Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected function initReport()
        $quarter = SiteApplication::initVar('quarter', null, SiteApplication::VAR_GET);
        if ($quarter === null || preg_match('/^2[0-9]{3}-0[1-4]$/', $quarter) === 0) {
            throw new AdminNotFoundException('Invalid quarter.');
        list($year, $quarter) = explode('-', $quarter, 2);
        $start_month = (intval($quarter) - 1) * 3 + 1;
        $quarter = new SwatDate();
        $quarter->setTime(0, 0, 0);
        $quarter->setDate($year, $start_month, 1);
        $type = SiteApplication::initVar('type', null, SiteApplication::VAR_GET);
        $provider = new CMEProvider();
        if (!$provider->loadByShortname($type)) {
            throw new AdminNotFoundException('Invalid CME provider.');
        $sql = sprintf('select * from QuizReport
			where quarter = %s and provider = %s', $this->app->db->quote($quarter->getDate(), 'date'), $this->app->db->quote($provider->id, 'integer'));
        $this->report = SwatDB::query($this->app->db, $sql, SwatDBClassMap::get('CMEQuizReportWrapper'))->getFirst();
        if (!$this->report instanceof CMEQuizReport) {
            throw new AdminNotFoundException(sprintf('Report not found for quarter %s.', $quarter->getDate()));
        if (!file_exists($this->report->getFilePath())) {
            throw new AdminNotFoundException(sprintf('Report file ‘%s’ not found', $this->report->getFilePath()));
Ejemplo n.º 2
     * Gets earned CME credits to include in the quarterly report
     * Credits are included if and only if:
     * - the credit is earned
     * - the provider is the specified provider
     * - the earned date is within the quarter
     * - the account is not deleted
     * @return array
    protected function getEarnedCredits()
        $sql = sprintf('select AccountEarnedCMECredit.* from AccountEarnedCMECredit
				inner join Account
					on AccountEarnedCMECredit.account = Account.id
				inner join CMECredit
					on AccountEarnedCMECredit.credit = CMECredit.id
				inner join CMEFrontMatter
					on CMECredit.front_matter = CMEFrontMatter.id
			where CMEFrontMatter.id in (
					select CMEFrontMatterProviderBinding.front_matter
					from CMEFrontMatterProviderBinding
					where CMEFrontMatterProviderBinding.provider = %s
				and convertTZ(earned_date, %s) >= %s
				and convertTZ(earned_date, %s) < %s
				and Account.delete_date is null', $this->app->db->quote($this->provider->id, 'integer'), $this->app->db->quote($this->app->config->date->time_zone, 'text'), $this->app->db->quote($this->start_date->getDate(), 'date'), $this->app->db->quote($this->app->config->date->time_zone, 'text'), $this->app->db->quote($this->end_date->getDate(), 'date'));
        $earned_credits = SwatDB::query($this->app->db, $sql, SwatDBClassMap::get('CMEAccountEarnedCMECreditWrapper'));
        // efficiently load accounts
        $accounts = $this->loadAccounts($earned_credits);
        // load addresses
        $addresses = $this->loadAccountAddresses($accounts);
        // efficiently load credits
        $credits = $this->loadCredits($earned_credits);
        // sort earned credits (sorting is application specific)
        $earned_credits_array = $earned_credits->getArray();
        usort($earned_credits_array, array($this, 'compareEarnedCredit'));
        return $earned_credits_array;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    protected function initPosts($year, $month_name)
        if (!array_key_exists($month_name, BlorgPageFactory::$months_by_name)) {
            throw new SiteNotFoundException('Page not found.');
        // Date parsed from URL is in locale time.
        $month = BlorgPageFactory::$months_by_name[$month_name];
        $date = new SwatDate();
        $date->setDate($year, $month, 1);
        $date->setTime(0, 0, 0);
        $memcache = isset($this->app->memcache) ? $this->app->memcache : null;
        $loader = new BlorgPostLoader($this->app->db, $this->app->getInstance(), $memcache);
        $loader->setWhereClause(sprintf('enabled = %s and
			date_trunc(\'month\', convertTZ(publish_date, %s)) =
				date_trunc(\'month\', timestamp %s)', $this->app->db->quote(true, 'boolean'), $this->app->db->quote($this->app->default_time_zone->getName(), 'text'), $this->app->db->quote($date->getDate(), 'date')));
        $loader->setOrderByClause('publish_date desc');
        $this->posts = $loader->getPosts();
        if (count($this->posts) == 0) {
            throw new SiteNotFoundException('Page not found.');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function convertData($data)
     $data = parent::convertData($data);
     if ($data === null && !$this->convert_null_to_now) {
         return null;
     $date = new SwatDate($data);
     $data = $date->getDate();
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected function saveDBData()
     $values = $this->ui->getValues(array('title', 'name', 'event', 'archived'));
     $this->tag->title = $values['title'];
     $this->tag->name = $values['name'];
     $this->tag->event = $values['event'];
     $this->tag->archived = $values['archived'];
     if ($this->id === null) {
         $now = new SwatDate();
         $this->tag->createdate = $now->getDate();
     $flush_cache = $this->tag->isModified() && $this->tag->id !== null;
     if (isset($this->app->memcache) && $flush_cache) {
     $message = new SwatMessage(sprintf(Pinhole::_('“%s” has been saved.'), $this->tag->title));
Ejemplo n.º 6
    protected function initMonths($year, $page)
        // Date parsed from URL is in locale time.
        $date = new SwatDate();
        $date->setDate($year, 1, 1);
        $date->setTime(0, 0, 0);
        $memcache = isset($this->app->memcache) ? $this->app->memcache : null;
        $this->loader = new BlorgPostLoader($this->app->db, $this->app->getInstance(), $memcache);
        $this->loader->setWhereClause(sprintf('enabled = %s and
			date_trunc(\'year\', convertTZ(publish_date, %s)) =
				date_trunc(\'year\', timestamp %s)', $this->app->db->quote(true, 'boolean'), $this->app->db->quote($this->app->default_time_zone->getName(), 'text'), $this->app->db->quote($date->getDate(), 'date')));
        $this->loader->setOrderByClause('publish_date desc');
        $offset = ($page - 1) * self::MAX_POSTS;
        $this->loader->setRange(self::MAX_POSTS, $offset);
        $posts = $this->loader->getPosts();
        foreach ($posts as $post) {
            $publish_date = clone $post->publish_date;
            $month = $publish_date->getMonth();
            if (!array_key_exists($month, $this->months)) {
                $this->months[$month] = array();
            $this->months[$month][] = $post;
        if (count($this->months) == 0) {
            throw new SiteNotFoundException('Page not found');
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public function getPostByDateAndShortname(SwatDate $date, $shortname)
        $post = false;
        if ($this->memcache !== null) {
            $key = $date->formatLikeIntl('yyyyMMdd') . $shortname;
            $key = $this->getPostCacheKey($key);
            $post = $this->memcache->getNs('posts', $key);
        if ($post === false) {
            $sql = $this->getSelectClause();
            $sql .= $this->getWhereClause();
            $sql .= sprintf(' and BlorgPost.shortname = %s and
				date_trunc(\'month\', convertTZ(publish_date, %s)) =
					date_trunc(\'month\', timestamp %s)', $this->db->quote($shortname, 'text'), $this->db->quote($date->getTimezone()->getName(), 'text'), $this->db->quote($date->getDate(), 'date'));
            $this->db->setLimit(1, 0);
            $post_wrapper = SwatDBClassMap::get('BlorgPostWrapper');
            $posts = SwatDB::query($this->db, $sql, $post_wrapper);
            if (in_array('author', $this->fields)) {
            if ($this->load_files) {
            if ($this->load_tags) {
            $post = $posts->getFirst();
            if ($this->memcache !== null) {
                $this->memcache->setNs('posts', $key, $post);
        } else {
            if ($post !== null) {
        return $post;
Ejemplo n.º 8
     * Loads a post by a date and the post's shortname
     * @param SwatDate $date the date the <i>publish_date<i> of the post. Only
     *                        the year and month fields are used for comparison.
     * @param string $shortname the shortname of the post to load.
     * @param SiteInstance $instance optional. The instance to load the post in.
     *                               If the site does not use instances, this
     *                               should be null.
     * @return boolean true if this post was loaded from the given publish_date
     *                 and shortname and false if it was not.
    public function loadByDateAndShortname(SwatDate $date, $shortname, SiteInstance $instance = null)
        $loaded = false;
        $row = null;
        if ($this->table !== null) {
            $instance_id = $instance === null ? null : $instance->id;
            $sql = sprintf('select * from %s
				where shortname = %s and
						convertTZ(publish_date, %s)) =
					date_trunc(\'month\', timestamp %s) and
					instance %s %s', $this->table, $this->db->quote($shortname, 'text'), $this->db->quote($date->getTimezone->getName(), 'text'), $this->db->quote($date->getDate(), 'date'), SwatDB::equalityOperator($instance_id), $this->db->quote($instance_id, 'integer'));
            $rs = SwatDB::query($this->db, $sql, null);
            $row = $rs->fetchRow(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
        if ($row !== null) {
            $loaded = true;
        return $loaded;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    protected function getQuarterEarnedCredits(CMEProvider $provider, $year, $quarter)
        $start_month = ($quarter - 1) * 3 + 1;
        $start_date = new SwatDate();
        $start_date->setTime(0, 0, 0);
        $start_date->setDate($year, $start_month, 1);
        $end_date = clone $start_date;
        $sql = sprintf('select count(1)
			from AccountCMEProgressCreditBinding
			inner join AccountCMEProgress on
				AccountCMEProgressCreditBinding.progress = AccountCMEProgress.id
			inner join AccountEarnedCMECredit on
				AccountEarnedCMECredit.account = AccountCMEProgress.account
				and AccountCMEProgressCreditBinding.credit =
			inner join CMECredit on
				CMECredit.id = AccountEarnedCMECredit.credit
			inner join Account on AccountCMEProgress.account = Account.id
			where CMECredit.front_matter in (
					select CMEFrontMatterProviderBinding.front_matter
					from CMEFrontMatterProviderBinding
					where CMEFrontMatterProviderBinding.provider = %s
			and convertTZ(earned_date, %s) >= %s
			and convertTZ(earned_date, %s) < %s
			and Account.delete_date is null', $this->db->quote($provider->id, 'integer'), $this->db->quote($this->config->date->time_zone, 'text'), $this->db->quote($start_date->getDate(), 'date'), $this->db->quote($this->config->date->time_zone, 'text'), $this->db->quote($end_date->getDate(), 'date'));
        return SwatDB::queryOne($this->db, $sql);
Ejemplo n.º 10
    protected function getPhotos()
        // load the photos uploaded in the last day
        $date = new SwatDate();
        $instance_id = $this->app->getInstance() === null ? null : $this->app->getInstanceId();
        $sql = sprintf('select PinholePhoto.* from PinholePhoto
			inner join ImageSet on PinholePhoto.image_set = ImageSet.id
			where ImageSet.instance %s %s and PinholePhoto.dav_upload = %s
				and PinholePhoto.upload_date > %s
			order by original_filename asc', SwatDB::equalityOperator($instance_id), $this->app->db->quote($instance_id, 'integer'), $this->app->db->quote(true, 'boolean'), $this->app->db->quote($date->getDate(), 'date'));
        $photos = SwatDB::query($this->app->db, $sql, SwatDBClassMap::get('PinholeSimplePhotoWrapper'));
        return $photos;
    protected function getResponses()
        // Get all rows from AccountCMEProgress where the credit was earned in
        // the past quarter. This uses a join between AccountCMEProgress and
        // AccountEarnedCMECredit through AccountCMEProgressCreditBinding.
        // All of this is necessary because we clone the Inquisition for each
        // account and so we can't just look up CMEFrontMatter.evaluation.
        $progress_ids_sql = sprintf('select progress
			from AccountCMEProgressCreditBinding
			inner join AccountCMEProgress on
				AccountCMEProgressCreditBinding.progress = AccountCMEProgress.id
			inner join AccountEarnedCMECredit on
				AccountEarnedCMECredit.account = AccountCMEProgress.account
				and AccountCMEProgressCreditBinding.credit =
			inner join CMECredit on
				CMECredit.id = AccountEarnedCMECredit.credit
			inner join Account on AccountCMEProgress.account = Account.id
			where CMECredit.front_matter in (
					select CMEFrontMatterProviderBinding.front_matter
					from CMEFrontMatterProviderBinding
					where CMEFrontMatterProviderBinding.provider = %s
			and convertTZ(earned_date, %s) >= %s
			and convertTZ(earned_date, %s) < %s
			and Account.delete_date is null', $this->app->db->quote($this->provider->id, 'integer'), $this->app->db->quote($this->app->config->date->time_zone, 'text'), $this->app->db->quote($this->start_date->getDate(), 'date'), $this->app->db->quote($this->app->config->date->time_zone, 'text'), $this->app->db->quote($this->end_date->getDate(), 'date'));
        $sql = 'select InquisitionResponse.*
			from InquisitionResponse
			inner join AccountCMEProgress on
				AccountCMEProgress.evaluation = InquisitionResponse.inquisition
				and AccountCMEProgress.account = InquisitionResponse.account
			where AccountCMEProgress.id in (' . $progress_ids_sql . ')';
        $responses = SwatDB::query($this->app->db, $sql, SwatDBClassMap::get('InquisitionResponseWrapper'));
        // efficiently load response values
        $values = $responses->loadAllSubRecordsets('values', SwatDBClassMap::get('InquisitionResponseValueWrapper'), 'InquisitionResponseValue', 'response');
        // wrappers for effecient loading of question bindings and questions on
        // response values and evaluations.
        $question_wrapper = SwatDBClassMap::get('InquisitionQuestionWrapper');
        $question_binding_wrapper = SwatDBClassMap::get('InquisitionInquisitionQuestionBindingWrapper');
        // efficiently load response value question bindings
        $question_binding_sql = 'select * from InquisitionInquisitionQuestionBinding
			where id in (%s)';
        $question_bindings = $values->loadAllSubDataObjects('question_binding', $this->app->db, $question_binding_sql, $question_binding_wrapper);
        // and response value questions
        if ($question_bindings instanceof $question_binding_wrapper) {
            $question_sql = 'select * from InquisitionQuestion
				where id in (%s)';
            $questions = $question_bindings->loadAllSubDataObjects('question', $this->app->db, $question_sql, $question_wrapper);
        // efficiently load response evaluations
        $evaluation_sql = 'select * from Inquisition where id in (%s)';
        $evaluations = $responses->loadAllSubDataObjects('inquisition', $this->app->db, $evaluation_sql, SwatDBClassMap::get('CMEEvaluationWrapper'));
        // efficiently load evaluation question bindings
        if ($evaluations instanceof CMEEvaluationWrapper) {
            $question_binding_sql = sprintf('select * from InquisitionInquisitionQuestionBinding
				where inquisition in (%s)
				order by inquisition, displayorder', $this->app->db->implodeArray($evaluations->getIndexes(), 'integer'));
            $question_bindings = SwatDB::query($this->app->db, $question_binding_sql, $question_binding_wrapper);
            $evaluations->attachSubRecordset('question_bindings', $question_binding_wrapper, 'inquisition', $question_bindings);
            // efficiently load evaluations questions
            if ($question_bindings instanceof $question_binding_wrapper) {
                $question_sql = 'select * from InquisitionQuestion
					where id in (%s)';
                $questions = $question_bindings->loadAllSubDataObjects('question', $this->app->db, $question_sql, $question_wrapper);
                // efficiently load evaluation question options
                if ($questions instanceof $question_wrapper) {
                    $options = $questions->loadAllSubRecordsets('options', SwatDBClassMap::get('InquisitionQuestionOptionWrapper'), 'InquisitionQuestionOption', 'question', '', 'displayorder');
        $response_array = array();
        foreach ($responses as $response) {
            // filter out responses for evaluations with no questions
            if (count($response->inquisition->question_bindings) > 0) {
                $response_array[] = $response;
        return $response_array;
Ejemplo n.º 12
    protected function resetQuiz(SwatForm $form)
        // response can be null when refreshing the quiz page immediately after
        // resetting a quiz, or resetting it in another window, and attempting
        // to reset a second time.
        if (!$this->front_matter->resettable || !$this->response instanceof InquisitionResponse) {
        $now = new SwatDate();
        $sql = sprintf('update InquisitionResponse set
			reset_date = %s where id = %s', $this->app->db->quote($now->getDate(), 'date'), $this->app->db->quote($this->response->id, 'integer'));
        SwatDB::exec($this->app->db, $sql);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public static function getPhotoCountPerDay(SiteWebApplication $app, SwatDate $date)
     if (isset($app->memcache)) {
         $cache_key = sprintf('PinholeCalendarGadget.count.%s.%s', $date->formatLikeIntl('yyyy-MM'), $app->session->isLoggedIn() ? 'private' : 'public');
         $count = $app->memcache->getNs('photos', $cache_key);
         if ($count !== false) {
             return $count;
     $sql = "select count(PinholePhoto.id) as photo_count,\n\t\t\t\tdate_part('day', max(convertTZ(PinholePhoto.photo_date,\n\t\t\t\t\tPinholePhoto.photo_time_zone))) as photo_day\n\t\t\tfrom PinholePhoto\n\t\t\tinner join ImageSet on PinholePhoto.image_set = ImageSet.id\n\t\t\twhere ImageSet.instance %s %s and PinholePhoto.status = %s\n\t\t\t\tand PinholePhoto.photo_date is not null\n\t\t\t\tand convertTZ(PinholePhoto.photo_date,\n\t\t\t\t\tPinholePhoto.photo_time_zone) >= %s\n\t\t\t\tand convertTZ(PinholePhoto.photo_date,\n\t\t\t\t\tPinholePhoto.photo_time_zone) < %s\n\t\t\t\t%s\n\t\t\tgroup by date_part('day', convertTZ(PinholePhoto.photo_date,\n\t\t\t\tPinholePhoto.photo_time_zone))";
     $end_date = clone $date;
     if (!$app->session->isLoggedIn()) {
         $private_where_clause = sprintf('and PinholePhoto.private = %s', $app->db->quote(false, 'boolean'));
     } else {
         $private_where_clause = '';
     $sql = sprintf($sql, SwatDB::equalityOperator($app->getInstanceId()), $app->db->quote($app->getInstanceId(), 'integer'), $app->db->quote(PinholePhoto::STATUS_PUBLISHED), $app->db->quote($date->getDate(), 'date'), $app->db->quote($end_date->getDate(), 'date'), $private_where_clause);
     $days = SwatDB::query($app->db, $sql);
     $day_count = array();
     foreach ($days as $day) {
         $day_count[$day->photo_day] = $day->photo_count;
     if (isset($app->memcache)) {
         $app->memcache->setNs('photos', $cache_key, $day_count);
     return $day_count;