include "../config/database.class.php"; include "../objects/staff.class.php"; $database = new Database(); $db = $database->getConnection(); $originalOption = new Staff($db); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; $originalOption->Id = $id; $originalOption->selectById(); } if (isset($_POST['update'])) { $updatedOption = new Staff($db); $updatedOption->Id = $_POST['id']; $updatedOption->FirstName = $_POST['firstname']; $updatedOption->LastName = $_POST['lastname']; if ($updatedOption->update() == true) { header("location:staff.php"); } else { echo "<script>alert('There was an error updating this item');window.location = 'staff.php' </script>"; } } if (isset($_POST['delete'])) { $updatedOption = new Staff($db); $updatedOption->Id = $_POST['id']; if ($updatedOption->delete() == true) { header("location:staff.php"); } else { echo "<script>alert('There was an error deleting this item');window.location = 'staff.php' </script>"; } } ?>
$errors['err']='Uknown command!'; } }else{ $errors['err']='No groups selected.'; } } break; case 'staff': include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.staff.php'); $do=strtolower($_POST['do']); switch($do){ case 'update': $staff = new Staff($_POST['staff_id']); if($staff && $staff->getId()) { if($staff->update($_POST,$errors)) $msg='Staff profile updated successfully'; elseif(!$errors['err']) $errors['err']='Error updating the user'; }else{ $errors['err']='Internal error'; } break; case 'create': if(($uID=Staff::create($_POST,$errors))) $msg=Format::htmlchars($_POST['firstname'].' '.$_POST['lastname']).' added successfully'; elseif(!$errors['err']) $errors['err']='Unable to add the user. Internal error'; break; case 'mass_process': // this point..look WMA.
} $staff->refresh(); } elseif (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] === "info") { // Looks like we're trying to update our staffing information in the database. $id = $_SESSION['id']; $staff->available = $_POST['available']; $staff->Fname = $_POST['Fname']; $staff->Lname = $_POST['Lname']; $staff->city = $_POST['city']; $staff->state = $_POST['state']; $staff->zip = $_POST['zip']; $staff->workType = $_POST['workType']; $staff->experience = $_POST['experience']; $staff->education = $_POST['education']; $staff->salary = $_POST['salary']; if ($staff->update()) { $message = "Information was successfully updated."; } else { $message = "Encountered an error. Information could not be updated."; } } elseif (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] === "account") { // Looks like we're trying to update our account information in the database. if (isset($_POST['current_pwd'])) { $user = new User($_SESSION['id'], $_POST['current_pwd'], "id"); // Only allow information to be changed if we can log in with the account. if ($user->isLoggedIn) { if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $email = $_POST['email']; if ($user->update("Email", trim($_POST['email']))) { $message = "Email address has been successfully changed."; }