function handle_uploaded_avatar_pic()
     if (isset($_POST['user_filename'])) {
         $_POST['user_filename'] = Storage::validateFileId($_POST['user_filename']);
     if (!empty($_FILES['userfile']['name'])) {
         // process uploaded image file
         $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
         $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'userfile', true, true, 'image');
         if (!$file) {
             throw new PAException(FILE_NOT_UPLOADED, $myUploadobj->error);
     } else {
         // download given image url
         $avatar_url = trim(@$_REQUEST['avatar_url']);
         if (!empty($avatar_url) && preg_match("|http://(.*?)/(.*)|", $avatar_url, $m)) {
             list(, $uf_server, $uf_path) = $m;
             $file = Storage::save($avatar_url, basename($uf_path), "critical", "image");
             if (!$file) {
                 throw new PAException(FILE_NOT_UPLOADED, sprintf(__("Could not retrieve file from URL: %s"), $avatar_url));
     if (@$file) {
         $_POST['user_filename'] = $file;
         $_POST['avatar_url'] = '';
 function register($params, $network_info = NULL)
     $core_id = null;
     $picture = null;
     $picture_dimensions = null;
     $avatar = null;
     $avatar_dimensions = null;
     $avatar_small = null;
     $avatar_small_dimensions = null;
     $this->newuser = new User();
     // set API call variable
     $this->newuser->api_call = $this->api_call;
     // filter input parameters (this is the same as filter_all_post())
     $params = Validation::get_input_filter(FALSE)->process($params);
     $this->error = false;
     $mother_network_info = Network::get_mothership_info();
     $mother_extra = unserialize($mother_network_info->extra);
     if (@$mother_extra['captcha_required'] == NET_YES) {
         // added by Z.Hron - if captcha is required
         //Providing the capcha check
         if (md5(strtoupper($_POST['txtNumber'])) != $_SESSION['image_random_value']) {
             $_SESSION['image_is_logged_in'] = true;
             $_SESSION['image_random_value'] = '';
             $error_login = true;
             $this->error = true;
             $this->msg .= "\nPlease enter correct code";
     if (!$this->error) {
         $login_name = trim($params['login_name']);
         $first_name = trim($params['first_name']);
         $last_name = trim(@$params['last_name']);
         // not mandatory
         $email = trim($params['email']);
         $password = trim($params['password']);
         $confirm_password = trim($params['confirm_password']);
         if ($this->api_call == true) {
             $core_id = $params['core_id'];
             // TODO: validate URL
             $picture = trim($params['profile_picture_url']);
             $picture_dimensions = $params['profile_picture_dimensions'];
             $avatar = trim($params['profile_avatar_url']);
             $avatar_dimensions = $params['profile_avatar_dimensions'];
             $avatar_small = trim($params['profile_avatar_small_url']);
             $avatar_small_dimensions = $params['profile_avatar_small_dimensions'];
         $date_created = !empty($params['date_created']) ? $params['date_created'] : null;
         $_years = PA::getYearsList();
         $dob_day = !empty($params['dob_day']) ? trim($params['dob_day']) : null;
         // General data (why? should be personal)
         $dob_month = !empty($params['dob_month']) ? trim($params['dob_month']) : null;
         // General data (why? should be personal)
         $dob_year = !empty($params['dob_year']) ? $_years[(int) trim($params['dob_year'])] : null;
         // General data (why? should be personal)
         $homeAddress1 = !empty($params['homeAddress1']) ? trim($params['homeAddress1']) : null;
         // General data
         $homeAddress2 = !empty($params['homeAddress2']) ? trim($params['homeAddress2']) : null;
         // General data
         $city = !empty($params['city']) ? trim($params['city']) : null;
         // General data
         $state = null;
         if ($params['state'] == -1) {
             // State/Province: Other selected
             $state = !empty($params['stateOther']) ? trim($params['stateOther']) : null;
             // General data
         } else {
             if ($params['state'] > 0) {
                 // one of US States selected
                 $state = !empty($params['state']) ? $this->states[(int) $params['state']] : null;
                 // General data
         $country = $params['country'] > 0 ? $this->countries[(int) $params['country']] : null;
         // General data
         $postal_code = !empty($params['postal_code']) ? trim($params['postal_code']) : null;
         // General data
         $phone = !empty($params['phone']) ? trim($params['phone']) : null;
         // General data
         $validate_array = array('login_name' => 'Login name', 'first_name' => 'First name', 'password' => 'Password', 'confirm_password' => 'Confirm password', 'email' => 'Email');
         $this->msg = '';
         $this->error = FALSE;
         foreach ($validate_array as $key => $value) {
             if (empty($params[$key])) {
                 $this->msg .= "\n" . $value . " is mandatory";
                 $this->error = TRUE;
         if (strlen($this->msg) > 0) {
             $this->msg = "\n" . "Fields marked with * must not be left empty" . $this->msg;
     //$error_login = FALSE;
     if (!$this->error) {
         if (empty($login_name)) {
             $error_login = TRUE;
             $this->error = TRUE;
         if (is_numeric($login_name)) {
             // Here we check the login name  is numeric or not
             if (strlen($this->msg) > 0) {
                 $this->msg .= "\n";
             $this->msg .= "Login name must not be numeric";
             $error_login = TRUE;
             $this->error = TRUE;
         if (is_numeric($first_name)) {
             // Here we check the first  name  is numeric or not
             if (strlen($this->msg) > 0) {
                 $this->msg .= "\n";
             $this->msg .= "First name must not be numeric";
             $error_login = TRUE;
             $this->error = TRUE;
         if (is_numeric($last_name)) {
             // Here we check the last name  is numeric or not
             if (strlen($this->msg) > 0) {
                 $this->msg .= "\n";
             $this->msg .= "Last name must not be numeric";
             $error_login = TRUE;
             $this->error = TRUE;
         if ($this->error == TRUE) {
     // if error occur than no need to check these errors
     if (!$this->error) {
         if (!Validation::validate_email($email)) {
             $email_invalid = TRUE;
             $this->array_of_errors['error_email'] = $email_invalid;
             $this->error = TRUE;
             $this->msg .= __('E-mail address is not valid.');
         // Calculating Allowed Domains
         if (file_exists(PA::$project_dir . "/config/domain_names.txt")) {
             $domain_names_file = PA::$project_dir . "/config/domain_names.txt";
         } elseif (file_exists(PA::$core_dir . "/config/domain_names.txt")) {
             $domain_names_file = PA::$core_dir . "/config/domain_names.txt";
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Allowed Domains configuration file \"/config/domain_names.txt\" not found");
         $allowed_domains = preg_split("/\\s+/", file_get_contents($domain_names_file));
         // Calcutating user domain
         $user_email = explode('@', $email);
         $user_domain = strtolower($user_email[1]);
         $found = 0;
         foreach ($allowed_domains as $i => $d) {
             if (!preg_match('/\\W/', $d)) {
             // make proper regex
             $rx = preg_replace('/\\*/', '[^\\.]*', $d);
             if (preg_match("/{$rx}/", $user_domain)) {
         if (!$found) {
             // show error
             $email_invalid = TRUE;
             $this->array_of_errors['error_email'] = $email_invalid;
             $this->error = TRUE;
             $this->msg .= __('The domain of your E-mail address is not in the list of allowed domains.');
         if ($password != $confirm_password) {
             $this->msg .= "\nPassword and Confirm Password do not match.";
             $error_password_conf = TRUE;
             $this->error = TRUE;
         if ($this->api_call == true) {
             // dont check maximum password length if this is an API call
             // this is so that the API call can accept an encrypted password
         } else {
             // this is not an API request, so check password length normally
             if (strlen($password) > PA::$password_max_length) {
                 $this->msg .= sprintf(__("\nThe password must be less than %d characters."), PA::$password_max_length);
                 $error_password_l = TRUE;
                 $this->error = TRUE;
         if (strlen($password) < PA::$password_min_length) {
             $this->msg .= sprintf(__("\nThe password must be longer than %d characters."), PA::$password_min_length);
             $error_password_g = TRUE;
             $this->error = TRUE;
     if (!$this->error) {
         if (User::user_exist($login_name)) {
             $this->msg = "Login name {$login_name} is already taken";
             $error_login = TRUE;
             $this->error = TRUE;
         } elseif (User::user_existed($login_name)) {
             $this->msg = "Login name {$login_name} has been used in the past; it belongs to a deleted user.";
             $error_login = $this->error = TRUE;
         $this->array_of_errors = array("error_login" => @$error_login, "error_first_name" => @$error_first_name, "error_email" => @$error_email, "error_password_conf" => @$error_password_conf, "error_password_l" => @$error_password_l, "error_password_g" => @$error_password_g);
     if ($this->error != TRUE) {
         $this->newuser->login_name = $login_name;
         //TODO: change to md5
         $this->newuser->password = $password;
         $this->newuser->first_name = $first_name;
         $this->newuser->last_name = $last_name;
         $this->newuser->email = $email;
         if ($date_created) {
             // for users inserted via import accounts script!
             $this->newuser->created = $date_created;
         if ($this->api_call == true) {
             $this->newuser->core_id = $core_id;
             if ($picture != null && $picture != '') {
                 $this->newuser->picture = $picture;
                 $this->newuser->picture_dimensions = $picture_dimensions;
             } else {
                 $this->newuser->picture_dimensions = User::image_dimensions_to_array(0, 0);
             if ($avatar != null && $avatar != '') {
                 $this->newuser->avatar = $avatar;
                 $this->newuser->avatar_dimensions = $avatar_dimensions;
             } else {
                 $this->newuser->avatar_dimensions = User::image_dimensions_to_array(0, 0);
             if ($avatar_small != null && $avatar_small != '') {
                 $this->newuser->avatar_small = $avatar_small;
                 $this->newuser->avatar_small_dimensions = $avatar_small_dimensions;
             } else {
                 $this->newuser->avatar_small_dimensions = User::image_dimensions_to_array(0, 0);
         } else {
             $this->newuser->picture = Storage::validateFileId(@$params['user_filename']);
     if ($this->error != TRUE) {
         try {
             $save_error = FALSE;
             $extra = unserialize($network_info->extra);
             if ($mother_extra['email_validation'] == NET_NO || $this->api_call == true) {
                 // if email validation not required
                 $this->newuser->is_active = ACTIVE;
             } else {
                 $this->newuser->is_active = UNVERIFIED;
             if ($this->newuser->picture) {
                 Storage::link($this->newuser->picture, array("role" => "avatar", "user" => $this->newuser->user_id));
             /* The following code should now be obsolete as this is done in User->save() */
             // saving data in user profile data also -- for searching making more easier
             $data_array = array(array('uid' => $this->newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'first_name', 'value' => $this->newuser->first_name, 'type' => BASIC, 'perm' => 1), array('uid' => $this->newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'last_name', 'value' => $this->newuser->last_name, 'type' => BASIC, 'perm' => 1));
             $this->newuser->save_user_profile($data_array, BASIC);
             // saving default notification for user from network notification setting
             $user_notification = array();
             $profile = array();
             $user_notification = $extra['notify_members'];
             $user_notification['msg_waiting_blink'] = $extra['msg_waiting_blink'];
             $profile['settings']['name'] = 'settings';
             $profile['settings']['value'] = serialize($user_notification);
             $this->newuser->save_profile_section($profile, 'notifications');
             // default notification for user ends
             $desktop_images = User_Registration::get_default_desktopimage($this->newuser->user_id, $network_info);
             // code for adding default desktop image for user
             if ($desktop_images == "") {
                 $desktop_images = array('bay.jpg', 'everglade.jpg', 'bay_boat.jpg', 'delhi.jpg');
                 $rand_key = array_rand($desktop_images);
                 $desk_img = $desktop_images[$rand_key];
             } else {
                 $desk_img = $desktop_images;
             $data_array = array(0 => array('uid' => $this->newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'user_caption_image', 'value' => $desk_img, 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => NONE), 1 => array('uid' => $this->newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'dob_day', 'value' => $dob_day, 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => NONE), 2 => array('uid' => $this->newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'dob_month', 'value' => $dob_month, 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => NONE), 3 => array('uid' => $this->newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'dob_year', 'value' => $dob_year, 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => NONE), 4 => array('uid' => $this->newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'dob', 'value' => $dob_year . '-' . $dob_month . '-' . $dob_day, 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => NONE), 5 => array('uid' => $this->newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'homeAddress1', 'value' => $homeAddress1, 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => NONE), 6 => array('uid' => $this->newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'homeAddress2', 'value' => $homeAddress2, 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => NONE), 7 => array('uid' => $this->newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'city', 'value' => $city, 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => NONE), 8 => array('uid' => $this->newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'state', 'value' => $state, 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => NONE), 9 => array('uid' => $this->newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'country', 'value' => $country, 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => NONE), 10 => array('uid' => $this->newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'postal_code', 'value' => $postal_code, 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => NONE), 11 => array('uid' => $this->newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'phone', 'value' => $phone, 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => NONE));
             $this->newuser->save_user_profile($data_array, GENERAL);
             if ($mother_extra['email_validation'] == NET_NO || $this->api_call == true) {
                 //if email validation is not required
                 // creating message basic folders
                 // adding default relation
                 if ($this->newuser->user_id != SUPER_USER_ID) {
                     User_Registration::add_default_relation($this->newuser->user_id, $network_info);
                 // adding default media as well as album
                 User_Registration::add_default_media($this->newuser->user_id, '', $network_info);
                 User_Registration::add_default_media($this->newuser->user_id, '_audio', $network_info);
                 User_Registration::add_default_media($this->newuser->user_id, '_video', $network_info);
                 //adding default link categories & links
                 // adding header image
                 // Making user member of a network if he is registering to PA from a network
                 if (!empty($network_info) && $network_info->type != PRIVATE_NETWORK_TYPE) {
                     $user_type = null;
                     $register_by_admin = false;
                     if ($this->api_call == true) {
                         // since this is an API call, default this member as a
                         // NETWORK_MEMBER since they already registered
                         $user_type = NETWORK_MEMBER;
                         // since this is an API call, act like it is registration by admin
                         $register_by_admin = true;
                     Network::join($network_info->network_id, $this->newuser->user_id, $user_type, $register_by_admin);
                     if ($this->api_call == false) {
                         // only send notification of network if this is NOT an API call
                         PANotify::send("network_join", $network_info, $this->newuser, array());
         } catch (CNException $e) {
             $this->msg = $e->message;
             if ($e->code == USER_EMAIL_NOT_UNIQUE) {
                 $this->msg = "Email Address has already been taken, please enter other email address.";
             $save_error = TRUE;
             if ($e->message == "The email address is invalid.") {
                 $email_invalid = TRUE;
                 $this->array_of_errors['error_email'] = $email_invalid;
     if ($this->error == TRUE || $save_error == TRUE) {
         $this->msg = "Sorry! your registration failed. " . $this->msg;
         return FALSE;
     // success!
     // give Login User permissions to new user is moved to  Network::join() now!
     return TRUE;
        if (!$file) {
            $msg = $myUploadobj->error;
            $error = TRUE;
        } else {
            $msg = __('Successfully updated');
            Storage::link($file, array("role" => "tour_img"));
    $data = array();
    if ($_POST["userfile_url_0"]) {
        $data[0]['url'] = $_POST["userfile_url_0"];
    if ($_POST['caption'][0]) {
        $data[0]['title'] = $_POST['caption'][0];
    $data[0]['file_name'] = Storage::validateFileId($file ? $file : $_POST['userimage_0']);
    $data = serialize($data);
    $id = 2;
    // stands for the Update for Take Tour
    if (!$error) {
        ModuleData::update($data, $id);
//render the page
$page = new PageRenderer("setup_module", PAGE_MANAGE_TAKETOUR, "Manage Take A Tour", 'container_two_column.tpl', 'header.tpl', PRI, HOMEPAGE, PA::$network_info);
if (!empty($msg)) {
    $msg_tpl = new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/display_message.tpl");
    $msg_tpl->set('message', $msg);
    $m = $msg_tpl->fetch();
    $page->add_module("middle", "top", $m);