public static function jeux($class) { global $LNG; if (file_exists("includes/pages/game/" . ucfirst($class) . ".class.php")) { require "includes/pages/game/" . ucfirst($class) . ".class.php"; } else { if (!file_exists($class) && DEBUG_CLASS == false) { ShowErrorPage::printError($LNG['page_doesnt_exist']); } } }
* @link */ define('MODE', 'INGAME'); define('ROOT_PATH', str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__)) . '/'); set_include_path(ROOT_PATH); require 'includes/pages/game/class.AbstractPage.php'; require 'includes/pages/game/class.ShowErrorPage.php'; require 'includes/common.php'; $page = HTTP::_GP('page', 'overview'); $mode = HTTP::_GP('mode', 'show'); $page = str_replace(array('_', '\\', '/', '.', ""), '', $page); $pageClass = 'Show' . ucwords($page) . 'Page'; if (!file_exists('includes/pages/game/class.' . $pageClass . '.php')) { ShowErrorPage::printError($LNG['page_doesnt_exist']); } // Added Autoload in feature Versions require 'includes/pages/game/class.' . $pageClass . '.php'; $pageObj = new $pageClass(); // PHP 5.2 FIX // can't use $pageObj::$requireModule $pageProps = get_class_vars(get_class($pageObj)); if (isset($pageProps['requireModule']) && $pageProps['requireModule'] !== 0 && !isModulAvalible($pageProps['requireModule'])) { ShowErrorPage::printError($LNG['sys_module_inactive']); } if (!is_callable(array($pageObj, $mode))) { if (!isset($pageProps['defaultController']) || !is_callable(array($pageObj, $pageProps['defaultController']))) { ShowErrorPage::printError($LNG['page_doesnt_exist']); } $mode = $pageProps['defaultController']; } $pageObj->{$mode}();
require 'includes/FleetHandler.php'; } $db = Database::get(); $sql = "SELECT \n\tuser.*,\n\tCOUNT(message.message_id) as messages\n\tFROM %%USERS%% as user\n\tLEFT JOIN %%MESSAGES%% as message ON message.message_owner = AND message.message_unread = :unread\n\tWHERE = :userId\n\tGROUP BY message.message_owner;"; $USER = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':unread' => 1, ':userId' => $session->userId)); if (empty($USER)) { HTTP::redirectTo('index.php?code=3'); } $LNG = new Language($USER['lang']); $LNG->includeData(array('L18N', 'INGAME', 'TECH', 'CUSTOM')); $THEME->setUserTheme($USER['dpath']); if ($config->game_disable == 0 && $USER['authlevel'] == AUTH_USR) { ShowErrorPage::printError($LNG['sys_closed_game'] . '<br><br>' . $config->close_reason, false); } if ($USER['bana'] == 1) { ShowErrorPage::printError("<font size=\"6px\">" . $LNG['css_account_banned_message'] . "</font><br><br>" . sprintf($LNG['css_account_banned_expire'], _date($LNG['php_tdformat'], $USER['banaday'], $USER['timezone'])) . "<br><br>" . $LNG['css_goto_homeside'], false); } if (MODE === 'INGAME') { $universeAmount = count(Universe::availableUniverses()); if (Universe::current() != $USER['universe'] && $universeAmount > 1) { HTTP::redirectToUniverse($USER['universe']); } $session->selectActivePlanet(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetId;"; $PLANET = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':planetId' => $session->planetId)); if (empty($PLANET)) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetId;"; $PLANET = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':planetId' => $USER['id_planet'])); if (empty($PLANET)) { throw new Exception("Main Planet does not exist!"); } else {
<?php /* * @package AJAX_Chat * @author Sebastian Tschan * @copyright (c) Sebastian Tschan * @license GNU Affero General Public License * @link */ // Include custom libraries and initialization code here define('MODE', 'CHAT'); define('ROOT_PATH', str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(AJAX_CHAT_PATH)) . '/'); set_include_path(ROOT_PATH); chdir(ROOT_PATH); require 'includes/pages/game/AbstractPage.class.php'; require 'includes/pages/game/ShowErrorPage.class.php'; require 'includes/common.php'; $session = Session::load(); if (!$session->isValidSession() || Config::get()->game_disable == 0 && isset($USER['authlevel']) && $USER['authlevel'] == AUTH_USR) { HTTP::redirectTo('index.php?code=3'); } if (!isModulAvalible(MODULE_CHAT)) { /** @var $LNG array */ ShowErrorPage::printError($LNG['sys_module_inactive']); }
function admin() { global $LNG; $action = HTTP::_GP('action', 'overview'); $methodName = 'admin' . ucwords($action); if (!is_callable(array($this, $methodName))) { ShowErrorPage::printError($LNG['page_doesnt_exist']); } $this->{$methodName}(); }