Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Setup; runs before each test method.
 public function setup()
     $this->_sql = Solar::factory('Solar_Sql', array('adapter' => 'Solar_Sql_Adapter_Sqlite', 'name' => ':memory:'));
     // forcibly add sql to registry
     Solar_Registry::set('sql', $this->_sql);
     $cmd = "CREATE TABLE acl (" . "    flag VARCHAR(10)," . "    type CHAR(100)," . "    name VARCHAR(255)," . "    class_name VARCHAR(255)," . "    action_name VARCHAR(255)," . "    position VARCHAR(255)" . ")";
     $dir = Solar_Class::dir('Test_Solar_Access_Adapter', '_support');
     $lines = file_get_contents($dir . 'access.txt');
     $rows = explode("\n", $lines);
     $pos = 0;
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $row = trim($row);
         // skip empty lines and comments
         if (empty($row) || substr($row, 0, 1) == '#') {
         $row = preg_replace('/[ \\t]{2,}/', ' ', $row);
         $row = explode(' ', $row);
         $data['flag'] = trim($row[0]);
         $data['type'] = trim($row[1]);
         $data['name'] = trim($row[2]);
         $data['class_name'] = trim($row[3]);
         $data['action_name'] = trim($row[4]);
         $data['position'] = $pos;
         $this->_sql->insert('acl', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Write out a series of dirs and symlinks for a new Vendor source.
  * @param string $vendor The Vendor name.
  * @return void
 protected function _exec($vendor = null)
     // we need a vendor name, at least
     if (!$vendor) {
         throw $this->_exception('ERR_NO_VENDOR_NAME');
     $this->_outln("Removing links for vendor '{$vendor}' ...");
     // build "foo-bar" and "FooBar" versions of the vendor name.
     $this->_inflect = Solar_Registry::get('inflect');
     $this->_dashes = $this->_inflect->camelToDashes($vendor);
     $this->_studly = $this->_inflect->dashesToStudly($this->_dashes);
     // the base system dir
     $system = Solar::$system;
     // the links to remove (reverse order from make-vendor)
     $links = array("script/{$this->_dashes}", "include/Mock/{$this->_studly}", "include/Test/{$this->_studly}", "include/{$this->_studly}");
     // remove the links
     foreach ($links as $link) {
         $this->_out("    Removing '{$link}' ... ");
         $path = "{$system}/{$link}";
         if (Solar_File::exists($path)) {
         } else {
     // done!
     $this->_outln("... done.");
     // reminders
     $this->_outln("Remember to remove '{$this->_studly}_App' from the " . "['Solar_Controller_Front']['classes'] element " . "in your config file.");
     $this->_outln("Remember to remove '{$this->_studly}_Model' from the " . "['Solar_Sql_Model_Catalog']['classes'] element " . "in your config file.");
     // need to write a recursive-remove method for Solar_Dir that will
     // delete only the symlinked files (not the real files)
     $this->_outln("You will need to remove the " . "'docroot/public/{$this->_studly}' directory yourself, as it " . "may contain copies of public assets (not links).");
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Write out a series of dirs and symlinks for a new Vendor source.
  * @param string $vendor The Vendor name.
  * @return void
 protected function _exec($vendor = null)
     // we need a vendor name, at least
     if (!$vendor) {
         throw $this->_exception('ERR_NO_VENDOR');
     $this->_outln("Making links for vendor '{$vendor}' ...");
     // build "foo-bar" and "FooBar" versions of the vendor name.
     $this->_inflect = Solar_Registry::get('inflect');
     $this->_dashes = $this->_inflect->camelToDashes($vendor);
     $this->_studly = $this->_inflect->dashesToStudly($this->_dashes);
     $links = array(array('dir' => "include", 'tgt' => $this->_studly, 'src' => "../source/{$this->_dashes}/{$this->_studly}"), array('dir' => "include/Test", 'tgt' => $this->_studly, 'src' => "../../source/{$this->_dashes}/tests/Test/{$this->_studly}"), array('dir' => "include/Mock", 'tgt' => $this->_studly, 'src' => "../../source/{$this->_dashes}/tests/Mock/{$this->_studly}"), array('dir' => "include/Fixture", 'tgt' => $this->_studly, 'src' => "../../source/{$this->_dashes}/tests/Fixture/{$this->_studly}"), array('dir' => "script", 'tgt' => $this->_dashes, 'src' => "../source/solar/script/solar"));
     $system = Solar::$system;
     foreach ($links as $link) {
         // $dir, $src, $tgt
         // make it
         $this->_out("    Making link '{$dir}/{$tgt}' ... ");
         try {
             Solar_Symlink::make($src, $tgt, "{$system}/{$dir}");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->_outln(" ... failed.");
     // done with this part
     $this->_outln("... done.");
     // make public links
     $link_public = Solar::factory('Solar_Cli_LinkPublic');
     // done for real
     $this->_outln("Remember to add '{$this->_studly}_App' to the " . "['Solar_Controller_Front']['classes'] element " . "in your config file so that it finds your apps.");
     $this->_outln("Remember to add '{$this->_studly}_Model' to the " . "['Solar_Sql_Model_Catalog']['classes'] element " . "in your config file so that it finds your models.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function actionOverview($page = 1)
     $model_news = new JForg_Model_News();
     $locale = Solar_Registry::get('locale');
     if ($this->_format != null) {
         //requesting an newsfeed (rss,rss2 or atom)
         //disable all pageing stuff
         $this->title = $this->locale('TEXT_NEWS');
         $items_per_page = 15;
         $page = 1;
     } else {
         //requesting an usual (xhtml) webpage.
         //do this pageing stuff
         $page = (int) $page;
         $items_per_page = 5;
         $pagecount = $model_news->countPages(array('where' => 'language = \'' . $locale->getCode() . '\'', 'paging' => $items_per_page, 'page' => $page));
         if ($page > $pagecount['pages']) {
             $page = $pagecount['pages'];
         if ($page == 0) {
             $page = 1;
         $this->title = $this->locale('TEXT_NEWS') . ' - ' . $this->locale('TEXT_PAGE') . ': ' . $page;
         $this->page = $page;
         $this->max_page = $pagecount['pages'];
     $collection = $model_news->fetchAllByLanguage($locale->getCode(), array('page' => $page, 'paging' => $items_per_page));
     $this->news = $collection;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Returns a localized string WITH NO ESCAPING.
  * @param string $key The locale key to look up from the class.
  * @param int|float $num A number to help determine if the
  * translation should return singluar or plural.
  * @param array $replace If an array, will call vsprintf() on the
  * localized string using the replacements in the array.
  * @return string The translated locale string.
 public function getTextRaw($key, $num = 1, $replace = null)
     static $locale;
     if (!$locale) {
         $locale = Solar_Registry::get('locale');
     return $locale->fetch($this->_class, $key, $num, $replace);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * The login was a failure, complete the protocol
  * @return void
 public function postLoginFailure()
     $response = Solar_Registry::get('response');
     $response->setHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="' . $this->_config['realm'] . '"');
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected function _postConstruct()
     // "Test_Solar_View_Helper_" = 23
     $this->_helper_name = substr(get_class($this), 23);
     $this->_helper_class = substr(get_class($this), 5);
     $this->_request = Solar_Registry::get('request');
     $this->_view = Solar::factory('Solar_View');
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Post-construction tasks to complete object construction.
  * @return void
 protected function _postConstruct()
     // only set up the handler if it doesn't exist yet.
     if (!self::$_handler) {
         self::$_handler = Solar::dependency('Solar_Session_Handler', $this->_config['handler']);
     $this->_request = Solar_Registry::get('request');
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function setup()
     $this->_view = Solar::factory('Solar_View');
     $this->_name = substr(get_class($this), 18, -4);
     $this->_name[0] = strtolower($this->_name[0]);
     // retain and reset the request environment
     $this->_request = Solar_Registry::get('request');
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Setup; runs before each test method.
 public function setup()
     // remove "Test_" prefix
     $this->_class = substr(get_class($this), 5);
     // get the request environment
     $this->_request = Solar_Registry::get('request');
     // get a new adapter
     $this->_auth = Solar::factory($this->_class, $this->_config);
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Setup; runs before each test method.
 public function setup()
     // set up an SQL connection
     $this->_sql = Solar::factory('Solar_Sql', $this->_sql_config);
     // set up a model catalog
     $this->_catalog = Solar::factory('Solar_Sql_Model_Catalog', $this->_catalog_config);
     // register the connection and catalog
     Solar_Registry::set('sql', $this->_sql);
     Solar_Registry::set('model_catalog', $this->_catalog);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Setup; runs before each test method.
 public function preTest()
     // set up an SQL connection
     $this->_sql = Solar::factory('Solar_Sql', $this->_sql_config);
     // set up a model catalog
     $this->_catalog = Solar::factory('Solar_Sql_Model_Catalog', $this->_catalog_config);
     // register the connection and catalog
     Solar_Registry::set('sql', $this->_sql);
     Solar_Registry::set('model_catalog', $this->_catalog);
     // fixture to populate tables
     $this->_fixture = Solar::factory('Fixture_Solar_Sql_Model');
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Setup; runs before each test method.
 public function setup()
     // set up an SQL connection
     $this->_sql = Solar::factory('Solar_Sql', $this->_sql_config);
     // set up a model catalog
     $this->_catalog = Solar::factory('Solar_Sql_Model_Catalog', $this->_catalog_config);
     // register the connection and catalog
     Solar_Registry::set('sql', $this->_sql);
     Solar_Registry::set('model_catalog', $this->_catalog);
     // populate everything
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Post-construction tasks to complete object construction.
  * @return void
 protected function _postConstruct()
     // get the current request environment
     $this->_request = Solar_Registry::get('request');
     // set convenience vars from config
     $this->_routing = $this->_config['routing'];
     $this->_default = $this->_config['default'];
     $this->_disable = (array) $this->_config['disable'];
     // set up a class stack for finding commands
     $this->_stack = Solar::factory('Solar_Class_Stack');
     // extended setup
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Write out a series of dirs and symlinks for a new Vendor source.
  * @param string $vendor The Vendor name.
  * @return void
 protected function _exec($vendor = null)
     // we need a vendor name, at least
     if (!$vendor) {
         throw $this->_exception('ERR_NO_VENDOR_NAME');
     // build "foo-bar" and "FooBar" versions of the vendor name.
     $this->_inflect = Solar_Registry::get('inflect');
     $this->_dashes = $this->_inflect->camelToDashes($vendor);
     $this->_studly = $this->_inflect->dashesToStudly($this->_dashes);
     // create dirs, files, and symlinks
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Post-construction tasks to complete object construction.
  * @return void
 protected function _postConstruct()
     if (!self::$_session) {
         self::$_session = Solar::factory('Solar_Session', array('class' => 'Solar_Csrf'));
     if (!self::$_request) {
         self::$_request = Solar_Registry::get('request');
     // ignore construct-time configuration for the key, but honor
     // it from the config file.  we want the key name to be the
     // same everywhere all the time.
     $key = Solar_Config::get('Solar_Csrf', 'key');
     if ($key) {
         self::$_key = $key;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Setup; runs before each test method.
 public function setup()
     // set up an SQL connection
     $this->_sql = Solar::factory('Solar_Sql', $this->_sql_config);
     // set up a model catalog
     $this->_catalog = Solar::factory('Solar_Sql_Model_Catalog', $this->_catalog_config);
     // register the connection and catalog
     Solar_Registry::set('sql', $this->_sql);
     Solar_Registry::set('model_catalog', $this->_catalog);
     // set the class name for relateds
     $len = strlen('Test_');
     $this->_class = substr(get_class($this), $len);
     // populate everything
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Registers an object under a unique name.
  * @param string $name The name under which to register the object.
  * @param object|string $spec The registry specification.
  * @param mixed $config If lazy-loading, use this as the config.
  * @return void
  * @todo Localize these errors.
 public static function set($name, $spec, $config = null)
     if (Solar_Registry::exists($name)) {
         // name already exists in registry
         $class = get_class(Solar_Registry::$_obj[$name]);
         throw Solar::exception('Solar_Registry', 'ERR_REGISTRY_NAME_EXISTS', "Object with '{$name}' of class '{$class}' already in registry", array('name' => $name, 'class' => $class));
     // register as an object, or as a class and config?
     if (is_object($spec)) {
         // directly register the object
         Solar_Registry::$_obj[$name] = $spec;
     } elseif (is_string($spec)) {
         // register a class and config for lazy loading
         Solar_Registry::$_obj[$name] = array($spec, $config);
     } else {
         throw Solar::exception('Solar_Registry', 'ERR_REGISTRY_FAILURE', 'Please pass an object, or a class name and a config array', array());
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Write out a series of dirs and symlinks for a new Vendor source.
  * @param string $vendor The Vendor name.
  * @return void
 protected function _exec($vendor = null)
     // we need a vendor name, at least
     if (!$vendor) {
         throw $this->_exception('ERR_NO_VENDOR_NAME');
     // build "foo-bar" and "FooBar" versions of the vendor name.
     $this->_inflect = Solar_Registry::get('inflect');
     $this->_dashes = $this->_inflect->camelToDashes($vendor);
     $this->_studly = $this->_inflect->dashesToStudly($this->_dashes);
     // create dirs, files, and symlinks
     // done!
     $this->_outln("Remember to add '{$this->_studly}_App' to the " . "['Solar_Controller_Front']['classes'] element " . "in your config file so that it finds your apps.");
     $this->_outln("Remember to add '{$this->_studly}_Model' to the " . "['Solar_Sql_Model_Catalog']['classes'] element " . "in your config file so that it finds your models.");
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Setup; runs before each test method.
 public function preTest()
     // set up an SQL connection
     $this->_sql = Solar::factory('Solar_Sql', $this->_sql_config);
     // set up a model catalog
     $this->_catalog = Solar::factory('Solar_Sql_Model_Catalog', $this->_catalog_config);
     // register the connection and catalog
     Solar_Registry::set('sql', $this->_sql);
     Solar_Registry::set('model_catalog', $this->_catalog);
     // fixture to populate tables
     $this->_fixture = Solar::factory('Fixture_Solar_Sql_Model');
     // preload all models to get discovery out of the way
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public function __construct($config = null)
     $locale = Solar_Registry::get('locale');
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Post-construction tasks to complete object construction.
  * @return void
 protected function _postConstruct()
     // get the current request environment.  may already have been set by
     // extended classes.
     if (!$this->_request) {
         $this->_request = Solar_Registry::get('request');
     // fix the base path by adding leading and trailing slashes
     if (trim($this->_config['path']) == '') {
         $this->_config['path'] = '/';
     if ($this->_config['path'][0] != '/') {
         $this->_config['path'] = '/' . $this->_config['path'];
     $this->_config['path'] = rtrim($this->_config['path'], '/') . '/';
     // set properties
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Issues an immediate "Location" redirect.  Use instead of display()
  * to perform a redirect.  You should die() or exit() after calling this.
  * @param Solar_Uri_Action|string $spec The URI to redirect to.
  * @param int|string $code The HTTP status code to redirect with; default
  * is '302 Found'.
  * @return void
 public function redirect($spec, $code = '302')
     if ($spec instanceof Solar_Uri_Action) {
         $href = $spec->get(true);
     } elseif (strpos($spec, '://') !== false) {
         // external link, protect against header injections
         $href = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $spec);
     } else {
         $uri = Solar::factory('Solar_Uri_Action');
         $href = $uri->quick($spec, true);
     // kill off all output buffers
     while (@ob_end_clean()) {
     // make sure there's actually an href
     $href = trim($href);
     if (!$href) {
         throw $this->_exception('ERR_REDIRECT_FAILED', array('href' => $href));
     // set the status code
     // set the redirect location
     $this->setHeader('Location', $href);
     // clear the response body
     $this->content = null;
     // is this a GET-after-(POST|PUT) redirect?
     $request = Solar_Registry::get('request');
     if ($request->isPost() || $request->isPut()) {
         // tell the next request object that it's a get-after-post
         $session = Solar::factory('Solar_Session', array('class' => get_class($request)));
         $session->setFlash('is_gap', true);
     // save the session
     // send the response directly -- done.
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Post-construction tasks to complete object construction.
  * @return void
 protected function _postConstruct()
     // get the current request environment
     $this->_request = Solar_Registry::get('request');
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Starts the session; automatically sends a P3P header if one is defined
  * (and it is, by default).
  * @return void
 public function start()
     // don't start more than once.
     if ($this->isStarted()) {
         // be sure the segment is loaded, though
     // set the privacy headers
     if ($this->_config['P3P']) {
         $response = Solar_Registry::get('response');
         $response->setHeader('P3P', $this->_config['P3P']);
     // start the session
     // load the session segment
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * Checks the server variables to see if we have a SOLAR_URI_ACTION_PATH
  * value set from Apache; also pre-sets $this->_request.
  * In a standard solar system, when mod_rewrite is turned on, it
  * may "SetEnv SOLAR_URI_ACTION_PATH /" as a hint for the default
  * action path. This lets you go from no-rewriting to rewriting in
  * one easy step, rather than having to remember to change the action
  * path in the Solar.config.php file as well.
  * @return void
 protected function _preConfig()
     $this->_request = Solar_Registry::get('request');
     $this->_Solar_Uri_Action['path'] = $this->_request->server('SOLAR_URI_ACTION_PATH', '/index.php');
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Redirects to another URI after valid authentication.
  * Looks at the value of the 'redirect' source key, and sets a 'Location:'
  * header from it.  Note that this will end any further processing on this
  * page-load.
  * If the 'redirect' key is empty or not present, will not redirect, and
  * processing will continue.
  * @return void
 protected function _redirect()
     $method = strtolower($this->_config['source']);
     $href = $this->_request->{$method}($this->_config['source_redirect']);
     if ($href) {
         $response = Solar_Registry::get('response');
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public function __construct()
     $this->_model = Solar_Registry::get('model_catalog');
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Combination dependency-injection and service-locator method; returns
  * a dependency object as passed, or an object from the registry, or a 
  * new factory instance.
  * @param string $class The dependency object should be an instance of
  * this class. Technically, this is more a hint than a requirement, 
  * although it will be used as the class name if [[Solar::factory()]] 
  * gets called.
  * @param mixed $spec If an object, check to make sure it's an instance 
  * of $class. If a string, treat as a [[Solar_Registry::get()]] key. 
  * Otherwise, use this as a config param to [[Solar::factory()]] to 
  * create a $class object.
  * @return object The dependency object.
 public static function dependency($class, $spec)
     // is it an object already?
     if (is_object($spec)) {
         return $spec;
     // check for registry objects
     if (is_string($spec)) {
         return Solar_Registry::get($spec);
     // not an object, not in registry.
     // try to create an object with $spec as the config
     return Solar::factory($class, $spec);
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Checks to see if user is allowed access to the requested action
  * for this controller.
  * On access failure, changes $this->_action to 'error' and adds
  * an error message stating the user is not allowed access.
  * @return void
 protected function _preAction()
     $allow = Solar_Registry::get('user')->access->isAllowed(get_class($this), $this->_action);
     if (!$allow) {
         $this->_errors[] = $this->locale('ERR_NOT_ALLOWED_ACCESS');
         $this->_action = 'error';