  * @since 1.4
 protected function renderForm()
     if ($this->delegate->dashboardCanDisplayMessage($this)) {
         echo '<div id="sitetree-msg-box"><h3>' . $this->messageBox['head_line'] . '</h3>' . '<p>Some time has gone since you first installed SiteTree and the reading of this short message should mean ' . 'you are appreciating the code I have written so far, so … Thank You!.</p><p>As you know (or might have noticed ' . 'from the amount of changes made with the latest updates), SiteTree is a very young piece of software still barely ' . "known to the WordPress community, that's why I would ask you a couple of minutes of your time to rate it on " . "WordPress.org. You'll just need to log-in into your account and leave your rating with a comment — that's all. " . 'Thank you for your help.</p><p id="sitetree-msg-box-sign">Luigi Cavalieri</p>' . '<a href="' . $this->messageBox['dismiss_url'] . '" id="sitetree-msg-box-close">Dismiss</a>' . '<p id="sitetree-msg-box-rate"><a href="http://wordpress.org/support/view/plugin-reviews/sitetree" ' . 'class="sitetree-primary-btn" id="sitetree-msg-box-rate-btn" target="_blank">Rate on WordPress.org</a></p></div>';
     echo '<div id="sitetree-dashboard">';
     foreach ($this->formsData as $this->formIndex => $this->formConfig) {
         $this->renderStats = $this->delegate->dashboardCanRenderStats($this, $this->formIndex);
     echo '</div><aside id="sitetree-dashboard-sidebar"><h4>' . __('Useful Resources', 'sitetree') . '</h4><ul>' . '<li><a href="' . SiteTree::WEBSITE . '">' . __('Website', 'sitetree') . '</a></li>' . '<li><a href="' . SiteTree::WEBSITE . 'blog/">' . __('Blog', 'sitetree') . '</a></li>' . '<li><a href="' . SiteTree::website('faqs') . '">' . __('FAQs', 'sitetree') . '</a></li>' . '<li><a href="' . SiteTree::WEBSITE . 'support/">' . __('Support', 'sitetree') . '</a></li>' . '<li><a href="' . SiteTree::WEBSITE . 'version-history/">' . __('Version History', 'sitetree') . '</a></li>' . '</ul><h4>' . __('Contribute', 'sitetree') . '</h4><ul>' . '<li><a href="' . SiteTree::website('feedback') . '" target="_blank">' . __('Provide Feedback', 'sitetree') . '</a></li>' . '<li><a href="' . SiteTree::website('bug_report') . '" target="_blank">' . __('Report Bug', 'sitetree') . '</a></li>' . '<li><a href="' . SiteTree::website('l10n') . '" target="_blank">' . __('Translate', 'sitetree') . '</a></li>' . '</ul><a href="#" id="sitetree-info-btn" title="' . sprintf(__('About %s', 'sitetree'), 'SiteTree') . '">i</a></aside>';
  * @since 1.5
  * @return string
 public function dashboardWillFinishRendering($dashboard)
     return '<aside id="sitetree-about-view"><h2>SiteTree</h2><a href="#" id="sitetree-about-view-close"></a>' . '<ul><li>Version ' . SiteTree::VERSION . '</li><li><strong>' . __('Updated on', 'sitetree') . '</strong><br>' . SiteTreeUtilities::date($this->db->getOption('last_updated')) . '</li><li><strong>' . __('Translations', 'sitetree') . '</strong><ul>' . '<li>' . __('German', 'sitetree') . ' (Thomas Meesters)</li>' . '<li>' . __('Italian', 'sitetree') . ' (Luigi Cavalieri)</li>' . '<li>' . __('Russian', 'sitetree') . ' (Oleg Vlasov)</li>' . '<li>' . __('Swedish', 'sitetree') . ' (Joakim Lindskog)</li>' . '</ul></li></ul><p id="sitetree-about-view-copy">Copyright &copy 2013 Luigi Cavalieri.<br>' . sprintf(__('Licensed under %s', 'sitetree'), '<a href="' . SiteTree::website('license') . '" target="_blank">GPL v2.0</a>') . '</p></aside>';