Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Function that writes history to the uncompiled history-file.
  * History-files are "uncompiled" before Hicurl::compileHistory has been called on them, which generates a
  * history-file of cosed state.
  * In its uncompiled state its structure is as follows:
  *		(historyData without closing bracket and brace)+(tempHistoryData)+(sizeOfTempHistoryData)
  * historyData is the following json-object: {"pages":[]}
  * But in the uncompiled file it is without the closing bracket+brace as stated above. Each element in its
  * pages-array is the following:<pre>
  * {	"formData"://this is present if it was a POST-request, and will contain the sent form-data
  *		,"name"://a name-string for the page that will be shown in the history-viewer. Set via historyData>name
  *		,"parentIndex": int//may hold an pointing to an index of another page in the pages-array. This will then be
  *			shown in the tree-view of the history-viewer. This is set up with loadSingle>historyData>id/parentId
  *		,"customData": //contains what was passed to customData-parameter of the load method if anything
  *		,"exchanges": [//An array of request&response pairs. Usually this will only contain one
  *								//element but more will be added for each failed request
  *			{
  *				"error": false if no error, otherwise an explanation of the error
  *				"content": the content of the page sent from the server
  *				"headers": ...and the headers
  *			}
  *		...
  *		]
  * }
  * </pre>
  * @param SplFileObject $historyFileObject
  * @param string $data A undecoded page-object, explained in the description of this method.
  * @param array $settings
  * @param array $historyData*/
 private static function writeHistory($historyFileObject, $data, $settings, $historyData)
     if (!isset($historyFileObject)) {
         $historyFileObject = new SplFileObject($settings['history'], 'c+');
     //check if the historyFile is empty. we don't have to check for file-existence because it will always
     //have been created by now byt simply creating the SplFileObject
     if (!$historyFileObject->fstat()['size']) {
         $dataPrefix = '{"pages":[';
         $historyFileTempData = ['numPages' => 0, 'idIndices' => []];
     } else {
         $dataPrefix = ',';
         $tempDataSize = Hicurl::seekHistoryFileTempData($historyFileObject);
         $historyFileTempData = json_decode($historyFileObject->fread($tempDataSize), true);
         $historyFileObject->fseek(-4 - $tempDataSize, SEEK_END);
     if (isset($historyData['id'])) {
         $historyFileTempData['idIndices'][$historyData['id']] = $historyFileTempData['numPages'];
     if (isset($historyData['parentId'])) {
         $data['parentIndex'] = $historyFileTempData['idIndices'][$historyData['parentId']];
     $historyFileObject->fwrite($dataPrefix . json_encode($data));
     $tempDataSize = $historyFileObject->fwrite(json_encode($historyFileTempData));
     $historyFileObject->fwrite(pack('N', $tempDataSize));