break; } if (file_exists("{$basepath}/cachefiles/" . $data['image'] . ".jpg")) { unlink("{$basepath}/cachefiles/" . $data['image'] . ".jpg"); } if ($text) { $url = $baseurl . "/show" . $show['url']; $data['recaptcha_response_field'] = $text; $data['link[url]'] = $url; $message = $sidereel->submit($show['showtitle'], $show['season'], $show['episode'], $data); $link = $data['sidereel_url'] . "/season-{$show['season']}/episode-{$show['episode']}/search"; if (substr_count($message, "Thanks for adding a link.")) { $response['status'] = 1; $response['link'] = $link; print json_encode($response); $shows->addSubmit($id, 2, $link); } else { if (substr_count($message, "Thanks, but we already have this link!")) { // already have $response['status'] = 5; $response['link'] = $link; print json_encode($response); $shows->addSubmit($id, 2, $link); } elseif (substr_count($message, "try the word verification response again")) { // invalid captcha $response['status'] = 4; print json_encode($response); } elseif (strlen($message) > 300) { $response['status'] = 98; $response['debug'] = $message; print json_encode($response);
$settings = new Settings(); $shows = new Show(); $curl = new Curl(); $curl->setCookieFile($basepath . "/cachefiles/tvlinkscookie.txt"); $tv = new TVlinks($curl); sleep(2); $return = array(); if (isset($id) && $id && is_numeric($id)) { $show = $shows->getEpisodeById($id, "en"); if (count($show)) { $sr = $settings->getSetting("tvlinks"); if ($tv->login($sr->username, $sr->password)) { $url = $baseurl . $show['url']; $link = $tv->submit($show['showtitle'], $show['season'], $show['episode'], $url); if ($link) { $shows->addSubmit($id, 7, $link); $return['status'] = 1; $return['link'] = $link; } else { $return['status'] = 2; } } else { $return['status'] = 0; } } else { $return['status'] = 99; } } else { $return['status'] = 99; } print json_encode($return);