/** * */ public function update(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) { $node = parent::update($request); $defaults = array('NodeParamLinkId' => null, 'LinkedNodeId' => null, 'IsInternal' => null); $nodeParameter = SwIRS_Web_Request::getParam($request, $defaults); if (count($nodeParameter) > 1) { $result = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Link.UpdateNodeParameter', array($nodeParameter)); } return $node; }
/** * */ public function getModalWindowData(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) { $customerPrompts = array(); if (!SwIRS_Web_Request::isSuperAdmin($request)) { $customerAccountId = $request->getParam('CustomerAccountId'); $customerPrompts = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Prompt.GetByCustomer', array($customerAccountId)); } $standardPrompts = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Prompt.GetByCustomer', array(null)); return array('CustomerPrompts' => $customerPrompts, 'StandardPrompts' => $standardPrompts); }
/** * */ public function update(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("update a " . $this->_type . " node"); $defaults = array('NodeId' => null, 'Label' => null, 'IsActive' => null); $node = SwIRS_Web_Request::getParam($request, $defaults); if (count($node) > 1) { $result = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Node.Update', array($node)); Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("node " . $node['NodeId'] . " is updated"); } return $node; }
/** * */ public function init() { // disable layout for ajax if ($this->_request->isXmlHttpRequest()) { $this->view->layout()->disableLayout(); } $request = $this->getRequest(); if (SwIRS_Web_Request::isSuperAdmin($request)) { $request->setParam('CustomerAccountId', 1); // global resource has customer account id null } }
/** * Initialization * * @return void */ public function init() { // disable layout for ajax if ($this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) { $this->view->layout()->disableLayout(); } $request = $this->getRequest(); $customerAccountId = $request->getParam('CustomerAccountId'); if (SwIRS_Web_Request::isSuperAdmin($request)) { $this->_isSuperAdmin = true; $this->_apiMaps = array('Query' => 'Tree.GetTemplatesByLabelPart', 'Count' => 'Tree.CountTemplates', 'GetAll' => 'Tree.GetTemplates'); } }
/** * Acl, error while the access deny * For Role[visitor] (@see SwIRS_Web_Request::isVisitor()), redirect to homepage * Otherwise, displayed the 403 Error page * * @return void */ public function aclAction() { $this->getHelper('Layout')->disableLayout(); Streamwide_Web_Log::debug('acl rejected'); $request = $this->getRequest(); if (SwIRS_Web_Request::isVisitor($request)) { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug('redirect the role[visitor] to homepage'); $this->getHelper('ViewRenderer')->setNoRender(); $this->getHelper('Redirector')->gotoSimpleAndExit('index', 'index'); } else { // 403 error -- HTTP Error 403, access forbidden $this->getResponse()->setHttpResponseCode(403); } }
/** * Login, register environments on this web application * * --------------------//Actual Login * <request> * 'Username' //string * 'Password' //string * <view-assign> * 'User' //struct $loggedUserInfo * * --------------------//Default * <request> * <view-assign> * * @return void */ public function loginAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); if ($request->isPost()) { if ($this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) { $this->getHelper('Layout')->disableLayout(); } $username = $request->getParam("Username"); $password = $request->getParam("Password"); $webservice = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->getResource('webservice'); $webservice->setAuth(array('user' => $username, 'password' => $password)); $user = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('User.Login', array($username, $password)); //$user = $user[0]; Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("user {$username} login"); $namespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('SwIRS_Web'); $namespace->userInfo = $user; $namespace->username = $username; $namespace->password = $password; $namespace->customerState = $user['TemporaryPassword']; $namespace->customerUserId = $user['UserId']; $namespace->customerAccountId = $user['CustomerAccountId']; $namespace->secondaryCustomerAccountId = $user['CustomerAccountId']; $profile = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('User.GetProfileById', array($user['ProfileId'])); $namespace->profile = $profile; $role = SwIRS_Web_Request::getRole($profile); $_SESSION['APPLICATION_ROLE'] = $role; if ($role == SwIRS_Web_Request::SUPER_ADMIN) { $namespace->customerAccountId = SwIRS_Web_Request::SUPER_ADMIN_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_ID; $namespace->secondaryCustomerAccountId = SwIRS_Web_Request::SUPER_ADMIN_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_ID; } if ($namespace->customerState == SwIRS_Web_Request::STATE_PROVISIONAL) { $role = SwIRS_Web_Request::PROVISIONAL; } $menu = SwIRS_Web_Request::getMenu($role); $namespace->menu = $menu; $this->view->assign('User', $user); $this->getHelper('viewRenderer')->direct('login-ack'); } }
/** * <request> * AssignedCustomerAccountId */ public function sudoAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $customerAccountId = $request->getParam('AssignedCustomerAccountId'); $_SESSION['SwIRS_Web']['customerAccountId'] = $customerAccountId; if ($customerAccountId != SwIRS_Web_Request::SUPER_ADMIN_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_ID) { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("super admin sudo as {$customerAccountId}"); $_SESSION['SwIRS_Web']['menu'] = SwIRS_Web_Request::getMenu(SwIRS_Web_Request::ACCOUNT_ADMIN); } else { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("super admin quits sudo"); $_SESSION['SwIRS_Web']['menu'] = SwIRS_Web_Request::getMenu(SwIRS_Web_Request::SUPER_ADMIN); } }
/** * update a contact * Actual update * ---------------- * <request> * Act * ContactName * ContactNumber * ContactId * * <view-assign> * Result * Contact = array( * ContactId * ContactPhone * ContactName * CustomerUserId * CustomerUserName * CustomerAccountId * CreationDateTime * ModificationDateTime * Automatic * ReferenceCounter * ) * * Modal window * ---------------- * <request> * ContactId * * <view-assign> * Contact = array( * ContactId * ContactPhone * ContactName * CustomerUserId * CustomerUserName * CustomerAccountId * CreationDateTime * ModificationDateTime * Automatic * ReferenceCounter * ) */ public function updateAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $act = $request->getParam('Act'); $contactId = $request->getParam('ContactId'); if ('update' == $act) { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug('contact update actual'); $defaults = array('ContactId' => $contactId, 'ContactPhone' => null, 'ContactName' => null, 'Automatic' => false); $contact = SwIRS_Web_Request::getParam($request, $defaults); $result = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Contact.Update', array($contact)); Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("contact {$contactId} is updated"); $this->view->assign('Result', $result); $this->getHelper('viewRenderer')->direct('update-ack'); } Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("get a contact {$contactId}"); $contact = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Contact.GetById', array($contactId)); $this->view->assign('Contact', $contact); }
/** * create new numbergroup */ public function createAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $act = $request->getParam('Act'); if ('create' == $act) { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("create a number group actual"); $defaults = array('PremiumNumberGroupName' => '', 'SolutionId' => 1, 'CustomerAccountId' => 1, 'CustomerUserId' => 1, 'EmergencyTreeId' => null, 'EmergencyActivated' => null); $premiumNumberGroup = SwIRS_Web_Request::getParam($request, $defaults); $premiumNumberGroupId = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('PremiumNumberGroup.Create', array($premiumNumberGroup)); Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("number group {$premiumNumberGroupId} is created"); $premiumNumberIds = $request->getParam('PremiumNumberIds', array()); if (!empty($premiumNumberIds)) { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("add numbers to a number group {$premiumNumberGroupId}"); $result = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('PremiumNumberGroup.AddPremiumNumber', array($premiumNumberGroupId, $premiumNumberIds)); } $treeIds = $request->getParam('TreeIds', array()); $startDatetimes = $request->getParam('StartDatetimes', array()); $endDatetimes = $request->getParam('EndDatetimes', array()); foreach ($treeIds as $key => $treeId) { $routingPlanId[] = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('PremiumNumberGroup.AddAllocatedTree', array($premiumNumberGroupId, $treeId, $startDatetimes[$key], $endDatetimes[$key])); Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("allocate tree {$treeId} to a number group {$premiumNumberGroupId}"); } $this->view->assign(array('PremiumNumberGroupName' => $premiumNumberGroup['PremiumNumberGroupName'], 'CustomerUserId' => $premiumNumberGroup['CustomerUserId'], 'CustomerAccountId' => $premiumNumberGroup['CustomerAccountId'], 'Pagination' => $premiumNumberGroup)); $this->getHelper('viewRenderer')->direct('create-ack'); } if ('change-solution' == $act) { $solutionId = $request->getParam('SolutionId'); $customerAccountId = $request->getParam('CustomerAccountId'); Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("change solution as {$solutionId}"); $availableNumbers = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('PremiumNumber.GetNotGrouped', array($solutionId, $customerAccountId)); $trees = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Tree.GetByCustomer', array($customerAccountId, $solutionId)); $this->view->assign(array('AvailableNumbers' => $availableNumbers, 'Trees' => $trees)); $this->getHelper('viewRenderer')->direct('change-solution'); } else { $solutions = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Solution.GetAll', array()); $this->view->assign(array('Solutions' => $solutions)); } }
/** * update a trunk group * Act * TrunkGroupId * Label * * <view-assign> * Result * TrunkGroup = array( * TrunkGroupId * Label * TrunkNumberCount * CreationDateTime * ) * * Modal window * ------------- * <request> * TrunkGroupId * <view-assign> * TrunkGroup = array( * TrunkGroupId * Label * TrunkNumberCount * CreationDateTime * ) * * Trunks = array( * array( * TrunkId * Label * ExternalId * IpAddress * Port * TrunkStatusId * TrunkStatus * CreationDateTime * ) * ) * AssignedTrunks = array( * array( * TrunkId * Label * ExternalId * IpAddress * Port * TrunkStatusId * TrunkStatus * CreationDateTime * ) * ) * */ public function updateAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $act = $request->getParam('Act'); $trunkGroupId = $request->getParam('TrunkGroupId'); if ('update' == $act) { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("update trunk group {$trunkGroupId} actual"); $defaults = array('TrunkGroupId' => $trunkGroupId, 'Label' => null); $trunkGroup = SwIRS_Web_Request::getParam($request, $defaults); if (!is_null($trunkGroup['Label'])) { $result = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('TrunkGroup.Update', array($trunkGroup)); $this->view->assign('Result', $result); } $this->getHelper('viewRenderer')->direct('update-ack'); } else { $trunks = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Trunk.GetAll', array()); $assignedTrunks = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('TrunkGroup.GetTrunks', array($trunkGroupId)); $this->view->assign('Trunks', $trunks); $this->view->assign('AssignedTrunks', $assignedTrunks); } $trunkGroup = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('TrunkGroup.GetById', array($trunkGroupId)); $this->view->assign('TrunkGroup', $trunkGroup); }
/** * update a trunk * Actual update * ------------- * <request> * Act * TrunkId * Label * ExternalId * IpAddress * Port * * <view-assign> * Result * Trunk = array( * TrunkId * Label * ExternalId * IpAddress * Port * TrunkStatusId * TrunkStatus * CreationDateTime * ) * * Modal window * ------------- * <request> * TrunkId * <view-assign> * Trunk = array( * TrunkId * Label * ExternalId * IpAddress * Port * TrunkStatusId * TrunkStatus * CreationDateTime * ) * */ public function updateAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $act = $request->getParam('Act'); $trunkId = $request->getParam('TrunkId'); if ('update' == $act) { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("update trunk {$trunkId} actual"); $defaults = array('Label' => null, 'ExternalId' => null, 'IpAddress' => null, 'Port' => null); $trunk = SwIRS_Web_Request::getParam($request, $defaults); $result = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Trunk.Update', array($trunk)); $this->view->assign('Result', $result); $this->getHelper('viewRenderer')->direct('update-ack'); } $trunk = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Trunk.GetById', array($trunkId)); $this->view->assign('Trunk', $trunk); }
/** * update a customer * Actual update * ------------- * <request> * Act * CustomerAccountId * CustomerAccountName * CustomerAccountBillingId * ContactName * ContactEmail * ContactPhone * MaxResPrompt * MaxResOrigin * MaxResBlacklist * MaxResCalendar * MaxResAgentgroup * MaxResContact * MaxResUser * * <view-assign> * Result * CustomerAccount = array( * CustomerAccountName * CustomerAccountBillingId * ContactName * ContactEmail * ContactPhone * CreationDateTime * Quotas = array( * QuotaId * MaxResPrompt * MaxResOrigin * MaxResBlacklist * MaxResCalendar * MaxResAgentgroup * MaxResContact * MaxResUser * ) * ) * * Modal window * ------------- * <request> * CustomerAccountId * * <view-assign> * CustomerAccount = array( * CustomerAccountName * CustomerAccountBillingId * ContactName * ContactEmail * ContactPhone * CreationDateTime * Quotas = array( * QuotaId * MaxResPrompt * MaxResOrigin * MaxResBlacklist * MaxResCalendar * MaxResAgentgroup * MaxResContact * MaxResUser * ) * ) */ public function updateAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $act = $request->getParam('Act'); $customerAccountId = $request->getParam('CustomerAccountId'); if ('update' == $act) { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug('update a customer actual'); $defaults = array('CustomerAccountId' => $customerAccountId, 'CustomerAccountName' => null, 'CustomerAccountBillingId' => null, 'ContactName' => null, 'ContactEmail' => null, 'ContactPhone' => null); $quotasDefaults = array('MaxResPrompt' => null, 'MaxResOrigin' => null, 'MaxResBlacklist' => null, 'MaxResCalendar' => null, 'MaxResAgentgroup' => null, 'MaxResContact' => null, 'MaxResUser' => null); $customerAccount = SwIRS_Web_Request::getParam($request, $defaults); $quotas = SwIRS_Web_Request::getParam($request, $quotasDefaults); if (!empty($quotas)) { $customerAccount['Quotas'] = $quotas; } $result = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Customer.Update', array($customerAccount)); Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("customer {$customerAccountId} is updated"); $this->view->assign('Result', $result); $this->getHelper('viewRenderer')->direct('update-ack'); } $customerAccount = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Customer.GetById', array($customerAccountId)); $this->view->assign('CustomerAccount', $customerAccount); }
/** * create a calendar */ public function createAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $act = $request->getParam('Act'); if ('create' == $act) { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("create a calendar actual"); $pagination['CurrentPage'] = $request->getParam('CurrentPage', SwIRS_Web_Request::CURRENT_PAGE); $pagination['ItemsPerPage'] = $request->getParam('ItemsPerPage', SwIRS_Web_Request::ITEMS_PER_PAGE); $defaults = array('Label' => '', 'CalendarTypeId' => 1, 'Automatic' => false, 'CustomerUserId' => 1, 'CustomerAccountId' => 1); $calendar = SwIRS_Web_Request::getParam($request, $defaults); $calendarId = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Calendar.Create', array($calendar)); Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("calendar {$calendarId} is created"); $period = array(); if (3 == $calendar['CalendarTypeId']) { $periodLabels = $request->getParam('PeriodLabel', array()); foreach ($periodLabels as $key => $periodLabel) { $periodLabel = $periodLabel; $period = array('CalendarId' => $calendarId, 'Label' => $periodLabel); $periodIds[$key] = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Calendar.AddPeriod', array($period)); Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("period {$periodIds[$key]} is created"); } } else { $period = array('CalendarId' => $calendarId, 'Label' => ''); $periodId = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Calendar.AddPeriod', array($period)); $periodIds[] = $periodId; Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("period {$periodId} is created"); } foreach ($periodIds as $periodId) { $dates = $request->getParam('Date', array()); $startDates = $endDates = ''; if (count($dates) > 0) { $startDates = $endDates = $dates; } else { $startDates = $request->getParam('StartDate', array()); $endDates = $request->getParam('EndDate', array()); } $count = 0; foreach ($startDates as $startDate) { $endDate = $endDates[$count]; $count++; $periodDay = array('PeriodId' => $periodId, 'StartDate' => $startDate, 'EndDate' => $endDate); $periodDaysId = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Calendar.AddPeriodDay', array($periodDay)); Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("period day {$periodDaysId} is created"); } } $startSeconds = $request->getParam('StartSecond', array()); $endSeconds = $request->getParam('EndSecond', array()); foreach ($periodIds as $key => $periodId) { $startSecond = $startSeconds; $endSecond = $endSeconds; if (3 == $calendar['CalendarTypeId']) { $startSecond = $startSeconds[$key]; $endSecond = $endSeconds[$key]; } foreach ($startSecond as $index => $start) { $end = $endSecond[$index]; $frequency = array('PeriodId' => $periodId, 'StartSecond' => $start, 'EndSecond' => $end); $periodFrequencyId = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Calendar.AddPeriodFrequency', array($frequency)); Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("period frequency {$periodFrequencyId} is created"); } } $this->view->assign(array('CalendarLabel' => $calendar['Label'], 'CustomerUserId' => $calendar['CustomerUserId'], 'CustomerAccountId' => $calendar['CustomerAccountId'], 'Pagination' => $pagination)); $this->getHelper('viewRenderer')->direct('create-ack'); } else { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("create a calendar modal window"); $calendarTypes = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Calendar.GetTypes', array()); $this->view->assign(array('CalendarTypes' => $calendarTypes)); } }
/** * update number in blacklist * <request> * Act * BlacklistNumberId * PhoneNumber * EndDate * Dynamic * * <view-assign> * Result * BlacklistNumber = array( * BlacklistNumberId * PhoneNumber * EndDate * Dynamic * BlacklistId * ) */ public function updatenumberAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $act = $request->getParam('Act'); $blacklistNumberId = $request->getParam('BlacklistNumberId'); if ('update' == $act) { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("update a blacklist number {$blacklistNumberId} actual"); $defaults = array('BlacklistNumberId' => $blacklistNumberId, 'PhoneNumber' => null, 'EndDate' => null, 'Dynamic' => null); $blacklistNumber = SwIRS_Web_Request::getParam($request, $defaults); $result = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Blacklist.UpdateNumber', array($blacklistNumber)); $this->view->assign('Result', $result); $this->getHelper('viewRenderer')->direct('updatenumber-ack'); } Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("get a blacklist number {$blacklistNumberId}"); $blacklistNumber = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Blacklist.GetNumberById', array($blacklistNumberId)); $this->view->assign('BlacklistNumber', $blacklistNumber); }
/** * update a report * Actual update * ------------- * <request> * Act * * <view-assign> * Result * * Modal window * ------------- * <request> * <view-assign> * ReportTimeframes = array( * array( * ReportTimeframeId * Resolution * ResolutionUnit * TimeframeUnit * TimeframeMax * ) * ) * * Users = array( * array( * UserId * Name * .... * ) * ) * * Recipients = array( * array( * UserId * Name * .... * ) * ) * * OriginGroups = array( * array( * OriginGroupId * OriginGroupName * ) * ) * */ public function updateAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $act = $request->getParam('Act'); $reportId = $request->getParam('ReportId'); $customerUserId = $request->getParam('CustomerUserId'); $customerAccountId = $request->getParam('CustomerAccountId'); if ('update' == $act) { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("update report {$reportId} actual"); $defaults = array('ReportId' => $reportId, 'ReportName' => null, 'ReportFormat' => null, 'ReportType' => null, 'OriginGroupId' => null, 'EmailFrequency' => null); $report = SwIRS_Web_Request::getParam($request, $defaults); $phoneNumberDefaults = array('PhoneNumberType' => null, 'PhoneNumberFrom' => null, 'PhoneNumberTo' => null); $reportPhoneNumber = SwIRS_Web_Request::getParam($request, $phoneNumberDefaults); if (!empty($reportPhoneNumber)) { $report['PhoneNumber'] = $reportPhoneNumber; } $timeframeDefaults = array('ReportStartDate' => null, 'ReportEndDate' => null, 'SumOnly' => null, 'ReportTimeframeValue' => null, 'ReportTimeframeId' => null); $reportTimeframe = SwIRS_Web_Request::getParam($request, $timeframeDefaults); if (!empty($reportTimeframe)) { $report['Timeframe'] = $reportTimeframe; } $result = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Report.Update', array($report)); $this->view->assign('Result', $result); $this->getHelper('viewRenderer')->direct('update-ack'); } else { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("update a report modal window"); $users = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('User.GetByCustomer', array($customerAccountId)); $recipients = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Report.GetRecipients', array($reportId)); $reportTimeframes = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Report.GetTimeframes', array()); $originGroups = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Origin.GetGroups', array()); $this->view->assign(array('ReportTimeframes' => $reportTimeframes, 'Users' => $users, 'Recipients' => $recipients, 'OriginGroups' => $originGroups)); } $report = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Report.GetById', array($reportId)); $this->view->assign('Report', $report); $this->view->assign($this->_getDates()); }
/** * */ public function getModalWindowData(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) { $customerPrompts = array(); $agentGroups = array(); $contacts = array(); if (!SwIRS_Web_Request::isSuperAdmin($request)) { $customerAccountId = $request->getParam('CustomerAccountId'); $customerPrompts = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Prompt.GetByCustomer', array($customerAccountId)); $agentGroups = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Agentgroup.GetByCustomer', array($customerAccountId)); $contacts = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Contact.GetByCustomer', array($customerAccountId)); } $standardPrompts = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Prompt.GetByCustomer', array(null)); $destinationTypes = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Outgoing.GetDestinationTypes', array()); return array('CustomerPrompts' => $customerPrompts, 'StandardPrompts' => $standardPrompts, 'DestinationTypes' => $destinationTypes, 'AgentGroups' => $agentGroups, 'Contacts' => $contacts); }
/** * update a prompt * Actual update * ------------- * <request> * Act * PromptId * PromptName * FileName * PromptContent * Description * * <view-assign> * Result * Prompt = array( * PromptId * PromptName * FileSize * FileName * PromptContent * Description * CustomerUserId * CustomerUserName * CustomerAccountId * CreationDateTime * ModificationDateTime * ReferenceCounter * ) * * Modal window * ------------ * <request> * PromptId * <view-assign> * Prompt = array( * PromptId * PromptName * FileSize * FileName * PromptContent * Description * CustomerUserId * CustomerUserName * CustomerAccountId * CreationDateTime * ModificationDateTime * ReferenceCounter * ) */ public function updateAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $act = $request->getParam('Act'); $promptId = $request->getParam('PromptId'); if ('update' == $act) { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug('update a prompt actual'); $defaults = array('PromptId' => $promptId, 'PromptName' => null, 'FileName' => null, 'PromptContent' => null, 'Description' => null); $prompt = SwIRS_Web_Request::getParam($request, $defaults); $result = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Prompt.Update', array($prompt)); $this->view->assign('Result', $result); $this->getHelper('viewRenderer')->direct('update-ack'); } $prompt = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('Prompt.GetById', array($promptId)); $this->view->assign('Prompt', $prompt); }
/** * update a premium number * * Actual update * ------------- * <request> * Act * PremiumNumberId * MaxCallDuration * StaticContactId * StaticContactPhone * * <view-assign> * Result * PremiumNumber = array( * PremiumNumberId * PremiumNumber * PremiumNumberUi * PremiumNumberGroupId * PremiumNumberGroupName * CustomerAccountId * CustomerAccountName * MaxCallDuration * StaticContactId * StaticContactName * StaticContactPhoneNumber * CreationDateTime * SolutionId * SolutionTypeId * SolutionType * TemplateTreeId * TemplateTreeLabel * ) * * Modal window * ------------- * <request> * PremiumNumberId * <view-assign> * PremiumNumber = array( * PremiumNumberId * PremiumNumber * PremiumNumberUi * PremiumNumberGroupId * PremiumNumberGroupName * CustomerAccountId * CustomerAccountName * MaxCallDuration * StaticContactId * StaticContactName * StaticContactPhoneNumber * CreationDateTime * SolutionId * SolutionTypeId * SolutionType * TemplateTreeId * TemplateTreeLabel * ) */ public function updateAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $act = $request->getParam('Act'); $premiumNumberId = $request->getParam('PremiumNumberId'); if ('update' == $act) { Streamwide_Web_Log::debug("update premium number {$premiumNumberId} actual"); $defaults = array('MaxCallDuration' => null, 'StaticContactId' => null, 'StaticContactPhone' => null); $premiumNumber = SwIRS_Web_Request::getParam($request, $defaults); if (!empty($premiumNumber)) { $premiumNumber['PremiumNumberId'] = $premiumNumberId; $result = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('PremiumNumber.Update', array($premiumNumber)); $this->view->assign('Result', $result); } $this->getHelper('viewRenderer')->direct('update-ack'); } $premiumNumber = Streamwide_Web_Model::call('PremiumNumber.GetById', array($premiumNumberId)); $this->view->assign('PremiumNumber', $premiumNumber); $isSuperAdmin = true; if (!SwIRS_Web_Request::isSuperAdmin($request)) { $isSuperAdmin = false; $this->getHelper('viewRenderer')->direct('update-redirect'); //update redirect number view for static solution } //update max call duraion view for super admin }