Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Register application namespaces
  * @return void
 public static function registerNamespaces()
     $classLoader = new \Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\UniversalClassLoader();
     $classLoader->registerNamespaces(array('Gedmo' => ROOT_PATH . '/vendor/doctrine-extension/lib', 'Symfony' => ROOT_PATH . '/vendor/symfony/src', 'Statme' => ROOT_PATH . '/src', 'Doctrine\\Common' => ROOT_PATH . '/vendor/doctrine-common/lib', 'Doctrine\\DBAL' => ROOT_PATH . '/vendor/doctrine-dbal/lib', 'Doctrine' => ROOT_PATH . '/vendor/doctrine-orm/lib'));
 private function autoloadTestsAndApplication()
     // Use Symfony component to sort out PSR-0 compatible autoloading
     $loader = new \Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\UniversalClassLoader();
     $loader->registerNamespace('Awin', __DIR__ . '/../../src');
     $loader->registerNamespace('AwinTest', __DIR__);
  * @see sfPluginConfiguration
 public function initialize()
     // Include the Altumo loader.
     //require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/vendor/altumo/source/php/loader.php' );
     //set default timezone
     //symfony 2 autoloader (for classes with namespaces only)
     $altumo_php_source_path = __DIR__ . '/../lib/vendor/altumo/source/php';
     require_once $altumo_php_source_path . '/Utils/UniversalClassLoader.php';
     $loader = new Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\UniversalClassLoader();
     $loader->registerNamespaces(array('sfAltumoPlugin' => __DIR__ . '/../lib', 'Altumo' => $altumo_php_source_path));
     // Add altumo paths to sfConfig
     sfConfig::set('altumo_plugin_dir', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'));
     sfConfig::set('altumo_javascript_lib_dir', sfConfig::get('altumo_plugin_dir') . '/lib/vendor/altumo/lib/javascript');
     sfConfig::set('altumo_javascript_src_dir', sfConfig::get('altumo_plugin_dir') . '/lib/vendor/altumo/source/javascript');
      * If the AWS module is enabled, set credentials for sdk
      * To enable, add a section to settings.yml, like so:
      *   sfAltumoPlugin:
      *      aws:
      *        enable: true
      *        key: "MY_AWS_KE_HERE"
      *        secret: "MY_AWS_SECRET_HERE" 
     $aws_configuration = sfConfig::get('sf_sfAltumoPlugin_aws', array('enable' => false));
     if ($aws_configuration['enable']) {
         CFCredentials::set(array('default' => array('key' => $aws_configuration['key'], 'secret' => $aws_configuration['secret'], 'default_cache_config' => '', 'certificate_authority' => false), '@default' => 'default'));
     // Add altumo Api Settings (Add this in your api app's config)
     //sfConfig::set( 'altumo_api_session_cookie_name',  'api_session' );
      * Execute any commands that the plugin needs when the framework loads, but
      * before an action is executed.
      * Note: this is here because it was used before to load JS and CSS, but
      * that was relocated to Frontend\Controller
             // this code gets execute when the framework loads.
Ejemplo n.º 4

require_once 'vendor/symfony/class-loader/Symfony/Component/ClassLoader/UniversalClassLoader.php';
if (!defined('MOJIO_FILE_PREFIX')) {
    define('MOJIO_FILE_PREFIX', 'phar://mojio.phar');
$classLoader = new Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\UniversalClassLoader();
$classLoader->registerNamespaces(array('Mojio' => MOJIO_FILE_PREFIX . '/src', 'Guzzle' => MOJIO_FILE_PREFIX . '/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src', 'Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher' => MOJIO_FILE_PREFIX . '/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher', 'Doctrine' => MOJIO_FILE_PREFIX . '/vendor/doctrine/common/lib', 'Monolog' => MOJIO_FILE_PREFIX . '/vendor/monolog/monolog/src'));
Ejemplo n.º 5
    $known_loader->registerNamespace('Themes', array(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)), dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/hosts/' . $host));
// Shims
include 'shims.php';
// Register our external namespaces (PSR-0 compliant modules that we love, trust and need)
// Bonita is being used for templating
$known_loader->registerNamespace('Bonita', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/external/bonita/includes');
// Symfony is used for routing, observer design pattern support, and a bunch of other fun stuff
$known_loader->registerNamespace('Symfony\\Component', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/external');
// Using Toro for URL routing
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/external/torophp/src/Toro.php';
// Using mf2 for microformats parsing, and webignition components to support it
$known_loader->registerNamespace('webignition\\Url', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/external/webignition/url/src');
$known_loader->registerNamespace('webignition\\AbsoluteUrlDeriver', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/external/webignition/absolute-url-deriver/src');
$known_loader->registerNamespace('webignition\\NormalisedUrl', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/external/webignition/url/src');
$known_loader->registerNamespace('Mf2', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/external/mf2');
// Using Simplepie for RSS and Atom parsing
include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/external/simplepie/autoloader.php';
// Using HTMLPurifier for HTML sanitization
include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/external/htmlpurifier-lite/library/HTMLPurifier.auto.php';
// Register the autoloader
// Register the idno-templates folder as the place to look for templates in Bonita
// Init main system classes
$idno = new Idno\Core\Idno();
$account = new Idno\Core\Account();
$admin = new Idno\Core\Admin();
$webfinger = new Idno\Core\Webfinger();
$webmention = new Idno\Core\Webmention();
$pubsubhubbub = new Idno\Core\PubSubHubbub();
Ejemplo n.º 6

require_once $_SERVER['SYMFONY'] . '/Symfony/Component/ClassLoader/UniversalClassLoader.php';
$loader = new Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\UniversalClassLoader();
$loader->registerNamespace('Symfony', $_SERVER['SYMFONY']);
$loader->registerNamespace('Assetic', $_SERVER['ASSETIC']);
$loader->registerPrefix('Twig_', $_SERVER['TWIG']);
spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
    if (0 === strpos($class, 'Symfony\\Bundle\\AsseticBundle\\') && file_exists($file = __DIR__ . '/../' . implode('/', array_slice(explode('\\', $class), 3)) . '.php')) {
        require_once $file;
Ejemplo n.º 7

 * Copyright Zikula Foundation 2009 - Zikula Application Framework
 * This work is contributed to the Zikula Foundation under one or more
 * Contributor Agreements and licensed to You under the following license:
 * @license GNU/LGPLv3 (or at your option, any later version).
 * @package Zikula
 * Please see the NOTICE file distributed with this source code for further
 * information regarding copyright and licensing.
if (!defined('HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX')) {
    define('HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/htmlpurifier'));
if (!defined('PHPIDS_PATH_PREFIX')) {
    define('PHPIDS_PATH_PREFIX', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/IDS'));
// include the PHPIDS and get access to the result object
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor'));
$autoloader = new Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\UniversalClassLoader();
$autoloader->registerPrefixes(array('HTMLPurifier' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/htmlpurifier'), 'IDS' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor')));
// register event handlers