Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Fetches gallery info for the specified gallery and immediate children.
  * @param string  gallery id
  * @param string  language code spec for this request (optional)
  * @param int     number of levels of child galleries to fetch (optional)
  * @return sgGallery  the gallery object created
 function &getGallery($galleryId, &$parent, $getChildGalleries = 1, $language = null)
     $gal = new sgGallery($galleryId, $parent);
     if ($language == null) {
         $translator = Translator::getInstance();
         $language = $translator->language;
     //try to open language specific metadata
     $fp = @fopen($this->config->base_path . $this->config->pathto_galleries . $galleryId . "/metadata.{$language}.csv", "r");
     //if fail then try to open generic metadata
     if (!$fp) {
         $fp = @fopen($this->config->base_path . $this->config->pathto_galleries . $galleryId . "/metadata.csv", "r");
     if ($fp) {
         while ($temp[] = fgetcsv($fp, 2048)) {
         list($gal->filename, $gal->thumbnail, $gal->owner, $gal->groups, $gal->permissions, $gal->categories, $gal->name, $gal->artist, $gal->email, $gal->copyright, $gal->desc, $gal->summary, $gal->date) = $temp[1];
         //only fetch individual images if child galleries are required
         if ($getChildGalleries) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp) - 3; $i++) {
                 $gal->images[$i] = new sgImage($temp[$i + 2][0], $gal, $this->config);
                 list(, $gal->images[$i]->thumbnail, $gal->images[$i]->owner, $gal->images[$i]->groups, $gal->images[$i]->permissions, $gal->images[$i]->categories, $gal->images[$i]->name, $gal->images[$i]->artist, $gal->images[$i]->email, $gal->images[$i]->copyright, $gal->images[$i]->desc, $gal->images[$i]->location, $gal->images[$i]->date, $gal->images[$i]->camera, $gal->images[$i]->lens, $gal->images[$i]->film, $gal->images[$i]->darkroom, $gal->images[$i]->digital) = $temp[$i + 2];
                 //get image size and type
                 list($gal->images[$i]->width, $gal->images[$i]->height, $gal->images[$i]->type) = @GetImageSize($gal->images[$i]->realPath());
             //otherwise just fill in empty images
         } else {
             if (count($temp) > 3) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp) - 3; $i++) {
                     $gal->images[$i] = new sgImage($temp[$i + 2][0], $gal);
     } else {
         //no metadata found so use iifn method implemented in superclass
         return parent::getGallery($galleryId, $parent, $getChildGalleries, $language);
     //discover child galleries
     $dir = Singapore::getListing($this->config->base_path . $this->config->pathto_galleries . $galleryId . "/");
     if ($getChildGalleries) {
         //but only fetch their info if required too
         foreach ($dir->dirs as $gallery) {
             $gal->galleries[] = $this->getGallery($galleryId . "/" . $gallery, $gal, $getChildGalleries - 1, $language);
     } else {
         //otherwise just copy their names in so they can be counted
         $gal->galleries = $dir->dirs;
     return $gal;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Fetches gallery info for the specified gallery and immediate children.
  * @param string gallery id
  * @param string language code spec for this request (optional)
  * @param int     number of levels of child galleries to fetch (optional)
 function &getGallery($galleryId, &$parent, $getChildGalleries = 1, $language = null)
     $gal = new sgGallery($galleryId, $parent);
     if ($language == null) {
         $language = $this->config->default_language;
     //try to open language specific gallery info
     $res = $this->query("SELECT * FROM " . $this->config->sql_prefix . "galleries " . "WHERE id='" . $this->escape_string($galleryId) . "' " . "AND lang='" . $this->escape_string($language) . "'");
     //if fail then try to open generic gallery info
     if (!$res || !$this->num_rows($res)) {
         $res = $this->query("SELECT * FROM " . $this->config->sql_prefix . "galleries " . "WHERE id='" . $this->escape_string($galleryId) . "' and lang=''");
     //if that succeeds then get galleries from db
     if ($res && $this->num_rows($res)) {
         $galinfo = $this->fetch_array($res);
         $gal->filename = $galinfo['filename'];
         $gal->owner = $galinfo['owner'];
         $gal->groups = $galinfo['groups'];
         $gal->permissions = $galinfo['permissions'];
         $gal->categories = $galinfo['categories'];
         $gal->name = $galinfo['name'];
         $gal->artist = $galinfo['artist'];
         $gal->email = $galinfo['email'];
         $gal->copyright = $galinfo['copyright'];
         $gal->desc = $galinfo['description'];
         $gal->summary = $galinfo['summary'];
         $gal->date = $galinfo['date'];
         $gal->hits = $galinfo['hits'];
         $gal->lasthit = $galinfo['lasthit'];
         //try to open language specific image info
         $res = $this->query("SELECT * FROM " . $this->config->sql_prefix . "images " . "WHERE galleryid='" . $this->escape_string($galleryId) . "' " . "AND lang='" . $this->escape_string($language) . "'");
         //if fail then try to open generic image info
         if (!$res || !$this->num_rows($res)) {
             $res = $this->query("SELECT * FROM " . $this->config->sql_prefix . "images " . "WHERE galleryid='" . $this->escape_string($galleryId) . "' and lang=''");
         for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_rows($res); $i++) {
             $imginfo = $this->fetch_array($res);
             $gal->images[$i] = new sgImage($imginfo['filename'], $gal);
             $gal->images[$i]->thumbnail = $imginfo['thumbnail'];
             $gal->images[$i]->owner = $imginfo['owner'];
             $gal->images[$i]->groups = $imginfo['groups'];
             $gal->images[$i]->permissions = $imginfo['permissions'];
             $gal->images[$i]->categories = $imginfo['categories'];
             $gal->images[$i]->name = $imginfo['name'];
             $gal->images[$i]->artist = $imginfo['artist'];
             $gal->images[$i]->email = $imginfo['email'];
             $gal->images[$i]->copyright = $imginfo['copyright'];
             $gal->images[$i]->desc = $imginfo['description'];
             $gal->images[$i]->location = $imginfo['location'];
             $gal->images[$i]->date = $imginfo['date'];
             $gal->images[$i]->camera = $imginfo['camera'];
             $gal->images[$i]->lens = $imginfo['lens'];
             $gal->images[$i]->film = $imginfo['film'];
             $gal->images[$i]->darkroom = $imginfo['darkroom'];
             $gal->images[$i]->digital = $imginfo['digital'];
             $gal->images[$i]->width = $imginfo['width'];
             $gal->images[$i]->height = $imginfo['height'];
             $gal->images[$i]->type = $imginfo['type'];
             $gal->images[$i]->hits = $imginfo['hits'];
             $gal->images[$i]->lasthit = $imginfo['lasthit'];
     } else {
         //no record found so use iifn method implemented in parent class
         return parent::getGallery($galleryId, $parent, $getChildGalleries, $language);
     //discover child galleries
     $dir = Singapore::getListing($this->config->base_path . $this->config->pathto_galleries . $galleryId . "/");
     if ($getChildGalleries) {
         //but only fetch their info if required too
         foreach ($dir->dirs as $gallery) {
             $gal->galleries[] = $this->getGallery($galleryId . "/" . $gallery, $gal, $getChildGalleries - 1, $language);
     } else {
         //otherwise just copy their names in so they can be counted
         $gal->galleries = $dir->dirs;
     return $gal;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Check for images in specified gallery directory which are
  * not in the metadata and add them. If no gallery is specified,
  * the current gallery is used.
  * @param string  id of gallery to reindex (optional)
  * @return int|false  the number of images added or false on error
 function reindexGallery($galleryId = null)
     if ($galleryId == null) {
         $gal = $this->gallery;
     } else {
         $gal = $this->io->getGallery($galleryId, new stdClass());
     $imagesAdded = 0;
     //get list of images
     $dir = Singapore::getListing($this->config->pathto_galleries . $gal->id, $this->config->recognised_extensions);
     //cycle through the image files
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($dir->files); $i++) {
         //search for the image file in the database images
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($gal->images); $j++) {
             //if we find it
             if ($dir->files[$i] == $gal->images[$j]->id) {
                 //skip the rest of this loop
                 continue 2;
         //otherwise add the image to the database
         $gal->images[$j] = new sgImage($dir->files[$i], $gal, $this->config);
         $gal->images[$j]->name = $dir->files[$i];
         list($gal->images[$j]->width, $gal->images[$j]->height, $gal->images[$j]->type) = GetImageSize($this->config->pathto_galleries . $gal->id . "/" . $gal->images[$j]->id);
     if ($this->io->putGallery($gal)) {
         return $imagesAdded;
     return $this->pushError($this->translator->_g("Could not save gallery info"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Generates the HTML code for the template select box
  * @return string select box HTML code
 function templateFlipper()
     if (!$this->config->template_flipper) {
         return "";
     //get list of installed templates
     $templates = Singapore::getListing($this->config->base_path . $this->config->pathto_templates, "dirs");
     $ret = '<div class="sgTemplateFlipper">';
     $ret .= '<form method="get" action="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "\">\n";
     //carry over current get vars
     foreach ($_GET as $var => $val) {
         $ret .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $var . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($val) . "\" />\n";
     $ret .= '<select name="' . $this->config->url_template . "\">\n";
     $ret .= '  <option value="' . $this->config->default_template . '">' . $this->translator->_g("Select template...") . "</option>\n";
     foreach ($templates->dirs as $name) {
         //do not list admin template(s)
         if (strpos($name, "admin_") === false) {
             $ret .= '  <option value="' . $name . '"';
             if ($name == $this->template && $this->template != $this->config->default_template) {
                 $ret .= 'selected="true" ';
             $ret .= '>' . $name . "</option>\n";
     $ret .= "</select>\n";
     $ret .= '<input type="submit" class="button" value="' . $this->translator->_g("Go") . "\" />\n";
     $ret .= "</form></div>\n";
     return $ret;