'Unable to create the ticket. Correct the error(s) and try again'; } return $ticket; }
function onOpenLimit($sendNotice = true) { global $cfg; //Log the limit notice as a warning for admin. $msg = sprintf('Max open tickets (%d) reached for %s ', $cfg->getMaxOpenTickets(), $this->getEmail()); sys::log(LOG_WARNING, 'Max. Open Tickets Limit (' . $this->getEmail() . ')', $msg); if (!$sendNotice || !$cfg->sendOverlimitNotice()) { return true; } //Send notice to user. $dept = $this->getDept(); if (!$dept || !($tpl = $dept->getTemplate())) { $tpl = $cfg->getDefaultTemplate(); } if (!$dept || !($email = $dept->getAutoRespEmail())) { $email = $cfg->getDefaultEmail(); } if ($tpl && ($msg = $tpl->getOverlimitMsgTemplate()) && $email) { $body = $this->replaceTemplateVars($msg['body']); $subj = $this->replaceTemplateVars($msg['subj']); $body = str_replace('%signature', $dept && $dept->isPublic() ? $dept->getSignature() : '', $body); $email->send($this->getEmail(), $subj, $body); } $client = $this->getClient(); //Alert admin...this might be spammy (no option to disable)...but it is helpful..I think. $msg = 'Max. open tickets reached for ' . $this->getEmail() . "\n" . 'Open ticket: ' . $client->getNumOpenTickets() . "\n" . 'Max Allowed: ' . $cfg->getMaxOpenTickets() . "\n\nNotice sent to the user."; Sys::alertAdmin('Overlimit Notice', $msg); return true; }
function fetchMail(){ global $cfg; if(!$cfg->canFetchMail()) return; //We require imap ext to fetch emails via IMAP/POP3 if(!function_exists('imap_open')) { $msg='PHP must be compiled with IMAP extension enabled for IMAP/POP3 fetch to work!'; Sys::log(LOG_WARN,'Mail Fetch Error',$msg); return; } $MAX_ERRORS=5; //Max errors before we start delayed fetch attempts - hardcoded for now. $sql=' SELECT email_id,mail_host,mail_port,mail_protocol,mail_encryption,mail_delete,mail_errors,userid,userpass FROM '.EMAIL_TABLE. ' WHERE mail_active=1 AND (mail_errors<='.$MAX_ERRORS.' OR (TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lasterror))>5*60) )'. ' AND (mail_lastfetch IS NULL OR TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lastfetch))>mail_fetchfreq*60) '; //echo $sql; if(!($accounts=db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($accounts)) return; //TODO: Lock the table here?? while($row=db_fetch_array($accounts)) { $fetcher = new MailFetcher($row['userid'],Misc::decrypt($row['userpass'],SECRET_SALT), $row['mail_host'],$row['mail_port'],$row['mail_protocol'],$row['mail_encryption']); if($fetcher->connect()){ $fetcher->fetchTickets($row['email_id'],$row['mail_fetchmax'],$row['mail_delete']?true:false); $fetcher->close(); db_query('UPDATE '.EMAIL_TABLE.' SET mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NOW() WHERE email_id='.db_input($row['email_id'])); }else{ $errors=$row['mail_errors']+1; db_query('UPDATE '.EMAIL_TABLE.' SET mail_errors=mail_errors+1, mail_lasterror=NOW() WHERE email_id='.db_input($row['email_id'])); if($errors>=$MAX_ERRORS){ //We've reached the MAX consecutive errors...will attempt logins at delayed intervals $msg="\nThe system is having trouble fetching emails from the following mail account: \n". "\nUser: "******"\nHost: ".$row['mail_host']. "\nError: ".$fetcher->getLastError(). "\n\n ".$errors.' consecutive errors. Maximum of '.$MAX_ERRORS. ' allowed'. "\n\n This could be connection issues related to the host. Next delayed login attempt in aprox. 10 minutes"; Sys::alertAdmin('Mail Fetch Failure Alert',$msg,true); } } } }
define('BANLIST_TABLE',TABLE_PREFIX.'email_banlist'); define('API_KEY_TABLE',TABLE_PREFIX.'api_key'); define('TIMEZONE_TABLE',TABLE_PREFIX.'timezone'); #Connect to the DB && get configuration from database $ferror=null; if (!db_connect(DBHOST,DBUSER,DBPASS) || !db_select_database(DBNAME)) { $ferror='Unable to connect to the database'; }elseif(!($cfg=Sys::getConfig())){ $ferror='Unable to load config info from DB. Get tech support.'; }elseif(!ini_get('short_open_tag')) { $ferror='Short open tag disabled! - osTicket requires it turned ON.'; } if($ferror){ //Fatal error Sys::alertAdmin('osTicket Fatal Error',$ferror); //try alerting admin. die("<b>Fatal Error:</b> Contact system adminstrator."); //Generic error. exit; } //Init $cfg->init(); //Set default timezone...staff will overwrite it. $_SESSION['TZ_OFFSET']=$cfg->getTZoffset(); $_SESSION['daylight']=$cfg->observeDaylightSaving(); #Cleanup magic quotes crap. if(function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST=Format::strip_slashes($_POST); $_GET=Format::strip_slashes($_GET); $_REQUEST=Format::strip_slashes($_REQUEST); }
define('API_KEY_TABLE', TABLE_PREFIX . 'api_key'); define('TIMEZONE_TABLE', TABLE_PREFIX . 'timezone'); /* * this line not can translated, because the translate object need acess * config object and use the database information. */ #Connect to the DB && get configuration from database $ferror = null; if (!db_connect(DBHOST, DBUSER, DBPASS) || !db_select_database(DBNAME)) { $ferror = 'Unable to connect to the database'; } elseif (!($cfg = Sys::getConfig())) { $ferror = 'Unable to load config info from DB. Get tech support.'; } if ($ferror) { //Fatal error Sys::alertAdmin('osTicket Fatal Error', $ferror); //try alerting admin. die("<b>Fatal Error:</b> Contact system adminstrator."); //Generic error. exit; } //Init $cfg->init(); //Set default timezone...staff will overwrite it. $_SESSION['TZ_OFFSET'] = $cfg->getTZoffset(); $_SESSION['daylight'] = $cfg->observeDaylightSaving(); #Cleanup magic quotes crap. if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST = Format::strip_slashes($_POST); $_GET = Format::strip_slashes($_GET); $_REQUEST = Format::strip_slashes($_REQUEST);
define('EMAIL_TEMPLATE_TABLE', TABLE_PREFIX . 'email_template'); define('BANLIST_TABLE', TABLE_PREFIX . 'email_banlist'); define('API_KEY_TABLE', TABLE_PREFIX . 'api_key'); define('TIMEZONE_TABLE', TABLE_PREFIX . 'timezone'); #Connect to the DB && get configuration from database $ferror = null; if (!db_connect(DBHOST, DBUSER, DBPASS) || !db_select_database(DBNAME)) { $ferror = 'Não foi possível conectar ao banco de dados.'; } elseif (!($cfg = Sys::getConfig())) { $ferror = 'Não foi possível carregar as informações de configuração do banco de dados. Obtenha suporte técnico.'; } elseif (!ini_get('short_open_tag')) { $ferror = 'Abertura de tag curta desativada! - osTicket necessita dela ligada.'; } if ($ferror) { //Fatal error Sys::alertAdmin('osTicket Erro Fatal', $ferror); //try alerting admin. die("<b>Erro Fatal:</b> Contate o administrador do sistema."); //Generic error. exit; } //Init $cfg->init(); //Set default timezone...staff will overwrite it. $_SESSION['TZ_OFFSET'] = $cfg->getTZoffset(); $_SESSION['daylight'] = $cfg->observeDaylightSaving(); #Cleanup magic quotes crap. if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST = Format::strip_slashes($_POST); $_GET = Format::strip_slashes($_GET); $_REQUEST = Format::strip_slashes($_REQUEST);
function fetchMail() { global $cfg; if (!$cfg->canFetchMail()) { return; } //We require imap ext to fetch emails via IMAP/POP3 if (!function_exists('imap_open')) { $msg = 'PHP deve ser compilado com extensão IMAP habilitado para buscar a trabalhar IMAP/POP3!'; Sys::log(LOG_WARN, 'Erro em buscar o email', $msg); return; } $MAX_ERRORS = 5; //Max errors before we start delayed fetch attempts - hardcoded for now. $sql = ' SELECT email_id,mail_host,mail_port,mail_protocol,mail_encryption,mail_delete,mail_errors,userid,userpass FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_active=1 AND (mail_errors<=' . $MAX_ERRORS . ' OR (TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lasterror))>5*60) )' . ' AND (mail_lastfetch IS NULL OR TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lastfetch))>mail_fetchfreq*60) '; //echo $sql; if (!($accounts = db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($accounts)) { return; } //TODO: Lock the table here?? while ($row = db_fetch_array($accounts)) { $fetcher = new MailFetcher($row['userid'], Misc::decrypt($row['userpass'], SECRET_SALT), $row['mail_host'], $row['mail_port'], $row['mail_protocol'], $row['mail_encryption']); if ($fetcher->connect()) { $fetcher->fetchTickets($row['email_id'], $row['mail_fetchmax'], $row['mail_delete'] ? true : false); $fetcher->close(); db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($row['email_id'])); } else { $errors = $row['mail_errors'] + 1; db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=mail_errors+1, mail_lasterror=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($row['email_id'])); if ($errors >= $MAX_ERRORS) { //We've reached the MAX consecutive errors...will attempt logins at delayed intervals $msg = "\nO sistema está tendo problemas para coletar e-mails da conta do e-mail seguinte: \n" . "\nUsuário: " . $row['userid'] . "\nHost: " . $row['mail_host'] . "\nErro: " . $fetcher->getLastError() . "\n\n " . $errors . ' erros consecutivos. Máximo de ' . $MAX_ERRORS . ' permitido' . "\n\n Isso pode ser problemas de conexão relacionados ao hospedeiro. Próxima tentativa de login em aprox. 10 minutos"; Sys::alertAdmin('Alerta de falha na busca por email', $msg, true); } } } }
define('BANLIST_TABLE', TABLE_PREFIX . 'email_banlist'); define('API_KEY_TABLE', TABLE_PREFIX . 'api_key'); define('TIMEZONE_TABLE', TABLE_PREFIX . 'timezone'); #Connect to the DB && get configuration from database $ferror = null; if (!db_connect(DBHOST, DBUSER, DBPASS, DBNAME)) { $ferror = 'Unable to connect to the database'; } elseif (!($cfg = Sys::getConfig())) { $ferror = 'Unable to load config info from DB.'; } elseif (!ini_get('short_open_tag') && (double) phpversion() < 5.4) { // PHP ver. < 5.4 requires short_open_tag enabled $ferror = 'Short open tag disabled! - Katak-support requires it is turned ON.'; } if ($ferror) { //Fatal error Sys::alertAdmin('Katak-support fatal error', 'Server ' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . ': ' . $ferror); //try alerting sysadmin. die("<br /><b>Fatal error!</b> Contact system adminstrator."); //Generic error message. exit; } //Init $cfg->init(); //Set default timezone and store it in the session array...staff will overwrite it. $_SESSION['TZ_OFFSET'] = $cfg->getTZoffset(); $_SESSION['daylight'] = $cfg->observeDaylightSaving(); #Cleanup magic quotes crap. if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST = Format::strip_slashes($_POST); $_GET = Format::strip_slashes($_GET); $_REQUEST = Format::strip_slashes($_REQUEST);
function fetchMail() { global $cfg; if (!$cfg->canFetchMail()) { return; } //We require imap ext to fetch emails via IMAP/POP3 if (!function_exists('imap_open')) { $msg = 'PHP debe ser compilado con la extensión IMAP habilitada para IMAP/POP3 fetch(captura de correo) para que funcione'; Sys::log(LOG_WARN, 'Error de captura de correo', $msg); return; } $MAX_ERRORS = 5; //Max errors before we start delayed fetch attempts - hardcoded for now. $sql = ' SELECT email_id,mail_host,mail_port,mail_protocol,mail_encryption,mail_delete,mail_errors,userid,userpass FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_active=1 AND (mail_errors<=' . $MAX_ERRORS . ' OR (TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lasterror))>5*60) )' . ' AND (mail_lastfetch IS NULL OR TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(),mail_lastfetch))>mail_fetchfreq*60) '; //echo $sql; if (!($accounts = db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($accounts)) { return; } //TODO: Lock the table here?? while ($row = db_fetch_array($accounts)) { $fetcher = new MailFetcher($row['userid'], Misc::decrypt($row['userpass'], SECRET_SALT), $row['mail_host'], $row['mail_port'], $row['mail_protocol'], $row['mail_encryption']); if ($fetcher->connect()) { $fetcher->fetchTickets($row['email_id'], $row['mail_fetchmax'], $row['mail_delete'] ? true : false); $fetcher->close(); db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($row['email_id'])); } else { $errors = $row['mail_errors'] + 1; db_query('UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET mail_errors=mail_errors+1, mail_lasterror=NOW() WHERE email_id=' . db_input($row['email_id'])); if ($errors >= $MAX_ERRORS) { //We've reached the MAX consecutive errors...will attempt logins at delayed intervals $msg = "\nEl sistema está teniendo problemas para obtener los correos electrónicos de la cuenta de correo siguiente: \n" . "\nUsuario: " . $row['userid'] . "\nHost: " . $row['mail_host'] . "\nError: " . $fetcher->getLastError() . "\n\n " . $errors . ' errores consecutivos. Máximo de ' . $MAX_ERRORS . ' permitidos' . "\n\n Esto podría ser una cuestión relacionada con la conexión al host. Siguiente intento en aprox. 10 min"; Sys::alertAdmin('Alerta de fallo en la captura de correo', $msg, true); } } } }