  * Customise the display of posts as they are being rendered by the browser
  * @param string $content
  * @return string
 public function TheContent($content = '')
     $searches = array();
     $replaces = array();
     # Use title as alt where there's a title and an empty alt attribute
     $searches[] = '/ title="([^"]+)"([^>]*) alt=""/';
     $replaces[] = '$2 alt="$1"';
     # Remove title where there's also a populated alt attribute
     $searches[] = '/ title="[^"]+"([^>]* alt="[^"]+")/';
     $replaces[] = '$1';
     # Remove link to original image, which has no navigation
     $searches[] = '/<a href="[^"]+.(jpg|gif|png|jpeg)"[^>]*>(<img [^>]*>)<\\/a>/';
     $replaces[] = '$2';
     # Strip these by providing no replacement text
     $searches[] = '/ title="[a-z0-9-]*"/';
     # remove meaningless title attributes containing filenames
     $replaces[] = '';
     $content = preg_replace($searches, $replaces, $content);
     $content = str_replace("http://www.stoolball.org.uk", "https://www.stoolball.org.uk", $content);
     if (is_home()) {
         # Take out and remember images
         $content = preg_replace_callback('/(<img[^>]*>)/', array($this, 'ExtractImage'), $content);
         $strip_these = array('/<h[0-9][^>]*>.*?<\\/h[0-9]>/', '/<p class="wp-caption-text">.*?<\\/p>/', '/<a[^>]* class="more-link[^>]*>.*?<\\/a>/', '/style="width: [0-9]+px;?"/', '/<div[^>]*><\\/div>/');
         $content = preg_replace($strip_these, '', $content);
         # Don't want home page to be too long, so cut off after first para
         $pos = strpos($content, '</p>');
         if ($pos) {
             $pos = $pos + 4;
             # length of </p>
             $content = substr($content, 0, $pos);
         # If there were images, put the first one at the start of the text
         if (count($this->a_matches)) {
             # Remove unused class, width and height
             $image = preg_replace('/ (class|width|height)="[A-Za-z0-9-_ ]+"/', '', $this->a_matches[0]);
             # Try to isolate the src attribute and swop it for the corresponding thumbnail
             $pos = strpos($image, ' src="');
             if ($pos !== false) {
                 $pos = $pos + 6;
                 # move to start to attr value
                 $len = strpos($image, '"', $pos);
                 if ($len !== false) {
                     # Get path to image on server
                     $wordpress_image_folder = $this->settings->GetServerRoot();
                     if (SiteContext::IsDevelopment()) {
                         $wordpress_image_folder .= "../";
                     # on dev setup, WordPress image uploads are outside web root
                     require_once 'Zend/Uri.php';
                     $uri = Zend_Uri::factory(substr($image, $pos, $len - $pos));
                     /* @var $uri Zend_Uri_Http */
                     # Change it to the thumbnail path and see whether the thumbnail exists
                     $thumbnail = $wordpress_image_folder . $uri->getPath();
                     $pos = strrpos($thumbnail, '.');
                     if ($pos !== false) {
                         $thumbnail = substr($thumbnail, 0, $pos) . "-150x150" . substr($thumbnail, $pos);
                         if (file_exists($thumbnail)) {
                             # if it does exist, update the original image tag with the thumbnail suffix and size
                             # important to do all these checks because thumbnails don't exist for images smaller than 150px
                             $image = preg_replace('/\\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)"/', '-150x150.$1" width="150" height="150"', $image);
             # Add image before content
             $content = $image . $content;
     } else {
         # Increase image width by 10px (caption must be 100%, so space around image must be margin on inner element, not padding on this element)
         $content = preg_replace_callback('/class="wp-caption([A-Za-z0-9-_ ]*)" style="width: ([0-9]+)px;?"/', array($this, 'ReplaceImageWidth'), $content);
         # Add extra XHTML around photo captions as hook for CSS
         $content = preg_replace('/(<p class="wp-caption-text">[^<]*<\\/p>)/', '<div class="photoCaption">$1</div>', $content);
     $protector = new EmailAddressProtector($this->settings);
     $content = $protector->ApplyEmailProtection($content, is_object(AuthenticationManager::GetUser()) and AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->IsSignedIn());
     return $content;