Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function __construct($accessKey, $secretKey, $host = "http://services.stupeflix.com", $service = 'stupeflix-1.0', $debug = false)
     if ($host[strlen($host) - 1] == "/") {
         $host = substr($host, 0, strlen($host) - 1);
     $this->accessKey = $accessKey;
     $this->secretKey = $secretKey;
     $this->base_url = $host . '/' . $service;
     $this->service = $service;
     $this->debug = $debug;
     // Currently there is only the Marker parameter (used for partial enumeration)
     self::$parametersToAdd = array(StupeflixBase::MARKER_PARAMETER, StupeflixBase::MAXKEYS_PARAMETER);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Require the stupeflix client library
require_once 'stupeflix.php';
// Includes the access key and secret key definition : YOU SHOULD SETUP THIS FIRST
require_once 'key.php';
// Includes the access key and secret key definition : YOU SHOULD SETUP THIS FIRST
require_once 'conf.php';
// Report all errors except E_NOTICE
// This is intended only for debugging purpose, not production !
if (stupeflixAccessKey == 'PUT-YOUR-ACCESS-KEY-HERE') {
    die("ERROR : Please fill in key information in key.php\n");
try {
    // Create the helper class
    $debug = False;
    $stupeflix = new Stupeflix(stupeflixAccessKey, stupeflixSecretKey, stupeflixHost, $service = 'stupeflix-1.0', $debug);
    // If you plan to offer the service to your own users,
    // you can set the user variable to your user id.
    // Otherwise, you can always keep the same name
    $user = "******";
    // Each user can have different projects :
    // select the name of the project to test
    $resource = "resource";
    // name of the xml definition file
    $definitionFilename = "movie.xml";
    // These are meta information that can will be used while uploading to Youtube / Dailymotion for example
    $metaDict = array("title" => "This is my test video", "description" => "Describe here your video.", "tags" => "add,your,tags", "channels" => "Tech", "acl" => "public");
    $meta = new StupeflixMeta($metaDict);
    if (youtubeLogin != "") {
        // Create sample youtube information
        $tags = implode(",", array("these", "are", "my", "tags"));