Ejemplo n.º 1

 * example file, how to handle a recur card order request response
 * @author Kristian Grossman-madsen for Svea WebPay
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
// Include Svea PHP integration package.
$svea_directory = "../../src/";
require_once $svea_directory . "Includes.php";
// get config object
$myConfig = Svea\SveaConfig::getTestConfig();
$countryCode = "SE";
// should match request countryCode
// the raw request response is posted to the returnurl (this page) from Svea.
$rawResponse = $_POST;
// decode the raw response by passing it through the SveaResponse class
$myResponse = new SveaResponse($rawResponse, $countryCode, $myConfig);
// abort if request failed
if ($myResponse->getResponse()->accepted == 0) {
    echo "<pre>Request failed. aborting";
// The decoded response is available through the ->getResponse() method.
// Check the response attribute 'accepted' for true to see if the request succeeded, if not, see the attributes resultcode and/or errormessage
echo "<pre>Your inital card order request response, including the the subscription id for use in future recur order requests:\n\n";
// save the subscriptionid to a file, for use in recurorder.php