checkDateConditions() public static method

Deprecation: This method will be removed in SSP 2.0.
public static checkDateConditions ( $start = null, $end = null )
 public function getAttributes()
     $metadata = SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler::getMetadataHandler();
     $md = $metadata->getMetadata($this->getIssuer(), 'shib13-idp-remote');
     $base64 = isset($md['base64attributes']) ? $md['base64attributes'] : false;
     if (!$this->dom instanceof DOMDocument) {
         return array();
     $attributes = array();
     $assertions = $this->doXPathQuery('/shibp:Response/shib:Assertion');
     foreach ($assertions as $assertion) {
         if (!$this->isNodeValidated($assertion)) {
             throw new Exception('Shib13 AuthnResponse contained an unsigned assertion.');
         $conditions = $this->doXPathQuery('shib:Conditions', $assertion);
         if ($conditions && $conditions->length > 0) {
             $condition = $conditions->item(0);
             $start = $condition->getAttribute('NotBefore');
             $end = $condition->getAttribute('NotOnOrAfter');
             if ($start && $end) {
                 if (!SimpleSAML_Utilities::checkDateConditions($start, $end)) {
                     error_log('Date check failed ... (from ' . $start . ' to ' . $end . ')');
         $attribute_nodes = $this->doXPathQuery('shib:AttributeStatement/shib:Attribute/shib:AttributeValue', $assertion);
         foreach ($attribute_nodes as $attribute) {
             $value = $attribute->textContent;
             $name = $attribute->parentNode->getAttribute('AttributeName');
             if ($attribute->hasAttribute('Scope')) {
                 $scopePart = '@' . $attribute->getAttribute('Scope');
             } else {
                 $scopePart = '';
             if (!is_string($name)) {
                 throw new Exception('Shib13 Attribute node without an AttributeName.');
             if (!array_key_exists($name, $attributes)) {
                 $attributes[$name] = array();
             if ($base64) {
                 $encodedvalues = explode('_', $value);
                 foreach ($encodedvalues as $v) {
                     $attributes[$name][] = base64_decode($v) . $scopePart;
             } else {
                 $attributes[$name][] = $value . $scopePart;
     return $attributes;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /* Load the certificate. */
 $certData = file_get_contents($certFile);
 if ($certData === FALSE) {
     throw new Exception('Unable to load certificate file \'' . $certFile . '\' for wsfed-idp \'' . $idpEntityId . '\'.');
 /* Verify that the assertion is signed by the issuer. */
 $validator = new SimpleSAML_XML_Validator($assertion, 'AssertionID', $certData);
 if (!$validator->isNodeValidated($assertion)) {
     throw new Exception('The assertion was not correctly signed by the WS-Fed IdP \'' . $idpEntityId . '\'.');
 /* Check time constraints of contitions (if present). */
 foreach ($xpath->query('./saml:Conditions', $assertion) as $condition) {
     $notBefore = $condition->getAttribute('NotBefore');
     $notOnOrAfter = $condition->getAttribute('NotOnOrAfter');
     if (!SimpleSAML_Utilities::checkDateConditions($notBefore, $notOnOrAfter)) {
         throw new Exception('The response has expired.');
 /* Extract the name identifier from the response. */
 $nameid = $xpath->query('./saml:AuthenticationStatement/saml:Subject/saml:NameIdentifier', $assertion);
 if ($nameid->length === 0) {
     throw new Exception('Could not find the name identifier in the response from the WS-Fed IdP \'' . $idpEntityId . '\'.');
 $nameid = array('Format' => $nameid->item(0)->getAttribute('Format'), 'Value' => $nameid->item(0)->textContent);
 /* Extract the attributes from the response. */
 $attributes = array();
 $attributeValues = $xpath->query('./saml:AttributeStatement/saml:Attribute/saml:AttributeValue', $assertion);
 foreach ($attributeValues as $attribute) {
     $name = $attribute->parentNode->getAttribute('AttributeName');
     $value = $attribute->textContent;
  * This function processes a Conditions node. It will throw an exception if any of the conditions
  * are invalid.
 private function processConditions($conditions)
     /* First verify the NotBefore and NotOnOrAfter attributes if they are present. */
     $notBefore = $conditions->getAttribute("NotBefore");
     $notOnOrAfter = $conditions->getAttribute("NotOnOrAfter");
     if (!SimpleSAML_Utilities::checkDateConditions($notBefore, $notOnOrAfter)) {
         throw new Exception('Date check failed (between ' . $notBefore . ' and ' . $notOnOrAfter . ').' . ' Check if the clocks on the SP and IdP are synchronized. Alternatively' . ' you can get this message, when you move back in history or refresh an old page.');
     if ($this->doXPathQuery('Condition', $conditions)->length > 0) {
         if (!$this->isValidationRelaxed('unknowncondition')) {
             throw new Exception('A Conditions node in a SAML2 AuthnResponse contained a' . ' Condition node. This is unsupported by simpleSAMLphp. To disable this' . ' check, add \'unknowncondition\' to the \'saml2.relaxvalidation\' list in' . ' \'saml2-idp-remote\'.');
     $spEntityId = $this->metadata->getMetaDataCurrentEntityID('saml20-sp-hosted');
     /* The specification says that every AudienceRestriction element must be valid, but only one
      * Audience element in each AudienceRestriction element must be valid.
     foreach ($this->doXPathQuery('AudienceRestriction', $conditions) as $ar) {
         $validAudience = false;
         foreach ($this->doXPathQuery('Audience', $ar) as $a) {
             if ($a->textContent === $spEntityId) {
                 $validAudience = true;
         if (!$validAudience) {
             throw new Exception('Could not verify audience of SAML2 AuthnResponse.');
     /* We ignore OneTimeUse and ProxyRestriction conditions. */