function testStaticPublisherTheme()
     //This will be the name of the default theme of this particular project
     $default_theme = SSViewer::current_theme();
     $p1 = new Page();
     $p1->URLSegment = strtolower(__CLASS__) . '-page-1';
     $p1->HomepageForDomain = '';
     $current_theme = SSViewer::current_custom_theme();
     $this->assertEquals($current_theme, $default_theme, 'After a standard publication, the theme is correct');
     //The CMS sometimes sets the theme to null.  Check that the $current_custom_theme is still the default
     $current_theme = SSViewer::current_custom_theme();
     $this->assertEquals($current_theme, $default_theme, 'After a setting the theme to null, the default theme is correct');
     //We can set the static_publishing theme to something completely different:
     //Static publishing will use this one instead of the current_custom_theme if it is not false
     $current_theme = StaticPublisher::static_publisher_theme();
     $this->assertNotEquals($current_theme, $default_theme, 'The static publisher theme overrides the custom theme');