Ejemplo n.º 1
     /* convert */
     // return result
     return "";
 function convertSurveys()
     $query = "select * from " . $this->sourcetable . "_surveys order by syid";
     if (!($res = $this->importdb->selectQuery($query))) {
         $query = "select * from " . $this->sourcetable . "_survey order by syid";
         $res = $this->importdb->selectQuery($query);
     if ($res) {
         if ($this->importdb->getNumberOfRows($res) > 0) {
             $user = new User($_SESSION['URID']);
             while ($row = $this->importdb->getRow($res)) {
                 $this->suid = $row["syid"] + $this->addtosuid;
                 $this->syid = $row["syid"];
                 // get languages
                 $survey = new Survey($this->suid);
                 $this->languages = explode("~", $survey->getAllowedLanguages(MODE_CASI));
                 // if first survey in project, then set as default survey
                 $surveys = new Surveys();
                 $surveys = $surveys->getSurveys();
                 if (sizeof($surveys) == 1) {
                 // update allowed modes
                 // update allowed languages
                 $survey->setAllowedLanguages(implode("~", $this->languages));
                 // update access of user doing the import
                 $mods = explode("~", $survey->getAllowedModes());
                 foreach ($mods as $m) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function showEditSettingsModeRes()
     $displaySysAdmin = new DisplaySysAdmin();
     $survey = new Survey($_SESSION['SUID']);
     $ans = loadvar(SETTING_ALLOWED_MODES);
     if (!is_array($ans)) {
         $ans = array($ans);
     if (!inArray(loadvar(SETTING_DEFAULT_MODE), $ans)) {
         $content = $displaySysAdmin->displayError(Language::messageModeSettingsNotChanged());
     } else {
         $current = explode("~", $survey->getAllowedModes());
         $survey->setAllowedModes(implode("~", $ans));
         $content = $displaySysAdmin->displaySuccess(Language::messageModeSettingsChanged());
         $users = new Users();
         $users = $users->getUsers();
         $update = loadvar("uridsel");
         foreach ($users as $u) {
             foreach ($current as $c) {
                 if (!inArray($c, $ans)) {
                     $u->removeMode($_SESSION['SUID'], $c);
             foreach ($ans as $a) {
                 if (!inArray($a, $current)) {
                     if (inArray($u->getUrid(), $update) || inArray(-1, $update)) {
                         $u->addMode($_SESSION['SUID'], $a, $survey->getAllowedLanguages($a));
         if (!inArray(getSurveyMode(), $ans)) {
             $_SESSION['SURVEY_MODE'] = $ans[0];
     /* update last page */
     $_SESSION['LASTPAGE'] = substr($_SESSION['LASTPAGE'], 0, strripos($_SESSION['LASTPAGE'], "res"));
     return $displaySysAdmin->showEditSettingsMode($content);