function process() { if (!is_admin($GLOBALS['current_user']) && in_array($this->action, $this->admin_actions)) { $this->hasAccess = false; } parent::process(); }
/** * Obtain an instance of the correct controller. * * @return an instance of SugarController */ function getController($module) { $class = ucfirst($module) . 'Controller'; if (file_exists('custom/modules/' . $module . '/controller.php')) { $customClass = 'Custom' . $class; require_once 'custom/modules/' . $module . '/controller.php'; if (class_exists($customClass)) { $controller = new $customClass(); } else { if (class_exists($class)) { $controller = new $class(); } } } elseif (file_exists('modules/' . $module . '/controller.php')) { require_once 'modules/' . $module . '/controller.php'; if (class_exists($class)) { $controller = new $class(); } } else { $controller = new SugarController(); } //setup the controller $controller->setup($module); return $controller; }
/** * Perform execution of the application. This method is called from index2.php * * @param Request $request */ function execute(Request $request) { global $sugar_config; if (!empty($sugar_config['default_module'])) { $this->default_module = $sugar_config['default_module']; } $module = $this->default_module; if (!empty($_REQUEST['module'])) { $module = $_REQUEST['module']; } insert_charset_header(); $this->setupPrint(); $this->controller = ControllerFactory::getController($module); // if the entry point is defined to not need auth, then don't authenicate if (!$request->has('entryPoint') || $this->controller->checkEntryPointRequiresAuth($request->query('entryPoint'))) { $this->loadUser(); $this->ACLFilter(); $this->preProcess(); $this->getController()->preProcess(); $this->checkHTTPReferer(); } SugarThemeRegistry::buildRegistry(); $this->loadLanguages(); $this->checkDatabaseVersion(); $this->loadDisplaySettings(); $this->loadLicense(); $this->loadGlobals(); $this->setupResourceManagement($module); $this->getController()->execute(); sugar_cleanup(); }
public function pre_save() { require_once 'include/upload_file.php'; $upload_file = new UploadFile('filename_file'); if (isset($_FILES['filename_file']) && $upload_file->confirm_upload()) { $filename = $upload_file->get_stored_file_name(); $file_ext = $upload_file->file_ext; if (empty($this->bean->id)) { $this->bean->id = create_guid(); $this->bean->new_with_id = true; } $account = null; if (isset($_POST['xphotobucketaccount_id'])) { $account = BeanFactory::getBean('xPhotobucketAccounts', $_POST['xphotobucketaccount_id']); } // $resp = $account->upload_media('image', $upload_file->temp_file_location, "{$this->bean->id}.{$file_ext}", $_POST['name']); $resp = $account->upload_media('base64', base64_encode(file_get_contents($upload_file->temp_file_location)), "{$this->bean->id}.{$file_ext}", $_POST['name']); $this->bean->browse_url = $resp['browseurl']; $this->bean->image_url = $resp['url']; $this->bean->thumb_url = $resp['thumb']; } else { echo "Upload file error"; sugar_cleanup(true); } parent::pre_save(); }
public function process() { if (!is_admin($GLOBALS['current_user']) && !is_admin_for_module($GLOBALS['current_user'], 'Contracts')) { $this->hasAccess = false; } parent::process(); }
public function process() { if (!is_admin($GLOBALS['current_user'])) { $this->hasAccess = false; } parent::process(); }
function action_listview() { if ($_REQUEST['state_in_chart']) { $this->correctStateFilterFromChart(); } parent::action_listview(); }
function display() { $this->dv->process(); echo '<style type="text/css">@import url("custom/modules/ACLRoles/styles/securitygroups.css"); </style>'; $file = SugarController::getActionFilename($this->action); $this->includeClassicFile('modules/' . $this->module . '/' . $file . '.php'); }
public function preProcess() { parent::preProcess(); global $current_user; if (!$current_user->isAdmin()) { sugar_die("Non-admin users are not allowed to access the admin area."); } }
/** * Obtain an instance of the correct controller. * * @return an instance of SugarController */ function getController($module) { if (SugarAutoLoader::requireWithCustom("modules/{$module}/controller.php")) { $class = SugarAutoLoader::customClass(ucfirst($module) . 'Controller'); } else { SugarAutoLoader::requireWithCustom('include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php'); $class = SugarAutoLoader::customClass('SugarController'); } if (class_exists($class, false)) { $controller = new $class(); } if (empty($controller)) { $controller = new SugarController(); } //setup the controller $controller->setup($module); return $controller; }
protected function post_delete() { if (!empty($_REQUEST['return_url'])) { $_REQUEST['return_url'] = urldecode($_REQUEST['return_url']); $this->redirect_url = $_REQUEST['return_url']; } else { parent::post_delete(); } }
/** * @see SugarView::display() */ public function display() { // Call SugarController::getActionFilename to handle case sensitive file names $file = SugarController::getActionFilename($this->action); $classic = SugarAutoLoader::existingCustomOne('modules/' . $this->module . '/' . $file . '.php'); if ($classic) { $this->includeClassicFile($classic); return true; } return false; }
function process() { $GLOBALS['log']->info(get_class($this) . ":"); global $current_user; $access = $current_user->getDeveloperModules(); if ($current_user->isAdmin() || $current_user->isDeveloperForAnyModule() && !isset($_REQUEST['view_module']) && (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'package') || isset($_REQUEST['view_module']) && (in_array($_REQUEST['view_module'], $access) || empty($_REQUEST['view_module'])) || isset($_REQUEST['type']) && ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'dropdowns' && $current_user->isDeveloperForAnyModule() || $_REQUEST['type'] == 'studio' && displayStudioForCurrentUser() == true)) { $this->hasAccess = true; } else { $this->hasAccess = false; } parent::process(); }
function process() { $GLOBALS['log']->info(get_class($this) . ":"); global $current_user; $access = get_admin_modules_for_user($current_user); if (is_admin($current_user) || is_admin_for_any_module($current_user) && !isset($_REQUEST['view_module']) && (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'package') || isset($_REQUEST['view_module']) && (in_array($_REQUEST['view_module'], $access) || empty($_REQUEST['view_module'])) || isset($_REQUEST['type']) && ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'dropdowns' && is_admin_for_any_module($current_user) || $_REQUEST['type'] == 'studio' && displayStudioForCurrentUser() == true)) { $this->hasAccess = true; } else { $this->hasAccess = false; } parent::process(); }
function process() { if (isset($_REQUEST['searchFormTab']) && $_REQUEST['searchFormTab'] == 'basic_search') { $this->modifySearch('subject_basic'); $this->modifySearch('description_basic'); } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['searchFormTab']) && $_REQUEST['searchFormTab'] == 'advanced_search') { $this->modifySearch('name_advanced'); $this->modifySearch('description_advanced'); } } parent::process(); }
function process() { $GLOBALS['log']->info(get_class($this) . ":"); global $current_user; $access = get_admin_modules_for_user($current_user); //Non admins can still execute functions if (!empty($_REQUEST['action']) && in_array($_REQUEST['action'], $this->non_admin_actions) || $this->isModuleAdmin($access)) { $this->hasAccess = true; } else { $this->hasAccess = false; } parent::process(); }
/** * @see SugarView::display() */ public function display() { // Call SugarController::getActionFilename to handle case sensitive file names $file = SugarController::getActionFilename($this->action); if (file_exists('custom/modules/' . $this->module . '/' . $file . '.php')) { $this->includeClassicFile('custom/modules/' . $this->module . '/' . $file . '.php'); return true; } elseif (file_exists('modules/' . $this->module . '/' . $file . '.php')) { $this->includeClassicFile('modules/' . $this->module . '/' . $file . '.php'); return true; } return false; }
public function process() { if ($this->action == 'EditView' && empty($_REQUEST['record'])) { $this->action = 'WizardHome'; } else { if ($this->action == 'EditView' && !empty($_REQUEST['record'])) { // Show Send Email and Summary $this->action = 'WizardHome'; // modules/Campaigns/WizardHome.php isWizardSummary $_REQUEST['action'] = 'WizardHome'; } } parent::process(); }
public function pre_save() { if (!empty($_REQUEST['session_id'])) { $x = new FetchToken(); $res = $x->dispatchCall(array('SessionID' => $_REQUEST['session_id'])); if ($res !== false) { $this->bean->ebay_auth_token = $res['AuthToken']; $this->bean->hard_expiration_time = $res['ExpireTime']; } else { sugar_cleanup(true); } } parent::pre_save(); }
/** * @see SugarView::display() */ public function display() { if ($this->bean instanceof SugarBean && isset($this->view_object_map['remap_action']) && !$this->bean->ACLAccess($this->view_object_map['remap_action'])) { ACLController::displayNoAccess(true); return false; } // Call SugarController::getActionFilename to handle case sensitive file names $file = SugarController::getActionFilename($this->action); $classic_file = SugarAutoLoader::existingCustomOne('modules/' . $this->module . '/' . $file . '.php'); if ($classic_file) { $this->includeClassicFile($classic_file); return true; } return false; }
public function pre_save() { parent::pre_save(); require_once 'modules/Workflows/includes/WorkflowBaseAction.php'; if (isset($this->bean->accion) && isset($this->record)) { $accion = WorkflowBaseAction::obtener_accion_por_nombre($this->bean->accion); try { $accion->verificar_parametros($this->bean->parametros); } catch (Exception $e) { sugar_set_message("No se encontraron los parametros: " . implode(', ', $accion->parametros_requeridos()) . "; para la acción: {$accion->nombre}. No se Guardaron los cambios", "error"); $args = array('module' => $this->module, 'action' => "EditView", 'record' => $this->record); $this->set_redirect(create_url($args)); $this->redirect(); die; } } }
function action_save() { if (empty($this->bean->id)) { parent::action_save(); } $this->removeCategories(); // NOTE: call from_html _before_ calling $json->decode... WTF! $json = getJSONobj(); // workaround for #276 $hiddenFieldContent = $_POST['categoryHiddenField']; if (!empty($hiddenFieldContent)) { $categoryHiddenField = $json->decode(from_html($hiddenFieldContent)); //$GLOBALS['log']->error("product catalog tree structure: ". var_export($categoryHiddenField,true)); // for each category store its subcategories in the subcategories attribute (saveCategories()) and store the ids of the root categories in the category_ids fields of the product catalog $this->bean->category_ids = implode(' ', $this->saveCategories($categoryHiddenField)); } else { $GLOBALS['log']->warn("field 'item' which is neccessary for creating category structure does not exist"); } parent::action_save(); }
protected function callLegacyCode() { if (strtolower($this->do_action) == 'convertlead') { if (file_exists('modules/Leads/ConvertLead.php') && !file_exists('custom/modules/Leads/metadata/convertdefs.php')) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['emailAddressWidget'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('/^Leads.*?emailAddress[\\d]+$/', $key)) { $_REQUEST['Leads_email_widget_id'] = 0; break; } } } $this->action_default(); $this->_processed = true; } else { $this->view = 'convertlead'; $this->_processed = true; } } else { parent::callLegacyCode(); } }
function action_save() { $old_id = null; $isLinked = false; if (isset($_POST['isLinked'])) { $isLinked = $_POST['isLinked'] == 'true' ? true : false; } // create new version of Addition and update Contract idsofadditions field since we are creating new version of Addition if (!$isLinked && !empty($this->bean->contractid)) { if (!$this->bean->is_latest) { $latestVersion = $this->bean->getLatestRevision(); $old_id = $latestVersion->id; $this->bean->version = intval($latestVersion->version + 1); } else { $old_id = $this->bean->id; $this->bean->version = intval($this->bean->version + 1); } //$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('going branch 1'); unset($this->bean->id); unset($this->bean->{$this->bean->table_name . '_number'}); $this->bean->deleted = 0; $this->bean->nextrevisions = ''; $this->bean->is_latest = 1; //1.7.6 $this->bean->previousrevision = $old_id; SugarController::action_save(); //retrieve saved bean for oqc...number that is created during save $oqc_fld_number = $this->bean->table_name . '_number'; $savedBean = new $this->bean->object_name(); if ($savedBean->retrieve($this->bean->id)) { $this->bean->{$oqc_fld_number} = intval($savedBean->{$oqc_fld_number}); } // 1.7.6 Keep generated svnumber for all future references if (empty($this->bean->svnumber)) { $this->bean->fill_in_svnumber(); } $this->bean->oqc_delete_relationships($this->bean->id); // deleting documents and services- will be recreated during save //Recreate relationship to original contract $contract = 'oqc_contract'; $this->bean->load_relationship($contract); $this->bean->oqc_contract->add($this->bean->contractid); //Update idsofadditions linked of contract $linkedContract = new oqc_Contract(); if ($linkedContract->retrieve($this->bean->contractid)) { $linkedContract->idsofadditions = str_replace($old_id, $this->bean->id, $linkedContract->idsofadditions); $linkedContract->save(); } } elseif ($isLinked) { if ($this->bean->deleted == 1) { $this->bean->mark_undeleted($this->bean->id); } $this->bean->deleted = 0; $this->bean->is_latest = 1; //$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('going branch 3'); //retrieve saved bean for oqc...number that is created during save $oqc_fld_number = $this->bean->table_name . '_number'; $savedBean = new $this->bean->object_name(); if ($savedBean->retrieve($this->bean->id)) { $this->bean->{$oqc_fld_number} = intval($savedBean->{$oqc_fld_number}); } // 1.7.6 Keep generated svnumber for all future references if (empty($this->bean->svnumber)) { $this->bean->fill_in_svnumber(); } $this->bean->oqc_delete_relationships($this->bean->id); // deleting documents and services- will be recreated during save //Recreate relationship to original contract $contract = 'oqc_contract'; $this->bean->load_relationship($contract); $this->bean->oqc_contract->add($this->bean->contractid); // Add new addition to the list of idsofadditions $linkedContract = new oqc_Contract(); if ($linkedContract->retrieve($this->bean->contractid)) { $linkedContract->idsofadditions = $linkedContract->idsofadditions . " " . $this->bean->id; $linkedContract->save(); } } if (isset($_POST['servicesVAT'])) { $this->bean->vat = $_POST['servicesVAT']; } else { if (isset($_POST['servicesOnceVAT'])) { $this->bean->vat = $_POST['servicesOnceVAT']; } } $this->saveAttachedDocuments(); $this->saveTextblocks(); $this->saveServices(); if (!isset($_POST['assigned_user_id'])) { $this->bean->assigned_user_id = $this->bean->created_by; } //2.1 set this only if it is not in $_POST SugarController::action_save(); // redirect to new version $this->return_id = $this->bean->id; $this->return_module = $this->module; // If previous version exist, hide it and update nextrevision field if ($old_id != '') { $oldBean = new $this->bean->object_name(); if ($oldBean->retrieve($old_id)) { $oldBean->addNextRevisionId($this->bean->id); $oldBean->save(); $this->bean->oqc_mark_deleted($old_id); //1.7.6 } } }
/** * Constructor */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // Admin Config Setting $this->configuration(); }
function MailMergeController() { parent::SugarController(); }
function action_save() { $isDuplicate = empty($_REQUEST['record']) && empty($_REQUEST['return_id']); // check if there are any modifications $modified = hasBeenModified($this->bean, array()); if (!$isDuplicate && !$modified) { return; // skip save if this is not a duplicate and nothing been modified } //2.0 We determine to what catalog category belongs if (!empty($this->bean->relatedcategory_id)) { $category = new oqc_Category(); if ($category->retrieve($this->bean->relatedcategory_id)) { $this->bean->catalog_id = $category->catalog_id; } } // save id of user that created the old version global $timedate; $dateCreated = $timedate->to_db($this->bean->date_entered); $createdById = $this->bean->created_by; $old_id = $this->begin_new_version(); parent::action_save(); $this->end_new_version($old_id); $this->initializeUniqueIdentifier(); $this->save_packaged_products(); $this->saveAttachedDocuments(); $this->saveProductOptions(); $this->saveImageWithResize(); $this->updateRelatedProducts($old_id); //$GLOBALS['log']->error("Dates are: ". $this->bean->date_entered ); // the new contract should have the same creator and creation date as the previous version, fix for #486 if ($dateCreated) { $this->bean->date_entered = $dateCreated; } if ($createdById) { $this->bean->created_by = $createdById; } if (!isset($_POST['assigned_user_id'])) { $this->bean->assigned_user_id = $this->bean->created_by; } //2.1 set this only if it is not in $_POST parent::action_save(); }
public function KReportsController() { ini_set('display_errors', '0'); parent::SugarController(); }
public function process() { if($this->action == 'EditView' && empty($_REQUEST['record'])) { $this->action = 'WizardHome'; } parent::process(); }
function EmployeesController() { parent::SugarController(); }