public function smartblogrelatedpostsHookdisplaySmartAfterPost($params) { if (Tools::getvalue('controller') == 'category' || Tools::getvalue('controller') == 'tagpost') { return; } $id_post = pSQL(Tools::getvalue('id_post')); if ($id_post == '') { $slug = Tools::getvalue('slug'); $id_post = $this->slug2id($slug); } if (!$this->isCached('plugins/smartblogrelatedposts.tpl', $this->getCacheId())) { $posts = SmartBlogPost::getRelatedPostsById_post($id_post); $i = 0; foreach ($posts as $i => &$post) { $posts[$i]['created'] = Smartblog::displayDate($post['created']); $employee = new Employee((int) $post['id_author']); $post['lastname'] = $employee->lastname; $post['firstname'] = $employee->firstname; } $this->smarty->assign(array('posts' => $posts)); } return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/front/plugins/smartblogrelatedposts.tpl'); }
public function initContent() { $smartblogurlpattern = (int) Configuration::get('smartblogurlpattern'); //now we will check whihc option we need to url rewrite $id_post = null; switch ($smartblogurlpattern) { case 1: $SmartBlog = new smartblog(); $slug = Tools::getValue('slug'); $id_post = $SmartBlog->slug2id($slug); break; case 2: $id_post = pSQL(Tools::getvalue('id_post')); break; case 3: $id_post = pSQL(Tools::getvalue('id_post')); break; default: $id_post = pSQL(Tools::getvalue('id_post')); } if ($id_post) { $this->post = new SmartBlogPost($id_post, true, $this->context->language->id, $this->context->shop->id); } if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($this->post)) { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); header('Status: 404 Not Found'); $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Post not found'); } parent::initContent(); $this->canonicalRedirection(); if (!$this->errors) { Hook::exec('actionsbsingle', array('id_post' => $this->post)); $blogcomment = new Blogcomment(); $SmartBlogPost = new SmartBlogPost(); $BlogCategory = new BlogCategory(); $id_lang = $this->context->language->id; $post = $SmartBlogPost->getPost($id_post, $id_lang); $title_category = array(); $getPostCategories = $this->getPostCategories($id_post); $i = 0; foreach ($getPostCategories as $category) { $title_category[] = $BlogCategory->getNameCategory($getPostCategories[$i]['id_smart_blog_category']); $i++; } $post['post_img'] = null; //--extra added $tags = $SmartBlogPost->getProductTags($id_post); $comment = $blogcomment->getComment($id_post); $countcomment = $blogcomment->getToltalComment($id_post); $id_cate = $post['id_category']; //$title_category = $BlogCategory->getNameCategory($id_cate); if (file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'smartblog/images/' . $id_post . '.jpg')) { $post_img = $id_post . '.jpg'; } else { $post_img = 'no'; } $posts_previous = SmartBlogPost::getPreviousPostsById($id_lang, $id_post); $posts_next = SmartBlogPost::getNextPostsById($id_lang, $id_post); /* Server Params */ $protocol_link = Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $protocol_content = (isset($useSSL) and $useSSL and Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED')) ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $smartbloglink = new SmartBlogLink($protocol_link, $protocol_content); SmartBlogPost::postViewed($id_post); //here we can give validation if category page or other page it will show $post['date'] = Smartblog::displayDate($post['created']); $this->context->smarty->assign(array('smartbloglink' => $smartbloglink, 'post' => $post, 'posts_next' => $posts_next, 'posts_previous' => $posts_previous, 'comments' => $comment, 'enableguestcomment' => Configuration::get('smartenableguestcomment'), 'is_looged' => $this->context->customer->isLogged(), 'is_looged_id' => $this->context->customer->id, 'is_looged_email' => $this->context->customer->email, 'is_looged_fname' => $this->context->customer->firstname, 'tags' => $tags, 'title_category' => $title_category, 'meta_title' => $post['meta_title'], 'post_active' => $post['active'], 'blogcontent' => $post['content'], 'id_post' => $post['id_post'], 'smartshowauthorstyle' => Configuration::get('smartshowauthorstyle'), 'smartshowauthor' => Configuration::get('smartshowauthor'), 'created' => Smartblog::displayDate($post['created']), 'firstname' => $post['firstname'], 'lastname' => $post['lastname'], 'smartcustomcss' => Configuration::get('smartcustomcss'), 'smartshownoimg' => Configuration::get('smartshownoimg'), 'comment_status' => $post['comment_status'], 'countcomment' => $countcomment, 'post_img' => $post_img, '_report' => $this->_report, 'id_category' => $post['id_category'])); $this->context->smarty->assign('HOOK_SMART_BLOG_POST_FOOTER', Hook::exec('displaySmartAfterPost')); } $this->setTemplate('posts.tpl'); }
public static function GetPostLatestHome($limit) { $sorting = Configuration::get('latestnews_sort_by'); if ($sorting == 'name_ASC') { $orderby = 'pl.meta_title'; $orderway = 'ASC'; } elseif ($sorting == 'name_DESC') { $orderby = 'pl.meta_title'; $orderway = 'DESC'; } elseif ($sorting == 'id_ASC') { $orderby = 'p.id_smart_blog_post'; $orderway = 'ASC'; } else { $orderby = 'p.id_smart_blog_post'; $orderway = 'DESC'; } if ($limit == '' && $limit == null) { $limit = 3; } $id_lang = (int) Context::getContext()->language->id; $id_lang_defaut = Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'); $result = array(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_post p INNER JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_post_lang pl ON p.id_smart_blog_post=pl.id_smart_blog_post INNER JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_post_shop ps ON pl.id_smart_blog_post = ps.id_smart_blog_post AND ps.id_shop = ' . (int) Context::getContext()->shop->id . ' WHERE pl.id_lang=' . $id_lang . ' AND 1 ORDER BY p.id_smart_blog_post DESC LIMIT ' . $limit; $posts = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql); if (empty($posts)) { $sql2 = 'SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_post p INNER JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_post_lang pl ON p.id_smart_blog_post=pl.id_smart_blog_post INNER JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_post_shop ps ON pl.id_smart_blog_post = ps.id_smart_blog_post AND ps.id_shop = ' . (int) Context::getContext()->shop->id . ' WHERE pl.id_lang=' . $id_lang_defaut . ' AND 1 ORDER BY ' . $orderby . ' ' . $orderway . ' LIMIT ' . pSQL($limit); $posts = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql2); } $i = 0; foreach ($posts as $post) { $result[$i]['id'] = $post['id_smart_blog_post']; $result[$i]['title'] = $post['meta_title']; $result[$i]['meta_description'] = strip_tags($post['meta_description']); $result[$i]['short_description'] = strip_tags($post['short_description']); $result[$i]['content'] = strip_tags($post['content']); $result[$i]['category'] = $post['id_category']; $result[$i]['date_added'] = Smartblog::displayDate($post['created']); $result[$i]['viewed'] = $post['viewed']; $result[$i]['is_featured'] = $post['is_featured']; $result[$i]['link_rewrite'] = $post['link_rewrite']; if (file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'smartblog/images/' . $post['id_smart_blog_post'] . '.jpg')) { $image = $post['id_smart_blog_post']; $result[$i]['post_img'] = $image; } else { $result[$i]['post_img'] = 'no'; } $i++; } return $result; }
public function initContent() { $category_status = ''; $totalpages = ''; $cat_image = 'no'; $categoryinfo = ''; $title_category = ''; $cat_link_rewrite = ''; $blogcomment = new Blogcomment(); $SmartBlogPost = new SmartBlogPost(); $BlogCategory = new BlogCategory(); $BlogPostCategory = new BlogPostCategory(); $smartblogurlpattern = (int) Configuration::get('smartblogurlpattern'); //now we will check whihc option we need to url rewrite switch ($smartblogurlpattern) { case 1: $SmartBlog = new smartblog(); $slug = Tools::getValue('slug'); $id_category = $SmartBlog->categoryslug2id($slug); break; case 2: $SmartBlog = new smartblog(); $id_category = Tools::getValue('id_category'); // if($id_category==''){ // $id_category = $SmartBlog->categoryslug2id($slug); // } break; default: $id_category = Tools::getValue('id_category'); } //$categoryinfo = $BlogCategory->getNameCategory($id_category); $posts_per_page = Configuration::get('smartpostperpage'); $limit_start = 0; $limit = $posts_per_page; if (!$id_category) { $total = (int) $SmartBlogPost->getToltal($this->context->language->id); } else { $total = (int) $SmartBlogPost->getToltalByCategory($this->context->language->id, $id_category); Hook::exec('actionsbcat', array('id_category' => pSQL(Tools::getvalue('id_category')))); } if ($total != '' || $total != 0) { $totalpages = ceil($total / $posts_per_page); } if ((bool) Tools::getValue('page')) { $c = (int) Tools::getValue('page'); $limit_start = $posts_per_page * ($c - 1); } if (!$id_category) { $allNews = $SmartBlogPost->getAllPost($this->context->language->id, $limit_start, $limit); } else { if (file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'smartblog/images/category/' . $id_category . '.jpg')) { $cat_image = $id_category; } else { $cat_image = 'no'; } $categoryinfo = $BlogCategory->getNameCategory($id_category); $title_category = $categoryinfo[0]['name']; $category_status = $categoryinfo[0]['active']; $cat_link_rewrite = $categoryinfo[0]['link_rewrite']; if ($category_status == 1) { $allNews = $BlogPostCategory->getToltalByCategory($this->context->language->id, $id_category, $limit_start, $limit); } elseif ($category_status == 0) { $allNews = ''; } } $i = 0; $to = array(); if (!empty($allNews)) { foreach ($allNews as $item) { $to[$i] = $blogcomment->getToltalComment($item['id_post']); $i++; if (file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'smartblog/images/' . $item['id_post'] . '.jpg')) { $item['post_img'] = $item['id_post'] . '.jpg'; } else { $item['post_img'] = 'no'; } } $j = 0; foreach ($to as $item) { if ($item == '') { $allNews[$j]['totalcomment'] = 0; } else { $allNews[$j]['totalcomment'] = $item; } $j++; } } $protocol_link = Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $protocol_content = (isset($useSSL) and $useSSL and Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED')) ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $smartbloglink = new SmartBlogLink($protocol_link, $protocol_content); $i = 0; foreach ($allNews as $post) { $allNews[$i]['created'] = Smartblog::displayDate($post['created']); $i++; } parent::initContent(); $this->canonicalRedirection(); $this->context->smarty->assign(array('smartbloglink' => $smartbloglink, 'postcategory' => $allNews, 'category_status' => $category_status, 'title_category' => $title_category, 'cat_link_rewrite' => $cat_link_rewrite, 'id_category' => $id_category, 'cat_image' => $cat_image, 'categoryinfo' => $categoryinfo, 'smartshowauthorstyle' => Configuration::get('smartshowauthorstyle'), 'smartshowauthor' => Configuration::get('smartshowauthor'), 'limit' => isset($limit) ? $limit : 0, 'limit_start' => isset($limit_start) ? $limit_start : 0, 'c' => isset($c) ? $c : 1, 'total' => $total, 'smartblogliststyle' => Configuration::get('smartblogliststyle'), 'smartcustomcss' => Configuration::get('smartcustomcss'), 'smartshownoimg' => Configuration::get('smartshownoimg'), 'smartdisablecatimg' => Configuration::get('smartdisablecatimg'), 'smartshowviewed' => Configuration::get('smartshowviewed'), 'post_per_page' => $posts_per_page, 'pagenums' => $totalpages - 1, 'totalpages' => $totalpages)); $template_name = 'postcategory.tpl'; $this->setTemplate($template_name); }