clearCompiledTemplate() public method

Delete compiled template file
public clearCompiledTemplate ( string $resource_name = null, string $compile_id = null, integer $exp_time = null ) : integer
$resource_name string template name
$compile_id string compile id
$exp_time integer expiration time
return integer number of template files deleted
Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function render($name, array $values = array())
     if (defined('ENV_DEV')) {
     $template = $this->engine->createTemplate($name . $this->suffix);
     return $template->fetch();
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: viewer.php Proyecto: i6ma/snp
function tpl_display($view = '', $vars = array())
    $dir_base = __DIR__ . $dir_sep;
    $dir_smarty = $dir_base . implode($dir_sep, array('..', 'smarty-3.1.16', 'libs', ''));
    $dir_tpls = $dir_base . 'tpls' . $dir_sep;
    $dir_tplc = $dir_base . 'tplc' . $dir_sep;
    $dir_plgs = $dir_base . 'plugins' . $dir_sep;
    require_once $dir_smarty . 'Smarty.class.php';
    $smarty = new Smarty();
    $smarty->left_delimiter = '<%';
    $smarty->right_delimiter = '%>';
    $smarty->registerFilter('pre', 'tpl_pre_filter');
    if (isset($vars['debug'])) {
        $smarty->force_compile = true;
    $smarty->display($view . '.tpl');
    if (isset($vars['debug'])) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Deletes all compiled templates.
 function delete_compiled_templates()
     $save_compile_id = $this->smarty->compile_id;
     $this->smarty->compile_id = null;
     $this->smarty->compile_id = $save_compile_id;
     file_put_contents($this->smarty->getCompileDir() . '/index.htm', 'Not allowed!');
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Check the compile cache needs to be invalidated (multi front + local cache compatible)
 public function check_compile_cache_invalidation()
     static $last_flush = null;
     if (!file_exists($this->getCompileDir() . 'last_flush')) {
         @touch($this->getCompileDir() . 'last_flush');
     } elseif (defined('_DB_PREFIX_')) {
         if ($last_flush === null) {
             $sql = 'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_flush) as last_flush FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smarty_last_flush` WHERE type=\'compile\'';
             $last_flush = Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql, false);
         if ((int) $last_flush && @filemtime($this->getCompileDir() . 'last_flush') < $last_flush) {
             @touch($this->getCompileDir() . 'last_flush');
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * not, see:
 * @link <>.
 * @author niel
 * @copyright 2014 nZEDb
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'www' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php';
use nzedb\db\DbUpdate;
use nzedb\utility\Utility;
if (!Utility::isCLI()) {
if (isset($argc) && $argc > 1 && isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] == true) {
    $backup = isset($argv[2]) && $argv[2] == 'safe' ? true : false;
    $updater = new DbUpdate(['backup' => $backup]);
    echo $updater->log->header("Db updater starting ...");
    $patched = $updater->processPatches(['safe' => $backup]);
    if ($patched > 0) {
        echo $updater->log->info("{$patched} patch(es) applied.");
        $smarty = new Smarty();
        $cleared = $smarty->clearCompiledTemplate();
        if ($cleared) {
            $msg = "The smarty template cache has been cleaned for you\n";
        } else {
            $msg = "You should clear your smarty template cache at: " . SMARTY_DIR . "templates_c\n";
} else {
    echo "Usage: php update_db.php true";
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Очищает кеш компиленных шаблонов
 public function ClearCompiledTemplates()
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Execute compile command
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     //get project name & set source/output dirs
     $project = $input->getArgument('project');
     $this->config = new \Implico\Email\Config($project, $input->getOption('dir'));
     if ($error = $this->config->getErrors()) {
         switch ($error) {
             case 'projectNotFound':
                 $output->writeln('<fg=red>ERROR: project directory not found</fg=red>');
     //get script name(s)
     $scripts = $input->getOption('script');
     //if script name(s) not passed, set all scripts (exclude dirs)
     if (!$scripts) {
         $scripts = array_filter(array_diff(scandir($this->config['scriptsDir']), array('.', '..')), function ($script) {
             return !is_dir($this->config['scriptsDir'] . $script);
     //add ".tpl" extension when applicable
     foreach ($scripts as $i => $script) {
         if (strpos($script, '.') === false) {
             $scripts[$i] = $script . '.tpl';
     //get watch option
     $watch = $input->getOption('watch');
     //get output option
     $outputMode = $input->getOption('output');
     //create & configure Smarty object
     $smarty = new \Smarty();
     $smarty->compile_check = false;
     $smarty->force_compile = true;
     $smarty->error_reporting = E_ALL;
     $smarty->registerClass('SmartyUtils', 'Implico\\Email\\Utils\\Smarty');
     //set directories
     $smarty->setTemplateDir(array(0 => $this->config['dir'], 'core' => IE_CORE_DIR, 'layouts' => $this->config['layoutsDir'], 'scripts' => $this->config['scriptsDir'], 'styles' => $this->config['stylesDir']));
     //master config file
     $smarty->configLoad(IE_CORE_DIR . 'config.conf');
     //optional master custom config file
     $customConf = IE_CUSTOM_DIR . 'config.conf';
     if (file_exists($customConf)) {
     //console message for watching
     if ($watch) {
         $output->writeln('Watching for changes...');
     //main loop - watch for changes (or execute once if not watching)
     $compileNo = 1;
     $compileDirStamp = '';
     //dirs to inspect file change
     $checkDirs = array($this->config['configsDir'], $this->config['configsScriptsDir'], $this->config['layoutsDir'], $this->config['scriptsDir'], $this->config['stylesDir']);
     //set output mode variables
     $outputMinified = in_array('m', $outputMode);
     $outputFormatted = in_array('f', $outputMode);
     //formatter object
     $formatter = null;
     //css inliner object
     $cssToInlineStyles = new CssToInlineStyles();
     while (true) {
         //compile only if not watching or the dirs filestamp changes
         if (!$watch || $compileDirStamp != $this->getDirStamp($checkDirs)) {
             //clear compiled templates
             //Smarty assign project-specific config file path
             $configFile = $this->config['configsDir'] . 'config.conf';
             $loadConfigFile = file_exists($configFile);
             //set random complile_id (forces Smarty to compile)
             $smarty->compile_id = uniqid();
             //list of compiled scripts
             $compiledScripts = $scripts;
             //fetch & save templates
             foreach ($scripts as $i => $script) {
                 //script name without extension
                 $scriptName = substr($script, 0, strrpos($script, '.'));
                 if ($loadConfigFile) {
                 //set script-specific config file path if exists
                 $configFileScript = $this->config['configsScriptsDir'] . $scriptName . '.conf';
                 if (file_exists($configFileScript)) {
                 //lazy create indenter
                 if ($outputFormatted && !$formatter) {
                     $formatter = new \Gajus\Dindent\Indenter(array('indentation_character' => $smarty->getConfigVars('indentChar')));
                 //set encoding
                 $outputEncoding = $smarty->getConfigVars('encoding');
                 if (!$outputEncoding) {
                     $outputEncoding = 'utf-8';
                 $outputEncodingUtf8 = strtoupper($outputEncoding) == 'UTF-8';
                 try {
                     //get the html
                     $html = $smarty->fetch($this->config['scriptsDir'] . $script);
                     //get inline styles
                     $inlineCss = $smarty->fetch($this->config['stylesDir'] . 'inline.tpl');
                     if (trim($inlineCss)) {
                         $html = $cssToInlineStyles->convert();
                     //save minified
                     if ($outputMinified) {
                         $htmlSave = $html;
                         if (!$outputEncodingUtf8) {
                             $htmlSave = mb_convert_encoding($htmlSave, $outputEncoding, 'utf-8');
                         //max line width = 900 chars
                         $maxPerLine = 750;
                         $endLine = false;
                         $newHtml = '';
                         for ($i = 0; $i < mb_strlen($htmlSave, $outputEncoding); $i++) {
                             if ($i % $maxPerLine == 0 && $i > 0) {
                                 $endLine = true;
                             $curChar = mb_substr($htmlSave, $i, 1, $outputEncoding);
                             $newHtml .= $curChar;
                             if ($endLine) {
                                 if ($curChar == '>') {
                                     $newHtml .= PHP_EOL;
                                     $endLine = false;
                         $htmlSave = $newHtml;
                         $this->saveOutput($this->config['outputsDir'] . $scriptName . '.min.html', $htmlSave);
                     //save formatted
                     if ($outputFormatted) {
                         $htmlSave = $formatter->indent($html);
                         if (!$outputEncodingUtf8) {
                             $htmlSave = mb_convert_encoding($htmlSave, $outputEncoding, 'utf-8');
                         $this->saveOutput($this->config['outputsDir'] . $scriptName . '.html', $htmlSave, true);
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                     $output->writeln('<fg=red>' . $e->getMessage() . '</fg=red>');
                     $compiledScripts[$i] .= ' <fg=red>(ERROR)</fg=red>';
             //console info message
             $output->writeln(($watch ? '#' . $compileNo++ . ' ' : '') . 'Compiled ' . date('d-m-Y H:i:s') . ' ' . implode(', ', $compiledScripts));
         //break if not watching
         if (!$watch) {
         //calculate dirs filestamp to compare
         $compileDirStamp = $this->getDirStamp($checkDirs);