Ejemplo n.º 1
    $urlParam .= '&keyword=' . $_REQUEST['keyword'];
$query = "select custom_template_id, template_name,template_format,template_status from custom_templates where " . $qryApp . " order by custom_template_id desc";
$rs = $dbClass->prepareConditionStatement($query, $conditionValues);
$numRows = $dbClass->getAffectedRows();
if ($numRows > 0) {
    $urlParameters = $urlParam;
    $pager = new SqlPager($query, $numRows, $conditionValues, $url->urlBase . "custom_templates.php?{$urlParam}", $items_per_page, $dbDetails);
    $pager->opt_texts['first'] = "<<";
    $pager->opt_texts['back'] = "<";
    $pager->opt_texts['next'] = ">";
    $pager->opt_texts['last'] = ">>";
    $pager->opt_texts['links_seperator'] = " ";
    $pager->opt_links_count = 5;
    $templates = array();
    foreach ($pager->getPage($conditionValues) as $ky => $ns) {
        $templates[$ky] = $ns;
if (count($errorList) > 0) {
    $errorString .= '<div class="errorlists" style="font-weight:bold">Please fix the following errors:-</div>';
    foreach ($errorList as $errorKey => $errorValue) {
        $errorString .= '<div class="errorlists">' . $errorValue . '</div>';
$smarty->assign('errorString', $errorString);
$smarty->assign('listCnt', $numRows);
if ($numRows > 0) {
    $smarty->assign('pager', $pager);
$smarty->assign('urlParam', $urlParam);
Ejemplo n.º 2

include '../common.php';
$search = '';
if (i($QUERY, 'search')) {
    $keywords = array_unique(preg_split("/[\\s,\\.\\-]+/", $QUERY['search']));
    //Split the search query to its individual keywords
    $stop_words = array('I', 'a', 'about', 'an', 'are', 'as', 'at', 'be', 'by', 'for', 'from', 'how', 'in', 'is', 'it', 'la', 'of', 'on', 'or', 'that', 'the', 'this', 'to', 'was', 'what', 'when', 'where', 'who', 'will', 'with', 'the');
    $keywords = array_diff($keywords, $stop_words);
    //We don't need the frequently used words in the keywords
    if (!$keywords) {
        showMessage('Please be more specific in your query', 'index.php', 'search-status');
    //Make the necessary query fragments
    $name = array();
    foreach ($keywords as $key) {
        $name[] = "name LIKE '%{$key}%'";
    $search = ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $name);
$pager = new SqlPager("SELECT Comic.id, IF(ComicTerm.comic_name,ComicTerm.comic_name,Comic.name) AS name, Comic.url, \n\t\tIF(ComicTerm.user_id={$_SESSION['user_id']},1,0) AS subscribed\n\tFROM Comic LEFT JOIN ComicTerm ON Comic.id=ComicTerm.comic_id \n\tWHERE Comic.status='1' {$search}\n\tORDER BY subscribed DESC, Comic.name", 20);
$comics = $pager->getPage();
Ejemplo n.º 3
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($QUERY['task_id']); $i++) {
        $order[$QUERY['task_id'][$i]] = $QUERY['sort_order'][$i];
    $QUERY['action'] = 'change_order';
//We bring in the pager.
$options = array();
if (isset($_REQUEST['project'])) {
    $options['project'] = $_REQUEST['project'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['contexts'])) {
    $options['contexts'] = $_REQUEST['contexts'];
$pager = new SqlPager($qry_tasks, 10);
$tasks = $pager->getPage();
$bbcode = new BBcode();
//Get the project name and context names into the $tasks array
for ($i = 0; $i < count($tasks); $i++) {
    $tasks[$i]['project_name'] = $projects[$tasks[$i]['project_id']];
    $tasks[$i]['contexts'] = $sql->getCol("SELECT context_id FROM {$config['db_prefix']}TaskContext WHERE task_id=" . $tasks[$i]['id']);
    $tasks[$i]['description'] = $bbcode->Parse($tasks[$i]['description']);
//Change Order Settings
$change_order = false;
$colspan = 6;
if (isset($QUERY['action']) and $QUERY['action'] == 'change_order') {
    $colspan = 7;
    $change_order = true;
$template->addResource('bbcode.css', 'css');
Ejemplo n.º 4

include '../common.php';
include '_form.php';
if (isset($QUERY['action']) and $QUERY['action'] == 'Edit') {
    if ($Task->edit($QUERY['task'], $QUERY['name'], $QUERY['description'], $QUERY['status'], $QUERY['type'], $QUERY['completed_on'], $QUERY['project_id'])) {
        showMessage("Task updated successfully", 'tasks/index.php');
$pager = new SqlPager("SELECT id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(from_time) AS from_time, \n\tIF(to_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(to_time)) AS to_time FROM Duration WHERE task_id={$QUERY['task']} ORDER BY from_time DESC", 20);
$task_details = $pager->getPage();
$total_time = $sql->getOne("SELECT SUM(IF(to_time='0000-00-00 00:00:00', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(to_time)) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(from_time)) FROM Duration WHERE task_id={$QUERY['task']}");
$data = $Task->find($QUERY['task']);
if (!$data) {
    showMessage("Invalid task specified", 'tasks/index.php', 'error');
Ejemplo n.º 5

include '../common.php';
include '../includes/classes/SqlPager.php';
//Show all the reminders in this month
$reminder_qry = "SELECT id,name,created_on,day,description FROM {$config['db_prefix']}Reminder " . " WHERE MONTH(CURDATE())=MONTH(day) AND day>=CURDATE()" . " AND user_id='{$_SESSION['user']}' ORDER BY day";
$pager = new SqlPager($reminder_qry, 10);
$reminders = $pager->getPage();
// Convert bbcode to html
$bbcode = new BBcode();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($reminders); $i++) {
    $reminders[$i]['description'] = $bbcode->Parse($reminders[$i]['description']);
$template->addResource('bbcode.css', 'css');
$template->addResource('bbcode.js', 'js');
$template->addResource('_list.js', 'js');
$template->addResource('reminders/list.css', 'css');
$template->addResource('reminders/list.js', 'js');