Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Create a PostgreSQL Server Custom Connection.
  * This MUST NOT be used with the default connection ... as that is handled automatically.
  * @param STRING $yhost 						:: db host
  * @param STRING $yport 						:: db port
  * @param STRING $ydb 							:: db name
  * @param STRING $yuser							:: db user
  * @param STRING $ypass							:: db pass
  * @param INTEGER $ytimeout 					:: connection timeout
  * @param ENUM $y_transact_mode					:: transactional mode ('READ COMMITTED' | 'REPEATABLE READ' | 'SERIALIZABLE' | '' to leave it as default)
  * @param FLOAT $y_debug_sql_slowtime			:: debug query slow time
  * @param ENUM $y_type							:: server type: postgresql or pgpool2
  * @return RESOURCE								:: the postgresql connection resource ID
  * @access 		private
  * @internal
 public static function server_connect($yhost, $yport, $ydb, $yuser, $ypass, $ytimeout, $y_transact_mode = '', $y_debug_sql_slowtime = 0, $y_type = 'postgresql')
     if (defined('SMART_FRAMEWORK_DBSQL_CHARSET')) {
         if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DBSQL_CHARSET != 'UTF8') {
             die('The SMART_FRAMEWORK_DBSQL_CHARSET must be set as: UTF8');
         //end if
     } else {
         die('The SMART_FRAMEWORK_DBSQL_CHARSET must be set ...');
     //end if else
     if (!function_exists('pg_connect')) {
         self::error('[PRE-CONNECT]', 'PHP-PgSQL', 'Check PgSQL PHP Extension', 'PHP Extension is required to run this software !', 'Cannot find PgSQL PHP Extension');
     //end if
     if ((string) ini_get('pgsql.ignore_notice') != '0') {
         // {{{SYNC-PGSQL-NOTIF-CHECK}}}
         self::error('[PRE-CONNECT]', 'PHP-Inits-PgSQL', 'Check PgSQL PHP.INI Settings', 'SETTINGS: PostgreSQL Notifications need to be ENABLED in PHP.INI !', 'SET in PHP.INI this: pgsql.ignore_notice = 0');
     //end if
     //-- connection timeout
     $timeout = (int) $ytimeout;
     if ($timeout < 1) {
         $timeout = 1;
     //end if
     if ($timeout > 60) {
         $timeout = 60;
     //end if
     //-- debug settings
     if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE == 'yes') {
         $y_debug_sql_slowtime = (double) $y_debug_sql_slowtime;
         if ($y_debug_sql_slowtime <= 0) {
             $y_debug_sql_slowtime = (double) self::$slow_time;
         //end if
         if ($y_debug_sql_slowtime < 1.0E-7) {
             $y_debug_sql_slowtime = 1.0E-7;
         } elseif ($y_debug_sql_slowtime > 0.9999999000000001) {
             $y_debug_sql_slowtime = 0.9999999000000001;
         //end if
         self::$slow_time = (double) $y_debug_sql_slowtime;
         // update
     //end if
     //-- debug inits
     if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE == 'yes') {
         SmartFrameworkRegistry::setDebugMsg('db', 'pgsql|slow-time', number_format(self::$slow_time, 7, '.', ''), '=');
         SmartFrameworkRegistry::setDebugMsg('db', 'pgsql|log', ['type' => 'metainfo', 'data' => 'Database Server: PgSQL (' . $y_type . ') / App Connector Version: ' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_VERSION . ' / Connection Charset: ' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_DBSQL_CHARSET]);
         SmartFrameworkRegistry::setDebugMsg('db', 'pgsql|log', ['type' => 'metainfo', 'data' => 'Connection Timeout: ' . $timeout . ' seconds / Fast Query Reference Time < ' . self::$slow_time . ' seconds']);
     //end if
     if ((string) $ypass != '') {
         $password = (string) base64_decode((string) $ypass);
     } else {
         $password = '';
     //end if else
     //-- {{{SYNC-CONNECTIONS-IDS}}}
     $the_conn_key = (string) $yhost . ':' . $yport . '@' . $ydb . '#' . $yuser . '>' . trim(strtoupper(str_replace(' ', '', (string) $y_transact_mode))) . '.';
     $connection = @pg_connect('host=' . $yhost . ' port=' . $yport . ' dbname=' . $ydb . ' user='******' password='******' connect_timeout=' . $timeout);
     // @pg_close($connection) (if is resource) ; but reusing connections policy dissalow disconnects
     if (!is_resource($connection)) {
         self::error($yhost . ':' . $yport . '@' . $ydb . '#' . $yuser, 'Connection', 'Connect to PgSQL Server', 'NO CONNECTION !!!', 'Connection Failed to PgSQL Server !');
     //end if
     if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE == 'yes') {
         SmartFrameworkRegistry::setDebugMsg('db', 'pgsql|log', ['type' => 'open-close', 'data' => 'Connected to PgSQL Server: ' . $the_conn_key, 'connection' => (string) $connection]);
     //end if
     @pg_set_error_verbosity($connection, PGSQL_ERRORS_DEFAULT);
     // this must be reset to PGSQL_ERRORS_DEFAULT and must NOT use PGSQL_ERRORS_VERBOSE because will affect write-igdata notice messages
     $tmp_pg_tracefile = 'tmp/logs/pgsql-trace.log';
     if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE == 'yes') {
         if (defined('SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_SQL_TRACE')) {
             if (function_exists('pg_trace')) {
                 @pg_trace($tmp_pg_tracefile, 'w', $connection);
                 // pg_trace can cause some PHP versions to crash (Ex: Debian 6.0.6 with PHP 5.3 / Apache 2.0.x)
             //end if
         //end if
     //end if else
     $result = @pg_query_params($connection, 'SELECT pg_encoding_to_char("encoding") FROM "pg_database" WHERE "datname" = $1', array($ydb));
     if (!$result) {
         self::error($connection, 'Encoding-Charset', 'Check Query Failed', 'Error=' . @pg_last_error($connection), 'DB=' . $ydb);
     //end if
     $server_encoding = @pg_fetch_row($result);
     if (trim($server_encoding[0]) != trim(SMART_FRAMEWORK_DBSQL_CHARSET)) {
         self::error($connection, 'Encoding-Get-Charset', 'Wrong Server Encoding on PgSQL Server', 'Server=' . $server_encoding[0], 'Client=' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_DBSQL_CHARSET);
     //end if
     $encoding = @pg_set_client_encoding($connection, SMART_FRAMEWORK_DBSQL_CHARSET);
     if ($encoding < 0 or (string) @pg_client_encoding() != (string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DBSQL_CHARSET) {
         self::error($connection, 'Encoding-Check-Charset', 'Failed to set Client Encoding on PgSQL Server', 'Server=' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_DBSQL_CHARSET, 'Client=' . @pg_client_encoding());
     //end if
     if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE == 'yes') {
         SmartFrameworkRegistry::setDebugMsg('db', 'pgsql|log', ['type' => 'set', 'data' => 'SET Client Encoding [+check] to: ' . @pg_client_encoding(), 'connection' => (string) $connection, 'skip-count' => 'yes']);
     //end if
     $transact = strtoupper((string) $y_transact_mode);
     switch ((string) $transact) {
         case 'SERIALIZABLE':
         case 'REPEATABLE READ':
         case 'READ COMMITTED':
             $result = @pg_query($connection, 'SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ' . $transact);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::error($connection, 'Set-Session-Transaction-Level', 'Failed to Set Session Transaction Level as ' . $transact, 'Error=' . @pg_last_error($connection), 'DB=' . $ydb);
             //end if
             $result = @pg_query('SHOW transaction_isolation');
             $chk = @pg_fetch_row($result);
             if ((string) trim($chk[0]) == '' or (string) $transact != (string) strtoupper(trim($chk[0]))) {
                 self::error($connection, 'Check-Session-Transaction-Level', 'Failed to Set Session Transaction Level as ' . $transact, 'Error=' . @pg_last_error($connection), 'DB=' . $ydb);
             //end if
             if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE == 'yes') {
                 SmartFrameworkRegistry::setDebugMsg('db', 'pgsql|log', ['type' => 'set', 'data' => 'SET Session Transaction Isolation Level [+check] to: ' . strtoupper($chk[0]), 'connection' => (string) $connection, 'skip-count' => 'yes']);
             //end if
     //end switch
     //-- export only at the end (after all settings)
     SmartFrameworkRegistry::$Connections['pgsql'][(string) $the_conn_key] = $connection;
     // export connection
     //-- OUTPUT
     return $connection;
     //-- OUTPUT