function act_getActualStockBySS() { $sku = isset($_GET['sku']) ? $_GET['sku'] : ''; //sku $storeId = isset($_GET['storeId']) ? $_GET['storeId'] : 1; //订单记录id if (empty($sku)) { self::$errCode = 1; self::$errMsg = 'empty sku'; return 0; } $tName = 'wh_sku_location'; $select = 'actualStock'; $where = "WHERE sku='{$sku}' AND storeId='{$storeId}'"; $whActualStockList = SkuStockModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); if (empty($whShipOrderIdList)) { //未找到originOrderId对应的shipOrderId self::$errCode = 2; self::$errMsg = 'empty whActualStockList'; return 0; } $actualStock = $whShipOrderIdList[0]['actualStock']; self::$errCode = 200; self::$errMsg = 'success'; return $actualStock; }
function view_updateBatchPosition() { $uploadfile = date("Y") . date("m") . date("d") . rand(1, 3009) . ".xls"; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name'], 'upload/' . $uploadfile)) { $status = "<font color='green'>文件上传成功!</font><br />"; $fileName = 'upload/' . $uploadfile; $filePath = $fileName; require_once "../lib/PHPExcel.php"; $PHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); $PHPReader = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007(); if (!$PHPReader->canRead($filePath)) { $PHPReader = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5(); if (!$PHPReader->canRead($filePath)) { echo 'no Excel'; return; } } $PHPExcel = $PHPReader->load($filePath); $currentSheet = $PHPExcel->getSheet(0); /**取得一共有多少行*/ $allRow = $currentSheet->getHighestRow(); $skuStockAct = new SkuStockAct(); /**从第二行开始输出,因为excel表中第一行为列名*/ for ($c = 2; $c <= $allRow; $c++) { $aa = 'A' . $c; //sku $bb = 'B' . $c; //所在仓库 $cc = 'C' . $c; //旧仓位 $dd = 'D' . $c; //新仓位 $sku = trim($currentSheet->getCell($aa)->getValue()); $whName = trim($currentSheet->getCell($bb)->getValue()); $oldPosition = trim($currentSheet->getCell($cc)->getValue()); $newPosition = trim($currentSheet->getCell($dd)->getValue()); if (empty($sku) || empty($whName) || empty($oldPosition) || empty($newPosition)) { echo "<font color='red'>第 {$c} 行 存在空列,该行更新失败</font><br />"; continue; } $sku = str_pad(trim($sku), 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $tName = 'pc_goods'; $select = 'id'; $where = "WHERE sku='{$sku}'"; $skuList = $skuStockAct->act_getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); if (empty($skuList)) { echo "<font color='red'>第 {$c} 行 sku {$sku} 不存在,该行更新失败</font><br />"; continue; } $skuId = $skuList[0]['id']; //wh_product_position_relation中的pid $tName = 'wh_store'; $select = 'id'; $where = "WHERE whName='{$whName}'"; $whStoreList = $skuStockAct->act_getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); if (empty($whStoreList)) { echo "<font color='red'>第 {$c} 行 仓库 {$whName} 不存在,该行更新失败</font><br />"; continue; } $whStoreId = $whStoreList[0]['id']; $tName = 'wh_position_distribution'; $select = 'id'; $where = "WHERE pName='{$oldPosition}'"; $positionList = $skuStockAct->act_getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); if (empty($positionList)) { echo "<font color='red'>第 {$c} 行 旧仓位号 {$oldPosition} 不存在,该行更新失败</font><br />"; continue; } $oldPositionId = $positionList[0]['id']; $tName = 'wh_position_distribution'; $select = 'id'; $where = "WHERE pName='{$newPosition}'"; $positionList = $skuStockAct->act_getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); if (empty($positionList)) { echo "<font color='red'>第 {$c} 行 新仓位号 {$newPosition} 不存在,该行更新失败</font><br />"; continue; } $newPositionId = $positionList[0]['id']; $tName = 'wh_product_position_relation'; $where = "WHERE is_delete=0 AND storeId='{$whStoreId}' AND positionId='{$newPositionId}'"; $count = $skuStockAct->act_getTNameCount($tName, $where); if ($count > 0) { echo "<font color='red'>第 {$c} 行 新仓位 {$newPosition} 已经被占用,更新失败!</font><br/>"; continue; } $tName = 'wh_product_position_relation'; $set = "SET positionId='{$newPositionId}'"; $where = "WHERE pid='{$skuId}' AND positionId='{$oldPositionId}' AND storeId='{$whStoreId}'"; $affectRows = $skuStockAct->act_updateTNameRow($tName, $set, $where); if (!$affectRows) { echo "<font color='orange'>第 {$c} 行 无数据修改,更新失败!</font><br/>"; continue; } else { echo "<font color='green'>第 {$c} 行 ,sku:{$sku} 更新成功!旧仓位为:{$oldPosition} ,新仓位为:{$newPosition}</font><br/>"; } } /*============================================ end =============================================================*/ unlink($filePath); //删除导入文件 } echo "<font color='red'> 文件上传失败!</font><br />"; } else { echo "<font color='red'> 文件上传失败!</font><br />"; } }