Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function attributes()
     // Make sure the tag type is correct.
     if ($this->tagType() != 'attribute') {
         return null;
     } elseif ($this->attributes !== null) {
         return $this->attributes;
     } else {
         // Just append one space... This will come in handy.
         $attributes = trim(SpeedyBBC::substr($this->text(), SpeedyBBC::strlen($this->tagName()) + 1, -1)) . ' ';
         // Set up a few useful variables.
         $pos = 0;
         $length = SpeedyBBC::strlen($attributes);
         $this->attributes = array();
         while ($pos < $length) {
             // Keep going until we find no more space.
             $char = SpeedyBBC::substr($attributes, $pos, 1);
             // So, space?
             if ($char != ' ') {
                 // Nope!
                 // Go on until we find a space or equal sign.
                 $equals = SpeedyBBC::strpos($attributes, '=', $pos);
                 $space = SpeedyBBC::strpos($attributes, ' ', $pos);
                 // This should be the attribute's name.
                 $attr_name = SpeedyBBC::strtolower(SpeedyBBC::substr($attributes, $pos, ($equals === false || $equals > $space ? $space : $equals) - $pos));
                 // There should be nothing between the equals sign, if there is one.
                 if ($equals === false || $equals > $space && SpeedyBBC::strlen(trim(SpeedyBBC::substr($attributes, $space, $equals - $space))) > 0) {
                     // Looks like there is something else there! So this is just a
                     // lonesome attribute name.
                     $this->attributes[$attr_name] = true;
                     $pos = $space + 1;
                     // Now, we don't want to continue.
                 // Let's see... We want to find the value, which we want to find by
                 // going until we find anything but space.
                 $pos = $equals + 1;
                 while ($pos < $length && SpeedyBBC::substr($attributes, $pos, 1) == ' ') {
                 // Alright, so the position we found should not be out-of-bounds.
                 if ($pos >= $length) {
                     // Woopsie!
                     $this->attributes[$attr_name] = true;
                 } elseif (($delimiter = SpeedyBBC::substr($attributes, $pos, 6)) == '&quot;' || $delimiter == '&#039;') {
                     // Let's not forget where we came from, that's never a good idea.
                     $start_pos = $pos;
                     // Oh, and move passed the starting delimiter... Duh!
                     // This is also pretty simple, but not as simple as compared to the
                     // one below. But oh well! Such is life on the farm!
                     while ($pos < $length) {
                         // Try to find the delimiter, somewhere!
                         $pos = SpeedyBBC::strpos($attributes, $delimiter, $pos);
                         // Did we find it?
                         if ($pos === false) {
                             // Uh, oh!
                         } elseif (SpeedyBBC::substr($attributes, $pos - 1, 1) == '\\') {
                             // I guess this won't be the right place to terminate the value,
                             // huh?
                             $pos += 2;
                             // ... and so the search goes on!
                         // Looks like we found it, in which case we just quit.
                     // Did we come to an end?
                     if ($pos === false) {
                         // In which case, we will do this:
                         $this->attributes[$attr_name] = rtrim(SpeedyBBC::substr($attributes, $start_pos + 6));
                         // Let's get out of this loop, shall we?
                         $pos = $length;
                     } else {
                         // Just fetch the value between the delimiter, and remove any
                         // backslashes escaping a the delimiter in the value.
                         $this->attributes[$attr_name] = str_replace('\\' . $delimiter, $delimiter, SpeedyBBC::substr($attributes, $start_pos + 6, $pos - $start_pos - 6));
                         // Just move on, a little bit.
                         $pos += 6;
                 } else {
                     // This is really simple... Thankfully! We will just find the next
                     // space, which means the value is over.
                     $space = SpeedyBBC::strpos($attributes, ' ', $pos + 1);
                     $this->attributes[$attr_name] = trim(SpeedyBBC::substr($attributes, $pos, $space - $pos));
                     // Now set the position we want to start looking at next time. Which
                     // is the space we just found.
                     $pos = $space + 1;
             } else {
                 // Yup, a space, so go on.
         return $this->attributes;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function setValue($options)
     // If this tag is not a value type, then forget it.
     if (!in_array($this->type(), array('value', 'empty-value'))) {
         return false;
     if (isset($options['regex']) && SpeedyBBC::strlen($options['regex']) > 0) {
         $this->value['regex'] = $options['regex'];
     } elseif (in_array('regex', array_keys($options)) && $options['regex'] === null) {
     if (isset($options['callback']) && is_callable($options['callback'])) {
         $this->value['callback'] = $options['callback'];
     } elseif (in_array('callback', array_keys($options)) && $options['callback'] === null) {
     return true;