Ejemplo n.º 1
        case 'struct':
            $name = $matches[2];
            /* the PHP class name will be ClientName_WebServiceName */
            $className = $clientName . '_' . $name;
            /* store the data type information in an array for later use in the classmap */
            $types[$name] = $className;
            /* check the class does not exsits before creating it */
            if (!class_exists($className)) {
                eval("class {$className} {}");
$app_number = $map_app[$modele];
$soapClient = new SoapClient("http://cagnode58.cs.tcd.ie:8080/helio-hps-server/hpsService?wsdl", array("trace" => 1, "exceptions" => 1, "classmap" => $types));
$app = $soapClient->getPresentApplications();
$app_to_run = new hpsclient_abstractApplicationDescription();
$app_to_run->parameters = new hpsclient_applicationParameter();
$app_to_run->description = $app->presentApplications[$app_number]->description;
$app_to_run->id = $app->presentApplications[$app_number]->id;
$app_to_run->name = $app->presentApplications[$app_number]->name;
$app_to_run->parameters = $app->presentApplications[$app_number]->parameters;
//print_r($app_to_run);print "<BR><BR>\n";
//$param = $app_to_run->parameters;
//print_r($param);print "<BR><BR>\n";
// for CME
foreach ($app_to_run->parameters as $key => $par) {
    switch ($app_number) {
        case 2:
            if ($par->name == "CME's starting time") {
                $app_to_run->parameters[$key]->value = $date_obs;