/** * 更新用户信息 * @param $set * @return unknown_type */ function updateStatus($set = null) { if (empty($set)) { $set = array(self::$lastlogin => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), self::$lastip => Swoole_client::getIP()); } $this->db->update($this->user['id'], $set, $this->table); }
/** * 运行 * @return unknown_type */ function worker() { $ip = Swoole_client::getIP(); if (count($this->access_ip) > 0 and !in_array($ip, $this->access_ip)) { return $this->error(1); } $auth_func = $this->auth; if (!$auth_func or $auth_func(trim($_GET['user']), trim($_GET['pass']))) { unset($_GET['user'], $_GET['pass']); if (!empty($_GET['func'])) { $func = trim($_GET['func']); unset($_GET['func']); if (isset($this->func_list[$func])) { $func = $this->func_list[$func]; if (!function_exists($func)) { return $this->error(2); } return json_encode(call_user_func_array($func, $_GET)); } else { return $this->error(3); } } elseif (!empty($_GET['class']) and !empty($_GET['method'])) { $class = trim($_GET['class']); $method = trim($_GET['method']); unset($_GET['class'], $_GET['method']); if (isset($this->class_list[$class])) { $class = $this->class_list[$class]; $obj = new $class(); if (!method_exists($obj, $method)) { return $this->error(4); } foreach ($_GET as $k => $g) { $obj->{$k} = $g; } return json_encode(call_user_func_array(array($obj, $method), $_POST)); } else { return $this->error(5); } } } else { return $this->error(6); } }
function http_redirect($url, $mode = 301) { Swoole_client::redirect($url, $mode); }
static function raise($text = false) { if (self::$error_url) { Swoole_client::redirect(self::$error_url); } if ($text) { exit($text); } else { exit('Web input param error!'); } }