  * Formats the bean so it is ready to be handed back to the API's client. Certain fields will get extra processing
  * to make them easier to work with from the client end.
  * @param $bean SugarBean|ForecastManagerWorksheet The bean you want formatted
  * @param $fieldList array Which fields do you want formatted and returned (leave blank for all fields)
  * @param $options array Currently no options are supported
  * @return array The bean in array format, ready for passing out the API to clients.
 public function formatForApi(SugarBean $bean, array $fieldList = array(), array $options = array())
     $data = parent::formatForApi($bean, $fieldList, $options);
     $sq = new SugarQuery();
     $sq->from($bean)->where()->equals('assigned_user_id', $bean->assigned_user_id)->equals('user_id', $bean->user_id)->equals('draft', 0)->equals('timeperiod_id', $bean->timeperiod_id);
     $beans = $sq->execute();
     $data['show_history_log'] = 0;
     if (empty($beans) && !empty($bean->fetched_row['date_modified'])) {
         /* @var $tp TimePeriod */
         $tp = BeanFactory::getBean('TimePeriods', $bean->timeperiod_id);
         // When reportee has committed but manager has not
         // make sure that the reportee actually has a commit for the timeperiod,
         // this is to handle the case where the manager saves draft before the reportee can commit
         $sq = new SugarQuery();
         $sq->from(BeanFactory::getBean('ForecastWorksheets'))->where()->equals('assigned_user_id', $bean->user_id)->equals('draft', 0)->queryAnd()->gte('date_closed_timestamp', $tp->start_date_timestamp)->lte('date_closed_timestamp', $tp->end_date_timestamp);
         $worksheets = $sq->execute();
         if (!empty($worksheets)) {
             $data['show_history_log'] = 1;
     } else {
         if (!empty($beans)) {
             $fBean = $beans[0];
             $committed_date = $bean->db->fromConvert($fBean["date_modified"], "datetime");
             if (strtotime($committed_date) < strtotime($bean->fetched_row['date_modified'])) {
                 $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
                 // find the differences via the audit table
                 // we use a direct query since SugarQuery can't do the audit tables...
                 $sql = sprintf("SELECT field_name, before_value_string, after_value_string FROM %s\n                        WHERE parent_id = %s AND date_created >= " . $db->convert('%s', 'datetime'), $bean->get_audit_table_name(), $db->quoted($bean->id), $db->quoted($committed_date));
                 $results = $db->query($sql);
                 // get the setting for which fields to compare on
                 /* @var $admin Administration */
                 $admin = BeanFactory::getBean('Administration');
                 $settings = $admin->getConfigForModule('Forecasts', 'base');
                 while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results)) {
                     $field = substr($row['field_name'], 0, strpos($row['field_name'], '_'));
                     if ($settings['show_worksheet_' . $field] == "1") {
                         // calculate the difference to make sure it actually changed at 2 digits vs changed at 6
                         $diff = SugarMath::init($row['after_value_string'], 6)->sub($row['before_value_string'])->result();
                         // due to decimal rounding on the front end, we only want to know about differences greater
                         // of two decimal places.
                         // todo-sfa: This hardcoded 0.01 value needs to be changed to a value determined by userprefs
                         if (abs($diff) >= 0.01) {
                             $data['show_history_log'] = 1;
     if (!empty($bean->user_id)) {
         $data['is_manager'] = User::isManager($bean->user_id);
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function addVisibilityWhereQuery(SugarQuery $sugarQuery, $options = array())
     $where = null;
     $this->addVisibilityWhere($where, $options);
     if (!empty($where)) {
     return $sugarQuery;
  * Add visibility clauses to the WHERE part of the query for SugarQuery Object
  * @param SugarQuery $query
  * @return SugarQuery
 public function addVisibilityWhereQuery(SugarQuery $query)
     global $current_user;
     if (!empty($this->targetModuleField) && !$current_user->isAdmin()) {
         $modules = $current_user->getDeveloperModules();
         if (empty($modules)) {
             $modules = array('');
         $query->where()->in($this->targetModuleField, $modules);
     return $query;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Retrieves all saved reports that meet args-driven criteria
  * @param $api ServiceBase The API class of the request
  * @param $args array The arguments array passed in from the API
  * @return array
 public function getSavedReports($api, $args)
     // Make sure the user isn't seeing reports they don't have access to
     require_once 'modules/Reports/SavedReport.php';
     $modules = array_keys(getACLDisAllowedModules());
     $fieldList = array('id', 'name', 'module', 'report_type', 'content', 'chart_type', 'assigned_user_id');
     $sq = new SugarQuery();
     $sq->orderBy('name', 'asc');
     // if there were restricted modules, add those to the query
     if (count($modules)) {
         $sq->where()->notIn('module', $modules);
     if (isset($args['has_charts']) && $args['has_charts'] == 'true') {
         $sq->where()->notEquals('chart_type', 'none');
     if (isset($args['module']) && $args['module'] !== '') {
         $sq->where()->in('module', array($args['module']));
     $result = $sq->execute();
     // check acls
     foreach ($result as $key => &$row) {
         $savedReport = $this->getSavedReportFromData($row);
         if ($savedReport->ACLAccess('list')) {
             // for front-end to check acls
             $row['_acl'] = ApiHelper::getHelper($api, $savedReport)->getBeanAcl($savedReport, $fieldList);
         } else {
     return $result;
  * Add visibility clauses to the FROM part of the query
  * @param string $query
  * @return string
 public function addVisibilityFromQuery(SugarQuery $query)
     if (!empty($this->parentLink)) {
         $linkName = $this->parentLink;
         if (empty($query->from->{$linkName})) {
             throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter("Invalid link {$linkName} for owner clause");
         if ($query->from->{$linkName}->getType() == "many") {
             throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter("Cannot serch for owners through multi-link {$linkName}");
         $this->join = $query->join($linkName, array('joinType' => 'LEFT'));
     return $query;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Makin' the magic in the sugar field
  * @param $field
  * @param SugarQuery $query
 public function __construct($field, SugarQuery $query)
     if (is_array($field)) {
         $this->field = $field[0];
         $this->alias = $field[1];
         if (!empty($field[2])) {
             $this->original_alias = $field[2];
     } else {
         $this->field = $field;
     if ($query->getFromBean()) {
  * Formats the bean so it is ready to be handed back to the API's client. Certian fields will get extra processing
  * to make them easier to work with from the client end.
  * @param $bean SugarBean|ForecastWorksheet The bean you want formatted
  * @param $fieldList array Which fields do you want formatted and returned (leave blank for all fields)
  * @param $options array Currently no options are supported
  * @return array The bean in array format, ready for passing out the API to clients.
 public function formatForApi(SugarBean $bean, array $fieldList = array(), array $options = array())
     $data = parent::formatForApi($bean, $fieldList, $options);
     $data['parent_deleted'] = 0;
     if ($bean->draft == 0) {
         $sq = new SugarQuery();
         $sq->from(BeanFactory::getBean($bean->parent_type))->where()->equals('id', $bean->parent_id);
         $beans = $sq->execute();
         if (empty($beans)) {
             $data['parent_name'] = $data['name'];
             $data['parent_deleted'] = 1;
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Prepares value for insertion into SQL
  * @param string $value
  * @param SugarQuery_Builder_Condition $condition
  * @return string
 protected function prepareValue($value, SugarQuery_Builder_Condition $condition)
     if ($this->sugar_query->usePreparedStatements && !empty($condition->field->def) && !$value instanceof SugarQuery_Builder_Literal) {
         $type = $this->db->getFieldType($condition->field->def);
         $this->sugar_query->addData($condition->field->quoteValue($value, $condition->operator, true));
         return "?{$type}";
     } else {
         return $condition->field->quoteValue($value, $condition->operator);
 public static function get(SugarBean $bean)
     $query = new SugarQuery();
     $dupeRules = $query->join('dm_duplicaterules_dm_dedupehashes')->joinName();
     $query->where()->equals("{$dupeRules}.bean_module", $bean->module_name);
     $query->where()->equals("bean_id", $bean->id);
     $GLOBALS['log']->error("Getting Dedupe Hashes");
     $results = $query->execute();
     return $results;
 public static function retrieveRecycled($right_id, $relationship, $left_id)
     $query = new SugarQuery();
     $query->where()->equals('right_id', $right_id);
     $query->where()->equals('relatiomship', $relationship);
     $query->where()->equals('left_id', $left_id);
     $query->where()->equals('deleted', 0);
     $results = $query->execute();
     if (count($results) > 0) {
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             return BeanFactory::getBean('dm_RecycledLinks', $result['id']);
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public static function retrieveRecycled(SugarBean $bean)
     $query = new SugarQuery();
     $query->where()->equals('bean_module', $bean->module_name);
     $query->where()->equals('bean_id', $bean->id);
     $query->where()->equals('deleted', 0);
     $results = $query->execute();
     if (count($results) > 0) {
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             return BeanFactory::getBean('dm_Recycler', $result['id']);
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Checks to see if the given user is an invitee on the meeting
  * @param $userId
  * @param $meetingBean
  * @return bool
 protected function isUserInvitedToMeeting($userId, $meetingBean)
     $query = new SugarQuery();
     $query->join('users', array('alias' => 'users'));
     $query->where()->equals('meetings.id', $meetingBean->id)->equals('users.id', $userId);
     $results = $query->execute();
     return count($results) > 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * For Floats we need to round down to the precision of the passed in value, since the db's could be showing
  * something different
  * @param Number $value                         The value for which we are trying to filter
  * @param String $fieldName                     What field we are trying to modify
  * @param SugarBean $bean                       The associated SugarBean
  * @param SugarQuery $q                         The full query object
  * @param SugarQuery_Builder_Where $where       The where object for the filter
  * @param String $op                            The filter operation we are trying to do
  * @return bool
  * @throws SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter
 public function fixForFilter(&$value, $fieldName, SugarBean $bean, SugarQuery $q, SugarQuery_Builder_Where $where, $op)
     // if we have an array, pull the first value
     if (is_array($value)) {
         $v = $value[1];
     } else {
         $v = $value;
     $decimal_separator_location = substr(strrchr($v, '.'), 1);
     // if we don't have a decimal, just use the normal methods back up the chain
     // since it's a whole number that is being searched on
     if ($decimal_separator_location === false) {
         return true;
     // ROUND(<value>, <precision>) is the standard across all DB's we support
     $field = "ROUND({$fieldName}, " . strlen($decimal_separator_location) . ")";
     switch ($op) {
         case '$equals':
             $q->whereRaw("{$field} = {$value}");
             return false;
         case '$not_equals':
             $q->whereRaw("{$field} != {$value}");
             return false;
         case '$between':
             if (!is_array($value) || count($value) != 2) {
                 throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter('$between requires an array with two values.');
             $q->whereRaw("{$field} BETWEEN {$value['0']} AND {$value['1']}");
             return false;
         case '$lt':
             $q->whereRaw("{$field} < {$value}");
             return false;
         case '$lte':
             $q->whereRaw("{$field} <= {$value}");
             return false;
         case '$gt':
             $q->whereRaw("{$field} > {$value}");
             return false;
         case '$gte':
             $q->whereRaw("{$field} >= {$value}");
             return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function opportunityStats($api, $args)
     // TODO make all APIs wrapped on tries and catches
     // TODO: move this to own module (in this case accounts)
     // TODO: Fix information leakage if user cannot list or view records not
     // belonging to them. It's hard to tell if the user has access if we
     // never get the bean.
     // Check for permissions on both Accounts and opportunities.
     // Load up the bean
     $record = BeanFactory::getBean($args['module'], $args['record']);
     if (!$record->ACLAccess('view')) {
     // Load up the relationship
     if (!$record->load_relationship('opportunities')) {
         // The relationship did not load, I'm guessing it doesn't exist
     // Figure out what is on the other side of this relationship, check permissions
     $linkModuleName = $record->opportunities->getRelatedModuleName();
     $linkSeed = BeanFactory::newBean($linkModuleName);
     if (!$linkSeed->ACLAccess('view')) {
     $status_field = $this->getOpportunityStatusField();
     $query = new SugarQuery();
     $query->select(array($status_field, 'amount_usdollar'));
     // making this more generic so we can use this on contacts also as soon
     // as we move it to a proper module
     $query->join('accounts', array('alias' => 'record'));
     $query->where()->equals('record.id', $record->id);
     // FIXME add the security query here!!!
     // TODO: When we can sum on the database side through SugarQuery, we can
     // use the group by statement.
     $results = $query->execute();
     // TODO this can't be done this way since we can change the status on
     // studio and add more
     $data = array('won' => array('amount_usdollar' => 0, 'count' => 0), 'lost' => array('amount_usdollar' => 0, 'count' => 0), 'active' => array('amount_usdollar' => 0, 'count' => 0));
     foreach ($results as $row) {
         $map = array('Closed Lost' => 'lost', 'Closed Won' => 'won');
         if (array_key_exists($row[$status_field], $map)) {
             $status = $map[$row[$status_field]];
         } else {
             $status = 'active';
         $data[$status]['amount_usdollar'] += $row['amount_usdollar'];
     return $data;
  * Test to see if the all the Jobs in the group are done.
  * @return bool
  * @throws SugarQueryException
 protected function isJobGroupDone()
     // when we don't have a job_group, return true
     if (empty($this->job->job_group)) {
         return true;
     $sq = new SugarQuery();
     $sq->select(array('job_group'))->fieldRaw('count(0)', 'total_jobs')->fieldRaw('sum(case when status = \'done\' AND resolution = \'success\' then 1 else 0 END)', 'total_done');
     $sq->where()->equals('job_group', $this->job->job_group);
     $results = $sq->execute();
     $result = array_shift($results);
     return $result['total_jobs'] === $result['total_done'];
 public function salesByCountry($api, $args)
     // TODO: Fix information leakage if user cannot list or view records not
     // belonging to them. It's hard to tell if the user has access if we
     // never get the bean.
     // Check for permissions on both Revenue line times and accounts.
     $seed = BeanFactory::newBean('RevenueLineItems');
     if (!$seed->ACLAccess('view')) {
     // Load up the relationship
     if (!$seed->load_relationship('account_link')) {
         // The relationship did not load, I'm guessing it doesn't exist
     // Figure out what is on the other side of this relationship, check permissions
     $linkModuleName = $seed->account_link->getRelatedModuleName();
     $linkSeed = BeanFactory::newBean($linkModuleName);
     if (!$linkSeed->ACLAccess('view')) {
     $query = new SugarQuery();
     $account_link = $query->join('account_link');
     $query->select(array($account_link->joinName() . '.billing_address_country', $account_link->joinName() . '.billing_address_state', 'likely_case', 'base_rate'));
     $query->where()->equals('sales_stage', 'Closed Won');
     // TODO: When we can sum on the database side through SugarQuery, we can
     // use the group by statement.
     $data = array();
     $results = $query->execute();
     foreach ($results as $row) {
         if (empty($data[$row['billing_address_country']])) {
             $data[$row['billing_address_country']] = array('_total' => 0);
         if (empty($data[$row['billing_address_country']][$row['billing_address_state']])) {
             $data[$row['billing_address_country']][$row['billing_address_state']] = array('_total' => 0);
         $data[$row['billing_address_country']]['_total'] += $row['likely_case'] / $row['base_rate'];
         $data[$row['billing_address_country']][$row['billing_address_state']]['_total'] += $row['likely_case'] / $row['base_rate'];
     return $data;
 public function run()
     if (version_compare($this->from_version, '7.2.2', '>=')) {
     $qty = 100;
     $chunk = 0;
     $bean = BeanFactory::getBean('UserPreferences');
     do {
         $fetchCount = 0;
         $query = new SugarQuery();
         $query->offset($chunk * $qty);
         $query->where()->equals('category', 'global');
         $query->select(array('id', 'assigned_user_id', 'contents'));
         $rows = $query->execute();
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $preferences = @unserialize(base64_decode($row['contents']));
             if (!empty($preferences)) {
                 foreach ($preferences as $key => $value) {
                     if (substr($key, -1) == 'Q') {
                         $insert = array('category' => "sq_{$key}", 'deleted' => 0, 'assigned_user_id' => $row['assigned_user_id'], 'contents' => base64_encode(serialize($value)));
                 $insert = array('id' => $row['id'], 'category' => 'global', 'deleted' => 0, 'assigned_user_id' => $row['assigned_user_id'], 'contents' => base64_encode(serialize($preferences)));
     } while ($fetchCount == $qty);
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Process to get an array of Timeperiods based on system configurations.  It will return the n number
  * of backward timeperiods + current set of timeperiod + n number of future timeperiods.
  * @return array id/name of TimePeriods
 public function process()
     $admin = BeanFactory::getBean('Administration');
     $settings = $admin->getConfigForModule('Forecasts', 'base');
     $forward = $settings['timeperiod_shown_forward'];
     $backward = $settings['timeperiod_shown_backward'];
     $type = $settings['timeperiod_interval'];
     $leafType = $settings['timeperiod_leaf_interval'];
     $timedate = TimeDate::getInstance();
     $timePeriods = array();
     $current = TimePeriod::getCurrentTimePeriod($type);
     //If the current TimePeriod cannot be found for the type, just create one using the current date as a reference point
     if (empty($current)) {
         $current = TimePeriod::getByType($type);
     $startDate = $timedate->fromDbDate($current->start_date);
     //Move back for the number of backward TimePeriod(s)
     while ($backward-- > 0) {
     $endDate = $timedate->fromDbDate($current->end_date);
     //Increment for the number of forward TimePeriod(s)
     while ($forward-- > 0) {
     $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
     $sq = new SugarQuery();
     $sq->select(array('id', 'name'));
     $sq->where()->notNull('parent_id')->gte('start_date', $startDate->asDbDate())->lte('start_date', $endDate->asDbDate())->addRaw("coalesce({$db->convert('type', 'length')},0) > 0");
     $sq->orderBy('start_date', 'ASC');
     $beans = $sq->execute();
     foreach ($beans as $row) {
         $timePeriods[$row['id']] = $row['name'];
     return $timePeriods;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Uninstalls module filters
 protected function uninstall_filters()
     if (empty($this->installdefs['beans'])) {
     $modules = array();
     foreach ($this->installdefs['beans'] as $definition) {
         $modules[] = $definition['module'];
     $filter = BeanFactory::getBean('Filters');
     $query = new SugarQuery();
     $query->from($filter)->where()->in('module_name', $modules);
     $data = $query->execute();
     foreach ($data as $row) {
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Gets an array of beans from a SugarQuery
  * @param SugarQuery $query - Query object with everything but the from() section filled in
  * @param array $fields - (Optional) A list of fields to populate in the beans
  * @param array $options - (Optional) Optional parameters for the function:
  *                         returnRawRows - Returns raw rows in the _row key, indexed by bean id
  *                         beanList - An array of beans to merge the results into
  *                         skipSecondaryQuery - Don't perform the secondary queries
  * @return array SugarBean - An array of SugarBeans populated with the requested fields
 function fetchFromQuery(SugarQuery $query, array $fields = array(), array $options = array())
     $queryFields = array();
     $secondaryFields = array();
     $beans = array();
     $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
     if (empty($fields)) {
         $fields = array_keys($this->field_defs);
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (!isset($this->field_defs[$field]) || !isset($this->field_defs[$field]['type'])) {
             // Not a valid field, remove it from the list
         $def = $this->field_defs[$field];
         if ($def['type'] == 'link') {
         if (isset($def['link_type']) && $def['link_type'] == 'relationship_info') {
             // These fields are only here for backwards compatibility
         if (isset($def['link']) && $def['link'] != true && !isset($this->field_defs[$def['link']])) {
             $GLOBALS['log']->error("Invalid link detected: {$field} is looking for {$def['link']}");
         if (!isset($options['skipSecondaryQuery']) || $options['skipSecondaryQuery'] == false) {
             $type = !empty($def['custom_type']) ? $def['custom_type'] : $this->db->getFieldType($def);
             $sugarField = $sfh->getSugarField($type);
             if ($sugarField->fieldNeedsSecondaryQuery($field, $this)) {
                 $secondaryFields[$field] = $sugarField;
         if (isset($def['source']) && $def['source'] == 'non-db' && (empty($def['rname']) || empty($def['link']))) {
             // Non-db that isn't a relate field.
         $queryFields[$field] = $field;
         // Disable distinct on text type fields, since Oracle doesn't
         // allow distinct selects on CLOB types
         $fieldType = $this->db->getFieldType($def);
         $isTextType = $fieldType ? $this->db->isTextType($fieldType) : false;
         if ($isTextType) {
     foreach ($this->field_defs as $field => $fieldDef) {
         if (isset($fieldDef['mandatory_fetch']) && $fieldDef['mandatory_fetch'] == true) {
             $queryFields[$field] = $field;
     $queryFields['id'] = 'id';
     if (isset($this->field_defs['assigned_user_id'])) {
         $queryFields['assigned_user_id'] = 'assigned_user_id';
     $this->call_custom_logic('before_fetch_query', array('query' => $query, 'fields' => $fields));
     $rows = $query->execute();
     $rawRows = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         if (isset($options['beanList'][$row['id']])) {
             $bean = $options['beanList'][$row['id']];
         } else {
             $bean = $this->getCleanCopy();
         //true parameter below tells populate to perform conversions on row data
         $bean->fetched_row = $bean->populateFromRow($row, true);
         $beans[$bean->id] = $bean;
         $rawRows[$bean->id] = $row;
     if (!isset($options['skipSecondaryQuery']) || $options['skipSecondaryQuery'] == false) {
         foreach ($secondaryFields as $fieldName => $sugarField) {
             $sugarField->runSecondaryQuery($fieldName, $this, $beans);
     $this->call_custom_logic('after_fetch_query', array('beans' => $beans, 'fields' => $fields, 'rows' => $rawRows));
     if (!empty($options['compensateDistinct'])) {
         $beans['_distinctCompensation'] = $this->computeDistinctCompensation($rows, $beans);
     if (!empty($options['returnRawRows'])) {
         $beans['_rows'] = $rawRows;
     return $beans;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public function migrateToOpportunities()
     $sq = new SugarQuery();
     $sq->select(array('id', 'content'));
     $sq->from(BeanFactory::getBean('Reports'), array('team_security' => false));
     $sq->where()->equals('module', 'Opportunities')->contains('content', '"name":"sales_stage"');
     $results = $sq->execute('array', false);
     $fixedReports = array();
     // since we are dealing with json data, don't have fetchByAssoc encode the data
     foreach ($results as $row) {
         // reset the name, just in case.
         $this->rli_table_name = 'Opportunities:revenuelineitems';
         $report = json_decode($row['content'], true);
         // if links_defs is there, we need to unset it from there
         if (isset($report['links_def'])) {
             if ($loc = array_search('revenuelineitems', $report['links_def'])) {
             // if we are setting the links_defs, the rli_table_name needs to be changed
             $this->rli_table_name = 'revenuelineitems';
         } elseif (isset($report['full_table_list'])) {
             if (isset($report['full_table_list']['self']['children']) && is_array($report['full_table_list']['self']['children'])) {
                 // find the RLI module
                 foreach ($report['full_table_list']['self']['children'] as $child) {
                     if (isset($report['full_table_list'][$child]['module']) && $report['full_table_list'][$child]['module'] === 'RevenueLineItems') {
                         $this->rli_table_name = $child;
             // if it's in the full_table_list, it should be removed from there.
             if (isset($report['full_table_list'][$this->rli_table_name])) {
         } else {
             // if we don't have a links_def or the full_table_list, we should just bail out now.
         // lets loop though all the display_columns and find anyone that is sales_stage
         foreach (array('group_defs', 'display_columns', 'summary_columns') as $type) {
             foreach ($report[$type] as $key => $column) {
                 if ($column['name'] == 'sales_stage' && $column['table_key'] == $this->rli_table_name) {
                     $report[$type][$key]['table_key'] = 'self';
         // now lets fix all the filters.
         foreach ($report['filters_def'] as $name => $filter) {
             $returnSingleFilter = false;
             if (isset($filter['name']) && isset($filter['table_key'])) {
                 $returnSingleFilter = true;
                 $filter = array($filter);
             $filter = $this->fixFilters($filter, 'self');
             if ($returnSingleFilter) {
                 $filter = array_shift($filter);
             $report['filters_def'][$name] = $filter;
         $json_def = json_encode($report, JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_AMP | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT);
         $fixedReports[] = $json_def;
         $sql = 'UPDATE saved_reports
                 SET content = ' . $this->db->quoted($json_def) . '
                 WHERE id = ' . $this->db->quoted($row['id']);
     return $fixedReports;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Returns a query object for subscription queries.
  * @param Array $params
  *        disable_row_level_security
  * @return SugarQuery
 protected static function getQueryObject($params = array())
     $subscription = BeanFactory::getBean('Subscriptions');
     // Pro+ versions able to override visibility on subscriptions (Portal)
     // to allow Contact change activity messages to be linked to subscribers
     if (!empty($params['disable_row_level_security'])) {
         $subscription->disable_row_level_security = true;
     $query = new SugarQuery();
     $query->where()->equals('deleted', '0');
     if (!empty($params['limit'])) {
         $query->limit($params['limit'] + 1);
     if (!empty($params['offset'])) {
     return $query;
  * This method removes all pending event flows that are 'sleeping' and are
  * associated this this event.
  * @param $eventData Object Event
 public function removeActiveTimerEvents($eventData)
     $this->logger->debug("Removing sleeping timer events for the event: " . print_r($eventData, true));
     $bpmFlowBean = BeanFactory::newBean('pmse_BpmFlow');
     $sq = new SugarQuery();
     $sq->where()->equals('bpmn_id', $eventData['id'])->equals('cas_flow_status', 'SLEEPING');
     $result = $sq->execute();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $e = BeanFactory::getBean('pmse_BpmFlow', $row['id']);
         $e->cas_flow_status = 'DELETED';
         // Update 'Process' to ERROR status
         $cas_id = $e->cas_id;
         $cf = new PMSECaseFlowHandler();
         $cf->changeCaseStatus($cas_id, 'TERMINATED');
Ejemplo n.º 24
 function getReportCharts($category)
     global $current_user;
     $chartsList = array();
     require_once 'modules/Reports/SavedReport.php';
     $sq = new SugarQuery();
     $savedReportBean = BeanFactory::getBean('Reports');
     // Make sure the user isn't seeing reports they don't have access to
     $modules = array_keys(getACLDisAllowedModules());
     if (count($modules)) {
         $sq->where()->notIn('module', $modules);
     //create the $where statement(s)
     $sq->where()->notEquals('chart_type', 'none');
     switch ($category) {
         case 'global':
             // build global where string
             $sq->where()->equals('saved_reports.team_set_id', '1');
         case 'myTeams':
             // build myTeams where string
             $myTeams = $current_user->get_my_teams();
             $teamWhere = '';
             foreach ($myTeams as $team_id => $team_name) {
                 if ($team_id != '1' && $team_id != $current_user->getPrivateTeamID()) {
                     if ($teamWhere == '') {
                         $teamWhere .= ' ';
                     } else {
                         $teamWhere .= 'OR ';
                     $teamWhere .= "saved_reports.team_set_id='" . $team_id . "' ";
         case 'mySaved':
             // build mySaved where string
             $sq->where()->equals('saved_reports.team_set_id', $current_user->getPrivateTeamID());
         case 'myFavorites':
             global $current_user;
             $sugaFav = BeanFactory::getBean('SugarFavorites');
             $current_favorites_beans = $sugaFav->getUserFavoritesByModule('Reports', $current_user);
             $current_favorites = array();
             foreach ((array) $current_favorites_beans as $key => $val) {
                 array_push($current_favorites, $val->record_id);
             if (is_array($current_favorites) && !empty($current_favorites)) {
                 $sq->where()->in('saved_reports.id', array_values($current_favorites));
             } else {
                 $sq->where()->in('saved_reports.id', array('-1'));
     //retrieve array of reports
     $savedReports = $savedReportBean->fetchFromQuery($sq);
     $chartsList = array();
     if (!empty($savedReports)) {
         foreach ($savedReports as $savedReport) {
             // clint - fixes bug #20398
             // only display dashlets that are from visibile modules and that the user has permission to list
             require_once 'include/MySugar/MySugar.php';
             $myDashlet = new MySugar($savedReport->module);
             $displayDashlet = $myDashlet->checkDashletDisplay();
             if ($displayDashlet) {
                 $title = getReportNameTranslation($savedReport->name);
                 $report_def = array('title' => $title, 'onclick' => 'return SUGAR.mySugar.addDashlet(\'' . $savedReport->id . '\', \'chart\', \'' . $savedReport->module . '\');');
                 array_push($chartsList, $report_def);
     $this->dashlets[$category] = $chartsList;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Do the repair
  * @throws SugarQueryException
 public function repairReportsToStructure()
     $mgr_worksheet = BeanFactory::getBean('ForecastManagerWorksheets');
     $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
     //Iterate through the list of users
     foreach ($this->userData as $id => $data) {
         $reports_to_id = $data['reports_to_id'];
         $status = $data['status'];
         $deleted = $data['deleted'];
         //Get all the worksheets for this user for this timeperiod
         $query = new SugarQuery();
         $query->select(array('id', 'name', 'user_id', 'assigned_user_id', 'timeperiod_id'));
         $query->where()->equals('timeperiod_id', $this->currentTimePeriod['current']);
         $query->where()->equals('user_id', $id);
         $query->where()->equals('deleted', 0);
         $query->orderBy('date_modified', 'DESC');
         $rows = $query->execute();
         //Only the first worksheet (by date_modified DESC) is kept
         $firstOne = true;
         $timePeriodName = $this->currentTimePeriod['list'][$this->currentTimePeriod['current']]['name'];
         //now iterate through the list of worksheets and check the assigned_user_id against the reports_to_id
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             if ($firstOne) {
                 $firstOne = false;
                 if ($row['assigned_user_id'] != $reports_to_id) {
                     //This record needs updating
                     $mgr_worksheet->assigned_user_id = $reports_to_id;
                     if ($deleted == 1 || $status != 'Active' || empty($reports_to_id)) {
                         //If the user has been deleted or marked as Inactive or has no reports_to_id then mark the sheets as deleted
                         $mgr_worksheet->deleted = 1;
                         if ($deleted == 1 || $status != 'Active') {
                             $reason = "as the user is no longer active";
                         } elseif (empty($reports_to_id)) {
                             $reason = "as the user has no reports_to_is set";
                         $this->results[$row['id']] = "Worksheet in TimePeriod '{$timePeriodName}' for {$row['name']} was DELETED {$reason}";
                     } else {
                         //It just needs to be reassigned to the new manager
                         $timePeriodName = $this->currentTimePeriod['list'][$this->currentTimePeriod['current']]['name'];
                         $from = $this->getUserName($row['assigned_user_id']);
                         $to = $this->getUserName($reports_to_id);
                         $this->results[$row['id']] = "Worksheet in TimePeriod '{$timePeriodName}' for {$row['name']} was reassigned from '{$from}' to '{$to}'";
                 } else {
                     //Nothing needs to be changed
                     $this->results[$row['id']] = "Worksheet in TimePeriod '{$timePeriodName}' for {$row['name']} correct and not changed";
             } else {
                 //This is a duplicate commit (IT SEEMS, maybe, possibly, more than likely, NOT SURE OF THIS ONE YET)
                 $mgr_worksheet->deleted = 1;
                 $this->results[$row['id']] = "Worksheet in TimePeriod '{$timePeriodName}' for {$row['name']} was DELETED as a DUPLICATE";
  * This function creates a job for to run the SugarJobUpdateOpportunities class
  * @param integer $perJob
  * @returns array|string An array of the jobs that were created, unless there
  * is one, then just that job's id
 public static function updateOpportunitiesForForecasting($perJob = 100)
     $sq = new SugarQuery();
     $rows = $sq->execute();
     if (empty($rows)) {
         return false;
     $chunks = array_chunk($rows, $perJob);
     $jobs = array();
     // process the first job now
     $job = static::createJob($chunks[0], true);
     $jobs[] = $job->id;
     // run the first job
     $self = new self();
     $self->sendNotifications = false;
     $job_group = md5(microtime());
     for ($i = 1; $i < count($chunks); $i++) {
         $jobs[] = static::createJob($chunks[$i], false, $job_group);
     // if only one job was created, just return that id
     if (count($jobs) == 1) {
         return array_shift($jobs);
     return $jobs;
 protected function getProductsWithNonClosedQuote()
     $product = BeanFactory::getBean('Products');
     $sq = new SugarQuery();
     // join in the product bundles table
     // we use a left join here so we can get products that do not have quotes
     $product->product_bundles->buildJoinSugarQuery($sq, array('joinType' => 'LEFT'));
     // join in the quotes table off of Product Bundles
     $bundle = BeanFactory::getBean('ProductBundles');
     $bundle->quotes->buildJoinSugarQuery($sq, array('joinType' => 'LEFT'));
     $quote = BeanFactory::getBean('Quotes');
     $sq->where()->queryOr()->isNull('quotes.quote_stage', $quote)->notIn('quotes.quote_stage', $quote->closed_statuses, $quote);
     $results = $sq->execute();
     $db = $this->db;
     // we just need the array, so use array_map to pull it out of the results
     return array_map(function ($a) use($db) {
         return $db->quoted($a['id']);
     }, $results);
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * Returns all role sets
  * @return ACLRoleSet[]
  * @todo Move this to ACLRoleSet when it's merged
 protected static function getAllRoleSets()
     $roleSet = BeanFactory::getBean('ACLRoleSets');
     //Verify that rolesets are operable before attempting to use them.
     if (empty($roleSet)) {
         return array();
     $query = new SugarQuery();
     $query->select('id', 'hash');
     $data = $query->execute();
     return self::createCollectionFromDataSet($roleSet, $data);
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * This method emulates the Forecast Rep Worksheet calculateTotals method.
  * @param string $timeperiod_id
  * @param string $user_id
  * @param string|null $forecast_by
  * @param boolean $useDraftRecords
  * @return array|bool
 public function worksheetTotals($timeperiod_id, $user_id, $forecast_by = null, $useDraftRecords = false)
     /* @var $tp TimePeriod */
     $tp = BeanFactory::getBean('TimePeriods', $timeperiod_id);
     if (empty($tp->id)) {
         // timeperiod not found
         return false;
     /* @var $admin Administration */
     $admin = BeanFactory::getBean('Administration');
     $settings = $admin->getConfigForModule('Forecasts');
     if (is_null($forecast_by)) {
         $forecast_by = $settings['forecast_by'];
     // setup the return array
     $return = array('amount' => '0', 'best_case' => '0', 'worst_case' => '0', 'overall_amount' => '0', 'overall_best' => '0', 'overall_worst' => '0', 'timeperiod_id' => $tp->id, 'lost_count' => '0', 'lost_amount' => '0', 'lost_best' => '0', 'lost_worst' => '0', 'won_count' => '0', 'won_amount' => '0', 'won_best' => '0', 'won_worst' => '0', 'included_opp_count' => 0, 'total_opp_count' => 0, 'includedClosedCount' => 0, 'includedClosedAmount' => '0', 'includedClosedBest' => '0', 'includedClosedWorst' => '0', 'pipeline_amount' => '0', 'pipeline_opp_count' => 0, 'closed_amount' => '0', 'includedIdsInLikelyTotal' => array());
     global $current_user;
     $sq = new SugarQuery();
     $bean_obj = BeanFactory::getBean($this->module_name);
     $sq->select(array($bean_obj->getTableName() . '.*'));
     $sq->from($bean_obj)->where()->equals('assigned_user_id', $user_id)->equals('parent_type', $forecast_by)->equals('deleted', 0)->equals('draft', $current_user->id == $user_id || $useDraftRecords === true ? 1 : 0)->queryAnd()->gte('date_closed_timestamp', $tp->start_date_timestamp)->lte('date_closed_timestamp', $tp->end_date_timestamp);
     $results = $sq->execute();
     foreach ($results as $row) {
         // if customers have made likely_case, best_case, or worst_case not required,
         // it saves to the DB as NULL, make sure we set it to 0 for the math ahead
         if (empty($row['likely_case'])) {
             $row['likely_case'] = 0;
         if (empty($row['best_case'])) {
             $row['best_case'] = 0;
         if (empty($row['worst_case'])) {
             $row['worst_case'] = 0;
         $worst_base = SugarCurrency::convertWithRate($row['worst_case'], $row['base_rate']);
         $amount_base = SugarCurrency::convertWithRate($row['likely_case'], $row['base_rate']);
         $best_base = SugarCurrency::convertWithRate($row['best_case'], $row['base_rate']);
         $closed = false;
         if (in_array($row['sales_stage'], $settings['sales_stage_won']) && in_array($row['commit_stage'], $settings['commit_stages_included'])) {
             $return['won_amount'] = SugarMath::init($return['won_amount'], 6)->add($amount_base)->result();
             $return['won_best'] = SugarMath::init($return['won_best'], 6)->add($best_base)->result();
             $return['won_worst'] = SugarMath::init($return['won_worst'], 6)->add($worst_base)->result();
             $return['includedClosedAmount'] = SugarMath::init($return['includedClosedAmount'], 6)->add($amount_base)->result();
             $closed = true;
         } elseif (in_array($row['sales_stage'], $settings['sales_stage_lost'])) {
             $return['lost_amount'] = SugarMath::init($return['lost_amount'], 6)->add($amount_base)->result();
             $return['lost_best'] = SugarMath::init($return['lost_best'], 6)->add($best_base)->result();
             $return['lost_worst'] = SugarMath::init($return['lost_worst'], 6)->add($worst_base)->result();
             $closed = true;
         if (in_array($row['commit_stage'], $settings['commit_stages_included'])) {
             if (!$closed) {
                 $return['amount'] = SugarMath::init($return['amount'], 6)->add($amount_base)->result();
                 $return['best_case'] = SugarMath::init($return['best_case'], 6)->add($best_base)->result();
                 $return['worst_case'] = SugarMath::init($return['worst_case'], 6)->add($worst_base)->result();
                 // add RLI/Opp id to includedIds array
                 array_push($return['includedIdsInLikelyTotal'], $row['parent_id']);
             if ($closed) {
                 $return['includedClosedBest'] = SugarMath::init($return['includedClosedBest'], 6)->add($best_base)->result();
                 $return['includedClosedWorst'] = SugarMath::init($return['includedClosedWorst'], 6)->add($worst_base)->result();
         $return['overall_amount'] = SugarMath::init($return['overall_amount'], 6)->add($amount_base)->result();
         $return['overall_best'] = SugarMath::init($return['overall_best'], 6)->add($best_base)->result();
         $return['overall_worst'] = SugarMath::init($return['overall_worst'], 6)->add($worst_base)->result();
     // send back the totals
     return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 * Generates query for fetching non-primary emails for the given beans
 * @param SugarBean $bean Bean instance
 * @param array     $ids  Bean IDs
 * @return SugarQuery
function getNonPrimaryEmailsExportQuery(SugarBean $bean, array $ids)
    $query = new SugarQuery();
    $query->from(BeanFactory::newBean('EmailAddresses'), 'ea');
    $query->joinTable('email_addr_bean_rel', array('joinType' => 'LEFT', 'alias' => 'eabr', 'linkingTable' => true))->on()->equalsField('eabr.email_address_id', 'id');
    $query->select('eabr.bean_id', 'email_address', 'invalid_email', 'opt_out');
    $query->where()->in('eabr.bean_id', $ids)->equals('eabr.bean_module', $bean->module_dir)->notEquals('eabr.primary_address', 1)->notEquals('eabr.deleted', 1);
    $query->orderBy('eabr.bean_id', 'ASC')->orderBy('eabr.reply_to_address', 'ASC')->orderBy('email_address', 'ASC');
    return $query;